42 research outputs found

    Hybrid optical and magnetic manipulation of microrobots

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    Microrobotic systems have the potential to provide precise manipulation on cellular level for diagnostics, drug delivery and surgical interventions. These systems vary from tethered to untethered microrobots with sizes below a micrometer to a few microns. However, their main disadvantage is that they do not have the same capabilities in terms of degrees-of-freedom, sensing and control as macroscale robotic systems. In particular, their lack of on-board sensing for pose or force feedback, their control methods and interface for automated or manual user control are limited as well as their geometry has few degrees-of-freedom making three-dimensional manipulation more challenging. This PhD project is on the development of a micromanipulation framework that can be used for single cell analysis using the Optical Tweezers as well as a combination of optical trapping and magnetic actuation for recon gurable microassembly. The focus is on untethered microrobots with sizes up to a few tens of microns that can be used in enclosed environments for ex vivo and in vitro medical applications. The work presented investigates the following aspects of microrobots for single cell analysis: i) The microfabrication procedure and design considerations that are taken into account in order to fabricate components for three-dimensional micromanipulation and microassembly, ii) vision-based methods to provide 6-degree-offreedom position and orientation feedback which is essential for closed-loop control, iii) manual and shared control manipulation methodologies that take into account the user input for multiple microrobot or three-dimensional microstructure manipulation and iv) a methodology for recon gurable microassembly combining the Optical Tweezers with magnetic actuation into a hybrid method of actuation for microassembly.Open Acces

    Biophysical investigations of single cells with optically actuated microtools

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    I demonstrated that optical tweezer-based techniques are capable to explore living cells physical and biochemical properties. For example the measurement of Young’s modulus of endothelial cells or determination of adhesion force of preliminary functionalized microtools. These experiments could be carried out with precisely manipulated two-photon polymerized, purpose designed microstructures. In my thesis I investigated the glutathione's adhesion forces to brain endothelial cells using our novel holographic optical tweezer-based binding force measurement technique. In this series of experiments the used micromanipulators could prevent the cells from photodamage, furthermore the laser microfabrication made it possible to easily change the geometry of the micromanipulator’s probe as the experimental methodology required. In both type of measurement arrangements, we used a cell culturing method where the cells were grown on mask-lithography made walls, which were parallel to the optical axis what enabled us to measure the adhesion force and the stiffness in a direction perpendicular to the cell membrane by approximation of the cell via lateral movement of the trapped microstructure. Our method could be extended in the future to differentiate between multiple and single binding events, to characterize other BBB targeting ligands with the adhesion force on living cells or even to select novel targeting molecules. The functionalization protocol could be easily adapted to immobilize those molecules with covalent bonds, thanks to the variety of PEG-linkers

    The development of optical nanomachines for studying molecules : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechatronics Engineering at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Chapter 3 is ©2020 IEEE. Accepted manuscript is reprinted, with permission, from 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). Chapter 5 is ©2022 IEEE. Accepted manuscript is reprinted, with permission, from 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS).Optical tweezers have been used for a number of applications since their invention by Arthur Ashkin in 1986, and are particularly useful for biological and biophysical studies due to their exceptionally high spatial and force-based resolution. The same intense laser focus that allows light to be used as a tool for micro-nanoscale manipulation also has the potential to damage the objects being studied, and the extremely high force resolution is coupled with the limitation of very low forces. There is potential to overcome these drawbacks of optical manipulation through making use of another laser based technique: two-photon absorption polymerisation (TPAP). This thesis has brought these together to demonstrate the uses of optical nanomachines as helpful tools for optical tweezer studies. The project was highly interdisciplinary, concerning the intersection of optical trapping, 3D micromachine design and development, and DNA stretching. The thesis was based around the strategy of first developing microrobots and demonstrating their manipulation using optical tweezers, then adjusting the design for specific applications. Microlevers were developed for lever-assisted DNA stretching and amplification of optical forces. The influence of design features and TPAP parameters on microlever functionality was investigated; particularly the influence of overlapping area and presence of supports, and the effects of differently shaped "trapping handles". These features were important as lever functionality was tested in solutions of different ionic strength, and stable trapping of the levers was required for force amplification. DNA stretching was chosen as a target application for distanced-application of optical forces due to its status as a well-known and characterised example of single-molecule studies with optical tweezers. Amplification of optical forces was also seen as an application that could demonstrate the utility of optical micromachines, and microlevers with a 2:1 lever arm ratio were developed to produce consistent, two-fold amplification of optical forces, in a first for unsupported, pin-jointed optical microrobotics. It is hoped that in the future fully-remote, micromachine-assisted studies will extend optical tweezer studies of laser-sensitive subjects, as well as increasing the forces that can be applied, and the results obtained in this thesis are encouraging. All in all, the thesis confirms the potential of optical micromachines for aiding studies using optical tweezers, and demonstrates concrete progress in both design and application

    A robot-assisted acoustofluidic end effector

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    Liquid manipulation is the foundation of most laboratory processes. For macroscale liquid handling, both do-it-yourself and commercial robotic systems are available; however, for microscale, reagents are expensive and sample preparation is difficult. Over the last decade, lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems have come to serve for microscale liquid manipulation; however, lacking automation andmulti-functionality. Despite their potential synergies, each has grown separately and no suitable interface yet exists to link macro-level robotics with micro-level LOC or microfluidic devices. Here, we present a robot-assisted acoustofluidic end effector (RAEE) system, comprising a robotic arm and an acoustofluidic end effector, that combines robotics and microfluidic functionalities.We further carried out fluid pumping, particle and zebrafish embryo trapping, and mobile mixing of complex viscous liquids. Finally, we pre-programmed the RAEE to perform automatedmixing of viscous liquids in well plates, illustrating its versatility for the automatic execution of chemical processes

