8 research outputs found

    Inventory control in a multi-location rental system

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    O processo de transferência de mercadorias do armazém de uma empresa retalhista para a sua cadeia de lojas

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    Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e EmpresarialO ambiente competitivo do mercado empresarial está em crescimento. No mercado de retalho, numa vertente logística, é frequente a reavaliação de processos e intervenientes que constituem as cadeias logísticas. A FNAC, como empresa que opera neste mercado, conquistou ao longo das últimas duas décadas o mercado empresarial português nessa área. O principal objetivo deste trabalho prende-se com a análise do Processo Logístico desta empresa, particularmente de um dos seus subprocessos ? o processo de transferência de mercadorias a partir do armazém central para as lojas. A proposta apresentada assenta na construção de um modelo recorrendo à metodologia de Simulação, através do software SIMUL8, reproduzindo os fluxos de mercadorias presentes no armazém e que estão associados ao Processo Logístico. Para esse efeito, foram recolhidos e utilizados dados reais associados às fases que constituem o Processo Logístico e, a partir destes, foram parametrizadas as entidades do modelo. Da análise dos resultados verificou-se a possibilidade, com as devidas reestruturações no processo de transferência de mercadorias, de otimizar o Processo Logístico através da otimização de recursos do mesmo.The competitive environment in business market is growing. It is frequent in the retail business, in terms of logistics, a continuous reassessment of processes and stakeholders that constitute the logistics chains. FNAC is a company that operates in this market and has conquered, over the last two decades, the Portuguese business market in this area. The main objective of this work is to make an analysis of the company Logistic Process, particularly about one of its inherent processes ? the process of transferring goods from the central warehouse to the stores. The proposal of this work is based on the construction of a model using the Simulation methodology, through the SIMUL8 software, which represents the flows of goods that occur in the warehouse associated with the Logistic Process. To achieve that, real data that is associated with the Logistic Process of the warehouse were collected, and from that, the entities of the model were parameterized. Then, based on the model sensitivity analysis, it was possible to analyze results and draw conclusions about the study hypothesis. The final analysis shows that it is possible, with the necessary restructurings in the process of goods transfers, to optimize the Logistic Process through optimization of its resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimal allocation policy for a multi-location inventory system with a quick response warehouse

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    We study a multi-location inventory problem with a so-called quick response warehouse and base stock inventory control. In case of a stock-out at a local warehouse, a demand can be satisfied by a stock transfer from the quick response warehouse. We derive the optimal policy for when to apply such a stock transfer, as well as conditions under which that is always optimal. In a numerical experiment we compare the optimal allocation policy to simpler policies


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