431 research outputs found

    Fuzzy graphs: Algebraic structure and syntactic recognition

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    © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013. Directed fuzzy hypergraphs are introduced as a generalization of both crisp directed hypergraphs and directed fuzzy graphs. It is proved that the set of all directed fuzzy hypergraphs can be structured into a magmoid with operations graph composition and disjoint union. In this framework a notion of syntactic recognition inside magmoids is defined. The corresponding class is proved to be closed under boolean operations and inverse mor-phisms of magmoids. Moreover, the language of all strongly connected fuzzy graphs and the language that consists of all fuzzy graphs that have at least one directed path from the begin node to the end node through edges with membership grade 1 are recognizable. Additionally, a useful characterization of recognizability through left derivatives is also achieved

    Turing machines based on unsharp quantum logic

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    In this paper, we consider Turing machines based on unsharp quantum logic. For a lattice-ordered quantum multiple-valued (MV) algebra E, we introduce E-valued non-deterministic Turing machines (ENTMs) and E-valued deterministic Turing machines (EDTMs). We discuss different E-valued recursively enumerable languages from width-first and depth-first recognition. We find that width-first recognition is equal to or less than depth-first recognition in general. The equivalence requires an underlying E value lattice to degenerate into an MV algebra. We also study variants of ENTMs. ENTMs with a classical initial state and ENTMs with a classical final state have the same power as ENTMs with quantum initial and final states. In particular, the latter can be simulated by ENTMs with classical transitions under a certain condition. Using these findings, we prove that ENTMs are not equivalent to EDTMs and that ENTMs are more powerful than EDTMs. This is a notable difference from the classical Turing machines.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2011, arXiv:1210.029

    Weighted Finite Automata over Strong Bimonoids

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    We investigate weighted finite automata over strings and strong bimonoids. Such algebraic structures satisfy the same laws as semirings except that no distributivity laws need to hold. We define two different behaviors and prove precise characterizations for them if the underlying strong bimonoid satisfies local finiteness conditions. Moreover, we show that in this case the given weighted automata can be determinized

    Automaták, fák és logika = Automata, trees and logic

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    Elemi idejű exponenciális algoritmus adtunk meg reguláris szavak ekvivalenciájának eldönthetőségére. Általánosítottuk Kleene tételét végtelen szavakat is felismerő súlyozott automatákra. Kifejlesztettünk egy algebrai módszert, amellyel a CTL logika számos szegmense estén eldönthető, hogy egy reguláris fanyelv definiálható-e a szegmensben. Vizsgáltuk a faautomaták algebrai tulajdonságait, megadtuk a felismerhetőség egy algebrai jellemzését. Definiáltunk a multi-leszálló fatranszformátort és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens a determinisztikus reguláris szűkítésű felszálló fatranszformátorral. Meghatároztuk a lineáris multi-leszálló osztály számítási erejét. Megmutattuk, hogy az alakmegőrző leszálló fatranszformátorok ekvivalensek az átcímkézőkkel és bebizonyítottuk, hogy az alakmegőrző tulajdonság eldönthető. Megadtuk a kavics makró fatranszformációk egy felbontását és megmutattuk, hogy a különböző cirkularitási tulajdonságok eldönthetők. Ugyancsak megadtuk a felbontást erős kavics kezelés estén is. Általánosítottuk J. Engelfriet hiararchia tételét súlyozott fatranszformátorokra. Súlyozott faautomatákra definiáltuk a termátíró szemantikát és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens az algebari szenmatikával. Algoritmust adtunk annak eldöntésére, hogy egy polinomiálisan súlyozott faautomata véges költségű-e. Vizsgáltuk a súlyozott faautomata különböző változatait: fuzzy faautomata, multioperátor monoid feletti faautomata, Ez utóbbi esetre általánosítottuk a Kleene tételt. | We gave an elementary algorithm for deciding the equivalence of regular words. We generalized Kleene's theorem to weighted automata processing infinite words. We developed an algebraic method that, for several segments of the CTL logic, can be applied to decide if a regular tree language can be defined in that segment. We examined algebraic properties of tree automata, and gave an algebraic characterization of recognizability. We defined multi bottom-up tree transducers and showed that they are equivalent to top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead. We determined the computation power of the linear subclass. We showed that shape preserving bottom-up tree transducers are equivalent to relabelings. We proved that the shape preserving property is decidable. We gave a decomposition for pebble macro tree transducers and showed that certain circularity properties are decidable. We also gave a decomposition for the strong pebble handling. We have generalized the hierarchy theorem of J. Engelfriet to weighted tree transducers. We defined the term rewrite semantics of weighted tree transducers and showed that it is equivalent to the algebraic semantics. We gave a decision algorithm for the finite cost property of a polynomially weighted tree automata. We defined different versions of weighted tree automata: fuzzy tree automata, weighted tree automata over a multioperator monoid. For the latter we generalized Kleene's theorem

    A Theory of Computation Based on Quantum Logic (I)

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    The (meta)logic underlying classical theory of computation is Boolean (two-valued) logic. Quantum logic was proposed by Birkhoff and von Neumann as a logic of quantum mechanics more than sixty years ago. The major difference between Boolean logic and quantum logic is that the latter does not enjoy distributivity in general. The rapid development of quantum computation in recent years stimulates us to establish a theory of computation based on quantum logic. The present paper is the first step toward such a new theory and it focuses on the simplest models of computation, namely finite automata. It is found that the universal validity of many properties of automata depend heavily upon the distributivity of the underlying logic. This indicates that these properties does not universally hold in the realm of quantum logic. On the other hand, we show that a local validity of them can be recovered by imposing a certain commutativity to the (atomic) statements about the automata under consideration. This reveals an essential difference between the classical theory of computation and the computation theory based on quantum logic

    A coalgebraic approach to fuzzy automata

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    In this thesis, we make a coalgebraic description of fuzzy automata allowing their integration in much general context. Thus, results obtained indivudually to fuzzy automata end up to be consequence of their coalgebraic description. In particular, a coalgebraic definition of the fuzzy language recognized by a fuzzy automaton is obtained. And, by defining a monad for fuzzy sets, a functor that describes a determinization process via a generalization of the powerset construction is obtained