    A robot-assisted acoustofluidic end effector

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    Liquid manipulation is the foundation of most laboratory processes. For macroscale liquid handling, both do-it-yourself and commercial robotic systems are available; however, for microscale, reagents are expensive and sample preparation is difficult. Over the last decade, lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems have come to serve for microscale liquid manipulation; however, lacking automation and multi-functionality. Despite their potential synergies, each has grown separately and no suitable interface yet exists to link macro-level robotics with micro-level LOC or microfluidic devices. Here, we present a robot-assisted acoustofluidic end effector (RAEE) system, comprising a robotic arm and an acoustofluidic end effector, that combines robotics and microfluidic functionalities. We further carried out fluid pumping, particle and zebrafish embryo trapping, and mobile mixing of complex viscous liquids. Finally, we pre-programmed the RAEE to perform automated mixing of viscous liquids in well plates, illustrating its versatility for the automatic execution of chemical processes


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    Over the past decade, MEMS-based cantilever sensors have been widely used in the detection of biomolecules, environmental pollutants, chemicals and pathogens. Cantilever-based sensors rely on attachment of target entities on their surface. The attachment causes either change in surface stress or resonance frequency of the cantilever, which is detected using various schemes that range from optical to piezoelectric. The majority of these sensors rely on probabilistic attachment of multiple target entities to the sensor surface. This introduces uncertainties since the location of the adsorbed target entity can modify the signal generated by the sensor. In addition, it does not allow the measurement of individually selected target entities. The goal of this dissertation is to exploit the cantilever-based sensors\u27 mass sensing capability to develop a supermarket weight scale for the micro world: a scheme that can enable the user to pick an individual target entity and weigh only that particular entity by precisely positioning it on a micro- weight scale

    Microwave Photonic Characterization of High Temperature Superconducting Optoelectronic Devices

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    The increasing demand for high performance communications systems and signal processing is constantly driving researchers to develop novel devices in both the microwave and optical domains. The possibility of using high temperature superconductors (HTS) as a platform for ultra-fast, ultra-high sensitive optoelectronic and microwave photonic devices has been explored. This report introduces a cryogenic microwave photonic probe station, designed and built to characterize HTS microwave photonic devices. A methodology is presented to design coplanar waveguide transmission lines using HTS. The transmission line is then modified to include a meander line structure to serve the optoelectronic function. The device is characterized in several different operating domains, as an optically tunable microwave resonator, an optically tunable delay line, and finally as a photodetector. A planar HTS weak leak structure is investigated with the measurements of the I-V characteristics. Moreover, this device is proposed as the next generation platform to fabricate ultra-fast and ultra-high sensitive photodetectors using HTS

    Workshop on "Robotic assembly of 3D MEMS".

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    Proceedings of a workshop proposed in IEEE IROS'2007.The increase of MEMS' functionalities often requires the integration of various technologies used for mechanical, optical and electronic subsystems in order to achieve a unique system. These different technologies have usually process incompatibilities and the whole microsystem can not be obtained monolithically and then requires microassembly steps. Microassembly of MEMS based on micrometric components is one of the most promising approaches to achieve high-performance MEMS. Moreover, microassembly also permits to develop suitable MEMS packaging as well as 3D components although microfabrication technologies are usually able to create 2D and "2.5D" components. The study of microassembly methods is consequently a high stake for MEMS technologies growth. Two approaches are currently developped for microassembly: self-assembly and robotic microassembly. In the first one, the assembly is highly parallel but the efficiency and the flexibility still stay low. The robotic approach has the potential to reach precise and reliable assembly with high flexibility. The proposed workshop focuses on this second approach and will take a bearing of the corresponding microrobotic issues. Beyond the microfabrication technologies, performing MEMS microassembly requires, micromanipulation strategies, microworld dynamics and attachment technologies. The design and the fabrication of the microrobot end-effectors as well as the assembled micro-parts require the use of microfabrication technologies. Moreover new micromanipulation strategies are necessary to handle and position micro-parts with sufficiently high accuracy during assembly. The dynamic behaviour of micrometric objects has also to be studied and controlled. Finally, after positioning the micro-part, attachment technologies are necessary

    Optical trapping: optical interferometric metrology and nanophotonics

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    The two main themes in this thesis are the implementation of interference methods with optically trapped particles for measurements of position and optical phase (optical interferometric metrology) and the optical manipulation of nanoparticles for studies in the assembly of nanostructures, nanoscale heating and nonlinear optics (nanophotonics). The first part of the thesis (chapter 1, 2) provides an introductory overview to optical trapping and describes the basic experimental instrument used in the thesis respectively. The second part of the thesis (chapters 3 to 5) investigates the use of optical interferometric patterns of the diffracting light fields from optically trapped microparticles for three types of measurements: calibrating particle positions in an optical trap, determining the stiffness of an optical trap and measuring the change in phase or coherence of a given light field. The third part of the thesis (chapters 6 to 8) studies the interactions between optical traps and nanoparticles in three separate experiments: the optical manipulation of dielectric enhanced semiconductor nanoparticles, heating of optically trapped gold nanoparticles and collective optical response from an ensemble of optically trapped dielectric nanoparticles