37 research outputs found

    The Diversity of Echinoderms in Intertidal Zone of Sundak Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a maritime country with high diversity of marine biota, which one is from Phylum Echinoderms. Echinoderms are known as biota of marine which is are living on corals, sandy, and on the intertidal zone and deep ocean. The intertidal characteristics of Sundak Beach has a suitable structure to echinodems life because there are many corals, but there is many species has not been identified before. The purpose of this research is to know the diversity of echinoderms phylum on the intertidal zone. Sampling was carried out on August, 24th 2019 with purposive random sampling method along the coastal-line in intertidal zone. The result of this research are identified and classified on the each class. Based on the results, the are found species from Echinodea, Holothuroidea, and Ophiuroidea. Species from Echinoidea are Tripneustes gratilla, Echinometra mathaei, Heterocentrotus trigonarius, Diadema antillarum., and Echinothrix calamaris. Holothuroidea namely Holothuria atra. Ophiuroidea namely Ophiotrix fragilis, Ophiocoma scolopendrina, and Ophiocoma erinaceus. The conclusion from this study is the discovery of five species from class Echinoidea, one species from class Holothuroidea and three species from class Ophiuroidea

    A survey of the marine environment near the city of Monterey ocean outfall

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    The California Department of Fish and Game and the State Water Resources Control Board (through Regional Board #3, Central Coast) entered into an agreement whereby Department biologist-divers conducted a subtidal ecological investigation of the marine environment in the vicinity of the City of Monterey ocean outfall. The objective of the study was to provide the Regional Water Quality Control Board with data to assist them in evaluating the effects of the discharge on the marine environment. The determinations made by biologist-divers included: (i) the number and diversity of the plant and animal life; (ii) substrate characteristics; and (iii) physical parameters, including water temperature, dissolved oxygen levels and clarity. Additionally, benthic samples were obtained by the divers and/or by a Ponar grab at each station. The State Water Resources Control Board reimbursed the Department for part of the expenses incurred during this study. (27pp.

    Marine Fisheries Information Service No.111

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    Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Serie

    Els equinoderms

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    Se citen 53 espècies d'equinoderms procedents de mostres recollides a l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera i els fons que l'envolten. S'indica la distribució batimètrica i bionòmica de cada espècie en l'Arxipèlag i es compara la fauna d'equinoderms de Cabrera amb la de la resta de les illes Balears.A check-list of the echinodermata inhabiting the Archipelago of Cabrera is presented, with comments on the bathymetric and bionomic distribution of the species. Fifty three species have been found in the different sampled communities, which include both sandy and rocky bottoms. The echinoderm list of the Archipelago of Cabrera is compared with the echinoderm fauna of the whole Balearic islands

    Faunal biogeography, community structure, and genetic connectivity of North Atlantic seamounts

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Biological Oceanography (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references.The mechanisms of faunal dispersal across ocean basins are key unknowns toward understanding of the modern biogeography and biodiversity of deep-sea fauna. Seamounts are considered to play a defining role in faunal evolution, acting as regional centers of speciation, "stepping-stones" for dispersal, and/or refugia for deep-sea populations. The overarching goal of this dissertation was to examine the role of seamounts in structuring marine biodiversity and biogeography. This study focused on North Atlantic seamounts, specifically the New England seamount chain, the Corner Rise seamounts, and Muir seamount, areas damaged and threatened by deep-sea fisheries and currently a focus of conservation efforts. Videographic analyses of biological community structure revealed distinct faunal assemblages, dominated by the Porifera, Cnidaria, and Echinodermata and structured by geographic region, depth regions (with apparent taxonomic breaks at 1300 m, 2300 m, and 2600 m), and substrate type (including natural/anthropogenic and abiotic substrates and biotic substrates). Amongst these assemblages, seven highly specific coral host- invertebrate associate relationships were identified. To investigate whether or not these broad community patterns were discernible at a genetic level, the 16S mtDNA gene was utilized as a genetic "barcode" within the Class Ophiuroidea, through which 22 putative species were identified, including four target species (Asteroschema clavigera, Ophiocreas oedipus, Ophioplinthaca abyssalis, and Ophioplinthaca chelys) for subsequent population genetic studies. Analyses of mitochondrial 16S and COI gene sequences revealed evidence for recent population expansion and estimates of recent high gene flow across all four species throughout the North Atlantic seamount region.(cont.) However, genetic differentiation within populations of A. clavigera and 0. chelys within seamount regions was significant, suggesting that historical diversification has been mediated by a long-distance dispersal mechanism that homogenizes this genetic signal on a regional scale. In addition, comparisons of all ophiuroid populations revealed no congruent pattern of historical migration amongst seamounts, which may also be attributed to the varying levels of host specificity and reproductive strategy of each ophiuroid species. These results will guide future studies and conservation efforts to protect seamount communities vulnerable to deep-sea fishery activities.by Walter W. Cho.Ph.D


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    Penelitian tentang Karakteristik Filum Echinodermata di Pulau Dua Kabupaten Aceh Selatan telah dilakukan pada tanggal 26-29 Mei 2018. Pulau dua merupakan pulau yang terletak di Kecamatan Bakongan Timur Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Salah satu jenis hewan yang terdapat di Pulau Dua yaitu hewan anggota filum echinodermata yang terdiri dari lima kelas dan memiliki bentuk dan warna yang bervariasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik jenis-jenis hewan filum echinodermata secara deskripsi dan klasifikasi. Hewan-hewan ini bisa dibagi dalam 5 kelas utama yakni teripang (Holothuroidea), bintang laut (Asteroidea), bintang ular (Ophiuroidea), bulu babi (Echinoidea) dan lili laut (Crinoidea).Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey explorative dan purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah spesies hewan echinodermata yang terdapat di Pulau Dua terdiri dari 8 family, 13 spesies diantaranya yaitu Diadema setosum, Linckia laevigata, Holothuria edulis, Holothuria atra, Echinothorix calamaris, Macrophiotix belii, Acanthaster planci, Holothuria vacabunda, Metacrinus rotundus, Ptilometra australis, Echinothrix diadema, Ophiothrix affinis dan Holopus sp. Idendifikasi ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh dimulai dari bulan Mei 2018 sampai bulan Juli 2018

    A new ophiuroid from the Maastrichtian type area (Late Cretaceous, SE Netherlands, NE Belgium)

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    From the Kunrade limestone facies and from the Emael, Nekum and Meerssen Members of the Maastricht Formation (late Maastrichtian) in the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage, a new genus and species of ophiuroid, Felderophiura vanderhami n. gen., n. sp., is described and illustrated. In addition to numerous disarticulated ossicles of disc and arms some twenty more or less complete specimens and several dozens of arm fragments are available for study; occurrences like these have recently proved to be comparatively common in the Maastrichtian type area. A brief discussion of ophiuroid remains collected from Campanian and Maastrichtian strata in this area is added


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    <p><em>Talise waters, located in North Sulawesi, is one of many coastal areas in Indonesia with sea grass cover extending along the reef flat. This ecological feature is beneficial for living habitat of associated fauna, including brittle stars. Brittle stars are group of Echinodermata reported to be abundantly found in sea grass ecosystem. However, the diversity of this fauna is less reported except as part of echinoderm studies. </em><em>This research aims to investigate the diversity of brittle stars in Talise waters. Data were collected in July 2009 applying quadrant transect method. In total of 650 individuals belonging to 4 families (Ophiotrichidae, Ophiodermatidae, Ophiocomidae and Ophiuridae) and 10 species were recorded during this study. The diversity (H’=1.58), richness (D=1.69) and Evennes Index (J=0.89) was relatively higher compared to adjacent water in North Sulawesi such as Wori (H =1.64, D =1.38, J=0.85), Kema (H =1.3, D =0.38, J=0.36) but lower than East Likupang waters (H =1.95, D =2.42, J=0.97).</em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> brittle star, diversity, richness, evennes, Talise waters</em

    Current status of the study of the caribbean cordobes echinoderms, Colombia

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    Se revisan los antecedentes y el estado actual del conocimiento, acerca de los equinodermos en el Caribe cordobés, se da información sobre el número de familias, géneros y especies conocidas, su distribución geográfica y su papel en la bioprospección marina del departamento de Córdoba; por último, se incluye la lista actualizada de las especies.The present state of knowledge on the echinoderms of the Caribbean Cordobes is reviewed herein, offering information on number of families, genera and known species, their geographical distribution, its role in the marine bioprospection of the department of Cordoba, and finally and updated lists of the species is included