1,383 research outputs found

    Compiler Optimization Techniques for Scheduling and Reducing Overhead

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    Exploiting parallelism in loops in programs is an important factor in realizing the potential performance of processors today. This dissertation develops and evaluates several compiler optimizations aimed at improving the performance of loops on processors. An important feature of a class of scientific computing problems is the regularity exhibited by their access patterns. Chapter 2 presents an approach of optimizing the address generation of these problems that results in the following: (i) elimination of redundant arithmetic computation by recognizing and exploiting the presence of common sub-expressions across different iterations in stencil codes; and (ii) conversion of as many array references to scalar accesses as possible, which leads to reduced execution time, decrease in address arithmetic overhead, access to data in registers as opposed to caches, etc. With the advent of VLIW processors, the exploitation of fine-grain instruction-level parallelism has become a major challenge to optimizing compilers. Fine-grain scheduling of inner loops has received a lot of attention, little work has been done in the area of applying it to nested loops. Chapter 3 presents an approach to fine-grain scheduling of nested loops by formulating the problem of finding theminimum iteration initiation interval as one of finding a rational affine schedule for each statement in the body of a perfectly nested loop which is then solved using linear programming. Frequent synchronization on multiprocessors is expensive due to its high cost. Chapter 4 presents a method for eliminating redundant synchronization for nested loops. In nested loops, a dependence may be redundant in only a portion of the iteration space. A characterization of the non-uniformity of the redundancy of a dependence is developed in terms of the relation between the dependences and the shape and size of the iteration space. Exploiting locality is critical for achieving high level of performance on a parallel machine. Chapter 5 presents an approach using the concept of affinity regions to find transformations such that a suitable iteration-to-processor mapping can be found for a sequence of loop nests accessing shared arrays. This not only improves the data locality but significantly reduces communication overhead

    Supercomputer optimizations for stochastic optimal control applications

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    Supercomputer optimizations for a computational method of solving stochastic, multibody, dynamic programming problems are presented. The computational method is valid for a general class of optimal control problems that are nonlinear, multibody dynamical systems, perturbed by general Markov noise in continuous time, i.e., nonsmooth Gaussian as well as jump Poisson random white noise. Optimization techniques for vector multiprocessors or vectorizing supercomputers include advanced data structures, loop restructuring, loop collapsing, blocking, and compiler directives. These advanced computing techniques and superconducting hardware help alleviate Bellman's curse of dimensionality in dynamic programming computations, by permitting the solution of large multibody problems. Possible applications include lumped flight dynamics models for uncertain environments, such as large scale and background random aerospace fluctuations

    Exploiting cache locality at run-time

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    With the increasing gap between the speeds of the processor and memory system, memory access has become a major performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. Recently, Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems have emerged as a major class of high-performance platforms. Improving the memory performance of Parallel applications with dynamic memory-access patterns on Symmetric Multi-Processors (SMP) is a hard problem. The solution to this problem is critical to the successful use of the SMP systems because dynamic memory-access patterns occur in many real-world applications. This dissertation is aimed at solving this problem.;Based on a rigorous analysis of cache-locality optimization, we propose a memory-layout oriented run-time technique to exploit the cache locality of parallel loops. Our technique have been implemented in a run-time system. Using simulation and measurement, we have shown our run-time approach can achieve comparable performance with compiler optimizations for those regular applications, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by tiling and other program transformations. However, our approach was shown to improve significantly the memory performance for applications with dynamic memory-access patterns. Such applications are usually hard to optimize with static compiler optimizations.;Several contributions are made in this dissertation. We present models to characterize the complexity and present a solution framework for optimizing cache locality. We present an effective estimation technique for memory-access patterns to support efficient locality optimizations and information integration. We present a memory-layout oriented run-time technique for locality optimization. We present efficient scheduling algorithms to trade off locality and load imbalance. We provide a detailed performance evaluation of the run-time technique

    Optimization Techniques for Stencil Data Parallel Programs: Methodologies and Applications

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    The optimization of data parallel programs is a challenging open problem. We analyzed in detail the optimization techniques for stencil computations, which are a subset of data parallel computations. Drawing from previous research, we developed a structured model to describe the program transformations. We used this model to compare the different optimizations presented in literature and study the interaction between them

    Optimization within a Unified Transformation Framework

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    Programmers typically want to write scientific programs in a high level language with semantics based on a sequential execution model. To execute efficiently on a parallel machine, however, a program typically needs to contain explicit parallelism and possibly explicit communication and synchronization. So, we need compilers to convert programs from the first of these forms to the second. There are two basic choices to be made when parallelizing a program. First, the computations of the program need to be distributed amongst the set of available processors. Second, the computations on each processor need to be ordered. My contribution has been the development of simple mathematical abstractions for representing these choices and the development of new algorithms for making these choices. I have developed a new framework that achieves good performance by minimizing communication between processors, minimizing the time processors spend waiting for messages from other processors, and ordering data accesses so as to exploit the memory hierarchy. This framework can be used by optimizing compilers, as well as by interactive transformation tools. The state of the art for vectorizing compilers is already quite good, but much work remains to bring parallelizing compilers up to the same standard. The main contribution of my work can be summarized as improving this situation by replacing existing ad hoc parallelization techniques with a sound underlying foundation on which future work can be built. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-93

    Mapping parallel loops on multicore systems

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    The compute nodes in contemporary HPC systems contain one or more multicore processors. As a result, these nodes constitute a shared-memory multiprocessor, often combining CMP and SMT concurrency technologies. This configuration introduces different levels of sharing in the cache hierarchy, resulting in non-uniform data sharing overheads. In this paper we analyze the data-sharing patterns that exhibit a real multithreaded application when executing on a multicore system, with emphasis in the use of the shared last level cache (LLC) for the concurrent threads. As a consequence of this study, we explore the loop mapping problem in such systems with the aim of optimizing the shared use of the the LLC by all parallel threads. We propose a three-phase loop mapping strategy that deals with workload imbalances, minimizes cache sharing interferences, and maximizes intra-core and inter-core data reuse in the cache hierarchy. Preliminary results show some benefits of our approach. However, this is a work in progress and much more research is being done.Postprint (author’s final draft
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