135 research outputs found

    Content delivery over multi-antenna wireless networks

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    The past few decades have witnessed unprecedented advances in information technology, which have significantly shaped the way we acquire and process information in our daily lives. Wireless communications has become the main means of access to data through mobile devices, resulting in a continuous exponential growth in wireless data traffic, mainly driven by the demand for high quality content. Various technologies have been proposed by researchers to tackle this growth in 5G and beyond, including the use of increasing number of antenna elements, integrated point-to-multipoint delivery and caching, which constitute the core of this thesis. In particular, we study non-orthogonal content delivery in multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MISO) systems. First, a joint beamforming strategy for simultaneous delivery of broadcast and unicast services is investigated, based on layered division multiplexing (LDM) as a means of superposition coding. The system performance in terms of minimum required power under prescribed quality-of-service (QoS) requirements is examined in comparison with time division multiplexing (TDM). It is demonstrated through simulations that the non-orthogonal delivery strategy based on LDM significantly outperforms the orthogonal strategy based on TDM in terms of system throughput and reliability. To facilitate efficient implementation of the LDM-based beamforming design, we further propose a dual decomposition-based distributed approach. Next, we study an efficient multicast beamforming design in cache-aided multiuser MISO systems, exploiting proactive content placement and coded delivery. It is observed that the complexity of this problem grows exponentially with the number of subfiles delivered to each user in each time slot, which itself grows exponentially with the number of users in the system. Therefore, we propose a low-complexity alternative through time-sharing that limits the number of subfiles that can be received by a user in each time slot. Moreover, a joint design of content delivery and multicast beamforming is proposed to further enhance the system performance, under the constraint on maximum number of subfiles each user can decode in each time slot. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Chapter 5, followed by an outlook for future works.Open Acces

    Potentzia domeinuko NOMA 5G sareetarako eta haratago

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    Tesis inglés 268 p. -- Tesis euskera 274 p.During the last decade, the amount of data carried over wireless networks has grown exponentially. Several reasons have led to this situation, but the most influential ones are the massive deployment of devices connected to the network and the constant evolution in the services offered. In this context, 5G targets the correct implementation of every application integrated into the use cases. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge to make ITU-R defined cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC) a reality is the improvement in spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this thesis, a combination of two mechanisms is proposed to improve spectral efficiency: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. Specifically, NOMA transmits simultaneously several layered data flows so that the whole bandwidth is used throughout the entire time to deliver more than one service simultaneously. Then, RRM schemes provide efficient management and distribution of radio resources among network users. Although NOMA techniques and RRM schemes can be very advantageous in all use cases, this thesis focuses on making contributions in eMBB and URLLC environments and proposing solutions to communications that are expected to be relevant in 6G

    Full Stack 5G Physical Layer Transceiver Design for NOMA in Mobile Heterogeneous Networks

