2,038 research outputs found

    Optical fiber fabrication using novel gas-phase deposition technique

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    We report a highly versatile chemical-in-crucible preform fabrication technique suitable for gas-phase deposition of doped optical fibers. Aluminosilicate and ytterbium-doped phosphosilicate fibers are presented demonstrating the technique and its potential for realizing complex fiber designs that are suitable for the next generation of high-power fiber devices. The results show aluminum-doped fiber with numerical aperture of 0.28 and ytterbium-doped fiber with a measured slope efficiency of 84% with respect to pump launch power

    Fabrication of Active Polymer Optical Fibers by Solution Doping and Their Characterization

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    This paper employs the solution-doping technique for the fabrication of active polymer optical fibers (POFs), in which the dopant molecules are directly incorporated into the core of non-doped uncladded fibers. Firstly, we characterize the insertion of a solution of rhodamine B and methanol into the core of the fiber samples at different temperatures, and we show that better optical characteristics, especially in the attenuation coefficient, are achieved at lower temperatures. Moreover, we also analyze the dependence of the emission features of doped fibers on both the propagation distance and the excitation time. Some of these features and the corresponding ones reported in the literature for typical active POFs doped with the same dopant are quantitatively similar among them. This applies to the spectral location of the absorption and the emission bands, the spectral displacement with propagation distance, and the linear attenuation coefficient. The samples prepared in the way described in this work present higher photostability than typical samples reported in the literature, which are prepared in different ways.This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R) and by Eusko Jaurlaritza (ELKARTEK KK-2016/0030, ELKARTEK KK-2016/0059, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00033, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00089, IT933-16). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua, while working on a Ph.D. degree

    Asymptotic solutions of glass temperature profiles during steady optical fibre drawing

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    In this paper we derive realistic simplified models for the high-speed drawing of glass optical fibres via the downdraw method, that capture the fluid dynamics and heat transport in the fibre via conduction, convection and radiative heating. We exploit the small aspect ratio of the fibre and the relative orders of magnitude of the dimensionless parameters that characterize the heat transfer to reduce the problem to one- or two-dimensional systems via asymptotic analysis. The resulting equations may be readily solved numerically and in many cases admit exact analytic solutions. The systematic asymptotic breakdown presented is used to elucidate the relative importance of furnace temperature profile, convection, surface radiation and conduction in each portion of the furnace and the role of each in controlling the glass temperature.\ud \ud The models derived predict many of the qualitative features observed in the real industrial process, such as the glass temperature profile within the furnace and the sharp transition in fibre thickness. The models thus offer a desirable route to quick scenario testing, providing valuable practical information into the dependencies of the solution on the parameters and the dominant heat-transport mechanism

    Diffusion and interface effects during preparation of all-solid microstructured fibers

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    All-solid microstructured optical fibers (MOF) allow the realization of very flexible optical waveguide designs. They are prepared by stacking of doped silica rods or canes in complex arrangements. Typical dopants in silica matrices are germanium and phosphorus to increase the refractive index (RI), or boron and fluorine to decrease the RI. However, the direct interface contact of stacking elements often causes interrelated chemical reactions or evaporation during thermal processing. The obtained fiber structures after the final drawing step thus tend to deviate from the targeted structure risking degrading their favored optical functionality. Dopant profiles and design parameters(e.g., the RI homogeneity of the cladding) are controlled by the combination of diffusion and equilibrium conditions of evaporation reactions. We show simulation results of diffusion and thermal dissociation in germanium and fluorine doped silica rod arrangements according to the monitored geometrical disturbances in stretched canes or drawn fibers. The paper indicates geometrical limits of dopant structures in sub-μm-level depending on the dopant concentration and the thermal conditions during the drawing process. The presented results thus enable an optimized planning of the preform parameters avoiding unwanted alterations in dopant concentration profiles or in design parameters encountered during the drawing process

