29,477 research outputs found

    Modelli di integrazione di reti bayesiane ed ontologie: analisi e confronto

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    Le ontologie sono lo standard de facto per la rappresentazione di conoscenza su concetti e le relazioni che li legano in specifici domini. Tuttavia, le ontologie non possono rappresentare la conoscenza parziale o incompleta che esiste nei domini di applicazione. C'è un interesse crescente nell'integrazione di tecniche di ragionamento probabilistico nei sistemi di inferenza delle ontologie. Questa tesi propone un'analisi ed il confronto dello stato dell'arte nell'integrazione fra reti bayesiane e ontologie

    Ontologie leggere a faccette

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    In questo articolo ci concentriamo sull’uso delle ontologie per l’organizzazione di oggetti, quali ad esempio foto, libri e pagine Web. Le ontologie leggere sono ontologie con una struttura gerarchica ad albero dove a ciascun nodo è associata un’etichetta in linguaggio naturale. Nelle ontologie leggere a faccette le etichette sono organizzate secondo modelli ben definiti, i quali catturano specifici aspetti della conoscenza, ovvero le faccette. A tal fine, ci basiamo sull’approccio Analitico-Sintetico, una ben radicata metodologia usata con successo per decenni in biblioteconomia, soprattutto in India, per la classificazione di libri. Le ontologie leggere a faccette hanno una struttura ben definita ed, in quanto tali, risultano più facili da creare, condividere tra gli utenti, e più appropriate in applicazioni semantiche, dove cioè viene automaticamente analizzato e sfruttato il significato ontologico dei termini

    The antiquity of the Rhine River : stratigraphic coverage of the Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim Formation) of the Mainz Basin (Germany)

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    Background: Mammalian fossils from the Eppelsheim Formation (Dinotheriensande) have been a benchmark for Neogene vertebrate palaeontology since 200 years. Worldwide famous sites like Eppelsheim serve as key localities for biochronologic, palaeobiologic, environmental, and mammal community studies. So far the formation is considered to be of early Late Miocene age (~9.5 Ma, Vallesian), representing the oldest sediments of the Rhine River. The stratigraphic unity of the formation and of its fossil content was disputed at times, but persists unresolved. Principal Findings: Here we investigate a new fossil sample from Sprendlingen, composed by over 300 mammalian specimens and silicified wood. The mammals comprise entirely Middle Miocene species, like cervids Dicrocerus elegans, Paradicrocerus elegantulus, and deinotheres Deinotherium bavaricum and D. levius. A stratigraphic evaluation of Miocene Central European deer and deinothere species proof the stratigraphic inhomogenity of the sample, and suggest late Middle Miocene (~12.5 Ma) reworking of early Middle Miocene (~15 Ma) sediments. This results agree with taxonomic and palaeoclimatic analysis of plant fossils from above and within the mammalian assemblage. Based on the new fossil sample and published data three biochronologic levels within the Dinotheriensand fauna can be differentiated, corresponding to early Middle Miocene (late Orleanian to early Astaracian), late Middle Miocene (late Astaracian), and early Late Miocene (Vallesian) ages. Conclusions/Significance: This study documents complex faunal mixing of classical Dinotheriensand fauna, covering at least six million years, during a time of low subsidence in the Mainz Basin and shifts back the origination of the Rhine River by some five million years. Our results have severe implications for biostratigraphy and palaeobiology of the Middle to Late Miocene. They suggest that turnover events may be obliterated and challenge the proposed ‘supersaturated’ biodiversity, caused by Middle Miocene superstites, of Vallesian ecosystems in Central Europe

    La question du genre humain et du travail dans l'" Ontologie de l'être social " de Lukács

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    Note de présentation d'un projet de recherche sur l'" Ontologie de l'être social / Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins " de Lukács, rédigé de 1964-1971 et publié intégralement à titre posthume, en nous focalisant sur la double question du travail et du genre humain, à travers quatre questions : le sujet, l'histoire, le travail, l'éthique (laquelle est un horizon d'attente de l'" Ontologie de l'être social "

    Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Knowledge Organization WissOrg'17 of theGerman Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO),30th November - 1st December 2017, Freie Universität Berlin

