165 research outputs found

    Downlink and Uplink Decoupling: a Disruptive Architectural Design for 5G Networks

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    Cell association in cellular networks has traditionally been based on the downlink received signal power only, despite the fact that up and downlink transmission powers and interference levels differed significantly. This approach was adequate in homogeneous networks with macro base stations all having similar transmission power levels. However, with the growth of heterogeneous networks where there is a big disparity in the transmit power of the different base station types, this approach is highly inefficient. In this paper, we study the notion of Downlink and Uplink Decoupling (DUDe) where the downlink cell association is based on the downlink received power while the uplink is based on the pathloss. We present the motivation and assess the gains of this 5G design approach with simulations that are based on Vodafone's LTE field trial network in a dense urban area, employing a high resolution ray-tracing pathloss prediction and realistic traffic maps based on live network measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, conference paper, submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Uplink power control modeling for dense OFDMA-based heterogeneous networks

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    In this paper we propose a novel model for the uplink in heterogeneous cellular networks. Opposed to previous works, we accurately account for the mutual interference caused by other users’ connections, and we pose an optimization problem that can be straightforwardly solved to establish the minimum required transmission power that satisfies the minimum Signal-to-Interferenceplus-Noise Ratio (SINR) constraint. We assess the validity of the proposed approach by comparing the observed results with those obtained with a traditional closed-loop power control scheme. The main benefit of our solution is that it does not require any iteration to find the transmission power, while legacy approaches usually need a number of steps before finding it. Finally, we study the behavior of the uplink for different access selection strategies, and we compare the SINR and transmission power of open-loop and closed-loop power control solutions.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER) by means of the projects ADVICE: Dynamic provisioning of connectivity in high density 5G wireless scenarios (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R) and Future Internet Enabled Resilient Cities (FIERCE)

    Uplink Interference Management in Massive MIMO Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    In this letter, we exploit the implementation of uplink power control and cell range extension for interference coordination in a two-tier massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) enabled heterogeneous cellular network. Our results show that the uplink performance in the massive MIMO macrocells can be significantly improved through uplink power control in the small cells, while more uplink transmissions in the macrocells have mild adverse effect on the uplink performance of the small cells. In addition, the uplink performance of the massive MIMO macrocells can be improved by expanding the small cell range when dozens of users are served in the macrocells

    Tutorial on LTE/LTE-A Cellular Network Dimensioning Using Iterative Statistical Analysis

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    LTE is the fastest growing cellular technology and is expected to increase its footprint in the coming years, as well as progress toward LTE-A. The race among operators to deliver the expected quality of experience to their users is tight and demands sophisticated skills in network planning. Radio network dimensioning (RND) is an essential step in the process of network planning and has been used as a fast, but indicative, approximation of radio site count. RND is a prerequisite to the lengthy process of thorough planning. Moreover, results from RND are used by players in the industry to estimate preplanning costs of deploying and running a network; thus, RND is, as well, a key tool in cellular business modelling. In this work, we present a tutorial on radio network dimensioning, focused on LTE/LTE-A, using an iterative approach to find a balanced design that mediates among the three design requirements: coverage, capacity, and quality. This approach uses a statistical link budget analysis methodology, which jointly accounts for small and large scale fading in the channel, as well as loading due to traffic demand, in the interference calculation. A complete RND manual is thus presented, which is of key importance to operators deploying or upgrading LTE/LTE-A networks for two reasons. It is purely analytical, hence it enables fast results, a prime factor in the race undertaken. Moreover, it captures essential variables affecting network dimensions and manages conflicting targets to ensure user quality of experience, another major criterion in the competition. The described approach is compared to the traditional RND using a commercial LTE network planning tool. The outcome further dismisses the traditional RND for LTE due to unjustified increase in number of radio sites and related cost, and motivates further research in developing more effective and novel RND procedures

    Contribution to the optimization of 4G mobile communications by means of advanced carrier aggregation strategies

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    Mobile broadband subscriptions and data traffic have increasingly grown in the past years with the deployment of the 3G and 4G technologies and the massive use of mobile devices. In this sense, LTE-A has been presented as the next step in wireless communications where higher data rates are targeted and fully packet switched services are held. The ultimate goal of 4G and the forthcoming 5G technology is to increase the Quality of Experience (QoE) of users. In this context, several challenges open up to face the increased bandwidth demands in both uplink (UL) and downlink (DL). To this end, LTE-A has proposed the use of Carrier Aggregation (CA) which allows the simultaneous data transmission in separate fragments of spectrum. The improvements brought by CA in the DL can be almost straightforward appreciable, since the evolved Node B (eNB) is in charge of transmissions, and power availability is not typically an issue. Conversely, the UL presents many open challenges to introduce aggregated transmissions, since it relies on the user terminal for transmission procedures. Lower transmission power and increased interference variability turn the UL more complex than the DL. For this reason, this Ph.D. thesis provides a contribution to the field of CA for UL mobile systems. The novelties here presented address the main limitations the UL encounters when introducing CA; new methods and strategies are proposed with the final aim of enhancing the UL communications with the use of increased bandwidth transmissions, and reducing the unbalanced data rate between the UL and DL. Throughout an exhaustive literature review, the main research opportunities to successfully implement CA in the UL were identified. In particular, three main blocks can be recognized. First, the need for introducing intelligent Radio Resource Management procedures that provide the user with increased QoE, specially in the cell edge, where users are more likely to be power limited, and CA is typically discarded. Consequently, the first part of this dissertation places emphasis on topics related to scheduling and the power limitations to face the increased bandwidth. In this sense, mechanisms that tackle the throughput improvement are proposed and scheduling schemes that specifically assess the gain or deterioration of CA are designed. Indeed, these strategies strongly rely on an accurate Channel State Information (CSI); it is of utmost importance to possess precise CSI to effectively support these assessments. In this line, the second part deals with the imperfect CSI where the efficient use of reference signals provides a high value. Channel prediction techniques have been proposed with the use of the splines method. However, the increased variability of interferences and the high delay in measurements still impairs the CSI accuracy. In this manner, interference management methods are introduced to support the CSI acquisition process. Finally, since CA constitutes the most transverse topic of the new features added to the 4G standard, the last block of research focuses on the opportunities that emerge with the use of CA in the context of heterogeneous networks, and new system designs are addressed. It is proposed to use dual connectivity in the form of decoupled uplink and downlink connections in a CA context, where aggregated carriers may have different coverage footprints. An analysis of two different cell association cases that arise has been driven. Stochastic geometry is used to study the system analytically, propagation conditions in the different tiers and frequencies are considered and the different association cases are compared to a classical downlink received power association rule. Conclusions show that decoupling the uplink provides the system with outstanding gains, however, being connected to the cell that receives the highest received power may not always be profitable, since issues like interferences or load conditions shall be also considered.El número de usuarios móviles y el tráfico de datos generado han aumentado en los últimos años con el despliegue de redes 3G y 4G y el uso masivo de dispositivos móviles. De este modo, LTE-A surge como el siguiente escalón de las comunicaciones móviles, dónde se apunta a mayores velocidades de transmisión y los servicios se basan en la conmutación de paquetes. El objetivo principal de las redes 4G y de la inminente red 5G es mejorar la experiencia del usuario. En este contexto, se presentan nuevos retos para hacer frente a las demandas de incrementar el ancho de banda en ambos enlaces: ascendente (UL) y descendente (DL). Por ello, LTE-A propone el uso de portadoras agregadas (Carrier Aggregation (CA)), tecnología que permite la transmisión simultánea en dos fragmentos del espectro. Las mejoras que aporta CA en el DL son casi inmediatas dado que las transmisiones corren a cargo de la base, la cual no sufre la falta de potencia. Al contrario, el UL presenta más retos para introducir CA, ya que es el terminal quién se encarga de la transmisión. La baja disponibilidad de potencia y la alta variabilidad de la interferencia lo convierten en un entorno mucho más complejo. Por ello, esta disertación presenta una contribución al campo de CA en el UL de comunicaciones móviles. Las novedades presentadas tratan las principales limitaciones para incorporar CA; se proponen nuevos métodos y estrategias con el objetivo de mejorar las comunicaciones en el UL mediante el uso de CA; todo ello, para reducir el desajuste que existe entre la velocidad de transmisión del UL y DL. Mediante una extensa revisión de la literatura, se han detectado las principales líneas de investigación y potenciales mejoras para incorporar CA exitosamente. Se han identificado tres grandes bloques de investigación. Primero, la necesidad de introducir estrategias de gestión de recursos inteligentes, que proporcionen al usuario una mejora de la experiencia, especialmente en el límite de la celda. Es allí donde los usuarios tienen una mayor probabilidad de estar limitados en potencia, razón por la que se les aparta de CA. Consecuentemente, la primera parte de esta tesis pone énfasis en la asignación de recursos y las limitaciones en potencia por parte del usuario para hacer frente a un incremento del ancho de banda. Se proponen mecanismos que mejoran la velocidad de transmisión evaluando las ganancias o pérdidas de incorporar CA a la transmisión. Para apoyar el funcionamiento de estas estrategias de asignación, y asegurar su máximo rendimiento, es necesario un método que proporcione un conocimiento preciso y fidedigno del estado del canal (Channel State Information (CSI)). De este modo, la segunda parte de la investigación lidia con el CSI, donde el uso eficiente de las señales de referencia es de gran importancia. Se proponen técnicas de predicción de señal mediante el uso de Splines; sin embargo, la alta variabilidad de las interferencias y el gran retardo entre dos muestras de CSI perjudican la precisión. Por ello, se introducen métodos de gestión de interferencias que apoyan el proceso de adquisición del CSI. Finalmente, dado que CA es una de las funciones más transversales de las introducidas por el estándar 4G, la última parte de investigación se centra en las oportunidades que surgen con su uso en las redes heterogéneas. Se propone el uso de la conectividad dual, desacoplando el UL del DL junto con CA, donde el área de cobertura de las portadoras puede ser diferente. Se analizan dos escenarios de asociación posibles. Con el uso de geometría estocástica se estudia analíticamente el sistema, considerando diferentes condiciones de propagación en los distintos tipos de celda y frecuencias; los escenarios de asociación se comparan a uno tradicional, en el cual los usuarios se asocian en función de la potencia recibida de las bases. Las conclusiones destacan que el desacoplo aporta mejoras en el UL. Sin embargo, temas como interferencias o carga deben también considera

