820 research outputs found

    Optimal Grasp Synthesis to Apply Normal and Shear Stresses of Failure in Beams

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    This paper investigates the less-studied problem of failing/yielding an object purposefully by a robotic hand. A grasp synthesis capable of using the whole limb surface of the robotic hand is designed based on internal force decomposition. The introduced approach is based on quasistatic assumption and optimization of active internal forces in order to counterbalance the formulated task wrench/load of yielding. As different geometrical constraints are dictated by the manipulation circumstances (e.g. metallic sheet shaping or robotic harvesting), the yielding wrench optimization is developed to be not only sufficient for yielding the object but also effective in meeting all motion restrictions on manipulator. Maximum shear- stress theory is used for yielding analysis of a grasped object. Finite Element Modeling (FEM) simulation results are provided as a validation of our proposed approach

    On the synthesis of feasible and prehensile robotic grasps

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    Trabajo presentado al ICRA celebrado en Minnesota del 14 al 18 de mayo de 2012.This work proposes a solution to the grasp synthesis problem, which consist of finding the best hand configuration to grasp a given object for a specific manipulation task while satisfying all the necessary constraints. This problem had been divided into sequential sub-problems, including contact region determination, hand inverse kinematics and force distribution, with the particular constraints of each step tackled independently. This may lead to unnecessary effort, such as when one of the problems has no solution given the output of the previous step as input. To overcome this issue, we present a kinestatic formulation of the grasp synthesis problem that introduces compliance both at the joints and the contacts. This provides a proper framework to synthesize a feasible and prehensile grasp by considering simultaneously the necessary grasping constraints, including contact reachability, object restraint, and force controllability. As a consequence, a solution of the proposed model results in a set of hand configurations that allows to execute the grasp using only a position controller. The approach is illustrated with experiments on a simple planar hand using two fingers and an anthropomorphic robotic hand using three fingers.This work was partially supported by the CICYT projects DPI2010-18449, DPI2010-15446 and DPI2011-22471, and by the European Commission under CP grants no. 248587, “THE Hand Embodied”, and no. 270350, “ROBLOG”, within the FP7-ICT-2009-4-2-1 program “Cognitive Systems and Robotics”.Peer Reviewe

    Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Compliant Humanoid Robots in Whole-Body Loco-Manipulation Tasks

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    The stiffness ellipsoid, i.e. the locus of task-space forces obtained corresponding to a deformation of unit norm in different directions, has been extensively used as a powerful representation of robot interaction capabilities. The size and shape of the stiffness ellipsoid at a given end-effector posture are influenced by both joint control parameters and - for redundant manipulators - by the chosen redundancy resolution configuration. As is well known, impedance control techniques ideally provide control parameters which realize any desired shape of the Cartesian stiffness ellipsoid at the end-effector in an arbitrary non-singular configuration, so that arm geometry selection could appear secondary. This definitely contrasts with observations on how humans control their arm stiffness, who in fact appear to predominantly use arm configurations to shape the stiffness ellipsoid. To understand this discrepancy, we provide a more complete analysis of the task-space force/deformation behavior of redundant arms, which explains why arm geometry also plays a fundamental role in interaction capabilities of a torque controlled robot. We show that stiffness control of realistic robot models with bounds on joint torques can't indeed achieve arbitrary stiffness ellipsoids at any given arm configuration. We first introduce the notion of maximum allowable Cartesian force/displacement (“stiffness feasibility”) regions for a compliant robot. We show that different robot configurations modify such regions, and explore the role of different configurations in defining the performance limits of Cartesian stiffness controllers. On these bases, we design a stiffness control method that suitably exploits both joint control parameters and redundancy resolution to achieve desired task-space interaction behavior

