119,475 research outputs found

    Network of the Day: Aggregating and Visualizing Entity Networks from Online Sources

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    This software demonstration paper presents a project on the interactive visualization of social media data. The data presentation fuses German Twitter data and a social relation network extracted from German online news. Such fusion allows for comparative analysis of the two types of media. Our system will additionally enable users to explore relationships between named entities, and to investigate events as they develop over time. Cooperative tagging of relationships is enabled through the active involvement of users. The system is available online for a broad user audience

    Socii: A Tool to Analyze and Visualize Dynamic Social Networks

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    Social media network analysis represents a major challenge for data scientists in every aspect, since the extraction all the way to the visualization. Despite representing a major technological challenge, social media data analysis has an additional motivation, that is the daily usage in every country across the planet, making Online Social Network (OSN) a universal tool for communication, such as radio or TV, but with the technological flavor of the 21st century. In the present article, we propose a system, called Socii, for social networks analysis and visualization, as part of an ongoing work under a master’s dissertation. This system overlaps two main scientific fields, sociology (more concisely social networks) and computer science. Socii aims at helping OSNs users to know and understand social structures through a user friendly interface. The system relies in four main principles, namely simplicity, accessibility, OSNs integration and contextual analysis.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UID/CEC/ 00319/2013

    A coding system for dynamic topic analysis: a computer-mediated discourse analysis technique

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    We introduce an efficient coding system for dynamic topic analysis (DTA), a computer-mediated discourse analysis technique that codes and visualizes topical development over time in online discussions. Our system provides three main functionalities: intuitive coding with a touch screen interface, automated inter-rater agreement computation, and visualization of the coding results. Using the system, we conducted a preliminary DTA of 28,131 user comments from the popular music distribution sites SoundCloud and Last.fm. The analysis shows that most SoundCloud and Last.FM comments are narrowly on-topic and prompt-focused, as compared to discussions in other social media that exhibit more topical elaboration

    Bibliometric Survey of Privacy of Social Media Network Data Publishing

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    We are witness to see exponential growth of the social media network since the year 2002. Leading social media networking sites used by people are Twitter, Snapchats, Facebook, Google, and Instagram, etc. The latest global digital report (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019) states that there exist more than 800 million current online social media users, and the number is still exploding day by day. Users share their day to day activities such as their photos and locations etc. on social media platforms. This information gets consumed by third party users, like marketing companies, researchers, and government firms. Depending upon the purpose, there is a possibility of misuse of the user\u27s personal & sensitive information. Users\u27 sensitive information breaches can further utilized for building a personal profile of individual users and also lead to the unlawful tracing of the individual user, which is a major privacy threat. Thus it is essential to first anonymize users\u27 information before sharing it with any of the third parties. Anonymization helps to prevent exposing sensitive information to the third party and avoids its misuse too. But anonymization leads to information loss, which indirectly affects the utility of data; hence, it is necessary to balance between data privacy and utility of data. This research paper presents a bibliometric analysis of social media privacy and provides the exact scope for future research. The research objective is to analyze different research parameters and get insights into privacy in Social Media Network (OSN). The research paper provides visualization of the big picture of research carried on the privacy of the social media network from the year 2010 to 2019 (covers the span of 19 years). Research data is taken from different online sources such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and Research-gate. Result analysis has been carried out using open source tools such as Gephi and GPS Visualizer. Maximum publications of privacy of the social media network are from articles and conferences affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Science, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Social networking is a frequently used keyword by the researchers in the privacy of the online social media network. Major Contribution in this subject area is by the computer science research community, and the least research contribution is from art and science. This study will clearly give an understanding of contributions in the privacy of social media network by different organizations, types of contributions, more cited papers, Authors contributing more in this area, the number of patents in the area, and overall work done in the area of privacy of social media network

    Fit to be Tied: Social Network Structures and Evaluation Apprehension

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    In everyday life, people are typically connected to others, and these variably strong connections facilitate social influence related to a range of phenomena, from shaping body image and, impacting self-esteem to shaping behaviors through exhibiting social norms. Although the strongest ties (those most intimate and influential) can be very important to a person, there can also be a fear of judgement (i.e., evaluation apprehension) in those relationships. In online social networks, the relationship between tie strength and evaluation apprehension may emerge differently than in offline spaces due to affordances of social media, the asynchronous nature of computer-mediated communication, and the networked audience on social media; the potential influences of discrete ties may be additive because groups of strong ties may also exert a similar normative influence. In order to explore the possible links between evaluation apprehension and online social network structures (i.e., cumulative tie strength and network density), a study was conducted in which participants ( N = 96) first completed an initial online survey (assessing online evaluation apprehension and demographics), then viewed an in-lab visualization of their Twitter network (to capture social network structure characteristics), and finally completed a second survey (to capture network use habits). Analysis revealed associations between evaluation apprehension and tie strength as well as evaluation apprehension and network density with a moderate effect size. Results are interpreted to suggest that evaluation apprehension may be digitally contextual, predictors of tie strength may serve as affirmation, social network features may influence evaluation apprehension, and digital social networks may function as a conglomerate discipline-mechanism similar to that of the panopticon

