549 research outputs found

    A note on the Cops & Robber game on graphs embedded in non-orientable surfaces

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    The Cops and Robber game is played on undirected finite graphs. A number of cops and one robber are positioned on vertices and take turns in sliding along edges. The cops win if they can catch the robber. The minimum number of cops needed to win on a graph is called its cop number. It is known that the cop number of a graph embedded on a surface XX of genus gg is at most 3g/2+33g/2 + 3, if XX is orientable (Schroeder 2004), and at most 2g+12g+1, otherwise (Nowakowski & Schroeder 1997). We improve the bounds for non-orientable surfaces by reduction to the orientable case using covering spaces. As corollaries, using Schroeder's results, we obtain the following: the maximum cop number of graphs embeddable in the projective plane is 3; the cop number of graphs embeddable in the Klein Bottle is at most 4, and an upper bound is 3g/2+3/23g/2 + 3/2 for all other gg.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Shortest path embeddings of graphs on surfaces

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    The classical theorem of F\'{a}ry states that every planar graph can be represented by an embedding in which every edge is represented by a straight line segment. We consider generalizations of F\'{a}ry's theorem to surfaces equipped with Riemannian metrics. In this setting, we require that every edge is drawn as a shortest path between its two endpoints and we call an embedding with this property a shortest path embedding. The main question addressed in this paper is whether given a closed surface S, there exists a Riemannian metric for which every topologically embeddable graph admits a shortest path embedding. This question is also motivated by various problems regarding crossing numbers on surfaces. We observe that the round metrics on the sphere and the projective plane have this property. We provide flat metrics on the torus and the Klein bottle which also have this property. Then we show that for the unit square flat metric on the Klein bottle there exists a graph without shortest path embeddings. We show, moreover, that for large g, there exist graphs G embeddable into the orientable surface of genus g, such that with large probability a random hyperbolic metric does not admit a shortest path embedding of G, where the probability measure is proportional to the Weil-Petersson volume on moduli space. Finally, we construct a hyperbolic metric on every orientable surface S of genus g, such that every graph embeddable into S can be embedded so that every edge is a concatenation of at most O(g) shortest paths.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures: Version 3 is updated after comments of reviewer

    Embeddings of 3-connected 3-regular planar graphs on surfaces of non-negative Euler characteristic

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    Whitney's theorem states that every 3-connected planar graph is uniquely embeddable on the sphere. On the other hand, it has many inequivalent embeddings on another surface. We shall characterize structures of a 33-connected 33-regular planar graph GG embedded on the projective-plane, the torus and the Klein bottle, and give a one-to-one correspondence between inequivalent embeddings of GG on each surface and some subgraphs of the dual of GG embedded on the sphere. These results enable us to give explicit bounds for the number of inequivalent embeddings of GG on each surface, and propose effective algorithms for enumerating and counting these embeddings.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    The bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces and Teschner's conjecture

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    The bondage number of a graph is the smallest number of its edges whose removal results in a graph having a larger domination number. We provide constant upper bounds for the bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces, improve upper bounds for the bondage number in terms of the maximum vertex degree and the orientable and non-orientable genera of the graph, and show tight lower bounds for the number of vertices of graphs 2-cell embeddable on topological surfaces of a given genus. Also, we provide stronger upper bounds for graphs with no triangles and graphs with the number of vertices larger than a certain threshold in terms of the graph genera. This settles Teschner's Conjecture in positive for almost all graphs.Comment: 21 pages; Original version from January 201

    Some Triangulated Surfaces without Balanced Splitting

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    Let G be the graph of a triangulated surface Σ\Sigma of genus g≥2g\geq 2. A cycle of G is splitting if it cuts Σ\Sigma into two components, neither of which is homeomorphic to a disk. A splitting cycle has type k if the corresponding components have genera k and g-k. It was conjectured that G contains a splitting cycle (Barnette '1982). We confirm this conjecture for an infinite family of triangulations by complete graphs but give counter-examples to a stronger conjecture (Mohar and Thomassen '2001) claiming that G should contain splitting cycles of every possible type.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Space Complexity of Perfect Matching in Bounded Genus Bipartite Graphs

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    We investigate the space complexity of certain perfect matching problems over bipartite graphs embedded on surfaces of constant genus (orientable or non-orientable). We show that the problems of deciding whether such graphs have (1) a perfect matching or not and (2) a unique perfect matching or not, are in the logspace complexity class \SPL. Since \SPL\ is contained in the logspace counting classes \oplus\L (in fact in \modk\ for all k≥2k\geq 2), \CeqL, and \PL, our upper bound places the above-mentioned matching problems in these counting classes as well. We also show that the search version, computing a perfect matching, for this class of graphs is in \FL^{\SPL}. Our results extend the same upper bounds for these problems over bipartite planar graphs known earlier. As our main technical result, we design a logspace computable and polynomially bounded weight function which isolates a minimum weight perfect matching in bipartite graphs embedded on surfaces of constant genus. We use results from algebraic topology for proving the correctness of the weight function.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Toroidal and Klein bottle boundary slopes

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    Let M be a compact, connected, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold and T' an incompressible torus boundary component of M such that the pair (M,T') is not cabled. By a result of C. Gordon, if S and T are incompressible punctured tori in M with boundary on T' and boundary slopes at distance d, then d is at most 8, and the cases where d=6,7,8 are very few and classified. We give a simplified proof of this result (or rather, of its reduction process), based on an improved estimate for the maximum possible number of mutually parallel negative edges in the graphs of intersection of S and T. We also extend Gordon's result by allowing either S or T to be an essential Klein bottle. to the case where S or T is a punctured essential Klein bottle.Comment: Preliminary version, updated. We use a new approach that yields a stronger conclusion. 28 pages, 18 figure
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