17 research outputs found

    Underwater Vehicles

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    For the latest twenty to thirty years, a significant number of AUVs has been created for the solving of wide spectrum of scientific and applied tasks of ocean development and research. For the short time period the AUVs have shown the efficiency at performance of complex search and inspection works and opened a number of new important applications. Initially the information about AUVs had mainly review-advertising character but now more attention is paid to practical achievements, problems and systems technologies. AUVs are losing their prototype status and have become a fully operational, reliable and effective tool and modern multi-purpose AUVs represent the new class of underwater robotic objects with inherent tasks and practical applications, particular features of technology, systems structure and functional properties


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    The work in this thesis is concerned with the development of a novel and practical collision avoidance system for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Synergistically, advanced stochastic motion planning methods, dynamics quantisation approaches, multivariable tracking controller designs, sonar data processing and workspace representation, are combined to enhance significantly the survivability of modern AUVs. The recent proliferation of autonomous AUV deployments for various missions such as seafloor surveying, scientific data gathering and mine hunting has demanded a substantial increase in vehicle autonomy. One matching requirement of such missions is to allow all the AUV to navigate safely in a dynamic and unstructured environment. Therefore, it is vital that a robust and effective collision avoidance system should be forthcoming in order to preserve the structural integrity of the vehicle whilst simultaneously increasing its autonomy. This thesis not only provides a holistic framework but also an arsenal of computational techniques in the design of a collision avoidance system for AUVs. The design of an obstacle avoidance system is first addressed. The core paradigm is the application of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm and the newly developed version for use as a motion planning tool. Later, this technique is merged with the Manoeuvre Automaton (MA) representation to address the inherent disadvantages of the RRT. A novel multi-node version which can also address time varying final state is suggested. Clearly, the reference trajectory generated by the aforementioned embedded planner must be tracked. Hence, the feasibility of employing the linear quadratic regulator (LQG) and the nonlinear kinematic based state-dependent Ricatti equation (SDRE) controller as trajectory trackers are explored. The obstacle detection module, which comprises of sonar processing and workspace representation submodules, is developed and tested on actual sonar data acquired in a sea-trial via a prototype forward looking sonar (AT500). The sonar processing techniques applied are fundamentally derived from the image processing perspective. Likewise, a novel occupancy grid using nonlinear function is proposed for the workspace representation of the AUV. Results are presented that demonstrate the ability of an AUV to navigate a complex environment. To the author's knowledge, it is the first time the above newly developed methodologies have been applied to an A UV collision avoidance system, and, therefore, it is considered that the work constitutes a contribution of knowledge in this area of work.J&S MARINE LT

    State relativity and speed-allocated line-of-sight course control for path-following of underwater vehicles

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    Path-following is a primary task for most marine, air or space crafts, especially during autonomous operations. Research on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) has received large interests in the last few decades with research incentives emerging from the safe, cost-effective and practical solutions provided by their applications such as search and rescue, inspection and monitoring of pipe-lines ans sub-sea structures. This thesis presents a novel guidance system based on the popular line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law for path-following (PF) of underwater vehicles (UVs) subject to environmental disturbances. Mathematical modeling and dynamics of (UVs) is presented first. This is followed by a comprehensive literature review on guidance-based path-following control of marine vehicles, which includes revised definitions of the track-errors and more detailed illustrations of the general PF problem. A number of advances on relative equations of motion are made, which include an improved understanding of the fluid FLOW frame and expression of its motion states, an analytic method of modeling the signs of forces and moments and the proofs of passivity and boundedness of relative UV systems in 3-D. The revision in the relative equations of motion include the concept of state relativity, which is an improved understanding of relativity of motion states expressed in reference frames and is also useful in incorporating environmental disturbances. In addition, the concept of drift rate is introduced along with a revision on the angles of motion in 3-D. A switching mechanism was developed to overcome a drawback of a LOS guidance law, and the linear and nonlinear stability results of the LOS guidance laws have been provided, where distinctions are made between straight and curved PF cases. The guidance system employs the unique formulation and solution of the speed allocation problem of allocating a desired speed vector into x and y components, and the course control that employs the slip angle for desired heading for disturbance rejection. The guidance system and particularly the general course control problem has been extended to 3-D with the new definition of vertical-slip angle. The overall guidance system employing the revised relative system model, course control and speed allocation has performed well during path-following under strong ocean current and/or wave disturbances and measurement noises in both 2-D and 3-D scenarios. In 2-D and 3-D 4 degrees-of-freedom models (DOF), the common sway-underactuated and fully actuated cases are considered, and in 3-D 5-DOF model, sway and heave underactuated and fully actuated cases are considered. Stability results of the LOS guidance laws include the semi-global exponential stability (SGES) of the switching LOS guidance and enclosure-based LOS guidance for straight and curved paths, and SGES of the loolahead-based LOS guidance laws for curved paths. Feedback sliding mode and PID controllers are applied during PF providing a comparison between them, and simulations are carried out in MatLab

