1,436 research outputs found

    Spatial-temporal data modelling and processing for personalised decision support

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    The purpose of this research is to undertake the modelling of dynamic data without losing any of the temporal relationships, and to be able to predict likelihood of outcome as far in advance of actual occurrence as possible. To this end a novel computational architecture for personalised ( individualised) modelling of spatio-temporal data based on spiking neural network methods (PMeSNNr), with a three dimensional visualisation of relationships between variables is proposed. In brief, the architecture is able to transfer spatio-temporal data patterns from a multidimensional input stream into internal patterns in the spiking neural network reservoir. These patterns are then analysed to produce a personalised model for either classification or prediction dependent on the specific needs of the situation. The architecture described above was constructed using MatLab© in several individual modules linked together to form NeuCube (M1). This methodology has been applied to two real world case studies. Firstly, it has been applied to data for the prediction of stroke occurrences on an individual basis. Secondly, it has been applied to ecological data on aphid pest abundance prediction. Two main objectives for this research when judging outcomes of the modelling are accurate prediction and to have this at the earliest possible time point. The implications of these findings are not insignificant in terms of health care management and environmental control. As the case studies utilised here represent vastly different application fields, it reveals more of the potential and usefulness of NeuCube (M1) for modelling data in an integrated manner. This in turn can identify previously unknown (or less understood) interactions thus both increasing the level of reliance that can be placed on the model created, and enhancing our human understanding of the complexities of the world around us without the need for over simplification. Read less Keywords Personalised modelling; Spiking neural network; Spatial-temporal data modelling; Computational intelligence; Predictive modelling; Stroke risk predictio

    Spatial-temporal data modelling and processing for personalised decision support

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    The purpose of this research is to undertake the modelling of dynamic data without losing any of the temporal relationships, and to be able to predict likelihood of outcome as far in advance of actual occurrence as possible. To this end a novel computational architecture for personalised ( individualised) modelling of spatio-temporal data based on spiking neural network methods (PMeSNNr), with a three dimensional visualisation of relationships between variables is proposed. In brief, the architecture is able to transfer spatio-temporal data patterns from a multidimensional input stream into internal patterns in the spiking neural network reservoir. These patterns are then analysed to produce a personalised model for either classification or prediction dependent on the specific needs of the situation. The architecture described above was constructed using MatLab© in several individual modules linked together to form NeuCube (M1). This methodology has been applied to two real world case studies. Firstly, it has been applied to data for the prediction of stroke occurrences on an individual basis. Secondly, it has been applied to ecological data on aphid pest abundance prediction. Two main objectives for this research when judging outcomes of the modelling are accurate prediction and to have this at the earliest possible time point. The implications of these findings are not insignificant in terms of health care management and environmental control. As the case studies utilised here represent vastly different application fields, it reveals more of the potential and usefulness of NeuCube (M1) for modelling data in an integrated manner. This in turn can identify previously unknown (or less understood) interactions thus both increasing the level of reliance that can be placed on the model created, and enhancing our human understanding of the complexities of the world around us without the need for over simplification. Read less Keywords Personalised modelling; Spiking neural network; Spatial-temporal data modelling; Computational intelligence; Predictive modelling; Stroke risk predictio

    Genetic algorithm and neural network hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ 1998 ACTA PressThis paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) and constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network (CSANN) hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling problems. In the hybrid approach, GA is used to iterate for searching optimal solutions, CSANN is used to obtain feasible solutions during the iteration of genetic algorithm. Simulations have shown the valid performance of the proposed hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling with respect to the quality of solutions and the speed of calculation.This research is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation and National High -Tech Program of P. R. China

    A hybrid CFGTSA based approach for scheduling problem: a case study of an automobile industry

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    In the global competitive world swift, reliable and cost effective production subject to uncertain situations, through an appropriate management of the available resources, has turned out to be the necessity for surviving in the market. This inspired the development of the more efficient and robust methods to counteract the existing complexities prevailing in the market. The present paper proposes a hybrid CFGTSA algorithm inheriting the salient features of GA, TS, SA, and chaotic theory to solve the complex scheduling problems commonly faced by most of the manufacturing industries. The proposed CFGTSA algorithm has been tested on a scheduling problem of an automobile industry, and its efficacy has been shown by comparing the results with GA, SA, TS, GTS, and hybrid TSA algorithms

