10 research outputs found

    Generation of optimal binarisation output from ancient Thai manuscripts on palm leaves

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    Recently, several binarisation techniques have been proposed to process different kinds of ancient document images. While many well-known binarisation techniques are particularly suitable for certain types of document images, there is no specific guidelines on the determination of the appropriate type of image degradation, or characteristics of the image. In this paper, a novel method has been proposed to generate the optimal binary image from different binarised outputs from a document image. This approach is based on weight majority vote, and uncertain pixels are then determined based on local areas of the binarised images, by applying iteration of weight majority vote. Experiment over benchmark data set of the Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) 2011 shows that the proposed method provided better performance than most well-known techniques. The proposed method has also been applied to ancient manuscripts on palm leaves from Thailand and this approach provided better results than binarised outputs from original binarisation techniques

    U-Net-bin: hacking the document image binarization contest

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    Image binarization is still a challenging task in a variety of applications. In particular, Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) is organized regularly to track the state-of-the-art techniques for the historical document binarization. In this work we present a binarization method that was ranked first in the DIBCO`17 contest. It is a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method which uses U-Net architecture, originally designed for biomedical image segmentation. We describe our approach to training data preparation and contest ground truth examination and provide multiple insights on its construction (so called hacking). It led to more accurate historical document binarization problem statement with respect to the challenges one could face in the open access datasets. A docker container with the final network along with all the supplementary data we used in the training process has been published on Github.The work was partially funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 17-29-07092 and 17-29-07093)

    A Path Planning for Line Segmentation of Handwritten Documents

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    Modelling activated sludge wastewater treatment plants using artificial intelligence techniques (fuzzy logic and neural networks)

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    Activated sludge process (ASP) is the most commonly used biological wastewater treatment system. Mathematical modelling of this process is important for improving its treatment efficiency and thus the quality of the effluent released into the receiving water body. This is because the models can help the operator to predict the performance of the plant in order to take cost-effective and timely remedial actions that would ensure consistent treatment efficiency and meeting discharge consents. However, due to the highly complex and non-linear characteristics of this biological system, traditional mathematical modelling of this treatment process has remained a challenge. This thesis presents the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for modelling the ASP. These include the Kohonen Self Organising Map (KSOM), backpropagation artificial neural networks (BPANN), and adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). A comparison between these techniques has been made and the possibility of the hybrids between them was also investigated and tested. The study demonstrated that AI techniques offer viable, flexible and effective modelling methodology alternative for the activated sludge system. The KSOM was found to be an attractive tool for data preparation because it can easily accommodate missing data and outliers and because of its power in extracting salient features from raw data. As a consequence of the latter, the KSOM offers an excellent tool for the visualisation of high dimensional data. In addition, the KSOM was used to develop a software sensor to predict biological oxygen demand. This soft-sensor represents a significant advance in real-time BOD operational control by offering a very fast estimation of this important wastewater parameter when compared to the traditional 5-days bio-essay BOD test procedure. Furthermore, hybrids of KSOM-ANN and KSOM-ANFIS were shown to result much more improved model performance than using the respective modelling paradigms on their own.Damascus Universit

    An intelligent framework for pre-processing ancient Thai manuscripts on palm leaves

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    In Thailand’s early history, prior to the availability of paper and printing technologies, palm leaves were used to record information written by hand. These ancient documents contain invaluable knowledge. By digitising the manuscripts, the content can be preserved and made widely available to the interested community via electronic media. However, the content is difficult to access or retrieve. In order to extract relevant information from the document images efficiently, each step of the process requires reduction of irrelevant data such as noise or interference on the images. The pre-processing techniques serve the purpose of extracting regions of interest, reducing noise from the image and degrading the irrelevant background. The image can then be directly and efficiently processed for feature selection and extraction prior to the subsequent phase of character recognition. It is therefore the main objective of this study to develop an efficient and intelligent image preprocessing system that could be used to extract components from ancient manuscripts for information extraction and retrieval purposes. The main contributions of this thesis are the provision and enhancement of the region of interest by using an intelligent approach for the pre-processing of ancient Thai manuscripts on palm leaves and a detailed examination of the preprocessing techniques for palm leaf manuscripts. As noise reduction and binarisation are involved in the first step of pre-processing to eliminate noise and background from image documents, it is necessary for this step to provide a good quality output; otherwise, the accuracy of the subsequent stages will be affected. In this work, an intelligent approach to eliminate background was proposed and carried out by a selection of appropriate binarisation techniques using SVM. As there could be multiple binarisation techniques of choice, another approach was proposed to eliminate the background in this study in order to generate an optimal binarised image. The proposal is an ensemble architecture based on the majority vote scheme utilising local neighbouring information around a pixel of interest. To extract text from that binarised image, line segmentation was then applied based on the partial projection method as this method provides good results with slant texts and connected components. To improve the quality of the partial projection method, an Adaptive Partial Projection (APP) method was proposed. This technique adjusts the size of a character strip automatically by adapting the width of the strip to separate the connected component of consecutive lines through divide and conquer, and analysing the upper vowels and lower vowels of the text line. Finally, character segmentation was proposed using a hierarchical segmentation technique based on a contour-tracing algorithm. Touching components identified from the previous step were then separated by a trace of the background skeletons, and a combined method of segmentation. The key datasets used in this study are images provided by the Project for Palm Leaf Preservation, Northeastern Thailand Division, and benchmark datasets from the Document Image Binarisation Contest (DIBCO) series are used to compare the results of this work against other binarisation techniques. The experimental results have shown that the proposed methods in this study provide superior performance and will be used to support subsequent processing of the Thai ancient palm leaf documents. It is expected that the contributions from this study will also benefit research work on ancient manuscripts in other languages