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    The Fifth Generation (5G) and Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless networks are emerging with a variety of new capabilities, focusing on Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC), enabling new use cases and services. With this massive increment of mMTC along with increasing users, higher network capacity is a must for 5G and B5G. The integration of mMTC with traditional user traffic creates a heterogeneous network landscape. To address this challenge, future network designs must prioritize optimizing spectrum efficiency while meeting diverse service demands. Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) stands out as a promising technology for enhancing both system capacity and operational efficiency in such heterogeneous networks. Due to its non-orthogonal resource allocation, NOMA outperforms Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA) in spectral efficiency, throughput, and user capacity, while also offering superior scalability and adaptability to network heterogeneity. Despite its promising advantages, large-scale implementation of NOMA in cellular systems remains elusive due to various challenges, making it a focal point of current research in cellular network technology. While there has been considerable progress in implementing NOMA for broadcast and multicast services, notably with Layer Division Multiplexing (LDM) in next-generation digital TV, the challenges of unicast downlink transmission in NOMA remain largely unexplored. Unicast transmission requires a highly tailored network configuration adaptable to individual user requirements and dynamic channel conditions. Clustering users under a single NOMA channel must be both efficient and adaptive to ensure successful transmission, especially for mobile receiver. Besides, the interplay between NOMA and other 5G technologies remains insufficiently explored, in part due to the lack of an established NOMA-5G framework. Specifically, the collective impact of 5G physical layer technologies such as Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) coding, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Beamforming, and mmWave transmission on NOMA’s performance has not been comprehensively studied. Furthermore, in NOMA schemes involving more than two multiplexed users, known as Multilayer NOMA (N-NOMA), the system becomes increasingly complex and susceptible to noise. While N-NOMA holds considerable promise for scalability, its performance metrics are not yet fully characterized, due to challenges ranging from resource allocation complexities to transceiver design issues. Additionally, existing analytical models for performance evaluation are developed for orthogonal systems, are not fully applicable for assessing NOMA performance. Developing new models that incorporate the impact of non-orthogonality could provide more accurate performance assessments and offer valuable insights for future NOMA research. Initially this thesis investigates the feasibility of LDM for unicast & multicast downlink transmission scenarios for Internet of Things (IoT)- user pairs. The findings indicate the Core Layer (CL) performance aligns with IoT requirements while Enhance Layer (EL) layer is suitable for users. A specialized Bit Error Rate (BER) expression is formulated to precisely predict CL performance, considering Lower Layer (LL) interference with predefined power ratio. Subsequently, the thesis employs a novel surface mobility model and adaptive power ratio allocation to evaluate LDM pair sustainability under various receiver mobility conditions. Extending the LDM-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) model, this thesis presents a Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)-compliant 5G transceiver incorporating N-NOMA. This design incorporates a strategically-arranged set of NOMA functionalities and undergoes a rigorous performance evaluation. In particular, the transceiver provides a comprehensive assessment of N-NOMA performance, considering various transmission parameters such as LDPC code rate, MIMO order, modulation schemes, and channel specifications. These considerations not only provide new insights into non-orthogonal access technologies but also highlight dependencies on these factors for network configuration and optimization. To further advance this work, a one-shot N-NOMA multiplexing technique is developed and implemented, simplifying multi-layer standard sequential combiners to reduce transmission latency and transceiver complexity. A more accurate analytical BER expression is also formulated that considers the impact of both residual and non-residual Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) errors across NOMA layers. To build upon these advancements, an adaptive Power Allocation (PA) technique is introduced to optimize NOMA cluster sustainability and throughput. Employing a greedy algorithmic approach, this method uses real-time transmission feedback to dynamically allocate power across NOMA layers. In addition, a new Three Dimensional (3D) mobility model has been developed, consistent with existing 3GPP standards, capturing vehicular and pedestrian movement across urban and rural macro & micro-cell environments. When integrated with the PA technique, this model allows for real-time adjustments in the NOMA power ratio, effectively adapting to fluctuating receiver channel conditions. Collectively, the findings from this research not only indicate significant physical layer performance improvements but also provide new insights into the potential of non-orthogonal access technologies. In the LDM-OFDM setup presented in Chapter 3, the EL layer needs 15 dB more Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) than the CL to achieve the same BER, but allows for higher data rates. When it comes to mobility, IoT movement accounts for about 70% of link terminations in scenarios with similar mobility patterns. The N-NOMA-5G shows significant improvement in low SNR performance compared to existing literature. The 3 layer simulations shows on average a 60% reduction in the SNR requirements to achieve similar BER. The implementation of a one-shot multiplexer has demonstrated a substantial reduction in N-NOMA multiplexing time, particularly with the growing number of NOMA layers, as detailed in Chapter 4. Notably, the simulation outcomes spanning 2 to 10 layers of NOMA multiplexing indicate an remarkable 52% reduction in processing time. This underscores the effectiveness of the one-shot multiplexer in enhancing efficiency, particularly as the complexity of the NOMA setup intensifies. The developed analytical model also shows over 95% similarities with the simulation results. The impact of dynamic PA for both static and mobile receivers demonstrates on average, over 40% improvements in link sustainability time for mobile users and for static users, it achieves optimal PA and fast convergence within just 12 iterations, as detailed in Chapter 5

    Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: a survey and outlook

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    Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This approach raises several problems due to the tight coupling between network and data access points, as well as the paradigm shift towards data-oriented services, heterogeneous deployments and network densification. A logical separation between control and data planes is seen as a promising solution that could overcome these issues, by providing data services under the umbrella of a coverage layer. This article presents a holistic survey of existing literature on the control-data separation architecture (CDSA) for cellular radio access networks. As a starting point, we discuss the fundamentals, concepts, and general structure of the CDSA. Then, we point out limitations of the conventional architecture in futuristic deployment scenarios. In addition, we present and critically discuss the work that has been done to investigate potential benefits of the CDSA, as well as its technical challenges and enabling technologies. Finally, an overview of standardisation proposals related to this research vision is provided

    Multiuser Diversity Management for Multicast/Broadcast Services in 5G and Beyond Networks

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    The envisaged fifth-generation (5G) and beyond networks represent a paradigm shift for global communications, offering unprecedented breakthroughs in media service delivery with novel capabilities and use cases. Addressing the critical research verticals and challenges that characterize the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)-2030 framework requires a compelling mix of enabling radio access technologies (RAT) and native softwarized, disaggregated, and intelligent radio access network (RAN) conceptions. In such a context, the multicast/broadcast ser vice (MBS) capability is an appealing feature to address the ever-growing traffic demands, disruptive multimedia services, massive connectivity, and low-latency applications. Embracing the MBS capability as a primary component of the envisaged 5G and beyond networks comes with multiple open challenges. In this research, we contextualize and address the necessity of ensuring stringent quality of service (QoS)/quality of experience (QoE) requirements, multicasting over millimeter-wave (mmWave) and sub-Terahertz (THz) frequencies, and handling complex mobility behaviors. In the broad problem space around these three significant challenges, we focus on the specific research problems of effectively handling the trade-off between multicasting gain and multiuser diversity, along with the trade-off between optimal network performance and computational complexity. In this research, we cover essential aspects at the intersection of MBS, radio resource management (RRM), machine learning (ML), and the Open RAN (O-RAN) framework. We characterize and address the dynamic multicast multiuser diversity through low-complexity RRM solutions aided by ML, orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques in 5G MBS and beyond networks. We characterize the performance of the multicast access techniques conventional multicast scheme (CMS), subgrouping based on OMA (S-OMA), and subgrouping based on NOMA (S-NOMA). We provide conditions for their adequate selection regarding the specific network conditions (Chapter 4). Consequently, we propose heuristic methods for the dynamic multicast access technique selection and resource allocation, taking advantage of the multiuser diversity (Chapter 5.1). Moreover, we proposed a multicasting strategy based on fixed pre-computed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multi-beams and S-NOMA (Chapter 5.2). Our approach tackles specific throughput requirements for enabling extended reality (XR) applications attending multiple users and handling their spatial and channel quality diversity. We address the computational complexity (CC) associated with the dynamic multicast RRM strategies and highlight the implications of fast variations in the reception conditions of the multicast group (MG) members. We propose a low complexity ML-based solution structured by a multicast-oriented trigger to avoid overrunning the algorithm, a K-Means clustering for group-oriented detection and splitting, and a classifier for selecting the most suitable multicast access technique (Chapter 6.1). Our proposed approaches allow addressing the trade-off between optimal network performance and CC by maximizing specific QoS parameters through non-optimal solutions, considerably reducing the CC of conventional exhaustive mechanisms. Moreover, we discuss the insertion of ML-based multicasting RRM solutions into the envisioned disaggregated O-RAN framework (Chapter 6.2.5). We analyze specific MBS tasks and the importance of a native decentralized, softwarized, and intelligent conception. We assess the effectiveness of our proposal under multiple numerical and link level simulations of recreated 5G MBS use cases operating in μWave and mmWave. We evaluate various network conditions, service constraints, and users’ mobility behaviors


