7 research outputs found

    Analysis of an M/M/ c

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    We consider an M/M/c queueing system with impatient customers and a synchronous vacation policy, where customer impatience is due to the servers’ vacation. Whenever a system becomes empty, all the servers take a vacation. If the system is still empty, when the vacation ends, all the servers take another vacation; otherwise, they return to serve the queue. We develop the balance equations for the steady-state probabilities and solve the equations by using the probability generating function method. We obtain explicit expressions of some important performance measures by means of the two indexes. Based on these, we obtain some results about limiting behavior for some performance measures. We derive closed-form expressions of some important performance measures for two special cases. Finally, some numerical results are also presented

    Optimal control of admission in service in a queue with impatience and setup costs

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    International audienceWe consider a single server queue in continuous time, in which customers must be served before some limit sojourn time of exponential distribution. Customers who are not served before this limit leave the system: they are impatient. The fact of serving customers and the fact of losing them due to impatience induce costs. The fact of holding them in the queue also induces a constant cost per customer and per unit time. The purpose is to decide whether to serve customers or to keep the server idle, so as to minimize costs. We use a Markov Decision Process with infinite horizon and discounted cost. Since the standard uniformization approach is not applicable here, we introduce a family of approximated uniformizable models, for which we establish the structural properties of the stochastic dynamic programming operator, and we deduce that the optimal policy is of threshold type. The threshold is computed explicitly. We then pass to the limit to show that this threshold policy is also optimal in the original model and we characterize the optimal policy. A particular care is given to the completeness of the proof. We also illustrate the difficulties involved in the proof with numerical examples

    ContrĂŽle optimal de l’admission en service dans une file d’attente avec impatience et coĂ»ts de mise en route

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    We consider a single server queue in continuous time, in which customers must beserved before some limit sojourn time of exponential distribution. A customer who is not servedbefore this limit leaves the system: it is impatient. The fact of serving customers and the fact oflosing them due to impatience induce costs. The fact of holding them in the queue also induces aconstant cost per customer and per unit time. The purpose is to decide when to serve the customersso as to minimize costs. We use a Markov Decision Process with infinite horizon and discountedcost. Since the standard uniformization approach is not applicable here, we introduce a familyof approximated uniformizable models, for which we establish the structural properties of thestochastic dynamic programming operator, and we deduce that the optimal policy is of thresholdtype. The threshold is computed explicitly. We then pass to the limit to show that this thresholdpolicy is also optimal in the original model. A particular care is given to the completeness of theproof. We also illustrate the difficulties involved in the proof with numerical examples.Nous considĂ©rons un modĂšle d’une file d’attente Ă  un serveur en temps continu, danslaquelle les clients doivent ĂȘtre servis avant une durĂ©e de sĂ©jour finie alĂ©atoire, de distribution expo-nentielle. Un client qui n’est pas servi avant cette limite quitte le systĂšme: il est impatient. Le fait deservir les clients et le fait de perdre des clients par impatience induisent des coĂ»ts. Le fait de les garderdans la file induit Ă©galement un coĂ»t constant par client et par unitĂ© de temps. Il s’agit de dĂ©cider defaçon optimale quand servir les clients. Nous utilisons un processus de dĂ©cision Markovien Ă  horizoninfini et Ă  coĂ»ts actualisĂ©s. La mĂ©thode standard d’uniformisation ne s’appliquant pas Ă  cette situation,nous introduisons une famille de modĂšles approchĂ©s uniformisables pour lesquels nous Ă©tablissons lespropriĂ©tĂ©s structurelles de l’opĂ©rateur de programmation dynamique stochastique, et nous dĂ©duisonsque la politique optimale est Ă  seuil. Le seuil est calculĂ© explicitement. Nous passons ensuite Ă  lalimite pour montrer que cette politique Ă  seuil est Ă©galement optimale dans le modĂšle initial. Une at-tention particuliĂšre est apportĂ©e Ă  la complĂ©tude de la preuve. Nous illustrons Ă©galement les difficultĂ©srencontrĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’exemples numĂ©riques

    Optimal control of a production–inventory system with customer impatience, Working paper,

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    a b s t r a c t We consider the control of a production-inventory system with impatient customers. We show that the optimal policy can be described using two thresholds: a production base-stock level that determines when production takes place and an admission threshold that determines when orders should be accepted. We describe an algorithm for computing the performance of the system for any choice of base-stock level and admission threshold. In a numerical study, we compare the performance of the optimal policy against several other policies