17,302 research outputs found

    Opening the AC-Unification Race

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    This note reports about the implementation of AC-unification algorithms, based on the variable-abstraction method of Stickel and on the constant-abstraction method of Livesey, Siekmann, and Herold. We give a set of 105 benchmark examples and compare execution times for implementations of the two approaches. This documents for other researchers what we consider to be the state-of-the-art performance for elementary AC-uniïŹcation problems

    Spartan Daily, November 13, 1979

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    Volume 73, Issue 50https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6548/thumbnail.jp

    Ironies of state building: a comparative perspective on the American state

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    This paper challenges prevailing assumptions about the American State. It rejects the conventional distinctions between strong and weak and activism and inactivism as no longer adequate to the modern reality of the expansive and extensive American State. With this premise, the paper undertakes three tasks. First, it examines the reasons for the scholarly neglect of the State amongst students of American government and politics, concluding that the level of federal activism (including taxing, spending, regulating and war making) observable in respect to both Democrat and Republican administrations renders this oversight unsustainable intellectually and analytically. Second, the paper develops a typology of ways in which the American State has been an effective presence in the US political system including its role in sustaining and then ending segregation, in standardizing national rights of citizenship, and in militarizing society. Last, the paper shows how recent advances in comparative studies of the state, notably with respect to federalism and state-society relations, offer lessons for developing scholarly knowledge of the American State. -- In diesem Arbeitspapier sollen die Annahmen ĂŒber den amerikanischen Staat ĂŒberprĂŒft werden, die ĂŒblicherweise in der Wissenschaft gemacht werden: Die Unterscheidungen zwischen starkem und schwachem sowie zwischen aktivem und inaktivem Staat werden zurĂŒckgewiesen, da sie der heutigen Wirklichkeit eines expandierenden und ausgreifenden amerikanischen Staatswesens ĂŒberhaupt nicht mehr angemessen sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund leistet das Arbeitspapier ein Mehrfaches: Erstens werden die GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr geprĂŒft, warum die Forscher, die sich mit der US-amerikanischen Regierung und Politik befassten, den Staat so stark vernachlĂ€ssigt haben. Dabei wird festgestellt, dass ein steigendes Niveau von BundesaktivitĂ€ten das schließt Steuern, Ausgaben, Gesetzgebung und KriegsfĂŒhrung ein - sowohl unter demokratischen wie republikanischen PrĂ€sidentschaften zu beobachten ist, sich diese Achtlosigkeit also intellektuell wie analytisch nicht rechtfertigen lĂ€sst. Zweitens wird in diesem Arbeitspapier eine Typologie der effektiven PrĂ€senz des amerikanischen Staates im US-Politiksystem entwickelt, was dessen Rolle bei der UnterstĂŒtzung wie der Beendigung der Rassentrennung, beim Durchsetzen nationaler BĂŒrgerrechtsstandards und bei der der Militarisierung der Gesellschaft einschließt. Drittens wird gezeigt, wie jĂŒngste Fortschritte in der vergleichenden Staatswissenschaft - vornehmlich bezogen auf den föderalen Staatsaufbau und die Beziehungssysteme zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft - Impulsgeber fĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung des Wissens zum amerikanischen Staat sein können.

    A typology of foreign auction markets in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The authors compare and contrast the design and outcomes of different foreign exchange auctions in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa and present a typology of such auctions. They identify two distinct sets of countries in terms of the auctions'features, policy interventions, and outcomes. In Ghana and Uganda, the exchange rate auctions are judged to have been largely on target in exchange rate unification, exchange rate stabilization,and efficient allocation of foreign exchange. The auctions in Nigeria and Zambia, on the other hand, were subject to frequent policy interventions, resulting in unsustainable auctions, inefficient allocation of foreign exchange (through ad hoc disqualifications), limited unification, and a rather volatile exchange rate. The conclusions reached by the authors are broadly corroborated by a statistical analysis of weekly micro-auction data for all four countries.Economic Theory&Research,Markets and Market Access,Access to Markets,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Economic Stabilization

    Language in control and resistance, the education of a black community in South Africa

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    Changes within the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Society: Involvement of the Non–Governmental Actors

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    The monograph provides knowledge on the complex nature of both external and internal determinants influencing foreign policies of East Asian countries. Through a range of case studies on Japan, China, Taiwan and North Korea, the authors analyze international relations in East Asia as a mosaic of intertwining processes of globalization and regionalization, interests of global and regional powers, local social and economic conditions, national institutional arrangements, and even personal factors. They argue that sometimes a sudden change of one small element in this mosaic suffices to influence the whole system. Instead of providing a simplified interpretation of the analyzed processes, the monograph tries to illustrate them in their entire complexity.Non–Governmental Organizations (NGO) activities in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) are specified by missing mutual diplomatic representation between the two Koreas, and also between the DPRK and the US. This fact helps to increase the importance and prestige of NGOs, the role of individuals and groups in cultural, sport and civic exchanges when participating in mediation of humanitarian and development aid to the DPRK. The entrepreneurs, who are willing to invest in DPRK (despite the adverse conditions) and employ North Korean workers, play an irreplaceable role as well. A summary of these activities provides an overall picture of the presence and impact of non–governmental actors.This work was supported by the Academy of Korean Studies (Korean Studies Promotion Service) Grant funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea (Ministry of Education) (AKS-2013-INC-2230003)

    Federalism and the welfare state: The German case

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    The comparative welfare state research regularly highlights 'federalism' as a factor that has delayed welfare state development and sets clear 'limits to welfare state growth'. Yet, apparently German federalism goes together with one of the most generous welfare states of the world. This paper argues that federalism in Germany not only has not hindered strong welfare state expansion, but actually has contributed to it. The special variant of 'cooperative federalism' has blurred political and fiscal responsibilities, and the contribution financed Bismarckian welfare state has allowed the central government and the states to come to terms at the expense of a third party. A steady process of externalizing costs out of the public budgets and into the parafiscal budgets of the welfare state has been the result. -- In der vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung wird der Föderalismus regelmĂ€ĂŸig als Faktor identifiziert, der die sozialstaatliche Entwicklung verzögert und dem Wohlfahrtsstaatswachstum Grenzen gesetzt hat. In Deutschland scheint jedoch der Föderalismus vereinbar mit einem der großzĂŒgigsten Sozialstaaten der Welt. Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob die deutsche Ausnahme die besonderen Bedingungen erhellen kann, unter denen der Föderalismus den ihm zugeschriebenen hemmenden Einfluss auf die Sozialstaatsentwicklung besitzt. Zentrale These des Aufsatzes ist, dass in Deutschland die föderalen Staatsstrukturen nicht nur nicht hemmend, sondern sogar ausgabenexpansiv wirkten. Die besondere Spielart des kooperativen Föderalismus begĂŒnstigte 'fiskalische Unverantwortlichkeit' der verschiedenen Staatsebenen und die Beitragsfinanzierung des Bismarckschen Wohlfahrtsstaats ermöglichte es Bund und LĂ€ndern, ihre Einigungsprobleme zu Lasten Dritter zu lösen.
