25,159 research outputs found

    On the Enumeration of Minimal Dominating Sets and Related Notions

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    A dominating set DD in a graph is a subset of its vertex set such that each vertex is either in DD or has a neighbour in DD. In this paper, we are interested in the enumeration of (inclusion-wise) minimal dominating sets in graphs, called the Dom-Enum problem. It is well known that this problem can be polynomially reduced to the Trans-Enum problem in hypergraphs, i.e., the problem of enumerating all minimal transversals in a hypergraph. Firstly we show that the Trans-Enum problem can be polynomially reduced to the Dom-Enum problem. As a consequence there exists an output-polynomial time algorithm for the Trans-Enum problem if and only if there exists one for the Dom-Enum problem. Secondly, we study the Dom-Enum problem in some graph classes. We give an output-polynomial time algorithm for the Dom-Enum problem in split graphs, and introduce the completion of a graph to obtain an output-polynomial time algorithm for the Dom-Enum problem in P6P_6-free chordal graphs, a proper superclass of split graphs. Finally, we investigate the complexity of the enumeration of (inclusion-wise) minimal connected dominating sets and minimal total dominating sets of graphs. We show that there exists an output-polynomial time algorithm for the Dom-Enum problem (or equivalently Trans-Enum problem) if and only if there exists one for the following enumeration problems: minimal total dominating sets, minimal total dominating sets in split graphs, minimal connected dominating sets in split graphs, minimal dominating sets in co-bipartite graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, In revisio

    On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence parameters of graphs

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    The definitions of four previously studied parameters related to total coverings and total matchings of graphs can be restricted, thereby obtaining eight parameters related to covering and independence, each of which has been studied previously in some form. Here we survey briefly results concerning total coverings and total matchings of graphs, and consider the aforementioned 12 covering and independence parameters with regard to algorithmic complexity. We survey briefly known results for several graph classes, and obtain new NP-completeness results for the minimum total cover and maximum minimal total cover problems in planar graphs, the minimum maximal total matching problem in bipartite and chordal graphs, and the minimum independent dominating set problem in planar cubic graphs

    Boundary properties of graphs

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    A set of graphs may acquire various desirable properties, if we apply suitable restrictions on the set. We investigate the following two questions: How far, exactly, must one restrict the structure of a graph to obtain a certain interesting property? What kind of tools are helpful to classify sets of graphs into those which satisfy a property and those that do not? Equipped with a containment relation, a graph class is a special example of a partially ordered set. We introduce the notion of a boundary ideal as a generalisation of a notion introduced by Alekseev in 2003, to provide a tool to indicate whether a partially ordered set satisfies a desirable property or not. This tool can give a complete characterisation of lower ideals defined by a finite forbidden set, into those that satisfy the given property and to those that do not. In the case of graphs, a lower ideal with respect to the induced subgraph relation is known as a hereditary graph class. We study three interrelated types of properties for hereditary graph classes: the existence of an efficient solution to an algorithmic graph problem, the boundedness of the graph parameter known as clique-width, and well-quasi-orderability by the induced subgraph relation. It was shown by Courcelle, Makowsky and Rotics in 2000 that, for a graph class, boundedness of clique-width immediately implies an efficient solution to a wide range of algorithmic problems. This serves as one of the motivations to study clique-width. As for well-quasiorderability, we conjecture that every hereditary graph class that is well-quasi-ordered by the induced subgraph relation also has bounded clique-width. We discover the first boundary classes for several algorithmic graph problems, including the Hamiltonian cycle problem. We also give polynomial-time algorithms for the dominating induced matching problem, for some restricted graph classes. After discussing the special importance of bipartite graphs in the study of clique-width, we describe a general framework for constructing bipartite graphs of large clique-width. As a consequence, we find a new minimal class of unbounded clique-width. We prove numerous positive and negative results regarding the well-quasi-orderability of classes of bipartite graphs. This completes a characterisation of the well-quasi-orderability of all classes of bipartite graphs defined by one forbidden induced bipartite subgraph. We also make considerable progress in characterising general graph classes defined by two forbidden induced subgraphs, reducing the task to a small finite number of open cases. Finally, we show that, in general, for hereditary graph classes defined by a forbidden set of bounded finite size, a similar reduction is not usually possible, but the number of boundary classes to determine well-quasi-orderability is nevertheless finite. Our results, together with the notion of boundary ideals, are also relevant for the study of other partially ordered sets in mathematics, such as permutations ordered by the pattern containment relation

    A Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Enumerating Minimal Dominating Sets in Chordal Graphs

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    An output-polynomial algorithm for the listing of minimal dominating sets in graphs is a challenging open problem and is known to be equivalent to the well-known Transversal problem which asks for an output-polynomial algorithm for listing the set of minimal hitting sets in hypergraphs. We give a polynomial delay algorithm to list the set of minimal dominating sets in chordal graphs, an important and well-studied graph class where such an algorithm was open for a while.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, submitte