31 research outputs found

    Maximum Damage Malware Attack in Mobile Wireless Networks

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    Malware attacks constitute a serious security risk that threatens to slow down the large scale proliferation of wireless applications. As a first step towards thwarting this security threat, we seek to quantify the maximum damage inflicted on the system owing to such outbreaks and identify the most vicious attacks. We represent the propagation of malware in a battery-constrained mobile wireless network by an epidemic model in which the worm can dynamically control the rate at which it kills the infected node and also the transmission range and/or the media scanning rate. At each moment of time, the worm at each node faces the following trade-offs: (i) using larger transmission range and media scanning rate to accelerate its spread at the cost of exhausting the battery and thereby reducing the overall infection propagation rate in the long run or (ii) killing the node to inflict a large cost on the network, however at the expense of loosing the chance of infecting more susceptible nodes at later times. We mathematically formulate the decision problems and utilize Pontryagin Maximum Principle from optimal control theory to quantify the damage that the malware can inflict on the network by deploying optimum decision rules. Next, we establish structural properties of the optimal strategy of the attacker over time. Specifically, we prove that it is optimal for the attacker to defer killing of the infective nodes in the propagation phase for a certain time and then start the slaughter with maximum effort. We also show that in the optimal attack policy, the battery resources are used according to a decreasing function of time, i.e., mostly during the initial phase of the outbreak. Finally, our numerical investigations reveal a framework for identifying intelligent defense strategies that can limit the damage by appropriately selecting network parameters

    Game theory and network security: Economic incentives and barriers

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    Nowadays, the Internet and computer networks play an increasing role in our modern society. However, we also witness new types of security and privacy incidents such as the propagation of malware, the growth of botnets, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against business and governments’ websites. Therefore, experts must investigate security solutions to defend against these well-organized and sophisticated adversaries. Instead of designing a defence against a specific attack, game theory attempts to design a quantitative decision framework to determine the possibility of adversaries’ attacks, and suggest defence strategies for the defenders. This thesis illustrates some examples for the potential usefulness of game theory in information systems security. First, we present a game theoretic scenario to study the strategic behavior of two Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who have to decide whether to invest in deploying security technologies that detect and prevent malicious cyber-attacks. In particular, we consider the case where the ISPs can determine malware-infected machines among their subscribers, and their action (i.e., quarantining these infected machines) may well mitigate cyber security incidents. By analyzing the financial incentive for the ISPs to deploy security policy among their subscribers, we find the best action of the ISPs considering their customers’ security awareness and their market shares. We also identify the need for government regulations and incentives in order to better guide the role of ISPs in enhancing the global security of the Internet. Then, we present a game theoretic model for analyzing the dynamic interaction between attackers and defenders as a two-player game with uncertainty while considering multi-level of detection for defence devices configurable by the defender and multi-level of severity for attacks chosen by the attacker. By assuming that higher levels of defence and high level of attack severity are associated with higher levels of investments by the defender and the attacker, respectively, we compute mixed strategy Nash Equilibria for both the attacker and defender considering the cases when the players’ valuation follows a uniform distribution and the case where it follows a truncated normal distribution. We then formulate an n-player game to capture competition among n attackers who aim to successfully attack the same target and analyze the mixed strategy Nash Equilibria in both models. Finally, we consider networks in which the worm propagator and the defender can dynamically decide their optimal propagation rate for the warm and security patches, respectively, considering their associated cost. We combine the propagation process with a game theoretic model as a two-player non-zero sum differential game. Then we formulate the decision problem as a continuous-time optimal control problem and solve it using the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The obtained result leads to a better understanding of the worm propagator behavior and can be utilized to inhibit the scale of loss resulting from Internet worms

