71 research outputs found

    Thermographic non-destructive evaluation for natural fiber-reinforced composite laminates

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    Natural fibers, including mineral and plant fibers, are increasingly used for polymer composite materials due to their low environmental impact. In this paper, thermographic non-destructive inspection techniques were used to evaluate and characterize basalt, jute/hemp and bagasse fibers composite panels. Different defects were analyzed in terms of impact damage, delaminations and resin abnormalities. Of particular interest, homogeneous particleboards of sugarcane bagasse, a new plant fiber material, were studied. Pulsed phase thermography and principal component thermography were used as the post-processing methods. In addition, ultrasonic C-scan and continuous wave terahertz imaging were also carried out on the mineral fiber laminates for comparative purposes. Finally, an analytical comparison of different methods was give

    Nondestructive evaluation of low-velocity impact-induced damage in basalt-carbon hybrid composite laminates using eddy current-pulsed thermography

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    Recently, basalt-carbon hybrid composite structures have attracted increasing attention due to their better damage tolerance, if compared with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites (CFRP). Low-velocity is considered as one of the most severe threats to composite materials as it is usually invisible and it occurs frequently in service. With this regard, nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques, especially emerging modalities, are expected to be an effective damage detection method. Eddy current-pulsed thermography (ECPT), as an emerging NDT technique, was used to evaluate the damage induced by low-velocity impact loading in a CFRP laminate, as well as in two different-structured basalt-carbon hybrid composite laminates. In addition, ultrasonic C-scan and x-ray computed tomography were performed to validate the thermographic results. Pulsed phase thermography, principal component thermography, and partial least squares thermography were used to process the thermal data and to retrieve the damage imagery. Then, a further analysis was performed on the imagery and temperature profile. As a result, it is concluded that ECPT is an effective technique for hybrid composite evaluation. The impact energy tends to create an interlaminar damage in a sandwich-like structure, while it tends to create an intralaminar damage in an intercalated stacking structure

    Comparative study of infrared thermography, ultrasonic C-scan, X-ray computed tomography and terahertz imaging on composite materials

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    L’évaluation non destructive (NDT) des matériaux composites est compliquée en raison de la vaste gamme de défauts rencontrés (y compris délaminage, microfissuration, fracture de la fibre, retrait des fibres, fissuration matricielle, inclusions, vides et dommages aux chocs). La capacité de caractériser quantitativement le type, la géométrie et l’orientation des défauts est essentielle. La thermographie infrarouge (IRT), en tant que technique de diagnostic d’image, peut satisfaire le besoin industriel croissant de NDT&E. Dans la thèse, la thermographie par excitation optique et mécanique a été utilisée pour étudier différents matériaux composites, dont 1) des préformes sèches en fibres de carbone, 2) des composites de fibres naturelles, 3) des composites hybrides de basalte-fibres de carbone soumis à une charge d’impact (séquence de type sandwich et séquence d’empilement intercalé), 4) des défauts micro-dimensionnés dans un composite polymère renforcé de fibre de carbone (CFRP) en 3D avec une couture de type « joint en T », et 5) des peintures sur toile qui peuvent être considérées comme des matériaux composites. Une nouvelle technique IRT de thermographie de ligne par micro-laser (micro-LLT) a été proposée pour l’évaluation des porosités submillimétriques dans le CFRP. La microscopie de points par micro-laser (micro-LST) et la micro-vibrothermographie (micro-VT) ont également été présentées avec l’utilisation de microlentilles. La thermographie pulsée (PT) et la thermographie modulée « à verrouillage » (LT) ont été comparées à la tomographie par rayons X (TC) pour validation. Le C-scan ultrasonore (UT) et l’imagerie par ondes tera-hertziennes en onde continue (CW THz) ont également été réalisés à des fins comparatives. L’inspection par techniques thermographiques est une question ouverte à discuter pour le public scientifique. En fait, la thermographie par impulsions (PPT) basée sur la transformation de phase a été utilisée pour estimer la profondeur des dommages. Pour traiter les données thermographiques, on a également utilisé la reconstruction de signal thermographique de base (B-TSR), la thermographie des composants principaux (PCT) et la thermographie des moindres carrés partiels (PLST). Enfin, une analyse complète et comparative basée sur le diagnostic d’images thermographiques a été menée en vue d’applications industrielles potentielles.Non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite materials is complicated due to the wide range off laws encountered (including delamination, micro-cracking, fiber fracture, fiber pullout, matrix cracking, inclusions, voids, and impact damage). The ability to quantitatively characterize the type, geometry, and orientation of flaws is essential. Infrared thermography (IRT), as an image diagnostic technique, can satisfy the increasing industrial need for NDT&E. In the thesis, optical and mechanical excitation thermography were used to investigate different composite materials, including 1) carbon fiber dry preforms, 2) natural fiber composites, 3) basalt-carbon fiber hybrid composites subjected to impact loading (sandwich-like and intercalated stacking sequence), 4) micro-sized flaws in a stitched T-joint 3D carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite (CFRP), and 5) paintings on canvas which can be considered as composite materials. Of particular interest, a new IRT technique micro-laser line thermography (micro-LLT) was proposed for the evaluation of submillimeter porosities in CFRP. Micro-laser spot thermography (micro-LST) and micro-vibrothermography (micro-VT) were also presented with the usage of a micro-lens. Pulsed thermography (PT) and lock-in thermography (LT) were compared with x-ray computed tomography (CT) for validation. Ultrasonic C-scan (UT) and continuous wave terahertz imaging (CW THz) were also conducted for the comparative purpose. The inspection by thermographic techniques is an open matter to be discussed for the scientific audience. In fact, pulse phase thermography (PPT) based on phase transform was used to estimate the damage depth. Basic thermographic signal reconstruction (B-TSR), principal component thermography (PCT) and partial least squares thermography (PLST) (another more recent advanced image processing technique) were also used to pro-cess the thermographic data. Finally, a comprehensive and comparative analysis based on thermographic image diagnostics was conducted in view of potential industrial applications

