261 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationStochastic methods, dense free-form mapping, atlas construction, and total variation are examples of advanced image processing techniques which are robust but computationally demanding. These algorithms often require a large amount of computational power as well as massive memory bandwidth. These requirements used to be ful lled only by supercomputers. The development of heterogeneous parallel subsystems and computation-specialized devices such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) has brought the requisite power to commodity hardware, opening up opportunities for scientists to experiment and evaluate the in uence of these techniques on their research and practical applications. However, harnessing the processing power from modern hardware is challenging. The di fferences between multicore parallel processing systems and conventional models are signi ficant, often requiring algorithms and data structures to be redesigned signi ficantly for efficiency. It also demands in-depth knowledge about modern hardware architectures to optimize these implementations, sometimes on a per-architecture basis. The goal of this dissertation is to introduce a solution for this problem based on a 3D image processing framework, using high performance APIs at the core level to utilize parallel processing power of the GPUs. The design of the framework facilitates an efficient application development process, which does not require scientists to have extensive knowledge about GPU systems, and encourages them to harness this power to solve their computationally challenging problems. To present the development of this framework, four main problems are described, and the solutions are discussed and evaluated: (1) essential components of a general 3D image processing library: data structures and algorithms, as well as how to implement these building blocks on the GPU architecture for optimal performance; (2) an implementation of unbiased atlas construction algorithms|an illustration of how to solve a highly complex and computationally expensive algorithm using this framework; (3) an extension of the framework to account for geometry descriptors to solve registration challenges with large scale shape changes and high intensity-contrast di fferences; and (4) an out-of-core streaming model, which enables developers to implement multi-image processing techniques on commodity hardware

    Autonomic behavioural framework for structural parallelism over heterogeneous multi-core systems.

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    With the continuous advancement in hardware technologies, significant research has been devoted to design and develop high-level parallel programming models that allow programmers to exploit the latest developments in heterogeneous multi-core/many-core architectures. Structural programming paradigms propose a viable solution for e ciently programming modern heterogeneous multi-core architectures equipped with one or more programmable Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Applying structured programming paradigms, it is possible to subdivide a system into building blocks (modules, skids or components) that can be independently created and then used in di erent systems to derive multiple functionalities. Exploiting such systematic divisions, it is possible to address extra-functional features such as application performance, portability and resource utilisations from the component level in heterogeneous multi-core architecture. While the computing function of a building block can vary for di erent applications, the behaviour (semantic) of the block remains intact. Therefore, by understanding the behaviour of building blocks and their structural compositions in parallel patterns, the process of constructing and coordinating a structured application can be automated. In this thesis we have proposed Structural Composition and Interaction Protocol (SKIP) as a systematic methodology to exploit the structural programming paradigm (Building block approach in this case) for constructing a structured application and extracting/injecting information from/to the structured application. Using SKIP methodology, we have designed and developed Performance Enhancement Infrastructure (PEI) as a SKIP compliant autonomic behavioural framework to automatically coordinate structured parallel applications based on the extracted extra-functional properties related to the parallel computation patterns. We have used 15 di erent PEI-based applications (from large scale applications with heavy input workload that take hours to execute to small-scale applications which take seconds to execute) to evaluate PEI in terms of overhead and performance improvements. The experiments have been carried out on 3 di erent Heterogeneous (CPU/GPU) multi-core architectures (including one cluster machine with 4 symmetric nodes with one GPU per node and 2 single machines with one GPU per machine). Our results demonstrate that with less than 3% overhead, we can achieve up to one order of magnitude speed-up when using PEI for enhancing application performance

    Image and video processing using graphics hardware

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    Graphic Processing Units have during the recent years evolved into inexpensive high-performance many-core computing units. Earlier being accessible only by graphic APIs, new hardware architectures and programming tools have made it possible to program these devices using arbitrary data types and standard languages like C. This thesis investigates the development process and performance of image and video processing algorithms on graphic processing units, regardless of vendors. The tool used for programming the graphic processing units is OpenCL, a rela- tively new specification for heterogenous computing. Two image algorithms are investigated, bilateral filter and histogram. In addition, an attempt have been tried to make a template-based solution for generation and auto-optimalization of device code, but this approach seemed to have some shortcomings to be usable enough at this time

    Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Sciences

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    This report summarizes the research done during 1991/92 under the Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Science (CASIS) program. The topics covered are computer architecture, networking, and neural nets

    Video Processing Acceleration using Reconfigurable Logic and Graphics Processors

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    A vexing question is `which architecture will prevail as the core feature of the next state of the art video processing system?' This thesis examines the substitutive and collaborative use of the two alternatives of the reconfigurable logic and graphics processor architectures. A structured approach to executing architecture comparison is presented - this includes a proposed `Three Axes of Algorithm Characterisation' scheme and a formulation of perfor- mance drivers. The approach is an appealing platform for clearly defining the problem, assumptions and results of a comparison. In this work it is used to resolve the advanta- geous factors of the graphics processor and reconfigurable logic for video processing, and the conditions determining which one is superior. The comparison results prompt the exploration of the customisable options for the graphics processor architecture. To clearly define the architectural design space, the graphics processor is first identifed as part of a wider scope of homogeneous multi-processing element (HoMPE) architectures. A novel exploration tool is described which is suited to the investigation of the customisable op- tions of HoMPE architectures. The tool adopts a systematic exploration approach and a high-level parameterisable system model, and is used to explore pre- and post-fabrication customisable options for the graphics processor. A positive result of the exploration is the proposal of a reconfigurable engine for data access (REDA) to optimise graphics processor performance for video processing-specific memory access patterns. REDA demonstrates the viability of the use of reconfigurable logic as collaborative `glue logic' in the graphics processor architecture

    Local Area Signal-to-Noise Ratio (LASNR) algorithm for Image Segmentation

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    Many automated image-based applications have need of finding small spots in a variably noisy image. For humans, it is relatively easy to distinguish objects from local surroundings no matter what else may be in the image. We attempt to capture this distinguishing capability computationally by calculating a measurement that estimates the strength of signal within an object versus the noise in its local neighborhood. First, we hypothesize various sizes for the object and corresponding background areas. Then, we compute the Local Area Signal to Noise Ratio (LASNR) at every pixel in the image, resulting in a new image with LASNR values for each pixel. All pixels exceeding a pre-selected LASNR value become seed pixels, or initiation points, and are grown to include the full area extent of the object. Since growing the seed is a separate operation from finding the seed, each object can be any size and shape. Thus, the overall process is a 2-stage segmentation method that first finds object seeds and then grows them to find the full extent of the object. This algorithm was designed, optimized and is in daily use for the accurate and rapid inspection of optics from a large laser system (National Ignition Facility (NIF), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA), which includes images with background noise, ghost reflections, different illumination and other sources of variation

    Generic Techniques in General Purpose GPU Programming with Applications to Ant Colony and Image Processing Algorithms

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    In 2006 NVIDIA introduced a new unified GPU architecture facilitating general-purpose computation on the GPU. The following year NVIDIA introduced CUDA, a parallel programming architecture for developing general purpose applications for direct execution on the new unified GPU. CUDA exposes the GPU's massively parallel architecture of the GPU so that parallel code can be written to execute much faster than its sequential counterpart. Although CUDA abstracts the underlying architecture, fully utilising and scheduling the GPU is non-trivial and has given rise to a new active area of research. Due to the inherent complexities pertaining to GPU development, in this thesis we explore and find efficient parallel mappings of existing and new parallel algorithms on the GPU using NVIDIA CUDA. We place particular emphasis on metaheuristics, image processing and designing reusable techniques and mappings that can be applied to other problems and domains. We begin by focusing on Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO), a nature inspired heuristic approach for solving optimisation problems. We present a versatile improved data-parallel approach for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem using ACO resulting in significant speedups. By extending our initial work, we show how existing mappings of ACO on the GPU are unable to compete against their sequential counterpart when common CPU optimisation strategies are employed and detail three distinct candidate set parallelisation strategies for execution on the GPU. By further extending our data-parallel approach we present the first implementation of an ACO-based edge detection algorithm on the GPU to reduce the execution time and improve the viability of ACO-based edge detection. We finish by presenting a new color edge detection technique using the volume of a pixel in the HSI color space along with a parallel GPU implementation that is able to withstand greater levels of noise than existing algorithms

    Acceleration of the noise suppression component of the DUCHAMP source-finder.

