27 research outputs found

    Joint Head Selection and Airtime Allocation for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks

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    Mobile social networks (MSNs) enable people with similar interests to interact without Internet access. By forming a temporary group, users can disseminate their data to other interested users in proximity with short-range communication technologies. However, due to user mobility, airtime available for users in the same group to disseminate data is limited. In addition, for practical consideration, a star network topology among users in the group is expected. For the former, unfair airtime allocation among the users will undermine their willingness to participate in MSNs. For the latter, a group head is required to connect other users. These two problems have to be properly addressed to enable real implementation and adoption of MSNs. To this aim, we propose a Nash bargaining-based joint head selection and airtime allocation scheme for data dissemination within the group. Specifically, the bargaining game of joint head selection and airtime allocation is first formulated. Then, Nash bargaining solution (NBS) based optimization problems are proposed for a homogeneous case and a more general heterogeneous case. For both cases, the existence of solution to the optimization problem is proved, which guarantees Pareto optimality and proportional fairness. Next, an algorithm, allowing distributed implementation, for join head selection and airtime allocation is introduced. Finally, numerical results are presented to evaluate the performance, validate intuitions and derive insights of the proposed scheme

    Content Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks

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    Mobile social networking(MSN) has emerged as an effective platform for social network users to pervasively disseminate the contents such as news, tips, book information, music, video and so on. In content dissemination, mobile social network users receive content or information from their friends, acquaintances or neighbors, and selectively forward the content or information to others. The content generators and receivers have different motivation and requirements to disseminate the contents according to the properties of the contents, which makes it a challenging and meaningful problem to effectively disseminate the content to the appropriate users. In this dissertation, the typical content dissemination scenarios in MSNs are investigated. According to the content properties, the corresponding user requirements are analyzed. First, a Bayesian framework is formulated to model the factors that influence users behavior on streaming video dissemination. An effective dissemination path detection algorithm is derived to detect the reliable and efficient video transmission paths. Second, the authorized content is investigated. We analyze the characteristics of the authorized content, and model the dissemination problem as a new graph problem, namely, Maximum Weighted Connected subgraph with node Quota (MWCQ), and propose two effective algorithms to solve it. Third, the authorized content dissemination problem in Opportunistic Social Networks(OSNs) is studied, based on the prediction of social connection pattern. We then analyze the influence of social connections on the content acquirement, and propose a novel approach, User Set Selection(USS) algorithm, to help social users to achieve fast and accurate content acquirement through social connections

    Exploiting Mobile Social Networks from Temporal Perspective:A Survey

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    With the popularity of smart mobile devices, information exchange between users has become more and more frequent, and Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) have attracted significant attention in many research areas. Nowadays, discovering social relationships among people, as well as detecting the evolution of community have become hotly discussed topics in MSNs. One of the major features of MSNs is that the network topology changes over time. Therefore, it is not accurate to depict the social relationships of people based on a static network. In this paper, we present a survey of this emerging field from a temporal perspective. The state-of-the-art research of MSNs is reviewed with focus on four aspects: social property, time-varying graph, temporal social property, and temporal social properties-based applications. Some important open issues with respect to MSNs are discussed


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    Mobile Opportunistic Networks (MSNs) enable the interaction of mobile users in the vicinity through various short-range wireless communication technologies (e.g., Bluetooth, WiFi) and let them discover and exchange information directly or in ad hoc manner. Despite their promise to enable many exciting applications, limited battery capacity of mobile devices has become the biggest impediment to these appli- cations. The recent breakthroughs in the areas of wireless power transfer (WPT) and rechargeable lithium batteries promise the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) energy sharing (i.e., the transfer of energy from the battery of one member of the mobile network to the battery of the another member) for the efficient utilization of scarce energy resources in the network. However, due to uncertain mobility and communication opportunities in the network, resource optimization in these opportunistic networks is very challenging. In this dissertation, we study energy utilization in three different applications in Mobile Social Networks and target to improve the energy efficiency in the network by benefiting from P2P energy sharing among the nodes. More specifi- xi cally, we look at the problems of (i) optimal energy usage and sharing between friendly nodes in order to reduce the burden of wall-based charging, (ii) optimal content and energy sharing when energy is considered as an incentive for carrying the content for other nodes, and (iii) energy balancing among nodes for prolonging the network lifetime. We have proposed various novel protocols for the corresponding applications and have shown that they outperform the state-of-the-art solutions and improve the energy efficiency in MSNs while the application requirements are satisfied

    Improving Traffic Load Distribution Fairness in Mobile Social Networks

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    Data Dissemination And Information Diffusion In Social Networks

