487,386 research outputs found

    Performance controls for distributed telecommunication services

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    As the Internet and Telecommunications domains merge, open telecommunication service architectures such as TINA, PARLAY and PINT are becoming prevalent. Distributed Computing is a common engineering component in these technologies and promises to bring improvements to the scalability, reliability and flexibility of telecommunications service delivery systems. This distributed approach to service delivery introduces new performance concerns. As service logic is decomposed into software components and distnbuted across network resources, significant additional resource loading is incurred due to inter-node communications. This fact makes the choice of distribution of components in the network and the distribution of load between these components critical design and operational issues which must be resolved to guarantee a high level of service for the customer and a profitable network for the service operator. Previous research in the computer science domain has addressed optimal placement of components from the perspectives of minimising run time, minimising communications costs or balancing of load between network resources. This thesis proposes a more extensive optimisation model, which we argue, is more useful for addressing concerns pertinent to the telecommunications domain. The model focuses on providing optimal throughput and profitability of network resources and on overload protection whilst allowing flexibility in terms of the cost of installation of component copies and differentiation in the treatment of service types, in terms of fairness to the customer and profitability to the operator. Both static (design-time) component distribution and dynamic (run-time) load distribution algorithms are developed using Linear and Mixed Integer Programming techniques. An efficient, but sub-optimal, run-time solution, employing Market-based control, is also proposed. The performance of these algorithms is investigated using a simulation model of a distributed service platform, which is based on TINA service components interacting with the Intelligent Network through gateways. Simulation results are verified using Layered Queuing Network analytic modelling Results show significant performance gains over simpler methods of performance control and demonstrate how trade-offs in network profitability, fairness and network cost are possible

    Online Predictive Optimization Framework for Stochastic Demand-Responsive Transit Services

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    This study develops an online predictive optimization framework for dynamically operating a transit service in an area of crowd movements. The proposed framework integrates demand prediction and supply optimization to periodically redesign the service routes based on recently observed demand. To predict demand for the service, we use Quantile Regression to estimate the marginal distribution of movement counts between each pair of serviced locations. The framework then combines these marginals into a joint demand distribution by constructing a Gaussian copula, which captures the structure of correlation between the marginals. For supply optimization, we devise a linear programming model, which simultaneously determines the route structure and the service frequency according to the predicted demand. Importantly, our framework both preserves the uncertainty structure of future demand and leverages this for robust route optimization, while keeping both components decoupled. We evaluate our framework using a real-world case study of autonomous mobility in a university campus in Denmark. The results show that our framework often obtains the ground truth optimal solution, and can outperform conventional methods for route optimization, which do not leverage full predictive distributions.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Development of the City Public Service Model on the Basis of Integrated Transport Flow Indicators

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    The problem of modeling public services based on architectural and planning decisions is considered, the role of traffic in the formation of a model of city services is analyzed. An integrated criterion for the quality of public services is proposed. A method has been developed for determining segmented public services taking into account the transport areas of the city, which will make it possible to evenly disperse public service centers. The basis is a socio-planning organization, as a material-spatial system containing anthropogenic and natural components – the territory and institutions where the functional processes that take place in the urban planning environment take place. The described model has certain versatility, and is simultaneously suitable for characterizing various categories of service institutions. Thus, the task of optimizing the quality of public services in the city is reduced to a mathematical model for which, by setting the basic design criteria, the optimal result can be obtained.On the basis of a questionnaire survey and analysis of statistical data, calculation of traffic intensity, the demand and supply of the level of public services фre studied. The structural elements of this model: population, territory, transport and service institutions, are in dialectical interaction, which is described by the mathematical model in this study. The model is based on the calculation of the minimum population in the service area, which allows to have i-th type establishments using the social potential method, as well as a graph-analytical method in determining the optimal location of service institutions in the city.As a result of the research, a conceptual model of public services for cities is built, a layout of supermarkets in the territory of Uzhhorod and distribution of service areas of these institutions is proposed. This optimization will ensure uniform domestic servicing of the territory, optimal performance indicators of service establishments and minimum average service radii of points

    QuLa: service selection and forwarding table population in service-centric networking using real-life topologies

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    The amount of services located in the network has drastically increased over the last decade which is why more and more datacenters are located at the network edge, closer to the users. In the current Internet it is up to the client to select a destination using a resolution service (Domain Name System, Content Delivery Networks ...). In the last few years, research on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) suggests to put this selection responsibility at the network components; routers find the closest copy of a content object using the content name as input. We extend the principle of ICN to services; service routers forward requests to service instances located in datacenters spread across the network edge. To solve this problem, we first present a service selection algorithm based on both server and network metrics. Next, we describe a method to reduce the state required in service routers while minimizing the performance loss caused by this data reduction. Simulation results based on real-life networks show that we are able to find a near-optimal load distribution with only minimal state required in the service routers