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    Wissensorganisation is the name of a series of biennial conferences / workshops with a long tradition, organized by the German chapter of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO). The 15th conference in this series, held at Freie Universität Berlin, focused on knowledge organization for the digital humanities. Structuring, and interacting with, large data collections has become a major issue in the digital humanities. In these proceedings, various aspects of knowledge organization in the digital humanities are discussed, and the authors of the papers show how projects in the digital humanities deal with knowledge organization.Wissensorganisation ist der Name einer Konferenzreihe mit einer langjährigen Tradition, die von der Deutschen Sektion der International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO) organisiert wird. Die 15. Konferenz dieser Reihe, die an der Freien Universität Berlin stattfand, hatte ihren Schwerpunkt im Bereich Wissensorganisation und Digital Humanities. Die Strukturierung von und die Interaktion mit großen Datenmengen ist ein zentrales Thema in den Digital Humanities. In diesem Konferenzband werden verschiedene Aspekte der Wissensorganisation in den Digital Humanities diskutiert, und die Autoren der einzelnen Beiträge zeigen, wie die Digital Humanities mit Wissensorganisation umgehen

    Ontopy : programmation orientée ontologie en Python

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    Ontopy a par la suite été renommé Owlready ; le contenu du module reste identique.International audienceLes ontologies et les modèles objets partagent un vocabulaire commun mais diffèrent dans leurs utilisations : l'ontologie permet d'effectuer des inférences et les modèles objets sont utilisés pour la programmation. Il est souvent nécessaire d'interfacer ontologie et programme objet. Plusieurs approches ont été proposées, de OWL API à la programmation orientée ontologie. Dans cet article, nous présentons Ontopy, un module de programmation orientée ontologie dynamique en Python, et nous prendrons pour exemple la comparaison des contre-indications des médicaments

    Construction d'une ontologie du droit communautaire

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    National audienceCe papier décrit une méthode de construction d'une ontologie du droit communautaire. La méthode repose sur la construction de micro-ontologies à partir de directives du droit communautaire en utilisant la méthode TERMINAE augmentée d'un processus d'alignement sur une ontologie générique du droit. L'ontologie est ensuite élaborée à l'aide d'un processus de fusion de micro-ontologies

    Alignement d'ontologies : exploitation des ontologies liées sur le web de données

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    International audienceNous proposons dans cet article une méthode d’alignement d’une ontologie source avec des ontologies cibles déjà publiées et liées sur le web de données. Nous présentons ensuite un retour d’expérience sur l’alignement d’une ontologie dans le domaine des sciences du vivant et de l’environnement avec AGROVOC et NALT

    Ontologie musicali

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    This special issue of "Aisthesis" explores the ways in which contemporary ontologies have helped to deepen our understanding of music in its various genres and forms of expression: oral, written, and phonographic. Besides investigating the evolution of the ontological status of musical objects in the light of the technological innovations occurred over the last century, the articles collected here investigate the relationship between ontology and aesthetics and address the question of the criteria for the identification and the evaluation of musical works, musical performances, and improvisations

    Low-cost ontology development

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    In this paper, we present the project building new lexical resource -- shallow ontology derived from the corpora. The ontology should be used primarily for machine translation, syntactic parsing and word sense disambiguation. Currently, the ontology for Czech language is developed, but the methodology and tools are suitable for other languages with similar structure. Ontology is based on BushBank corpus, which improves handling of ambiguity in natural language. BushBank data and tools are application-driven, thus reducing the time and costs needed to annotate the corpora and develop new lexical resources.V článku je představen projekt budování nového lexikálního zdroje - mělké ontologie odvozené z korpusu. Ontologie by měla být primárně použita pro strojový překlad, syntaktické parsování a dezambiguaci významu slov. V současné době probíhá tvorba ontologie pro češtinu, ale metodologie a nástroje jsou vhodné i pro další jazyky s podobnou strukturou. Ontologie je založena na korpusu BushBank, který vylepšuje práci s nejednoznačnostmi v přirozeném jazyce. Data a nástroje BushBank jsou založena na aplikacích, tím se redukuje čas a náklady potřebné k anotaci korpusu a tvorby lexikálních zdrojů