    Machine Learning Threatens 5G Security

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    Machine learning (ML) is expected to solve many challenges in the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. However, ML will also open the network to several serious cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Most of the learning in ML happens through data gathered from the environment. Un-scrutinized data will have serious consequences on machines absorbing the data to produce actionable intelligence for the network. Scrutinizing the data, on the other hand, opens privacy challenges. Unfortunately, most of the ML systems are borrowed from other disciplines that provide excellent results in small closed environments. The resulting deployment of such ML systems in 5G can inadvertently open the network to serious security challenges such as unfair use of resources, denial of service, as well as leakage of private and confidential information. Therefore, in this article we dig into the weaknesses of the most prominent ML systems that are currently vigorously researched for deployment in 5G. We further classify and survey solutions for avoiding such pitfalls of ML in 5G systems

    Optimal Control of Epidemics in the Presence of Heterogeneity

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    We seek to identify and address how different types of heterogeneity affect the optimal control of epidemic processes in social, biological, and computer networks. Epidemic processes encompass a variety of models of propagation that are based on contact between agents. Assumptions of homogeneity of communication rates, resources, and epidemics themselves in prior literature gloss over the heterogeneities inherent to such networks and lead to the design of sub-optimal control policies. However, the added complexity that comes with a more nuanced view of such networks complicates the generalizing of most prior work and necessitates the use of new analytical methods. We first create a taxonomy of heterogeneity in the spread of epidemics. We then model the evolution of heterogeneous epidemics in the realms of biology and sociology, as well as those arising from practice in the fields of communication networks (e.g., DTN message routing) and security (e.g., malware spread and patching). In each case, we obtain computational frameworks using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle that will lead to the derivation of dynamic controls that optimize general, context-specific objectives. We then prove structures for each of these vectors of optimal controls that can simplify the derivation, storage, and implementation of optimal policies. Finally, using simulations and real-world traces, we examine the benefits achieved by including heterogeneity in the control decision, as well as the sensitivity of the models and the controls to model parameters in each case


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    Several newly emerged wireless technologies (e.g., Internet-of-Things, Bluetooth, NFC)—extensively backed by the tech industry—are being widely adopted and have resulted in a proliferation of diverse smart appliances and gadgets (e.g., smart thermostat, wearables, smartphones), which has ensuingly shaped our modern digital life. These technologies include several communication protocols that usually have stringent requirements stated in their specifications. Failing to comply with such requirements can result in incorrect behaviors, interoperability issues, or even security vulnerabilities. Moreover, lack of robustness of the protocol implementation to malicious attacks—exploiting subtle vulnerabilities in the implementation—mounted by the compromised nodes in an adversarial environment can limit the practical utility of the implementation by impairing the performance of the protocol and can even have detrimental effects on the availability of the network. Even having a compliant and robust implementation alone may not suffice in many cases because these technologies often expose new attack surfaces as well as new propagation vectors, which can be exploited by unprecedented malware and can quickly lead to an epidemic

    Decision Support Elements and Enabling Techniques to Achieve a Cyber Defence Situational Awareness Capability

