40 research outputs found

    Opportunistic Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm for Real-Time Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm (SOMA) is a meta-heuristic algorithm based on the self-organizing behavior of individuals in a simulated social environment. SOMA performs iterative computations on a population of potential solutions in the given search space to obtain an optimal solution. In this paper, an Opportunistic Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm (OSOMA) has been proposed that introduces a novel strategy to generate perturbations effectively. This strategy allows the individual to span across more possible solutions and thus, is able to produce better solutions. A comprehensive analysis of OSOMA on multi-dimensional unconstrained benchmark test functions is performed. OSOMA is then applied to solve real-time Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem (DTSP). The problem of real-time DTSP has been stipulated and simulated using real-time data from Google Maps with a varying cost-metric between any two cities. Although DTSP is a very common and intuitive model in the real world, its presence in literature is still very limited. OSOMA performs exceptionally well on the problems mentioned above. To substantiate this claim, the performance of OSOMA is compared with SOMA, Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization.Comment: 6 pages, published in CISS 201

    Nature Inspired Business Algorithms

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    Bioinspired Computing: Swarm Intelligence

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    Code offloading in opportunistic computing

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    With the advent of cloud computing, applications are no longer tied to a single device, but they can be migrated to a high-performance machine located in a distant data center. The key advantage is the enhancement of performance and consequently, the users experience. This activity is commonly referred computational offloading and it has been strenuously investigated in the past years. The natural candidate for computational offloading is the cloud, but recent results point out the hidden costs of cloud reliance in terms of latency and energy; Cuervo et. al. illustrates the limitations on cloud-based computational offloading based on WANs latency times. The dissertation confirms the results of Cuervo et. al. and illustrates more use cases where the cloud may not be the right choice. This dissertation addresses the following question: is it possible to build a novel approach for offloading the computation that overcomes the limitations of the state-of-the-art? In other words, is it possible to create a computational offloading solution that is able to use local resources when the Cloud is not usable, and remove the strong bond with the local infrastructure? To this extent, I propose a novel paradigm for computation offloading named anyrun computing, whose goal is to use any piece of higher-end hardware (locally or remotely accessible) to offloading a portion of the application. With anyrun computing I removed the boundaries that tie the solution to an infrastructure by adding locally available devices to augment the chances to succeed in offloading. To achieve the goals of the dissertation it is fundamental to have a clear view of all the steps that take part in the offloading process. To this extent, I firstly provided a categorization of such activities combined with their interactions and assessed the impact on the system. The outcome of the analysis is the mapping to the problem to a combinatorial optimization problem that is notoriously known to be NP-Hard. There are a set of well-known approaches to solving such kind of problems, but in this scenario, they cannot be used because they require a global view that can be only maintained by a centralized infrastructure. Thus, local solutions are needed. Moving further, to empirically tackle the anyrun computing paradigm, I propose the anyrun computing framework (ARC), a novel software framework whose objective is to decide whether to offload or not to any resource-rich device willing to lend assistance is advantageous compared to local execution with respect to a rich array of performance dimensions. The core of ARC is the nference nodel which receives a rich set of information about the available remote devices from the SCAMPI opportunistic computing framework developed within the European project SCAMPI, and employs the information to profile a given device, in other words, it decides whether offloading is advantageous compared to local execution, i.e. whether it can reduce the local footprint compared to local execution in the dimensions of interest (CPU and RAM usage, execution time, and energy consumption). To empirically evaluate ARC I presented a set of experimental results on the cloud, cloudlet, and opportunistic domain. In the cloud domain, I used the state of the art in cloud solutions over a set of significant benchmark problems and with three WANs access technologies (i.e. 3G, 4G, and high-speed WAN). The main outcome is that the cloud is an appealing solution for a wide variety of problems, but there is a set of circumstances where the cloud performs poorly. Moreover, I have empirically shown the limitations of cloud-based approaches, specifically, In some circumstances, problems with high transmission costs tend to perform poorly, unless they have high computational needs. The second part of the evaluation is done in opportunistic/cloudlet scenarios where I used my custom-made testbed to compare ARC and MAUI, the state of the art in computation offloading. To this extent, I have performed two distinct experiments: the first with a cloudlet environment and the second with an opportunistic environment. The key outcome is that ARC virtually matches the performances of MAUI (in terms of energy savings) in cloudlet environment, but it improves them by a 50% to 60% in the opportunistic domain

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    Approches générales de résolution pour les problèmes multi-attributs de tournées de véhicules et confection d'horaires

