98 research outputs found

    A probabilistic multi-objective approach for FACTS devices allocation with different levels of wind penetration under uncertainties and load correlation

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    This study presents a probabilistic multi-objective optimization approach to obtain the optimal locations and sizes of static var compensator (SVC) and thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in a power transmission network with large level of wind generation. In this study, the uncertainties of the wind power generation and correlated load demand are considered. The uncertainties are modeled in this work using the points estimation method (PEM). The optimization problem is solved using the Multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm to find the best position and rating of the flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices. The objective of the problem is to maximize the system loadability while minimizing the power losses and FACTS devices installation cost. Additionally, a technique based on fuzzy decision-making approach is employed to extract one of the Pareto optimal solutions as the best compromise one. The proposed approach is applied on the modified IEEE 30-bus system. The numerical results evince the effectiveness of the proposed approach and shows the economic benefits that can be achieved when considering the FACTS controller

    Contribution to wide area control of power systems

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    L'objectif principal des réseaux électriques est de convertir l'énergie d'une forme naturelle à la forme électrique et aussi de la distribuer aux clients avec la meilleure qualité. L'énergie électrique est une des formes d'énergie les plus utilisées dans l'industrie, dans les résidences, aux bureaux et dans le transport. Présentement, la complexité des réseaux électriques augmente continuellement en raison de la croissance des interconnexions et de l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies. Également, la croissance de la demande d'énergie électrique a forcé l'utilisation des réseaux électriques à leur capacité maximale et donc près de la limite de stabilité. Dans ces conditions, si le système est soumis à une perturbation, la chute de la tension ou celle de la fréquence serait très probable. Par conséquent, les équipements de contrôle, qui constituent une structure avec plusieurs niveaux de contrôle, peuvent aider les réseaux électriques à surmonter les événements imprévus. Les récentes pannes dans les réseaux électriques démontrent le besoin urgent d'une structure de contrôles multi-niveaux basés sur une technologie avec très rapide réponse appelée en anglais Wide Area Measurement and Control system (WAMAC). Présentement, le Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) qui utilise le Global Positioning System (GPS) et la technologie satellite, joue un rôle important dans différentes parties du système de contrôle des réseaux électriques pour emp^echer les pannes globales ou locales du système. Les informations transférées par cette technologie seraient employées dans un contrôleur global appelé Wide Area Controller en anglais pour améliorer la performance dynamique des réseaux électriques pendant et après les perturbations. Donc, pour implémenter un Wide-Area Controller dans cette thèse, nous présenterons un plan multi-étapes pour l'amélioration de la stabilité du système et l'amortissement des oscillations du réseau. La première étape de ce plan serait l'estimation d'état dynamique des réseaux électriques en utilisant des phaseurs qui sont accessibles de Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). Les angles des machines synchrones estimés à la première étape, qui pourrait nous montrer l'état des oscillations du réseau, seront utilisés comme des signaux d'entrée pour le contrôleur. La deuxième étape de notre plan est de trouver les meilleurs eplacements des dispositifs FACTS sur le réseau électrique pour augmenter la puissance transmise dans le réseau, maximiser la chargeabilité et minimiser les pertes. Après le placement optimal des dispositifs FACTS, la troisième étape consiste à implémenter le Wide-Area Controller. Ce contrôleur reçoit les états estimés, qui sont disponibles à partir des résultats de la première étape, et d'autres informations de partout dans le réseau en utilisant des PMUs. Après la vérification des signaux reçus, le contrôleur commande des contrôleurs locaux, tels que les contrôleurs des dispositifs FACTS qui ont été placés de façon optimale à la deuxième étape. Le contrôleur implémenté modifie les signaux de référence des éléments locaux pour améliorer la performance dynamique du système et amortir les oscillations du réseau.The main goal of power system is to convert the energy from one of its natural forms to the electrical form and deliver it to the costumers with the best quality. So far, the complexity of power system is continually increasing because of the growth in interconnections and use of new technologies. Also, the growth of electrical energy demand has forced the power networks to work with the maximum possible capacity and in turn near the stability limits. In this condition, if the system is subjected to a disturbance, the voltage or frequency collapse events would be more probable. Therefore the control equipments, which constitute a multi level control structure, can help the power system to overcome the contingencies. Recent collapse events in the power system networks show the urgent need for such a multi level control structure based on a rapid response technology such as Wide Area Measurement and Control (WAMAC). Nowadays, the wide area measurement and monitoring, which uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) and satellite technology, plays an important role in different parts of power system control strategies to prevent from global or local collapses. The information transferred by this technology would be employed in a master central controller, called wide area controller, to improve the power system dynamic performance during and after disturbances. From this point of view, in this thesis we will present a multi-step plan for system stability improvement and network oscillations damping by implementing a FACTS-based wide-area power oscillation damper (WA-POD) controller. The frrst step of this plan would be the dynamic state estimation of power system using the phasor measurements signals accessible from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). The estimated rotor angles of the synchronous machines from the first step, which could show us the network oscillations condition, will be used as the input signals of the wide-area controller. The second step of this plan is to find the best locations of FACTS devices to increase the power transmitted by network, maximize the system loadability and minimize the transmission line losses. After optimal placement of FACTS controllers, the third step is to implement a wide-area damping controller which receives the estimated rotor angles, available from the results of step one, and other information from all over the network, and then modifies the set points of optimized local control utilities such as FACTS device controllers. The implemented wide area controller, which acts as a master controller, sends the reference signals and setpoints to the local FACTS controllers such as UPFC to improve the oscillations damping performance. This result in higher transfer limits across major transmission interfaces and less blackouts in terms of frequency, duration and consequences