    A New Scintillator Tile/Fiber Preshower Detector for the CDF Central Calorimeter

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    A detector designed to measure early particle showers has been installed in front of the central CDF calorimeter at the Tevatron. This new preshower detector is based on scintillator tiles coupled to wavelength-shifting fibers read out by multi-anode photomultipliers and has a total of 3,072 readout channels. The replacement of the old gas detector was required due to an expected increase in instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron collider in the next few years. Calorimeter coverage, jet energy resolution, and electron and photon identification are among the expected improvements. The final detector design, together with the R&D studies that led to the choice of scintillator and fiber, mechanical assembly, and quality control are presented. The detector was installed in the fall 2004 Tevatron shutdown and started collecting colliding beam data by the end of the same year. First measurements indicate a light yield of 12 photoelectrons/MIP, a more than two-fold increase over the design goals.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figures (changes are minor; this is the final version published in IEEE-Trans.Nucl.Sci.

    Control of complex structural geometry in optical fibre drawing

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    Drawing of standard telecommunication-type optical fibres has been optimised in terms of optical and physical properties. Specialty fibres, however, typically have more complex dopant profiles. Designs with high dopant concentrations and multidoping are common, making control of the fabrication process particularly important. In photonic crystal fibres (PCF) the inclusion of air-structures imposes a new challenge for the drawing process. The aim of this study is to gain profound insight into the behaviour of complex optical fibre structures during the final fabrication step, fibre drawing. Two types of optical fibre, namely conventional silica fibres and PCFs, were studied. Germanium and fluorine diffusion during drawing was studied experimentally and a numerical analysis was performed of the effects of drawing parameters on diffusion. An experimental study of geometry control of PCFs during drawing was conducted with emphasis given to the control of hole size. The effects of the various drawing parameters and their suitability for controlling the air-structure was studied. The effect of air-structures on heat transfer in PCFs was studied using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Both germanium and fluorine were found to diffuse at high temperature and low draw speed. A diffusion coefficent for germanium was determined and simulations showed that most diffusion occurred in the neck-down region. Draw temperature and preform feed rate had a comparable effect on diffusion. The hole size in PCFs was shown to depend on the draw temperature, preform feed rate and the preform internal pressure. Pressure was shown to be the most promising parameter for on-line control of the hole size. Heat transfer simulations showed that the air-structure had a significant effect on the temperature profile of the structure. It was also shown that the preform heating time was either increased or reduced compared to a solid structure and depended on the air-fraction

    Control of complex structural geometry in optical fibre drawing

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    Drawing of standard telecommunication-type optical fibres has been optimised in terms of optical and physical properties. Specialty fibres, however, typically have more complex dopant profiles. Designs with high dopant concentrations and multidoping are common, making control of the fabrication process particularly important. In photonic crystal fibres (PCF) the inclusion of air-structures imposes a new challenge for the drawing process. The aim of this study is to gain profound insight into the behaviour of complex optical fibre structures during the final fabrication step, fibre drawing. Two types of optical fibre, namely conventional silica fibres and PCFs, were studied. Germanium and fluorine diffusion during drawing was studied experimentally and a numerical analysis was performed of the effects of drawing parameters on diffusion. An experimental study of geometry control of PCFs during drawing was conducted with emphasis given to the control of hole size. The effects of the various drawing parameters and their suitability for controlling the air-structure was studied. The effect of air-structures on heat transfer in PCFs was studied using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Both germanium and fluorine were found to diffuse at high temperature and low draw speed. A diffusion coefficent for germanium was determined and simulations showed that most diffusion occurred in the neck-down region. Draw temperature and preform feed rate had a comparable effect on diffusion. The hole size in PCFs was shown to depend on the draw temperature, preform feed rate and the preform internal pressure. Pressure was shown to be the most promising parameter for on-line control of the hole size. Heat transfer simulations showed that the air-structure had a significant effect on the temperature profile of the structure. It was also shown that the preform heating time was either increased or reduced compared to a solid structure and depended on the air-fraction