8 research outputs found

    Fast synchronization 3R burst-mode receivers for passive optical networks

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    This paper gives a tutorial overview on high speed burst-mode receiver (BM-RX) requirements, specific for time division multiplexing passive optical networks, and design issues of such BM-RXs as well as their advanced design techniques. It focuses on how to design BM-RXs with short burst overhead for fast synchronization. We present design principles and circuit architectures of various types of burst-mode transimpedance amplifiers, burst-mode limiting amplifiers and burst-mode clock and data recovery circuits. The recent development of 10 Gb/s BM-RXs is highlighted also including dual-rate operation for coexistence with deployed PONs and on-chip auto reset generation to eliminate external timing-critical control signals provided by a PON medium access control. Finally sub-system integration and state-of-the-art system performance for 10 Gb/s PONs are reviewed

    GPON sobre WDM-PON

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e TelecomunicaçõesDue to the increased need for more bandwidth, access networks are evolving constantly. At the moment, GPON networks are the main choice in Europe, but due to the increased traffic in recent years, developing a new option for access networks defined NGPON2 as one of the main focuses in telecommunication research. In this document the current PON networks and the possible NGPON2 candidates will be studied. The main focus will be the possibility of designing a WDM-PON network while maintaining the main GPON architecture already implemented. By using SFPs, an example will be shown where a normal GPON transmission will be converted to another wavelength in order to show a possible implementation of a WDM network.Com o aumento da necessidade de largura de banda nos últimos anos as redes de acesso encontram-se em constante evolução. Sendo que as redes GPON são de momento a principal escolha num âmbito europeu, devido ao aumento de tráfego nos últimos anos, a necessidade de uma nova tecnologia para redes de acesso NGPON2 é um dos principais focos de investigação em telecomunicações. Neste documento irá ser realizado um estudo das actuais redes PON e as possíveis opções para uma rede NGPON2. Maior ênfase será dado à possibilidade de realizar uma rede WDM-PON utilizando como base a arquitectura GPON já implementada. . Utilizando SFPs irá ser demonstrado como é possível converter uma transmissão GPON para outros comprimentos de onda com o objectivo de criar uma rede WDM

    Análise tecno-económica em redes de acesso óptico

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaEsta dissertação tem como objectivo analisar os principais problemas que os fornecedores de serviços têm que considerar ao implementar e ao migrar as redes de acesso ópticas existentes e futuras. Iremos considerar a migração da rede GPON, como rede de acesso actual, para as Redes Óticas de Acesso de Próxima Geração (NG-OANs), como a WDM-PON e a OFDM-PON. O trabalho foca-se nos Custos de Capital (CapEx) por utilizador, e em três factores que condicionam este custo: densidade populacional, topologia da rede e custo dos componentes. Uma visão geral e avaliação das redes óticas passivas existentes e futuras é apresentada. Um modelo tecno-económico para o cálculo do custo das redes de acesso é proposto, tendo em conta o efeito da taxa de subscrição. O custo total de cada tecnologia de rede é calculado. O CapEx por utilizador para esquemas divisores simples e em cascata é também calculado, para diferentes taxas de subscrição. O custo dos componentes é considerado quando o preço é extrapolado em função do tempo e do volume.This dissertation aims to analyse the main issues to be faced by the service providers in implementation and migration of existing and future optical access networks. We are going to consider the migration of the networks from GPON, as the current access network technology, to Next Generation Optical Access Networks (NG-OANs), such as WDM-PON and OFDM-PON. The work focuses on the Capital Expenditures (CapEx) per user and three factors that drive this cost: population density, network topology and components cost. An overview and assessment of existing and future passive optical networks is provided. A techno-economic model for calculating of deployment cost of access networks is presented, accounting for the effect of take rate. The total cost of each network technology is calculated. The CapEx per user for both single and cascaded splitter schemes for different take rates is also calculated. Furthermore the components cost is considered, when the price is extrapolated considering time and volume