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    Data dissemination problem is a challenging issue in social networks, especially in mobile social networks, which grows rapidly in recent years worldwide with a significant increasing number of hand-on mobile devices such as smart phones and pads. Short-range radio communications equipped in mobile devices enable mobile users to access their interested contents not only from access points of Internet but also from other mobile users. Through proper data dissemination among mobile users, the bandwidth of the short-range communications can be better utilized and alleviate the stress on the bandwidth of the cellular networks. In this dissertation proposal, data dissemination problem in mobile social networks is studied. Before data dissemination emerges in the research of mobile social networks, routing protocol of finding efficient routing path in mobile social networks was the focus, which later became the pavement for the study of the efficient data dissemination. Data dissemination priorities on packet dissemination from multiple sources to multiple destinations while routing protocol simply focus on finding routing path between two ends in the networks. The first works in the literature of data dissemination problem were based on the modification and improvement of routing protocols in mobile social networks. Therefore, we first studied and proposed a prediction-based routing protocol in delay tolerant networks. Delay tolerant network appears earlier than mobile social networks. With respect to delay tolerant networks, mobile social networks also consider social patterns as well as mobility patterns. In our work, we simply come up with the prediction-based routing protocol through analysis of user mobility patterns. We can also apply our proposed protocol in mobile social networks. Secondly, in literature, efficient data dissemination schemes are proposed to improve the data dissemination ratio and with reasonable overhead in the networks. However, the overhead may be not well controlled in the existing works. A social-aware data dissemination scheme is proposed in this dissertation proposal to study efficient data dissemination problem with controlled overhead in mobile social networks. The data dissemination scheme is based on the study on both mobility patterns and social patterns of mobile social networks. Thirdly, in real world cases, an efficient data dissemination in mobile social networks can never be realized if mobile users are selfish, which is true unfortunately in fact. Therefore, how to strengthen nodal cooperation for data dissemination is studied and a credit-based incentive data dissemination protocol is also proposed in this dissertation. Data dissemination problem was primarily researched on mobile social networks. When consider large social networks like online social networks, another similar problem was researched, namely, information diffusion problem. One specific problem is influence maximization problem in online social networks, which maximize the result of information diffusion process. In this dissertation proposal, we proposed a new information diffusion model, namely, sustaining cascading (SC) model to study the influence maximization problem and based on the SC model, we further plan our research work on the information diffusion problem aiming at minimizing the influence diffusion time with subject to an estimated influence coverage

    Security and Privacy for Mobile Social Networks

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    With the ever-increasing demands of people's social interactions, traditional online social networking applications are being shifted to the mobile ones, enabling users' social networking and interactions anywhere anytime. Due to the portability and pervasiveness of mobile devices, such as smartphones, wearable devices and tablets, Mobile Social Network (MSN), as a promising social network platform, has become increasingly popular and brought immense benefits. In MSN, users can easily discover and chat with social friends in the vicinity even without the Internet; vehicle drivers and passengers can exchange traffic information, videos or images with other vehicles on the road; customers in a shopping mall can share sale information and recommend it to their friends. With MSNs, massive opportunities are created to facilitate people's social interactions and enlarge the inherent social circle. However, the flourish of MSNs also hinges upon fully understanding and managing the challenges, such as security threats and privacy leakage. Security and privacy concerns rise as the boom of MSN applications comes up, but few users have paid adequate attentions to protect their privacy-sensitive information from disclosing. First of all, to initiate social interactions, users sometimes exchange their social interests or preferences with each other (including strangers in the vicinity) without sufficient protections. As such, some private information may be inferred from the exchanged social interests by attackers and untrusted users. Secondly, some malicious attackers might forge fake identities or false contents, such as spam and advertisements, to disrupt MSNs or mislead other users. These attackers could even collude and launch a series of security threats to MSNs. In addition, massive social network data are usually stored in untrusted cloud servers, where data confidentiality, authentication, access control and privacy are of paramount importance. Last but not least, the trade-off between data availability and privacy should be taken into account when the data are stored, queried and processed for various MSN applications. Therefore, novel security and privacy techniques become essential for MSN to provide sufficient and adjustable protections. In this thesis, we focus on security and privacy for MSNs. Based on the MSN architecture and emerging applications, we first investigate security and privacy requirements for MSNs and introduce several challenging issues, i.e., spam, misbehaviors and privacy leakage. To tackle these problems, we propose efficient security and privacy preservation schemes for MSNs. Specifically, the main contributions of this thesis can be three-fold. Firstly, to address the issues of spam in autonomous MSNs, we propose a personalized fine-grained spam filtering scheme (PIF), which exploits social characteristics during data delivery. The PIF allows users to create personalized filters according to their social interests, and enables social friends to hold these filters, discarding the unwanted data before delivery. We also design privacy-preserving coarse-grained and fine-grained filtering mechanisms in the PIF to not only enable the filtering but also prevent users' private information included in the filters from disclosing to untrusted entities. Secondly, to detect misbehaviors during MSN data sharing, we propose a social-based mobile Sybil detection scheme (SMSD). The SMSD detects Sybil attackers by differentiating the abnormal pseudonym changing and contact behaviors, since Sybil attackers frequently or rapidly change their pseudonyms to cheat legitimate users. As the volume of contact data from users keeps increasing, the SMSD utilizes local cloud servers to store and process the users' contact data such that the burden of mobile users is alleviated. The SMSD also detects the collusion attacks and prevents user's data from malicious modification when employing the untrusted local cloud server for the detection. Thirdly, to achieve the trade-off between privacy and data availability, we investigate a centralized social network application, which exploits social network to enhance human-to-human infection analysis. We integrate social network data and health data to jointly analyze the instantaneous infectivity during human-to-human contact, and propose a novel privacy-preserving infection analysis approach (PIA). The PIA enables the collaboration among different cloud servers (i.e., social network cloud server and health cloud server). It employs a privacy-preserving data query method based on conditional oblivious transfer to enable data sharing and prevent data from disclosing to untrusted entities. A privacy-preserving classification-based infection analysis method is also proposed to enable the health cloud server to infer infection spread but preserve privacy simultaneously. Finally, we summarize the thesis and share several open research directions in MSNs. The developed security solutions and research results in this thesis should provide a useful step towards better understanding and implementing secure and privacy-preserving MSNs