    Scheduling MapReduce Jobs under Multi-Round Precedences

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    We consider non-preemptive scheduling of MapReduce jobs with multiple tasks in the practical scenario where each job requires several map-reduce rounds. We seek to minimize the average weighted completion time and consider scheduling on identical and unrelated parallel processors. For identical processors, we present LP-based O(1)-approximation algorithms. For unrelated processors, the approximation ratio naturally depends on the maximum number of rounds of any job. Since the number of rounds per job in typical MapReduce algorithms is a small constant, our scheduling algorithms achieve a small approximation ratio in practice. For the single-round case, we substantially improve on previously best known approximation guarantees for both identical and unrelated processors. Moreover, we conduct an experimental analysis and compare the performance of our algorithms against a fast heuristic and a lower bound on the optimal solution, thus demonstrating their promising practical performance

    A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem

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    Modern companies have to face challenging configuration issues in their manufacturing chains. One of these challenges is related to the integrated allocation and scheduling of resources such as machines, workers, energy, etc. These integrated optimization problems are difficult to solve, but they can be even more challenging when real-life uncertainty is considered. In this paper, we study an integrated allocation and scheduling optimization problem with stochastic processing times. A simheuristic algorithm is proposed in order to effectively solve this integrated and stochastic problem. Our approach relies on the hybridization of simulation with a metaheuristic to deal with the stochastic version of the allocation-scheduling problem. A series of numerical experiments contribute to illustrate the efficiency of our methodology as well as their potential applications in real-life enterprise settings

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Scheduling Bidirectional Traffic on a Path

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    We study the fundamental problem of scheduling bidirectional traffic along a path composed of multiple segments. The main feature of the problem is that jobs traveling in the same direction can be scheduled in quick succession on a segment, while jobs in opposing directions cannot cross a segment at the same time. We show that this tradeoff makes the problem significantly harder than the related flow shop problem, by proving that it is NP-hard even for identical jobs. We complement this result with a PTAS for a single segment and non-identical jobs. If we allow some pairs of jobs traveling in different directions to cross a segment concurrently, the problem becomes APX-hard even on a single segment and with identical jobs. We give polynomial algorithms for the setting with restricted compatibilities between jobs on a single and any constant number of segments, respectively

    Efficient heuristics for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with missing operations

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    In this paper, we address the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem for makespan minimisation. More specifically, we are interested in the special case where there are missing operations, i.e. some stages are skipped, a condition inspired in a realistic problem found in a plastic manufacturer. The main contribution of our paper is twofold. On the one hand we carry out a computational analysis to study the hardness of the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with missing operations as compared to the classical hybrid flowshop problem. On the other hand, we propose a set of heuristics that captures some special features of the missing operations and compare these algorithms with already existing heuristics for the classical hybrid flowshop, and for the hybrid flowshop problem with missing operations. The extensive computational experience carried out shows that our proposal outperforms existing methods for the problem, indicating that it is possible to improve the makespan by interacting with the jobs with missing operations.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2016-80750-

    An improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009This paper presents an improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling problems. The neural network is constructed based on the constraint conditions of a job-shop scheduling problem. Its structure and neuron connections can change adaptively according to the real-time constraint satisfaction situations that arise during the solving process. Several heuristics are also integrated within the neural network to enhance its convergence, accelerate its convergence, and improve the quality of the solutions produced. An experimental study based on a set of benchmark job-shop scheduling problems shows that the improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network outperforms the original constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network in terms of computational time and the quality of schedules it produces. The neural network approach is also experimentally validated to outperform three classical heuristic algorithms that are widely used as the basis of many state-of-the-art scheduling systems. Hence, it may also be used to construct advanced job-shop scheduling systems.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and in part by the National Nature Science Fundation of China under Grant 60821063 and National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2009CB320601