17 research outputs found

    Online Assessment of SQL Query Formulation Skills

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    Support of Database Skills Testing

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    The paper deals with a database system (DBS) component which is used for support of database skills testing of students. Testing is focused on Structured Query Language, especially statements of Data Manipulation Language, and relational algebra. DBS component consists of subcomponents which are realized as plugins to Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle. DBS component also enforces designed security policy and supports of errors processing

    AVAA: Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem de Algoritmos

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    Nos estudos realizados por Silva e Sena (2013), observou-se que a maioria dos estudantes de engenharia de computação, sistema de informação ou ciência da computação, que se depara com a necessidade de aprender algoritmos, acaba por ter conhecimento das estruturas de funcionamento (sintaxe), mas apresentam alguma dificuldade na lógica de relacionamento entre elas (semântica). Muitas vezes, tal circunstância é dada porque, para se adquirir a habilidade de programação em computadores, é necessário um significante esforço em atividades práticas de laboratório (PRIOR, 2003). De tal maneira, um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de algoritmos (AVAA) poderia acrescentar funcionalidades associadas ao aprendizado de algoritmos, assim como exercícios práticos e resolução dos mesmos (ROMERO, VENTURA e GARCIA, 2008).Diante deste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma ferramenta voltada ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de algoritmo e programação, levando em conta, portanto, os aspectos citados anteriormente. Em meio a esta problemática encontrada, o AVAA possibilita a garantia do acompanhamento dos estudantes das turmas pelo professor, para assegurar que as necessidades cognitivas para construir um algoritmo sejam internalizadas.As funcionalidades levantadas como requisitos e desenvolvidas durante o período de um ano, portanto, estão voltadas a sanar essas dificuldades, com um sistema autônomo na correção de exercícios de algoritmo, dividido em três níveis de dificuldade, com correções instantâneas nos dois primeiros.A ferramenta desenvolvida busca reduzir os altos índices de reprovação em disciplinas de programação e algoritmo de cursos superiores. Como se trata de um sistema web, apenas com acesso à internet o usuário pode se conectar ao seu painel, consultar seu desempenho nos exercícios, avisos do professor e exercícios a serem resolvidos. O AVAA em questão não substitui de fato o aprendizado presencial de uma disciplina comum, porém, apesar de muito utilizados no ensino a distância, estes mostram sua eficácia quando aplicadas ao próprio ensino presencial (FRANCO et al., 2003)

    viSQLizer: Using visualization for learning SQL

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    Structured Query Language (SQL) is used for interaction between database technology and its users. In higher education, students often struggle with understanding the underlying logic of SQL, thus have trouble with understanding how and why a result table is created from a query. A prototype of a visual learning tool for SQL, viSQLizer, has been developed to determine if visualizations could help students create a mental model and thus enhance their understanding of the underlying logic of SQL. Trough the use of animations and decomposing, our results indicate that visualizations might give students a better understanding of the underlying logic, and that students gain the same learning outcome through visualizations as when using an online tutorial with explanatory text and exercises. Feedback from both professors and students from conducted interviews and experiments indicate that the tool could be used by professors as a visualization tool in lectures, and by students as a practical tool; not as a replacement of, but as an addition to traditional teaching methods

    ScaffoldSQL: Using Parson’s Problems to Support Database Pedagogy

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    This paper examines ScaffoldSQL, an interactive tool for helping students learn SQL through a system of interactive scaffolded exercises using Parson’s problems. In the system, students are posed with a problem to solve using SQL. They start by attempting to answer the question using free-form text. If they get the problem wrong, they can use a Parson’s problem interface to simplify the problem. After completing the problem, students are given one of two “secret words,” which allows instructors to track student progress without the need to install anything beyond their typical LMS. The system is designed to help instructors of flipped classrooms identify students who are struggling early, while simultaneously providing immediate feedback for students as they are learning. The system also provides tools for content creation and data gathering for research and development purposes

    The Development of SQL Language Skills in Data Definition and Data Manipulation Languages Using Exercises with Quizizz for Students' Learning Engagement

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    The exercise is one of the educational activities that help students to understand and achieve their learning goals. Quizizz is a great online tool which helps students to check their knowledge and learning progress. In this paper, the researcher applied the SQL (Structured Query Language) skill in data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) exercises and engaged the student’s learning by using Quizizz on students’ Introduction to Database course. The exercises and Quizizz were employed to an experimental group and a conventional teaching method was used for the control groups. The groups of students were of the heterogeneous level. Using the DDL and DML exercises, the students can review the knowledge repeatedly by doing exercises. In addition, the student can learn something from doing quizzes via Quizizz. The study on SQL exercises were conducted in order to improve students' achievement in DDL and DML. The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the students’ pre-test and post-test achievement using Quizizz and 2) investigate the students’ satisfaction while using SQL language skill exercises and Quizizz. The sample consisted of 34 students who enrolled in an Introduction to Database course in semester 1 of the academic year 2017. The students applied SQL language skill exercises when working on SQL assignment statement syntax. The students' pre-tests and post-tests were assessed. Percentage, mean and standard deviation, and average score (t-test) were used to analyze the data. The result showed that the students’ scores from the post-test was higher than the pre-test. There was a statistical significance at the level of 0.05. According to the result, it indicated that the students’ achievement was improved by the implementation. The students' satisfaction with the SQL language skill exercises and Quizizz was at a highest level (X = 4.58, S.D. = 0.54)

