405 research outputs found

    RELEASE: A High-level Paradigm for Reliable Large-scale Server Software

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    Erlang is a functional language with a much-emulated model for building reliable distributed systems. This paper outlines the RELEASE project, and describes the progress in the rst six months. The project aim is to scale the Erlang's radical concurrency-oriented programming paradigm to build reliable general-purpose software, such as server-based systems, on massively parallel machines. Currently Erlang has inherently scalable computation and reliability models, but in practice scalability is constrained by aspects of the language and virtual machine. We are working at three levels to address these challenges: evolving the Erlang virtual machine so that it can work effectively on large scale multicore systems; evolving the language to Scalable Distributed (SD) Erlang; developing a scalable Erlang infrastructure to integrate multiple, heterogeneous clusters. We are also developing state of the art tools that allow programmers to understand the behaviour of massively parallel SD Erlang programs. We will demonstrate the e ectiveness of the RELEASE approach using demonstrators and two large case studies on a Blue Gene

    Accelerating sequential programs using FastFlow and self-offloading

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    FastFlow is a programming environment specifically targeting cache-coherent shared-memory multi-cores. FastFlow is implemented as a stack of C++ template libraries built on top of lock-free (fence-free) synchronization mechanisms. In this paper we present a further evolution of FastFlow enabling programmers to offload part of their workload on a dynamically created software accelerator running on unused CPUs. The offloaded function can be easily derived from pre-existing sequential code. We emphasize in particular the effective trade-off between human productivity and execution efficiency of the approach.Comment: 17 pages + cove

    Towards an Adaptive Skeleton Framework for Performance Portability

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    The proliferation of widely available, but very different, parallel architectures makes the ability to deliver good parallel performance on a range of architectures, or performance portability, highly desirable. Irregularly-parallel problems, where the number and size of tasks is unpredictable, are particularly challenging and require dynamic coordination. The paper outlines a novel approach to delivering portable parallel performance for irregularly parallel programs. The approach combines declarative parallelism with JIT technology, dynamic scheduling, and dynamic transformation. We present the design of an adaptive skeleton library, with a task graph implementation, JIT trace costing, and adaptive transformations. We outline the architecture of the protoype adaptive skeleton execution framework in Pycket, describing tasks, serialisation, and the current scheduler.We report a preliminary evaluation of the prototype framework using 4 micro-benchmarks and a small case study on two NUMA servers (24 and 96 cores) and a small cluster (17 hosts, 272 cores). Key results include Pycket delivering good sequential performance e.g. almost as fast as C for some benchmarks; good absolute speedups on all architectures (up to 120 on 128 cores for sumEuler); and that the adaptive transformations do improve performance

    Compile-time support for thread-level speculation

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    Una de las principales preocupaciones de las ciencias de la computación es el estudio de las capacidades paralelas tanto de programas como de los procesadores que los ejecutan. Existen varias razones que hacen muy deseable el desarrollo de técnicas que paralelicen automáticamente el código. Entre ellas se encuentran el inmenso número de programas secuenciales existentes ya escritos, la complejidad de los lenguajes de programación paralelos, y los conocimientos que se requieren para paralelizar un código. Sin embargo, los actuales mecanismos de paralelización automática implementados en los compiladores comerciales no son capaces de paralelizar la mayoría de los bucles en un código [1], debido a la dependencias de datos que existen entre ellos [2]. Por lo tanto, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de nuevas técnicas, como la paralelización especulativa [3-5], que saquen beneficio de las potenciales capacidades paralelas del hardware y arquitecturas multiprocesador actuales. Sin embargo, ésta y otras técnicas requieren la intervención manual de programadores experimentados. Antes de ofrecer soluciones alternativas, se han evaluado las capacidades de paralelización de los compiladores comerciales, exponiendo las limitaciones de los mecanismos de paralelización automática que implementan. El estudio revela que estos mecanismos de paralelización automática sólo alcanzan un 19% de speedup en promedio para los benchmarks del SPEC CPU2006 [6], siendo este un resultado significativamente inferior al obtenido por técnicas de paralelización especulativa [7]. Sin embargo, la paralelización especulativa requiere una extensa modificación manual del código por parte de programadores. Esta Tesis aborda este problema definiendo una nueva cláusula OpenMP [8], llamada ¿speculative¿, que permite señalar qué variables pueden llevar a una violación de dependencia. Además, esta Tesis también propone un sistema en tiempo de compilación que, usando la información sobre los accesos a las variables que proporcionan las cláusulas OpenMP, añade automáticamente todo el código necesario para gestionar la ejecución especulativa de un programa. Esto libera al programador de modificar el código manualmente, evitando posibles errores y una tediosa tarea. El código generado por nuestro sistema enlaza con la librería de ejecución especulativamente paralela desarrollada por Estebanez, García-Yagüez, Llanos y Gonzalez-Escribano [9,10].Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

    Efficient execution of ATL model transformations using static analysis and parallelism

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    Although model transformations are considered to be the heart and soul of Model Driven Engineering (MDE), there are still several challenges that need to be addressed to unleash their full potential in industrial settings. Among other shortcomings, their performance and scalability remain unsatisfactory for dealing with large models, making their wide adoption difficult in practice. This paper presents A2L, a compiler for the parallel execution of ATL model transformations, which produces efficient code that can use existing multicore computer architectures, and applies effective optimizations at the transformation level using static analysis. We have evaluated its performance in both sequential and multi-threaded modes obtaining significant speedups with respect to current ATL implementations. In particular, we obtain speedups between 2.32x and 38.28x for the A2L sequential version, and between 2.40x and 245.83x when A2L is executed in parallel, with expected average speedups of 8.59x and 22.42x, respectively.Spanish Research Projects PGC2018-094905-B-I00, TIN2015-73968-JIN (AEI/FEDER/UE), Ramón y Cajal 2017 research grant, TIN2016-75944-R. Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, and by the FWF under the Grant Numbers P28519-N31 and P30525-N31

    Autotuning for Automatic Parallelization on Heterogeneous Systems

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