    Grasp Analysis Tools for Synergistic Underactuated Robotic Hands

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    Despite being a classical topic in robotics, the research on dexterous robotic hands still stirs a lively research activity. The current interest is especially attracted by underactuated robotic hands where a high number of degrees of freedom (DoFs), and a relatively low number of degrees of actuation co-exist. The correlation between the DoFs obtained through a wise distribution of actuators is aimed at simplifying the control with a minimal loss of dexterity. In this sense, the application of bio-inspired principles is bringing research toward a more conscious design. This work proposes new, general approaches for the analysis of grasps with synergistic underactuated robotic hands.After a review of the quasi-static equations describing the system, where contact preload is also considered, two different approaches to the analysis are presented. The first one is based on a systematic combination of the equations. The independent and the dependent variables are defined, and cause-effect relationships between them are found. In addition, remarkable properties of the grasp, as the subspace of controllable internal force and the grasp compliance, are worked out in symbolic form. Then, some relevant kinds of tasks, such as pure squeeze, spurious squeeze and kinematic grasp displacements, are defined, in terms of nullity or non-nullity of proper variables. The second method of analysis shows how to discover the feasibility of the pre-defined tasks, operating a systematic decomposition of the solution space of the system. As a result, the inputs to be given to the hand, in order to achieve the desired system displacements, are found. The study of the feasible variations is carried out arriving at the discovery of all the combinations of nullity and/or non-nullity variables which are allowed by the equations describing the system. Numerical results are presented both for precision and power grasps, finding forces and displacements that the hand can impose on the object, and showing which properties are preserved after the introduction of a synergistic underactuation mechanism

    A Shared-Control Teleoperation Architecture for Nonprehensile Object Transportation

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    This article proposes a shared-control teleoperation architecture for robot manipulators transporting an object on a tray. Differently from many existing studies about remotely operated robots with firm grasping capabilities, we consider the case in which, in principle, the object can break its contact with the robot end-effector. The proposed shared-control approach automatically regulates the remote robot motion commanded by the user and the end-effector orientation to prevent the object from sliding over the tray. Furthermore, the human operator is provided with haptic cues informing about the discrepancy between the commanded and executed robot motion, which assist the operator throughout the task execution. We carried out trajectory tracking experiments employing an autonomous 7-degree-of-freedom (DoF) manipulator and compared the results obtained using the proposed approach with two different control schemes (i.e., constant tray orientation and no motion adjustment). We also carried out a human-subjects study involving 18 participants in which a 3-DoF haptic device was used to teleoperate the robot linear motion and display haptic cues to the operator. In all experiments, the results clearly show that our control approach outperforms the other solutions in terms of sliding prevention, robustness, commands tracking, and user’s preference

    Passive force closure and its computation in compliant-rigid grasps

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    The classical notion of force closure is formulated for multifingered hands, where the fingers actively apply any desired force consistent with friction constraints at the contacts. This paper considers a simpler notion of passive force closure, where each finger obeys some force-displacement law that depends on the finger's joint parameters. The fingers apply initial preload grasping forces, and the grasped object is stabilized against external disturbances by the automatic response of the grasping fingers. After motivating the usefulness of passive force closure, we characterize the conditions for its existence. Then we introduce the passive stability set, defined as the collection of external wrenches that can be passively resisted by a given grasp. We introduce a class of grasp arrangements where the grasping mechanism is compliant while the grasped object is rigid. Such compliant-rigid systems are common, and for these systems the passive closure set can be computed in closed form. Simulation results demonstrate the computation of the passive closure set for two and three-finger planar grasps

    ThimbleSense: a fingertip-wearable tactile sensor for grasp analysis

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    Accurate measurement of contact forces between hand and grasped objects is crucial to study sensorimotor control during grasp and manipulation. In this work we introduce ThimbleSense, a prototype of individual-digit wearable force/torque sensor based on the principle of intrinsic tactile sensing. By exploiting the integration of this approach with an active marker-based motion capture system, the proposed device simultaneously measures absolute position and orientation of the fingertip, which in turn yields measurements of contacts and force components expressed in a global reference frame. The main advantage of this approach with respect to more conventional solutions is its versatility. Specifically, ThimbleSense can be used to study grasping and manipulation of a wide variety of objects, while still retaining complete force/torque measurements. Nevertheless, validation of the proposed device is a necessary step before it can be used for experimental purposes. In this work we present the results of a series of experiments designed to validate the accuracy of ThimbleSense measurements and evaluate the effects of distortion of tactile afferent inputs caused by the device's rigid shells on grasp forces
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