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    The next-generation of radio interferometer arrays - the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its precursor instruments, The Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT) and Australian Square Kilometre Pathfinder (ASKAP) - will produce radio observation survey data orders of magnitude larger than current sizes. The sheer size of the imaged data produced necessitates fully automated solutions to accurately locate and produce useful scientific data for radio sources which are (for the most part) partially hidden within inherently noisy radio observations (source extraction). Automated extraction solutions exist but are computationally expensive and do not yet scale to the performance required to process large data in practical time-frames. The DUCHAMP software package is one of the most accurate source extraction packages for general (source shape unknown) source finding. DUCHAMP's accuracy is primarily facilitated by the à trous wavelet reconstruction algorithm, a multi-scale smoothing algorithm which suppresses erratic observation noise. This algorithm is the most computationally expensive and memory intensive within DUCHAMP and consequently improvements to it greatly improve overall DUCHAMP performance. We present a high performance, multithreaded implementation of the à trous algorithm with a focus on `desktop' computing hardware to enable standard researchers to do their own accelerated searches. Our solution consists of three main areas of improvement: single-core optimisation, multi-core parallelism and the efficient out-of-core computation of large data sets with memory management libraries. Efficient out-of-core computation (data partially stored on disk when primary memory resources are exceeded) of the à trous algorithm accounts for `desktop' computing's limited fast memory resources by mitigating the performance bottleneck associated with frequent secondary storage access. Although this work focuses on `desktop' hardware, the majority of the improvements developed are general enough to be used within other high performance computing models. Single-core optimisations improved algorithm accuracy by reducing rounding error and achieved a 4 serial performance increase which scales with the filter size used during reconstruction. Multithreading on a quad-core CPU further increased performance of the filtering operations within reconstruction to 22 (performance scaling approximately linear with increased CPU cores) and achieved 13 performance increase overall. All evaluated out-of-core memory management libraries performed poorly with parallelism. Single-threaded memory management partially mitigated the slow disk access bottleneck and achieved a 3.6 increase (uniform for all tested large data sets) for filtering operations and a 1.5 increase overall. Faster secondary storage solutions such as Solid State Drives or RAID arrays are required to process large survey data on `desktop' hardware in practical time-frames

    Analytical cost metrics: days of future past

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Future exascale high-performance computing (HPC) systems are expected to be increasingly heterogeneous, consisting of several multi-core CPUs and a large number of accelerators, special-purpose hardware that will increase the computing power of the system in a very energy-efficient way. Specialized, energy-efficient accelerators are also an important component in many diverse systems beyond HPC: gaming machines, general purpose workstations, tablets, phones and other media devices. With Moore's law driving the evolution of hardware platforms towards exascale, the dominant performance metric (time efficiency) has now expanded to also incorporate power/energy efficiency. This work builds analytical cost models for cost metrics such as time, energy, memory access, and silicon area. These models are used to predict the performance of applications, for performance tuning, and chip design. The idea is to work with domain specific accelerators where analytical cost models can be accurately used for performance optimization. The performance optimization problems are formulated as mathematical optimization problems. This work explores the analytical cost modeling and mathematical optimization approach in a few ways. For stencil applications and GPU architectures, the analytical cost models are developed for execution time as well as energy. The models are used for performance tuning over existing architectures, and are coupled with silicon area models of GPU architectures to generate highly efficient architecture configurations. For matrix chain products, analytical closed form solutions for off-chip data movement are built and used to minimize the total data movement cost of a minimum op count tree