12 research outputs found

    Optimal Status Updating with a Finite-Battery Energy Harvesting Source

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    We consider an energy harvesting source equipped with a finite battery, which needs to send timely status updates to a remote destination. The timeliness of status updates is measured by a non-decreasing penalty function of the Age of Information (AoI). The problem is to find a policy for generating updates that achieves the lowest possible time-average expected age penalty among all online policies. We prove that one optimal solution of this problem is a monotone threshold policy, which satisfies (i) each new update is sent out only when the age is higher than a threshold and (ii) the threshold is a non-increasing function of the instantaneous battery level. Let τB\tau_B denote the optimal threshold corresponding to the full battery level BB, and p()p(\cdot) denote the age-penalty function, then we can show that p(τB)p(\tau_B) is equal to the optimum objective value, i.e., the minimum achievable time-average expected age penalty. These structural properties are used to develop an algorithm to compute the optimal thresholds. Our numerical analysis indicates that the improvement in average age with added battery capacity is largest at small battery sizes; specifically, more than half the total possible reduction in age is attained when battery storage increases from one transmission's worth of energy to two. This encourages further study of status update policies for sensors with small battery storage.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Semantic Communications in Networked Systems

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    We present our vision for a departure from the established way of architecting and assessing communication networks, by incorporating the semantics of information for communications and control in networked systems. We define semantics of information, not as the meaning of the messages, but as their significance, possibly within a real time constraint, relative to the purpose of the data exchange. We argue that research efforts must focus on laying the theoretical foundations of a redesign of the entire process of information generation, transmission and usage in unison by developing: advanced semantic metrics for communications and control systems; an optimal sampling theory combining signal sparsity and semantics, for real-time prediction, reconstruction and control under communication constraints and delays; semantic compressed sensing techniques for decision making and inference directly in the compressed domain; semantic-aware data generation, channel coding, feedback, multiple and random access schemes that reduce the volume of data and the energy consumption, increasing the number of supportable devices.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1500 word

    Timely Estimation Using Coded Quantized Samples

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    The effects of quantization and coding on the estimation quality of a Gauss-Markov, namely Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, process are considered. Samples are acquired from the process, quantized, and then encoded for transmission using either infinite incremental redundancy or fixed redundancy coding schemes. A fixed processing time is consumed at the receiver for decoding and sending feedback to the transmitter. Decoded messages are used to construct a minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimate of the process as a function of time. This is shown to be an increasing functional of the age-of-information, defined as the time elapsed since the sampling time pertaining to the latest successfully decoded message. Such (age-penalty) functional depends on the quantization bits, codeword lengths and receiver processing time. The goal, for each coding scheme, is to optimize sampling times such that the long term average MMSE is minimized. This is then characterized in the setting of general increasing age-penalty functionals, not necessarily corresponding to MMSE, which may be of independent interest in other contexts.Comment: To appear in ISIT 202

    Sample, Quantize and Encode: Timely Estimation Over Noisy Channels

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    The effects of quantization and coding on the estimation quality of Gauss-Markov processes are considered, with a special attention to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Samples are acquired from the process, quantized, and then encoded for transmission using either infinite incremental redundancy (IIR) or fixed redundancy (FR) coding schemes. A fixed processing time is consumed at the receiver for decoding and sending feedback to the transmitter. Decoded messages are used to construct a minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimate of the process as a function of time. This is shown to be an increasing functional of the age-of-information (AoI), defined as the time elapsed since the sampling time pertaining to the latest successfully decoded message. Such functional depends on the quantization bits, codewords lengths and receiver processing time. The goal, for each coding scheme, is to optimize sampling times such that the long-term average MMSE is minimized. This is then characterized in the setting of general increasing functionals of AoI, not necessarily corresponding to MMSE, which may be of independent interest in other contexts. We first show that the optimal sampling policy for IIR is such that a new sample is generated only if the AoI exceeds a certain threshold, while for FR it is such that a new sample is delivered just-in-time as the receiver finishes processing the previous one. Enhanced transmissions schemes are then developed in order to exploit the processing times to make new data available at the receiver sooner. For both IIR and FR, it is shown that there exists an optimal number of quantization bits that balances AoI and quantization errors, and hence minimizes the MMSE. It is also shown that for longer receiver processing times, the relatively simpler FR scheme outperforms IIR.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2004.1298

    Optimizing Information Freshness in a Multiple Access Channel with Heterogeneous Devices

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    In this work, we study age-optimal scheduling with stability constraints in a multiple access channel with two heterogeneous source nodes transmitting to a common destination. The first node is connected to a power grid and it has randomly arriving data packets. Another energy harvesting (EH) sensor monitors a stochastic process and sends status updates to the destination. We formulate an optimization problem that aims at minimizing the average age of information (AoI) of the EH node subject to the queue stability condition of the grid-connected node. First, we consider a Probabilistic Random Access (PRA) policy where both nodes make independent transmission decisions based on some fixed probability distributions. We show that with this policy, the average AoI is equal to the average peak AoI, if the EH node only sends freshly generated samples. In addition, we derive the optimal solution in closed form, which reveals some interesting properties of the considered system. Furthermore, we consider a Drift-Plus-Penalty (DPP) policy and develop AoI-optimal and peak-AoI-optimal scheduling algorithms using the Lyapunov optimization theory. Simulation results show that the DPP policy outperforms the PRA policy in various scenarios, especially when the destination node has low multi-packet reception capabilities.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societ