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    The problem of modeling public services based on architectural and planning decisions is considered, the role of traffic in the formation of a model of city services is analyzed. An integrated criterion for the quality of public services is proposed. A method has been developed for determining segmented public services taking into account the transport areas of the city, which will make it possible to evenly disperse public service centers. The basis is a socio-planning organization, as a material-spatial system containing anthropogenic and natural components – the territory and institutions where the functional processes that take place in the urban planning environment take place. The described model has certain versatility, and is simultaneously suitable for characterizing various categories of service institutions. Thus, the task of optimizing the quality of public services in the city is reduced to a mathematical model for which, by setting the basic design criteria, the optimal result can be obtained. On the basis of a questionnaire survey and analysis of statistical data, calculation of traffic intensity, the demand and supply of the level of public services фre studied. The structural elements of this model: population, territory, transport and service institutions, are in dialectical interaction, which is described by the mathematical model in this study. The model is based on the calculation of the minimum population in the service area, which allows to have i-th type establishments using the social potential method, as well as a graph-analytical method in determining the optimal location of service institutions in the city. As a result of the research, a conceptual model of public services for cities is built, a layout of supermarkets in the territory of Uzhhorod and distribution of service areas of these institutions is proposed. This optimization will ensure uniform domestic servicing of the territory, optimal performance indicators of service establishments and minimum average service radii of points


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    The problem of modeling public services based on architectural and planning decisions is considered, the role of traffic in the formation of a model of city services is analyzed. An integrated criterion for the quality of public services is proposed. A method has been developed for determining segmented public services taking into account the transport areas of the city, which will make it possible to evenly disperse public service centers. The basis is a socio-planning organization, as a material-spatial system containing anthropogenic and natural components – the territory and institutions where the functional processes that take place in the urban planning environment take place. The described model has certain versatility, and is simultaneously suitable for characterizing various categories of service institutions. Thus, the task of optimizing the quality of public services in the city is reduced to a mathematical model for which, by setting the basic design criteria, the optimal result can be obtained.On the basis of a questionnaire survey and analysis of statistical data, calculation of traffic intensity, the demand and supply of the level of public services фre studied. The structural elements of this model: population, territory, transport and service institutions, are in dialectical interaction, which is described by the mathematical model in this study. The model is based on the calculation of the minimum population in the service area, which allows to have i-th type establishments using the social potential method, as well as a graph-analytical method in determining the optimal location of service institutions in the city.As a result of the research, a conceptual model of public services for cities is built, a layout of supermarkets in the territory of Uzhhorod and distribution of service areas of these institutions is proposed. This optimization will ensure uniform domestic servicing of the territory, optimal performance indicators of service establishments and minimum average service radii of points

    Effects of Prosthesis Mass on Hip Energetics, Prosthetic Knee Torque, and Prosthetic Knee Stiffness and Damping Parameters Required for Transfemoral Amputees to Walk With Normative Kinematics

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    We quantify how the hip energetics and knee torque required for an above-knee prosthesis user to walk with the kinematics of able-bodied humans vary with the inertial properties of the prosthesis. We also select and optimize passive mechanical components for a prosthetic knee to accurately reproduce the required knee torque. Previous theoretical studies have typically investigated the effects of prosthesis inertial properties on energetic parameters by modifying both mass and mass distribution of the prosthesis and computing kinetic and energetic parameters only during swing. Using inverse dynamics, we determined the effects of independently modifying mass and mass distribution of the prosthesis, and we computed parameters during both stance and swing. Results showed that reducing prosthesis mass significantly affected hip energetics, whereas reducing mass distribution did not. Reducing prosthesis mass to 25% of the mass of a physiological leg decreased peak stance hip power by 26%, average swing hip power by 74%, and absolute hip work over the gait cycle by 22%. Previous studies have also typically optimized prosthetic knee components to reproduce the knee torque generated by able-bodied humans walking with normative kinematics. However, because the prosthetic leg of an above-knee prosthesis user weighs significantly less than a physiological leg, the knee torque required for above-knee prosthesis users to walk with these kinematics may be significantly different. Again using inverse dynamics, it was found that changes in prosthesis mass and mass distribution significantly affected this required torque. Reducing the mass of the prosthesis to 25% of the mass of the physiological leg increased peak stance torque by 43% and decreased peak swing torque by 76%. The knee power required for an above-knee prosthesis user to walk with the kinematics of able-bodied humans was analyzed to select passive mechanical components for the prosthetic knee. The coefficients of the components were then optimized to replicate the torque required to walk with the kinematics of able-bodied humans. A prosthetic knee containing a single linear spring and two constant-force dampers was found to accurately replicate the targeted torque (R[superscript 2]=0.90 for a typical prosthesis). Optimal spring coefficients were found to be relatively insensitive to mass alterations of the prosthetic leg, but optimal damping coefficients were sensitive. In particular, as the masses of the segments of the prosthetic leg were altered between 25% and 100% of able-bodied values, the optimal damping coefficient of the second damper varied by 330%, with foot mass alterations having the greatest effect on its value.MIT Department of Physics Pappalardo Program (Fellowship)MIT Public Service Center FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship (1122374)MIT Tata Center for Technology and Desig