    Strain state detection in composite structures: Review and new challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Strain State Detection in Composite Structures: Review and New Challenges

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    Developing an advanced monitoring system for strain measurements on structural components represents a significant task, both in relation to testing of in-service parameters and early identification of structural problems. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on strain detection techniques in composite structures. The review represented a good opportunity for direct comparison of different novel strain measurement techniques. Fibers Bragg grating (FBG) was discussed as well as non-contact techniques together with semiconductor strain gauges (SGs), specifically infrared (IR) thermography and the digital image correlation (DIC) applied in order to detect strain and failure growth during the tests. The challenges of the research community are finally discussed by opening the current scenario to new objectives and industrial applications

    Characterization and Modelling of Composites

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    Composites have increasingly been used in various structural components in the aerospace, marine, automotive, and wind energy sectors. The material characterization of composites is a vital part of the product development and production process. Physical, mechanical, and chemical characterization helps developers to further their understanding of products and materials, thus ensuring quality control. Achieving an in-depth understanding and consequent improvement of the general performance of these materials, however, still requires complex material modeling and simulation tools, which are often multiscale and encompass multiphysics. This Special Issue aims to solicit papers concerning promising, recent developments in composite modeling, simulation, and characterization, in both design and manufacturing areas, including experimental as well as industrial-scale case studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process and will only be considered for publication if they meet journal standards. Selected top articles may have their processing charges waived at the recommendation of reviewers and the Guest Editor

    Nondestructive Testing in Composite Materials

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    In this era of technological progress and given the need for welfare and safety, everything that is manufactured and maintained must comply with such needs. We would all like to live in a safe house that will not collapse on us. We would all like to walk on a safe road and never see a chasm open in front of us. We would all like to cross a bridge and reach the other side safely. We all would like to feel safe and secure when taking a plane, ship, train, or using any equipment. All this may be possible with the adoption of adequate manufacturing processes, with non-destructive inspection of final parts and monitoring during the in-service life of components. Above all, maintenance should be imperative. This requires effective non-destructive testing techniques and procedures. This Special Issue is a collection of some of the latest research in these areas, aiming to highlight new ideas and ways to deal with challenging issues worldwide. Different types of materials and structures are considered, different non-destructive testing techniques are employed with new approaches for data treatment proposed as well as numerical simulations. This can serve as food for thought for the community involved in the inspection of materials and structures as well as condition monitoring

    Comparative study of microlaser excitation thermography and microultrasonic excitation thermography for submillimeter porosity in carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites

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    Stitching is used to reduce incomplete infusion of T-joint core (dry-core) and reinforce T-joint structure. However, it may cause new types of flaws, especially submillimeter flaws. Thermographic approaches including microvibrothermography, microlaser line thermography, and microlaser spot thermography on the basis of pulsed and lock-in techniques were proposed. These techniques are used to detect the submillimeter porosities in a stitched T-joint carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite specimen. X-ray microcomputed tomography was used to validate the thermographic results. Finally an experimental comparison of microlaser excitation thermography and microultrasonic excitation thermography was conducte

    Impact modelling and a posteriori non-destructive evaluation of homogeneous particleboards of sugarcane bagasse

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    With a view to gaining an in-depth assessment of the response of particleboards (PBs) to different in-service loading conditions, samples of high-density homogeneous PBs of sugarcane bagasse and castor oil polyurethane resin were manufactured and subjected to low velocity impacts using an instrumented drop weight impact tower and four different energy levels, namely 5, 10, 20 and 30 J. The prediction of the damage modes was assessed using Comsol Multiphysics ® . ®. In particular, the random distribution of the fibres and their lengths were reproduced through a robust model. The experimentally obtained dent depths due to the impactor were compared with the ones numerically simulated showing good agreement. The post-impact damage was evaluated by a simultaneous system of image acquisitions coming from two different sensors. In particular, thermograms were recorded during the heating up and cooling down phases, while the specklegrams were gathered one at room temperature (as reference) and the remaining during the cooling down phase. On one hand, the specklegrams were processed via a new software package named Ncorr v.1.2, which is an open-source subset-based 2D digital image correlation (DIC) package that combines modern DIC algorithms proposed in the literature with additional enhancements. On the other hand, the thermographic results linked to a square pulse were compared with those coming from the laser line thermography technique that heats a line-region on the surface of the sample instead of a spot. Surprisingly, both the vibrothermography and the line scanning thermography methods coupled with a robotized system show substantial advantages in the defect detection around the impacted zone