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    Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de TroyesLe problème de tournées de véhicules (VRP) implique de planifier les itinéraires d'une flotte de véhicules afin de desservir un ensemble de clients à moindre coût. Ce problème d'optimisation combinatoire NP-difficile apparait dans de nombreux domaines d'application, notamment en logistique, télécommunications, robotique ou gestion de crise dans des contextes militaires et humanitaires. Ces applications amènent différents contraintes, objectifs et décisions supplémentaires ; des "attributs" qui viennent compléter les formulations classiques du problème. Les nombreux VRP Multi-Attributs (MAVRP) qui s'ensuivent sont le support d'une littérature considérable, mais qui manque de méthodes généralistes capables de traiter efficacement un éventail significatif de variantes. Par ailleurs, la résolution de problèmes "riches", combinant de nombreux attributs, pose d'importantes difficultés méthodologiques. Cette thèse contribue à relever ces défis par le biais d'analyses structurelles des problèmes, de développements de stratégies métaheuristiques, et de méthodes unifiées. Nous présentons tout d'abord une étude transversale des concepts à succès de 64 méta-heuristiques pour 15 MAVRP afin d'en cerner les "stratégies gagnantes". Puis, nous analysons les problèmes et algorithmes d'ajustement d'horaires en présence d'une séquence de tâches fixée, appelés problèmes de "timing". Ces méthodes, développées indépendamment dans différents domaines de recherche liés au transport, ordonnancement, allocation de ressource et même régression isotonique, sont unifiés dans une revue multidisciplinaire. Un algorithme génétique hybride efficace est ensuite proposé, combinant l'exploration large des méthodes évolutionnaires, les capacités d'amélioration agressive des métaheuristiques à voisinage, et une évaluation bi-critère des solutions considérant coût et contribution à la diversité de la population. Les meilleures solutions connues de la littérature sont retrouvées ou améliorées pour le VRP classique ainsi que des variantes avec multiples dépôts et périodes. La méthode est étendue aux VRP avec contraintes de fenêtres de temps, durée de route, et horaires de conducteurs. Ces applications mettent en jeu de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation efficaces de contraintes temporelles relaxées, des phases de décomposition, et des recherches arborescentes pour l'insertion des pauses des conducteurs. Un algorithme de gestion implicite du placement des dépôts au cours de recherches locales, par programmation dynamique, est aussi proposé. Des études expérimentales approfondies démontrent la contribution notable des nouvelles stratégies au sein de plusieurs cadres méta-heuristiques. Afin de traiter la variété des attributs, un cadre de résolution heuristique modulaire est présenté ainsi qu'un algorithme génétique hybride unifié (UHGS). Les attributs sont gérés par des composants élémentaires adaptatifs. Des expérimentations sur 26 variantes du VRP et 39 groupes d'instances démontrent la performance remarquable de UHGS qui, avec une unique implémentation et paramétrage, égalise ou surpasse les nombreux algorithmes dédiés, issus de plus de 180 articles, révélant ainsi que la généralité ne s'obtient pas forcément aux dépends de l'efficacité pour cette classe de problèmes. Enfin, pour traiter les problèmes riches, UHGS est étendu au sein d'un cadre de résolution parallèle coopératif à base de décomposition, d'intégration de solutions partielles, et de recherche guidée. L'ensemble de ces travaux permet de jeter un nouveau regard sur les MAVRP et les problèmes de timing, leur résolution par des méthodes méta-heuristiques, ainsi que les méthodes généralistes pour l'optimisation combinatoire.The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) involves designing least cost delivery routes to service a geographically-dispersed set of customers while taking into account vehicle-capacity constraints. This NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem is linked with multiple applications in logistics, telecommunications, robotics, crisis management in military and humanitarian frameworks, among others. Practical routing applications are usually quite distinct from the academic cases, encompassing additional sets of specific constraints, objectives and decisions which breed further new problem variants. The resulting "Multi-Attribute" Vehicle Routing Problems (MAVRP) are the support of a vast literature which, however, lacks unified methods capable of addressing multiple MAVRP. In addition, some "rich" VRPs, i.e. those that involve several attributes, may be difficult to address because of the wide array of combined and possibly antagonistic decisions they require. This thesis contributes to address these challenges by means of problem structure analysis, new metaheuristics and unified method developments. The "winning strategies" of 64 state-of-the-art algorithms for 15 different MAVRP are scrutinized in a unifying review. Another analysis is targeted on "timing" problems and algorithms for adjusting the execution dates of a given sequence of tasks. Such methods, independently studied in different research domains related to routing, scheduling, resource allocation, and even isotonic regression are here surveyed in a multidisciplinary review. A Hybrid Genetic Search with Advanced Diversity Control (HGSADC) is then introduced, which combines the exploration breadth of population-based evolutionary search, the aggressive-improvement capabilities of neighborhood-based metaheuristics, and a bi-criteria evaluation of solutions based on cost and diversity measures. Results of remarkable quality are achieved on classic benchmark instances of the capacitated VRP, the multi-depot VRP, and the periodic VRP. Further extensions of the method to VRP variants with constraints on time windows, limited route duration, and truck drivers' statutory pauses are also proposed. New route and neighborhood evaluation procedures are introduced to manage penalized infeasible solutions w.r.t. to time-window and duration constraints. Tree-search procedures are used for drivers' rest scheduling, as well as advanced search limitation strategies, memories and decomposition phases. A dynamic programming-based neighborhood search is introduced to optimally select the depot, vehicle type, and first customer visited in the route during local searches. The notable contribution of these new methodological elements is assessed within two different metaheuristic frameworks. To further advance general-purpose MAVRP methods, we introduce a new component-based heuristic resolution framework and a Unified Hybrid Genetic Search (UHGS), which relies on modular self-adaptive components for addressing problem specifics. Computational experiments demonstrate the groundbreaking performance of UHGS. With a single implementation, unique parameter setting and termination criterion, this algorithm matches or outperforms all current problem-tailored methods from more than 180 articles, on 26 vehicle routing variants and 39 benchmark sets. To address rich problems, UHGS was included in a new parallel cooperative solution framework called "Integrative Cooperative Search (ICS)", based on problem decompositions, partial solutions integration, and global search guidance. This compendium of results provides a novel view on a wide range of MAVRP and timing problems, on efficient heuristic searches, and on general-purpose solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems