184 research outputs found

    Biomedical information extraction for matching patients to clinical trials

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    Digital Medical information had an astonishing growth on the last decades, driven by an unprecedented number of medical writers, which lead to a complete revolution in what and how much information is available to the health professionals. The problem with this wave of information is that performing a precise selection of the information retrieved by medical information repositories is very exhaustive and time consuming for physicians. This is one of the biggest challenges for physicians with the new digital era: how to reduce the time spent finding the perfect matching document for a patient (e.g. intervention articles, clinical trial, prescriptions). Precision Medicine (PM) 2017 is the track by the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), that is focused on this type of challenges exclusively for oncology. Using a dataset with a large amount of clinical trials, this track is a good real life example on how information retrieval solutions can be used to solve this types of problems. This track can be a very good starting point for applying information extraction and retrieval methods, in a very complex domain. The purpose of this thesis is to improve a system designed by the NovaSearch team for TREC PM 2017 Clinical Trials task, which got ranked on the top-5 systems of 2017. The NovaSearch team also participated on the 2018 track and got a 15% increase on precision compared to the 2017 one. It was used multiple IR techniques for information extraction and processing of data, including rank fusion, query expansion (e.g. Pseudo relevance feedback, Mesh terms expansion) and experiments with Learning to Rank (LETOR) algorithms. Our goal is to retrieve the best possible set of trials for a given patient, using precise documents filters to exclude the unwanted clinical trials. This work can open doors in what can be done for searching and perceiving the criteria to exclude or include the trials, helping physicians even on the more complex and difficult information retrieval tasks

    Quantitative imaging in radiation oncology

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    Artificially intelligent eyes, built on machine and deep learning technologies, can empower our capability of analysing patients’ images. By revealing information invisible at our eyes, we can build decision aids that help our clinicians to provide more effective treatment, while reducing side effects. The power of these decision aids is to be based on patient tumour biologically unique properties, referred to as biomarkers. To fully translate this technology into the clinic we need to overcome barriers related to the reliability of image-derived biomarkers, trustiness in AI algorithms and privacy-related issues that hamper the validation of the biomarkers. This thesis developed methodologies to solve the presented issues, defining a road map for the responsible usage of quantitative imaging into the clinic as decision support system for better patient care

    A Learning Health System for Radiation Oncology

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    The proposed research aims to address the challenges faced by clinical data science researchers in radiation oncology accessing, integrating, and analyzing heterogeneous data from various sources. The research presents a scalable intelligent infrastructure, called the Health Information Gateway and Exchange (HINGE), which captures and structures data from multiple sources into a knowledge base with semantically interlinked entities. This infrastructure enables researchers to mine novel associations and gather relevant knowledge for personalized clinical outcomes. The dissertation discusses the design framework and implementation of HINGE, which abstracts structured data from treatment planning systems, treatment management systems, and electronic health records. It utilizes disease-specific smart templates for capturing clinical information in a discrete manner. HINGE performs data extraction, aggregation, and quality and outcome assessment functions automatically, connecting seamlessly with local IT/medical infrastructure. Furthermore, the research presents a knowledge graph-based approach to map radiotherapy data to an ontology-based data repository using FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) concepts. This approach ensures that the data is easily discoverable and accessible for clinical decision support systems. The dissertation explores the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process, data model frameworks, ontologies, and provides a real-world clinical use case for this data mapping. To improve the efficiency of retrieving information from large clinical datasets, a search engine based on ontology-based keyword searching and synonym-based term matching tool was developed. The hierarchical nature of ontologies is leveraged to retrieve patient records based on parent and children classes. Additionally, patient similarity analysis is conducted using vector embedding models (Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, GloVe, and FastText) to identify similar patients based on text corpus creation methods. Results from the analysis using these models are presented. The implementation of a learning health system for predicting radiation pneumonitis following stereotactic body radiotherapy is also discussed. 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are utilized with radiographic and dosimetric datasets to predict the likelihood of radiation pneumonitis. DenseNet-121 and ResNet-50 models are employed for this study, along with integrated gradient techniques to identify salient regions within the input 3D image dataset. The predictive performance of the 3D CNN models is evaluated based on clinical outcomes. Overall, the proposed Learning Health System provides a comprehensive solution for capturing, integrating, and analyzing heterogeneous data in a knowledge base. It offers researchers the ability to extract valuable insights and associations from diverse sources, ultimately leading to improved clinical outcomes. This work can serve as a model for implementing LHS in other medical specialties, advancing personalized and data-driven medicine

    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Three Essays on Enhancing Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment Using Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

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    Patient recruitment and enrollment are critical factors for a successful clinical trial; however, recruitment tends to be the most common problem in most clinical trials. The success of a clinical trial depends on efficiently recruiting suitable patients to conduct the trial. Every clinical trial research has a protocol, which describes what will be done in the study and how it will be conducted. Also, the protocol ensures the safety of the trial subjects and the integrity of the data collected. The eligibility criteria section of clinical trial protocols is important because it specifies the necessary conditions that participants have to satisfy. Since clinical trial eligibility criteria are usually written in free text form, they are not computer interpretable. To automate the analysis of the eligibility criteria, it is therefore necessary to transform those criteria into a computer-interpretable format. Unstructured format of eligibility criteria additionally create search efficiency issues. Thus, searching and selecting appropriate clinical trials for a patient from relatively large number of available trials is a complex task. A few attempts have been made to automate the matching process between patients and clinical trials. However, those attempts have not fully integrated the entire matching process and have not exploited the state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques that may improve the matching performance. Given the importance of patient recruitment in clinical trial research, the objective of this research is to automate the matching process using NLP and text mining techniques and, thereby, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process. This dissertation research, which comprises three essays, investigates the issues of clinical trial subject recruitment using state-of-the-art NLP and text mining techniques. Essay 1: Building a Domain-Specific Lexicon for Clinical Trial Subject Eligibility Analysis Essay 2: Clustering Clinical Trials Using Semantic-Based Feature Expansion Essay 3: An Automatic Matching Process of Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment In essay1, I develop a domain-specific lexicon for n-gram Named Entity Recognition (NER) in the breast cancer domain. The domain-specific dictionary is used for selection and reduction of n-gram features in clustering in eassy2. The domain-specific dictionary was evaluated by comparing it with Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine--Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT). The results showed that it add significant number of new terms which is very useful in effective natural language processing In essay 2, I explore the clustering of similar clinical trials using the domain-specific lexicon and term expansion using synonym from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). I generate word n-gram features and modify the features with the domain-specific dictionary matching process. In order to resolve semantic ambiguity, a semantic-based feature expansion technique using UMLS is applied. A hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm is used to generate clinical trial clusters. The focus is on summarization of clinical trial information in order to enhance trial search efficiency. Finally, in essay 3, I investigate an automatic matching process of clinical trial clusters and patient medical records. The patient records collected from a prior study were used to test our approach. The patient records were pre-processed by tokenization and lemmatization. The pre-processed patient information were then further enhanced by matching with breast cancer custom dictionary described in essay 1 and semantic feature expansion using UMLS Metathesaurus. Finally, I matched the patient record with clinical trial clusters to select the best matched cluster(s) and then with trials within the clusters. The matching results were evaluated by internal expert as well as external medical expert

    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Use of Text Data in Identifying and Prioritizing Potential Drug Repositioning Candidates

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    New drug development costs between 500 million and 2 billion dollars and takes 10-15 years, with a success rate of less than 10%. Drug repurposing (defined as discovering new indications for existing drugs) could play a significant role in drug development, especially considering the declining success rates of developing novel drugs. In the period 2007-2009, drug repurposing led to the launching of 30-40% of new drugs. Typically, new indications for existing medications are identified by accident. However, new technologies and a large number of available resources enable the development of systematic approaches to identify and validate drug-repurposing candidates with significantly lower cost. A variety of resources have been utilized to identify novel drug repurposing candidates such as biomedical literature, clinical notes, and genetic data. In this dissertation, we focused on using text data in identifying and prioritizing drug repositioning candidates and conducted five studies. In the first study, we aimed to assess the feasibility of using patient reviews from social media to identify potential candidates for drug repurposing. We retrieved patient reviews of 180 medications from an online forum, WebMD. Using dictionary-based and machine learning approaches, we identified disease names in the reviews. Several publicly available resources were used to exclude comments containing known indications and adverse drug effects. After manually reviewing some of the remaining comments, we implemented a rule-based system to identify beneficial effects. The dictionary-based system and machine learning system identified 2178 and 6171 disease names respectively in 64,616 patient comments. We provided a list of 10 common patterns that patients used to report any beneficial effects or uses of medication. After manually reviewing the comments tagged by our rule-based system, we identified five potential drug repurposing candidates. To our knowledge, this was the first study to consider using social media data to identify drug-repurposing candidates. We found that even a rule-based system, with a limited number of rules, could identify beneficial effect mentions in the comments of patients. Our preliminary study shows that social media has the potential to be used in drug repurposing. In the second study, we investigated the significance of extracting information from multiple sentences specifically in the context of drug-disease relation discovery. We used multiple resources such as Semantic Medline, a literature-based resource, and Medline search (for filtering spurious results) and inferred 8,772 potential drug-disease pairs. Our analysis revealed that 6,450 (73.5%) of the 8,772 potential drug-disease relations did not occur in a single sentence. Moreover, only 537 of the drug-disease pairs matched the curated gold standard in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), a trusted resource for drug-disease relations. Among the 537, nearly 75% (407) of the drug-disease pairs occur in multiple sentences. Our analysis revealed that the drug-disease pairs inferred from Semantic Medline or retrieved from CTD could be extracted from multiple sentences in the literature. This highlights the significance of the need for discourse-level analysis in extracting the relations from biomedical literature. In the third and fourth study, we focused on prioritizing drug repositioning candidates extracted from biomedical literature which we refer to as Literature-Based Discovery (LBD). In the third study, we used drug-gene and gene-disease semantic predications extracted from Medline abstracts to generate a list of potential drug-disease pairs. We further ranked the generated pairs, by assigning scores based on the predicates that qualify drug-gene and gene-disease relationships. On comparing the top-ranked drug-disease pairs against the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, we found that a significant percentage of top-ranked pairs appeared in CTD. Co-occurrence of these high-ranked pairs in Medline abstracts is then used to improve the rankings of the inferred drug-disease relations. Finally, manual evaluation of the top-ten pairs ranked by our approach revealed that nine of them have good potential for biological significance based on expert judgment. In the fourth study, we proposed a method, utilizing information surrounding causal findings, to prioritize discoveries generated by LBD systems. We focused on discovering drug-disease relations, which have the potential to identify drug repositioning candidates or adverse drug reactions. Our LBD system used drug-gene and gene-disease semantic predication in SemMedDB as causal findings and Swanson’s ABC model to generate potential drug-disease relations. Using sentences, as a source of causal findings, our ranking method trained a binary classifier to classify generated drug-disease relations into desired classes. We trained and tested our classifier for three different purposes: a) drug repositioning b) adverse drug-event detection and c) drug-disease relation detection. The classifier obtained 0.78, 0.86, and 0.83 F-measures respectively for these tasks. The number of causal findings of each hypothesis, which were classified as positive by the classifier, is the main metric for ranking hypotheses in the proposed method. To evaluate the ranking method, we counted and compared the number of true relations in the top 100 pairs, ranked by our method and one of the previous methods. Out of 181 true relations in the test dataset, the proposed method ranked 20 of them in the top 100 relations while this number was 13 for the other method. In the last study, we used biomedical literature and clinical trials in ranking potential drug repositioning candidates identified by Phenome-Wide Association Studies (PheWAS). Unlike previous approaches, in this study, we did not limit our method to LBD. First, we generated a list of potential drug repositioning candidates using PheWAS. We retrieved 212,851 gene-disease associations from PheWAS catalog and 14,169 gene-drug relationships from DrugBank. Following Swanson’s model, we generated 52,966 potential drug repositioning candidates. Then, we developed an information retrieval system to retrieve any evidence of those candidates co-occurring in the biomedical literature and clinical trials. We identified nearly 14,800 drug-disease pairs with some evidence of support. In addition, we identified more than 38,000 novel candidates for re-purposing, encompassing hundreds of different disease states and over 1,000 individual medications. We anticipate that these results will be highly useful for hypothesis generation in the field of drug repurposing


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    Design and Architecture of an Ontology-driven Dialogue System for HPV Vaccine Counseling

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    Speech and conversational technologies are increasingly being used by consumers, with the inevitability that one day they will be integrated in health care. Where this technology could be of service is in patient-provider communication, specifically for communicating the risks and benefits of vaccines. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, in particular, is a vaccine that inoculates individuals from certain HPV viruses responsible for adulthood cancers - cervical, head and neck cancers, etc. My research focuses on the architecture and development of speech-enabled conversational agent that relies on series of consumer-centric health ontologies and the technology that utilizes these ontologies. Ontologies are computable artifacts that encode and structure domain knowledge that can be utilized by machines to provide high level capabilities, such as reasoning and sharing information. I will focus the agent’s impact on the HPV vaccine domain to observe if users would respond favorably towards conversational agents and the possible impact of the agent on their beliefs of the HPV vaccine. The approach of this study involves a multi-tier structure. The first tier is the domain knowledge base, the second is the application interaction design tier, and the third is the feasibility assessment of the participants. The research in this study proposes the following questions: Can ontologies support the system architecture for a spoken conversational agent for HPV vaccine counseling? How would prospective users’ perception towards an agent and towards the HPV vaccine be impacted after using conversational agent for HPV vaccine education? The outcome of this study is a comprehensive assessment of a system architecture of a conversational agent for patient-centric HPV vaccine counseling. Each layer of the agent architecture is regulated through domain and application ontologies, and supported by the various ontology-driven software components that I developed to compose the agent architecture. Also discussed in this work, I present preliminary evidence of high usability of the agent and improvement of the users’ health beliefs toward the HPV vaccine. All in all, I introduce a comprehensive and feasible model for the design and development of an open-sourced, ontology-driven conversational agent for any health consumer domain, and corroborate the viability of a conversational agent as a health intervention tool
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