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    Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta la industria de las comunicaciones móviles e inalámbricas es proporcionar servicios multimedia masivos a bajo coste, haciéndolos asequibles para los usuarios y rentables a los operadores. El servicio más representativo es el de TV móvil, el cual se espera que sea una aplicación clave en las futuras redes móviles. Actualmente las redes celulares no pueden soportar un consumo a gran escala de este tipo de servicios, y las nuevas redes de radiodifusión móvil son muy costosas de desplegar debido a la gran inversión en infraestructura de red necesaria para proporcionar niveles aceptables de cobertura. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la provisión eficiente de servicios multimedia masivos a dispositivos móviles y portables utilizando la infraestructura de radiodifusión y celular existente. La tesis contempla las tecnologías comerciales de última generación para la radiodifusión móvil (DVB-H) y para las redes celulares (redes 3G+ con HSDPA y MBMS), aunque se centra principalmente en DVB-H. El principal paradigma propuesto para proporcionar servicios multimedia masivos a bajo coste es evitar el despliegue de una red DVB-H con alta capacidad y cobertura desde el inicio. En su lugar se propone realizar un despliegue progresivo de la infraestructura DVB-H siguiendo la demanda de los usuarios. Bajo este contexto, la red celular es fundamental para evitar sobre-dimensionar la red DVB-H en capacidad y también en áreas con una baja densidad de usuarios hasta que el despliegue de un transmisor o un repetidor DVB-H sea necesario. Como principal solución tecnológica la tesis propone realizar una codificación multi-burst en DVB-H utilizando códigos Raptor. El objetivo es explotar la diversidad temporal del canal móvil para aumentar la robustez de la señal y, por tanto, el nivel de cobertura, a costa de incrementar la latencia de la red.Gómez Barquero, D. (2009). COST EFFICIENT PROVISIONING OF MASS MOBILE MULTIMEDIA SERVICES IN HYBRID CELLULAR AND BROADCASTING SYSTEMS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6881Palanci

    Adaptive and Deadlock-Free Tree-Based Multicast Routing for Networks-on-Chip

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    This paper presents the first synthesizable network-on-chip (NoC) based on a mesh topology, which supports adaptive and deadlock-free tree-based multicast routing without virtual channels. The deadlock-free routing algorithms for unicast and multicast packets are the same. Therefore, the routing function\ud gate-level implementation is very efficient. Multicast packets\ud are injected to the network by sending multiple packet headers beforehand. The packet headers contain destination addresses to set up multicast trees connecting a source with multiple destination nodes. An additional locally uniform identification (ID) field is packetized together with flits belonging to the same packet. Therefore, flits of different unicast or multicast packets can be interleaved in the same queue because of the local ID-tags, which are updated and mapped dynamically to support bandwidth scalability of interconnection links. Deadlocks in tree-based multicast\ud routing are handled using a flit-by-flit round arbitration and a\ud fair hold???release tagging mechanism. The effectiveness of the novel mechanism has been experimented under multiple multicast\ud conflicts scenarios, where the experimental results show that all traffic is accepted in-order and lossless in their destination nodes even if adaptive routing functions are used and the sizes of the\ud multicast messages are very long

    Rate-splitting multiple access for non-terrestrial communication and sensing networks

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    Rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) has emerged as a powerful and flexible non-orthogonal transmission, multiple access (MA) and interference management scheme for future wireless networks. This thesis is concerned with the application of RSMA to non-terrestrial communication and sensing networks. Various scenarios and algorithms are presented and evaluated. First, we investigate a novel multigroup/multibeam multicast beamforming strategy based on RSMA in both terrestrial multigroup multicast and multibeam satellite systems with imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The max-min fairness (MMF)-degree of freedom (DoF) of RSMA is derived and shown to provide gains compared with the conventional strategy. The MMF beamforming optimization problem is formulated and solved using the weighted minimum mean square error (WMMSE) algorithm. Physical layer design and link-level simulations are also investigated. RSMA is demonstrated to be very promising for multigroup multicast and multibeam satellite systems taking into account CSIT uncertainty and practical challenges in multibeam satellite systems. Next, we extend the scope of research from multibeam satellite systems to satellite- terrestrial integrated networks (STINs). Two RSMA-based STIN schemes are investigated, namely the coordinated scheme relying on CSI sharing and the co- operative scheme relying on CSI and data sharing. Joint beamforming algorithms are proposed based on the successive convex approximation (SCA) approach to optimize the beamforming to achieve MMF amongst all users. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed RSMA schemes for STINs are demonstrated. Finally, we consider RSMA for a multi-antenna integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) system, which simultaneously serves multiple communication users and estimates the parameters of a moving target. Simulation results demonstrate that RSMA is beneficial to both terrestrial and multibeam satellite ISAC systems by evaluating the trade-off between communication MMF rate and sensing Cramer-Rao bound (CRB).Open Acces