    Green Networking in Cellular HetNets: A Unified Radio Resource Management Framework with Base Station ON/OFF Switching

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    In this paper, the problem of energy efficiency in cellular heterogeneous networks (HetNets) is investigated using radio resource and power management combined with the base station (BS) ON/OFF switching. The objective is to minimize the total power consumption of the network while satisfying the quality of service (QoS) requirements of each connected user. We consider the case of co-existing macrocell BS, small cell BSs, and private femtocell access points (FAPs). Three different network scenarios are investigated, depending on the status of the FAPs, i.e., HetNets without FAPs, HetNets with closed FAPs, and HetNets with semi-closed FAPs. A unified framework is proposed to simultaneously allocate spectrum resources to users in an energy efficient manner and switch off redundant small cell BSs. The high complexity dual decomposition technique is employed to achieve optimal solutions for the problem. A low complexity iterative algorithm is also proposed and its performances are compared to those of the optimal technique. The particularly interesting case of semi-closed FAPs, in which the FAPs accept to serve external users, achieves the highest energy efficiency due to increased degrees of freedom. In this paper, a cooperation scheme between FAPs and mobile operator is also investigated. The incentives for FAPs, e.g., renewable energy sharing and roaming prices, enabling cooperation are discussed to be considered as a useful guideline for inter-operator agreements.Comment: 15 pages, 9 Figures, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 201