    Robust Controller Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Worldwide there has been a surge of interest in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). The ability to operate without human intervention is what makes this technology so appealing. On the other hand, the absence of the human narrows the AUV operation to its control system, computing, and sensing capabilities. Therefore, devising a robust control is mandatory to allow the feasibility of the AUV. Motivated by this fact, this thesis aims to present, discuss and evaluate two linear control solutions being proposed for an AUV developed by a consortium led by CEiiA. To allow the controller design, the dynamic model of this vehicle and respective considerations are firstly addressed. Since the purpose is to enable the vehicle’s operation, devising suitable guidance laws becomes essential. A simple waypoint following and station keeping algorithm, and a path following algorithms are presented. To devise the controllers, a linear version of the dynamic model is derived considering a single operational point. Then, through the decoupling of the linear system into three lightly interactive subsystems, four Proportional Integral Derivative controllers (PIDs) are devised for each Degree Of Freedom (DOF) of the vehicle. A Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design, based on the decoupling of the linear model into longitudinal and lateral subsystems is also devised. To allocate the controller output throughout the actuators, a control allocation law is devised, which improves maneuverability of the vehicle. The results present a solid performance for both control methods, however, in this work, LQR proved to be slightly faster than PID.É visível, a nível mundial, um aumento considerável do interesse em Veículos Autónomos Subaquáticos (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - AUV). O que torna esta tecnologia tão atraente é a capacidade de operar sem intervenção humana. Contudo, a ausência do ser humano restringe a operação do AUV ao seu sistema de controlo, computação e capacidades de detecção. Desta forma, conceber um controlo robusto é obrigatório para viabilizar o AUV. Motivado por este facto, esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar, discutir e avaliar duas soluções de controlo linear, a propor a um AUV desenvolvido por um consórcio liderado pelo CEiiA. Para que o projeto do controlador seja possível, o modelo dinâmico deste veículo e respectivas considerações são primeiramente abordados. Com a finalidade de possibilitar a operação do veículo, torna-se essencial a elaboração de leis de guidance adequadas. Para este efeito são apresentados algorítmos de Waypoint following e Station keeping, e de path following. Para a projeção dos controladores é derivada uma versão linear do modelo dinâmico, considerando um único ponto operacional. Através da separação do modelo linear em três subsistemas são criados quatro controladores Proporcional Integral Derivativo (PID) para cada grau de liberdade (Degree Of Freedom - DOF) do veículo. É também projetado um Regulador Linear Quadrático (LQR), baseado na separação do modelo linear em dois subsistemas, longitudinal e lateral. É ainda apresentada uma lei de alocação de controlo para distribuir o sinal de saída dos controladores pelos diferentes atuadores. Esta provou melhorar a manobrabilidade do veículo. Os resultados finais apresentam um desempenho sólido para ambos os métodos de controlo. No entanto, neste trabalho, o LQR provou ser mais rápido do que o PID

    Dynamic response and maneuvering strategies of a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle in hovering

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    Thesis (S.M. in Ocean Engineering)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-93).The Odyssey IV autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is the next generation of unmanned subsurface robots from the MIT Sea Grant AUV Laboratory. The Odyssey IV AUV has a novel propulsion system, which includes a pair of azimuthing thrusters for maneuvering in surge and heave. An analytical model was developed to describe the complex nonlinear vehicle dynamics, and experiments were performed to refine this model. The fluid dynamics of unsteady azimuthing marine propulsors are largely unstudied, especially for small vehicles like the Odyssey IV AUV. Experiments suggest that thrust developed by an azimuthing propulsor is dependent on the azimuth angle rate of change, and can substantially affect vehicle dynamics. A simple model capturing the effects of azimuthing on the thruster dynamics is developed, and is shown to improve behavior of the model.The use of azimuthing thrusters presents interesting problems and opportunities in maneuvering and control. Nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) is a technique that consists of the real-time optimization of a nonlinear dynamic system model, with the ability to handle constraints and nonlinearities. In this work, several variations of simulated and experimental MPC-based controllers are investigated. The primary challenge in applying nonlinear MPC to the Odyssey IV is solving the time intensive trajectory optimization problem online. Simulations suggest that MPC is able to capitalize on its knowledge of the system, allowing more aggressive trajectories than a traditional PID controller.by Lauren Alise Cooney.S.M.in Ocean Engineerin