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    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral realiza un análisis en detalle de los elementos de decisión necesarios para mejorar la comprensión de la situación en ciberdefensa con especial énfasis en la percepción y comprensión del analista de un centro de operaciones de ciberseguridad (SOC). Se proponen dos arquitecturas diferentes basadas en el análisis forense de flujos de datos (NF3). La primera arquitectura emplea técnicas de Ensemble Machine Learning mientras que la segunda es una variante de Machine Learning de mayor complejidad algorítmica (lambda-NF3) que ofrece un marco de defensa de mayor robustez frente a ataques adversarios. Ambas propuestas buscan automatizar de forma efectiva la detección de malware y su posterior gestión de incidentes mostrando unos resultados satisfactorios en aproximar lo que se ha denominado un SOC de próxima generación y de computación cognitiva (NGC2SOC). La supervisión y monitorización de eventos para la protección de las redes informáticas de una organización debe ir acompañada de técnicas de visualización. En este caso, la tesis aborda la generación de representaciones tridimensionales basadas en métricas orientadas a la misión y procedimientos que usan un sistema experto basado en lógica difusa. Precisamente, el estado del arte muestra serias deficiencias a la hora de implementar soluciones de ciberdefensa que reflejen la relevancia de la misión, los recursos y cometidos de una organización para una decisión mejor informada. El trabajo de investigación proporciona finalmente dos áreas claves para mejorar la toma de decisiones en ciberdefensa: un marco sólido y completo de verificación y validación para evaluar parámetros de soluciones y la elaboración de un conjunto de datos sintéticos que referencian unívocamente las fases de un ciberataque con los estándares Cyber Kill Chain y MITRE ATT & CK.[CA] La present tesi doctoral realitza una anàlisi detalladament dels elements de decisió necessaris per a millorar la comprensió de la situació en ciberdefensa amb especial èmfasi en la percepció i comprensió de l'analista d'un centre d'operacions de ciberseguretat (SOC). Es proposen dues arquitectures diferents basades en l'anàlisi forense de fluxos de dades (NF3). La primera arquitectura empra tècniques de Ensemble Machine Learning mentre que la segona és una variant de Machine Learning de major complexitat algorítmica (lambda-NF3) que ofereix un marc de defensa de major robustesa enfront d'atacs adversaris. Totes dues propostes busquen automatitzar de manera efectiva la detecció de malware i la seua posterior gestió d'incidents mostrant uns resultats satisfactoris a aproximar el que s'ha denominat un SOC de pròxima generació i de computació cognitiva (NGC2SOC). La supervisió i monitoratge d'esdeveniments per a la protecció de les xarxes informàtiques d'una organització ha d'anar acompanyada de tècniques de visualització. En aquest cas, la tesi aborda la generació de representacions tridimensionals basades en mètriques orientades a la missió i procediments que usen un sistema expert basat en lògica difusa. Precisament, l'estat de l'art mostra serioses deficiències a l'hora d'implementar solucions de ciberdefensa que reflectisquen la rellevància de la missió, els recursos i comeses d'una organització per a una decisió més ben informada. El treball de recerca proporciona finalment dues àrees claus per a millorar la presa de decisions en ciberdefensa: un marc sòlid i complet de verificació i validació per a avaluar paràmetres de solucions i l'elaboració d'un conjunt de dades sintètiques que referencien unívocament les fases d'un ciberatac amb els estàndards Cyber Kill Chain i MITRE ATT & CK.[EN] This doctoral thesis performs a detailed analysis of the decision elements necessary to improve the cyber defence situation awareness with a special emphasis on the perception and understanding of the analyst of a cybersecurity operations center (SOC). Two different architectures based on the network flow forensics of data streams (NF3) are proposed. The first architecture uses Ensemble Machine Learning techniques while the second is a variant of Machine Learning with greater algorithmic complexity (lambda-NF3) that offers a more robust defense framework against adversarial attacks. Both proposals seek to effectively automate the detection of malware and its subsequent incident management, showing satisfactory results in approximating what has been called a next generation cognitive computing SOC (NGC2SOC). The supervision and monitoring of events for the protection of an organisation's computer networks must be accompanied by visualisation techniques. In this case, the thesis addresses the representation of three-dimensional pictures based on mission oriented metrics and procedures that use an expert system based on fuzzy logic. Precisely, the state-of-the-art evidences serious deficiencies when it comes to implementing cyber defence solutions that consider the relevance of the mission, resources and tasks of an organisation for a better-informed decision. The research work finally provides two key areas to improve decision-making in cyber defence: a solid and complete verification and validation framework to evaluate solution parameters and the development of a synthetic dataset that univocally references the phases of a cyber-attack with the Cyber Kill Chain and MITRE ATT & CK standards.Llopis Sánchez, S. (2023). Decision Support Elements and Enabling Techniques to Achieve a Cyber Defence Situational Awareness Capability [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19424