    Multi-Type FACTS Controllers for Power System Compensation: A Case Study of the Nigerian 48-Bus, 330 kV System

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    Flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices have provided proficient answers to power system instabilities faced in the systems operations today with very little infrastructural investment fund. This paper investigates the effects of the installation of the combination of two kinds of FACTS controllers; static VAR compensator (SVC) and thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) compared with the installation of SVC or TCSC alone in the system. Voltage magnitude profile, active and reactive power losses of the three scenarios were achieved in the Nigerian 48-bus power system network using power system analysis toolbox (PSAT) in MATLAB environment. Simulation results obtained without and with FACTS devices optimally placed using voltage stability sensitivity factor (VSSF), revealed that the percentage decrease of the net real and reactive power losses of the combined SVC and TCSC was the highest at 31.917% whereas that of the standalone SVC and TCSC stood at 19.769% and 30.863% respectively. This shows that in addition to their capabilities to maintain acceptable voltage profile, the combination of SVC and TCSC has better compensating effect as they mitigate against power losses which was observed in their high percentage decrease in power losses compared to the standalone FACTS devices. Keywords: FACTS, optimum location, PSAT, SVC, TCSC, VSS

    SVC device optimal location for voltage stability enhancement based on a combined particle swarm optimization-continuation power flow technique

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    The increased power system loading combined with the worldwide power industry deregulation requires more reliable and efficient control of the power flow and network stability. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices give new opportunities for controlling power and enhancing the usable capacity of the existing transmission lines. This paper presents a combined application of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the continuation power flow (CPF) technique to determine the optimal placement of static var compensator (SVC) in order to achieve the static voltage stability margin. The PSO objective function to be maximized is the loading factor to modify the load powers. In this scope, two SVC constraints are considered: the reference voltage in the first case and the total reactance and SVC reactive power in the second case. To test the performance of the proposed method, several simulations were performed on IEEE 30-Bus test systems. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the proposed method to find the optimal placement of the static var compensator and the improvement of the voltage stability

    FACTS device installation in transmission system using whale optimization algorithm

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    As the world is progressing forward, the load demand in the power system has been continuously increasing day by day. This situation has forced the power system to operate under stress condition due to its limitation. Therefore, due to the stressed condition, the transmission losses faced higher increment with a lower minimum voltage. Theoretically, the installation of the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) device can solve the problem experienced by the power system. This paper presents the whale optimization algorithm for loss minimization using FACTS devices in the transmission system. Thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) is chosen for this study. In this study, WOA is developed to identify the optimal sizing of FACTS device for loss minimization in the power system. IEEE 30- bus RTS was used as the test system to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Modified rice husk and activated carbon filters for the removal of organics and heavy metals in water

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    Discharge of untreated industrial effluents containing heavy metals and organics is hazardous to the environment because of their toxicity and persistent nature. At the same time, agricultural waste poses disposal challenges, which can be converted into value added products like adsorbents that could serve as tools for contaminants abatement. Previous findings proved that, adsorption was a sustainable, economical and lucrative separation technique for the removal of such contaminants. This thesis presents the fabrication of a filter for the removal of organics and heavy metals in water which was prepared from treated rice husk and modified activated carbon (AC). The analysis of AC via Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area and scanning electron microscopy evidenced porosity of 707 m2/g as surface and a pore volume of 0.31 cm3/g. The elemental and thermogravimetric analysis proved that AC contain 48. 7% carbon, while the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that the surface contains functional groups such as O-H, C=C, C-O, C-O-C and C-H. The experimental results were fitted with fixed-bed adsorption models to understand the adsorbate-adsorbent relationship. Fixed-bed adsorption studies show that, the highest adsorption capacity of 248.2 mg/g and 234.12 mg/g for BPA and phenol respectively was obtained at 250 mg/L concentration and 9 mL/min flow rate. The results also revealed 73 % and 87 % as the highest removal capacity for heavy metal Pb and Cd respectively at 20 mg/L concentration and 9 mL/min flow rate. For sustainability, regeneration of the spent AC was carried out in a microwave which showed 75% yield after five cycles, while the rice husk was eluted with 0.lM hydrogen chloride and 37.8% efficiency was achieved after three successive cycles. The UV lamp incorporated in the filter shows total inactivation of E. coli after 7 minutes

    Multi-objective tabu search for the location and sizing of multiple types of FACTS and DG in electrical networks

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    Flexible AC transmission systems and distributed generation units in power systems provide several benefits such as voltage stability, power loss minimization, thermal limits enhancement, or enables power system management close to the limit operation points; and by extension, economic benefits such as power fuel cost and power loss cost minimization. This work presents a multi-objective optimization algorithm to determine the location and size of hybrid solutions based on a combination of Flexible AC transmission systems devices and distributed generation. Further, the work expands the types of FACTS usually considered. The problem is solved by means of a Tabu search algorithm with good results when tested in a network of 300 nodes
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