    Code teacher: uma ferramenta para correção automática de trabalhos acadêmicos de programação em Java / Codeteacher: a tool for automatic correction of academic programming jobs in Java

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    Exercícios práticos são essenciais no aprendizado de uma linguagem de programação. Com o objetivo de auxiliar o professor na avaliação de exercícios de programação, este artigo apresenta o CodeTeacher, uma ferramenta de análise e avaliação automática de código-fonte como alternativa para a otimização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de programação. A intenção é fomentar a discussão na comunidade educacional em Computação e propor uma solução no sentido de encontrar novas abordagens para esse desafio, contribuindo para o progresso do ensino de programação

    Design and Analysis of a Multi-Agent E-Learning System Using Prometheus Design Tool

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    Agent unified modeling languages (AUML) are agent-oriented approaches that supports the specification, design, visualization and documentation of an agent-based system. This paper presents the use of Prometheus AUML approach for the modeling of a Pre-assessment System of five interactive agents. The Pre-assessment System, as previously reported, is a multi-agent based e-learning system that is developed to support the assessment of prior learning skills in students so as to classify their skills and make recommendation for their learning. This paper discusses the detailed design approach of the system in a step-by-step manner; and domain knowledge abstraction and organization in the system. In addition, the analysis of the data collated and models of prediction for future pre-assessment results are also presented.Comment: 17 figures, 3 table

    A Tool for Assisted Correction of Programming Exercises in Java Based in Computational Reflection

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    INTRODUCTION: This work reports on the creation and use of a tool to verify compliance in java programming exercises. The solution is based on the hypothesis that computational reflection can provide a way to automatically assess the programing competences of students. The work reflects the concern to make students learning a programming language have practical activities in parallel to what they learn in theoretical classes. OBJECTIVE: Attesting the effectiveness of using computational reflection to automatically correct programming exercises. Provide the teacher with a tool to support the follow-up of practical activities. Provide students with immediate feedback on their learning, so as to encourage them to behave more autonomously. METHOD: A case study was carried out with two classes of a computer sciencecourse. They answered five practical programming exercices and their responses for each activity were collected in source code format, which were used as the basis of solutions, totaling 100 responses.A comparative analysis was made between the notes obtained through CodeTeacher and the notes assigned by a group of  teachers. RESULTS: Comparing the expected notes and the actual notes, the automatic correction obtained an accuracy of 90.17%. CONCLUSION: The use of computational reflection techniques for assisted correction in programming classes can bring beneficial result. Teachers can optimize their work and have performance reports of their students. Students can also be benefited by having an immediate feedback, so they can perceive themselves capable of achieving the learning objectives defined by the teacher

    Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemlerinin Gerçekleşen Kullanımını Belirleyici Faktörler: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) Çalışması

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    E-Learning has been an emerging topic for education world for two decades, and due to this fact; it has been analyzed with all of its dimensions and factors. However, the evaluation and assessment issues of e-learning can be assumed as untouched especially in students’ perspective. Evaluation and assessment concepts of students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral domains have a lot of variables that affect each other. In this study, predictors of students’ actual usage of online education systems and their relations are designed as a new theoretical framework, and analyzed by applying Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. For this analysis, an online questionnaire is applied to the students who have been using a uniquely designed online evaluation and assessment system (OEAS) for five years in a governmental high school. As a result of the study, “self-efficacy” and “user interface design” are found as significantly effective on “perceived ease of use”, while “self-efficacy” and “perceived ease of use” have significant influence on “perceived usefulness”. In addition, it is found that actual usage of online evaluation and assessment system is directly and significantly affected from “perceived usefulness”, “technical support” and “service quality”. To sum up, the conclusions of the study, in students’ perspective, are advisable for the educational technologists.Son yirmi yıldır e-öğrenme eğitim dünyası için yükselen bir eğilimdir ve bundan dolayı bütün boyutları ve faktörleri ile analiz edilmektedir. Buna karşın, e-öğrenmenin ölçme ve değerlendirme kısımları, özellikle öğrenci bakış açısından, el değmemiş alanlar olarak kabul edilebilir. Öğrencilerin bilişsel, duyuşsal ve davranışsal düzeylerdeki ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi kavramları birbirini etkileyen birçok değişkene sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi eğitim sistemlerini kullanımlarının belirleyici faktörleri ve bunların arasındaki ilişkilerin oluşturduğu yeni bir kuramsal çerçeve tasarlanmış ve Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) uygulanarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu analiz için, bir devlet lisesinde özgün tasarımlı bir Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi’ni (ÇÖDS) beş yıldır kullanan öğrencilere bir çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “algılanan kullanım kolaylığının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık” üstünde anlamlı etkisi varken, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “kullanıcı arayüzü tasarımının” da “algılanan kullanım kolaylığı” üzerinde anlamlı olarak etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak, çevrimiçi ölçme ve değerlendirme sisteminin “gerçekleşen kullanımının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık”, “teknik destek” ve “servis kalitesinden” doğrudan ve anlamlı olarak etkilendiği görülmüştür. Özetle, çalışmanın sonuçları, eğitim teknoloji uzmanları için öğrencilerin bakış açısından önemli bir tavsiye niteliğindedir