    Transmitting television signal via fiber optics

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    Hlavním cílem této práce je teoretická analýza přenosového DVB TV signálu prostřednictvím optických vláken, analýza sítě CATV a modulační techniky pro její přenos. První částí této práce je zavedení šíření signálů v optických vláknech a pasivních součástech optických sítí, následované obecnými informacemi o digitálním rozhlasovém vysílání, sítí CATV a modulačním formátu pro jejich přenos. V druhé části, která se nazývá praktická část, vysvětluje výsledek měření, který se skládá ze srovnání různých měřicích parametrů, jako jsou "Power SIGNAL", "C / N", "Kanálový výkon" pro rozdílné délky optických vláken.The main goal of this thesis is theoretical analysis of transmission DVB TV signal via optical fiber, analysis of CATV network and modulation technique used for its transmission. The first part of this thesisis about introduction of propagation of signals in optical fiber and passive components of a fiber optic network, followed by general information about Digital Video Broadcasting, CATV network and modulation format for its transmission. In the second part, which is called practical part, explains our measurement's result, that consists of comparison of different measurement parameters such as “Power SIGNAL”, “C/N”, “Channel Power” for difference lengths of Fiber Optics.

    Regeneration of high rate digital signals for optical burst mode paquets

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    Català: En aquest projecte, es desenvoluparà un sistema novedós pel qual es podrà recuperar la informació de les baixes freqüències a partir de les altes. Gràcies a aquest sistema, es presentaran multitud de possibilitats en quant al desenvolupament de noves aplicacions; Com per exemple eliminar el soroll de les baixes freqüències, solventar la limitació que tenen els amplificadors actuals per treballar en continua; O ser capaços de transmetre modulant un làser en FM, amb la conseqüent avantatja que això suposa, com la de poder utilitzar un Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA) per al upstream, etc.Castellano: En el presente proyecto, se desarrollará un sistema novedoso con el cual se recuperará información de las bajas frecuencias a partir de las altas. Gracias a este sistema, se presentarán multitud de posibilidades en cuanto al desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones. Como por ejemplo eliminar el ruido de las bajas frecuencias, solventar la limitación que tienen los amplificadores actuales para trabajar en continua; O ser capaces de transmitir modulando un laser en FM, con las ventajas que ello supone, como la de poder utilizar un Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA) para el upstream, etc.English: In this Project, it is going to develop a new system with wich it will be possible to restore the low frequencies using the high frequencies. With this system, it will be presented a lot of new possibilities regarding the development of new aplications. For example, we may remove the noise at the low frecuencies, or to solve the restriction of working with DC-coupled with the actuals amplifications; Or to transmit using the FM response with a laser, thus transmiting using an Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA) for the upstream, etc

    Silicon photonics for optical fiber communication

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    Technology and policy drivers for standardization : consequences for the optical components industry

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology and Policy Program; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 2004.Includes bibliographical references.Optical communications promise the delivery of high bandwidth service to all types of customers. The potential for optical communications is enormous and has generated excitement and anticipation over the last decade. However, the emergence of a growing market has not materialized and the 1990s communications "bubble" has burst. One result of the bubble burst is that manufacturers of optical components have seen demand for their products plummet and are now struggling to survive. The future of the communications industry depends on its ability to provide better services and higher reliability. At some point, the upward curve of communications demand will require a strong optical components industry to support the industry. If the current stagnation continues, and the manufacturers fail, the economic pillar that is communications will suffer. The MIT Microphotonics Center has initiated a Communications Technology Roadmap study to better understand the technical, economic, and political factors that are inhibiting growth in the optical communications industry. This thesis examines the current state of the optoelectronic manufacturing industry and the causes of the decline. The primary focus is the rampant proliferation of optical transceiver designs resulting from abnormal market conditions during the "boom years" of the 1990s. The transceiver provides send/receiver capabilities and is the major component of optical networks. Convergence, or standardization, could potentially allow the industry to reach its full potential. System Dynamics is used to analyze transceiver standardization as a potential solution to the industry's lackluster growth.(cont.) To support the findings of the System Dynamics model, historical examples are explored to better understand the behavior of the industry and the potential effects of standardization. The industry currently offers literally hundreds of transceiver varieties. One major challenge to standardization is the development of a reasonable platform for the standard. This thesis will also examine the technical requirements of a transceiver platform and then provide a basic example of a transceiver platform before finishing with proposed policy measures that could guide the industry as it takes its first steps down the path to standardization.by Michael James Speerschneider.S.M