    SocialSensor: sensing user generated input for improved media discovery and experience

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    SocialSensor will develop a new framework for enabling real-time multimedia indexing and search in the Social Web. The project moves beyond conventional text-based indexing and retrieval models by mining and aggregating user inputs and content over multiple social networking sites. Social Indexing will incorporate information about the structure and activity of the users‟ social network directly into the multimedia analysis and search process. Furthermore, it will enhance the multimedia consumption experience by developing novel user-centric media visualization and browsing paradigms. For example, SocialSensor will analyse the dynamic and massive user contributions in order to extract unbiased trending topics and events and will use social connections for improved recommendations. To achieve its objectives, SocialSensor introduces the concept of Dynamic Social COntainers (DySCOs), a new layer of online multimedia content organisation with particular emphasis on the real-time, social and contextual nature of content and information consumption. Through the proposed DySCOs-centered media search, SocialSensor will integrate social content mining, search and intelligent presentation in a personalized, context and network-aware way, based on aggregation and indexing of both UGC and multimedia Web content

    Supporting exploratory browsing with visualization of social interaction history

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    This thesis is concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of information visualization tools for supporting exploratory browsing. Information retrieval (IR) systems currently do not support browsing well. Responding to user queries, IR systems typically compute relevance scores of documents and then present the document surrogates to users in order of relevance. Other systems such as email clients and discussion forums simply arrange messages in reverse chronological order. Using these systems, people cannot gain an overview of a collection easily, nor do they receive adequate support for finding potentially useful items in the collection. This thesis explores the feasibility of using social interaction history to improve exploratory browsing. Social interaction history refers to traces of interaction among users in an information space, such as discussions that happen in the blogosphere or online newspapers through the commenting facility. The basic hypothesis of this work is that social interaction history can serve as a good indicator of the potential value of information items. Therefore, visualization of social interaction history would offer navigational cues for finding potentially valuable information items in a collection. To test this basic hypothesis, I conducted three studies. First, I ran statistical analysis of a social media data set. The results showed that there were positive relationships between traces of social interaction and the degree of interestingness of web articles. Second, I conducted a feasibility study to collect initial feedback about the potential of social interaction history to support information exploration. Comments from the participants were in line with the research hypothesis. Finally, I conducted a summative evaluation to measure how well visualization of social interaction history can improve exploratory browsing. The results showed that visualization of social interaction history was able to help users find interesting articles, to reduce wasted effort, and to increase user satisfaction with the visualization tool

    Digital Constructions of Millennial Womanhood

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    This study identifies language used by online publication Refinery29 in their content about motherhood and career. Refinery29, per their mission statement, aims to produce articles that engage smart, driven Millennial women. In our analysis, there were numerically significantly more articles published about mothering, as compared with about careers, indicating that motherhood continues to be privileged identity as well as a space for creating new scripts for motherhood. Through qualitative textual analysis and data visualization (Voyant), I found that the main themes are celebrity as role model, use of social media to share mothering stories, and earning power. For female Millennials, the plethora of motherhood and career advice available online shapes their ideas about ideal womanhood. This analysis indicates that the discourse of “new momism” is reinforced in online publications (Douglas and Michaels, 2004). Further, the lack of explicit mentions about race and class as well as the topics highlighted show implicit assumptions about the privileging of concerns of white, middle-class women. Previous researchers have worked to examine contemporary women’s magazines and identify prevalent motherhood ideologies, yet there has been little research conducted regarding these ideologies in modern online media. The significance of these themes and their presence are discussed. Douglas, S., & Michaels, M. (2004). The new momism. In The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and how It has Undermined all Women. (pp. 1-27). New York, NY: Free Press


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    The advance of communication technologies has evolved civic engagement in democratic countries. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram allow citizen to express their view freely and publicly. Citizens can easily communicate their views about the democratic process through social media. This study aims to assess online democratic engagement on Twitter in Indonesia regarding the policy to increase fuel prices in 2022. Computerized social network analysis is employed. NodeXL Pro is an open-source web scraping and visualization tool used to collect, process, and analyze Twitter data. The study finds that online civic engagement tends to be polarised in the network structure. Secondly, this study indicates that general public are important figure in the network. Meanwhile, the primary source of information discussed in the network is news media. Finally, this study demonstrates a link between online political discourse and traditional media coverage
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