    Development of Robust Control Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    The resources of the energy and chemical balance in the ocean sustain mankind in many ways. Therefore, ocean exploration is an essential task that is accomplished by deploying Underwater Vehicles. An Underwater Vehicle with autonomy feature for its navigation and control is called Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Among the task handled by an AUV, accurately positioning itself at a desired position with respect to the reference objects is called set-point control. Similarly, tracking of the reference trajectory is also another important task. Battery recharging of AUV, positioning with respect to underwater structure, cable, seabed, tracking of reference trajectory with desired accuracy and speed to avoid collision with the guiding vehicle in the last phase of docking are some significant applications where an AUV needs to perform the above tasks. Parametric uncertainties in AUV dynamics and actuator torque limitation necessitate to design robust control algorithms to achieve motion control objectives in the face of uncertainties. Sliding Mode Controller (SMC), H / μ synthesis, model based PID group controllers are some of the robust controllers which have been applied to AUV. But SMC suffers from less efficient tuning of its switching gains due to model parameters and noisy estimated acceleration states appearing in its control law. In addition, demand of high control effort due to high frequency chattering is another drawback of SMC. Furthermore, real-time implementation of H / μ synthesis controller based on its stability study is restricted due to use of linearly approximated dynamic model of an AUV, which hinders achieving robustness. Moreover, model based PID group controllers suffer from implementation complexities and exhibit poor transient and steady-state performances under parametric uncertainties. On the other hand model free Linear PID (LPID) has inherent problem of narrow convergence region, i.e.it can not ensure convergence of large initial error to zero. Additionally, it suffers from integrator-wind-up and subsequent saturation of actuator during the occurrence of large initial error. But LPID controller has inherent capability to cope up with the uncertainties. In view of addressing the above said problem, this work proposes wind-up free Nonlinear PID with Bounded Integral (BI) and Bounded Derivative (BD) for set-point control and combination of continuous SMC with Nonlinear PID with BI and BD namely SM-N-PID with BI and BD for trajectory tracking. Nonlinear functions are used for all P,I and D controllers (for both of set-point and tracking control) in addition to use of nonlinear tan hyperbolic function in SMC(for tracking only) such that torque demand from the controller can be kept within a limit. A direct Lyapunov analysis is pursued to prove stable motion of AUV. The efficacies of the proposed controllers are compared with other two controllers namely PD and N-PID without BI and BD for set-point control and PD plus Feedforward Compensation (FC) and SM-NPID without BI and BD for tracking control. Multiple AUVs cooperatively performing a mission offers several advantages over a single AUV in a non-cooperative manner; such as reliability and increased work efficiency, etc. Bandwidth limitation in acoustic medium possess challenges in designing cooperative motion control algorithm for multiple AUVs owing to the necessity of communication of sensors and actuator signals among AUVs. In literature, undirected graph based approach is used for control design under communication constraints and thus it is not suitable for large number of AUVs participating in a cooperative motion plan. Formation control is a popular cooperative motion control paradigm. This thesis models the formation as a minimally persistent directed graph and proposes control schemes for maintaining the distance constraints during the course of motion of entire formation. For formation control each AUV uses Sliding Mode Nonlinear PID controller with Bounded Integrator and Bounded Derivative. Direct Lyapunov stability analysis in the framework of input-to-state stability ensures the stable motion of formation while maintaining the desired distance constraints among the AUVs

    Underwater Robots Part II: Existing Solutions and Open Issues

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    National audienceThis paper constitutes the second part of a general overview of underwater robotics. The first part is titled: Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose. The works referenced as (Name*, year) have been already cited on the first part of the paper, and the details of these references can be found in the section 7 of the paper titled Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose. The mathematical notation used in this paper is defined in section 4 of the paper Underwater Robots Part I: current systems and problem pose

    Cooperative localization for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2009Self-localization of an underwater vehicle is particularly challenging due to the absence of Global Positioning System (GPS) reception or features at known positions that could otherwise have been used for position computation. Thus Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) applications typically require the pre-deployment of a set of beacons. This thesis examines the scenario in which the members of a group of AUVs exchange navigation information with one another so as to improve their individual position estimates. We describe how the underwater environment poses unique challenges to vehicle navigation not encountered in other environments in which robots operate and how cooperation can improve the performance of self-localization. As intra-vehicle communication is crucial to cooperation, we also address the constraints of the communication channel and the effect that these constraints have on the design of cooperation strategies. The classical approaches to underwater self-localization of a single vehicle, as well as more recently developed techniques are presented. We then examine how methods used for cooperating land-vehicles can be transferred to the underwater domain. An algorithm for distributed self-localization, which is designed to take the specific characteristics of the environment into account, is proposed. We also address how correlated position estimates of cooperating vehicles can lead to overconfidence in individual position estimates. Finally, key to any successful cooperative navigation strategy is the incorporation of the relative positioning between vehicles. The performance of localization algorithms with different geometries is analyzed and a distributed algorithm for the dynamic positioning of vehicles, which serve as dedicated navigation beacons for a fleet of AUVs, is proposed.This work was funded by Office of Naval Research grants N00014-97-1-0202, N00014-05-1-0255, N00014-02-C-0210, N00014-07-1-1102 and the ASAP MURI program led by Naomi Leonard of Princeton University

    Probablistic approaches for intelligent AUV localisation

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    This thesis studies the problem of intelligent localisation for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). After an introduction about robot localisation and specific issues in the underwater domain, the thesis will focus on passive techniques for AUV localisation, highlighting experimental results and comparison among different techniques. Then, it will develop active techniques, which require intelligent decisions about the steps to undertake in order for the AUV to localise itself. The undertaken methodology consisted in three stages: theoretical analysis of the problem, tests with a simulation environment, integration in the robot architecture and field trials. The conclusions highlight applications and scenarios where the developed techniques have been successfully used or can be potentially used to enhance the results given by current techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is in the proposal of an active localisation module, which is able to determine the best set of action to be executed, in order to maximise the localisation results, in terms of time and efficiency