622 research outputs found

    Limit cycles in uniform isochronous centers of discontinuous differential systems with four zones

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    We apply the averaging theory of first order for discontinuous differential systems to study the bifurcation of limit cycles from the periodic orbits of the uniform isochronous center of the differential systems ẋ = -y+x, y = x + xy, and ẋ = -y + xy, y = x + xy, when they are perturbed inside the class of all discontinuous quadratic and cubic polynomials differential systems with four zones separately by the axes of coordinates, respectively. Using averaging theory of first order the maximum number of limit cycles that we can obtain is twice the maximum number of limit cycles obtained in a previous work for discontinuous quadratic differential systems perturbing the same uniform isochronous quadratic center at origin perturbed with two zones separately by a straight line, and 5 more limit cycles than those achieved in a prior result for discontinuous cubic differential systems with the same uniform isochronous cubic center at the origin perturbed with two zones separately by a straight line. Comparing our results with those obtained perturbing the mentioned centers by the continuous quadratic and cubic differential systems we obtain 8 and 9 more limit cycles respectively

    Crossing limit cycles of planar piecewise linear Hamiltonian systems without equilibrium points

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    In this paper, we study the existence of limit cycles of planar piecewise linear Hamiltonian systems without equilibrium points. Firstly, we prove that if these systems are separated by a parabola, they can have at most two crossing limit cycles, and if they are separated by a hyperbola or an ellipse, they can have at most three crossing limit cycles. Additionally, we prove that these upper bounds are reached. Secondly, we show that there is an example of two crossing limit cycles when these systems have four zones separated by three straight lines

    Limit cycles of planar discontinuous piecewise linear Hamiltonian systems without equilibria separated by reducible cubics

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    Due to their applications to many physical phenomena during these last decades the interest for studying the discontinuous piecewise differential systems has increased strongly. The limit cycles play a main role in the study of any planar differential system, but to determine the maximum number of limits cycles that a class of planar differential systems can have is one of the main problems in the qualitative theory of the planar differential systems. Thus in general to provide a sharp upper bound for the number of crossing limit cycles that a given class of piecewise linear differential system can have is a very difficult problem. In this paper we characterize the existence and the number of limit cycles for the piecewise linear differential systems formed by linear Hamiltonian systems without equilibria and separated by a reducible cubic curve, formed either by an ellipse and a straight line, or by a parabola and a straight line parallel to the tangent at the vertex of the parabola. Hence we have solved the extended 16th Hilbert problem to this class of piecewise differential systems

    Limit cycles of piecewise polynomial differential systems with the discontinuity line xy = 0

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    In this paper we study the maximum number of limit cycles bifurcating from the periodic orbits of the center x. = −y((x + y)/2), y. = x((x + y)/2) with m ≥ 0 under discontinuous piecewise polynomial (resp. polynomial Hamiltonian) perturbations of degree n with the discontinuity set {(x, y) ∈ R : xy = 0}. Using the averaging theory up to any order N, we give upper bounds for the maximum number of limit cycles in the function of m, n, N. More importantly, employing the higher order averaging method we provide new lower bounds of the maximum number of limit cycles for several types of piecewise polynomial systems, which improve the results of the previous works. Besides, we explore the effect of 4-star-symmetry on the maximum number of limit cycles bifurcating from the unperturbed periodic orbits. Our result implies that 4-star-symmetry almost halves the maximum number

    Limit cycles in planar piecewise linear differential systems with nonregular separation line

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    Agraïments: The first author is supported by FAPESP grant number 2013/24541-0 and CAPES grant number 88881.030454/2013-01 Program CSF-PVE and UNAB13-4E-1604.In this paper we deal with lanar piecewise linear differential systems defined in two zones. We consider the case when the two linear zones are angular sectors of angles and 2 - respectively, for (0,). We study the problem of determining lower bounds for the number of isolated periodic orbits in such systems using Melnikov functions. These limit cycles appear studying higher order piecewise linear perturbations of a linear center. It is proved that the maximum number of limit cycles that can appear up to a sixth order perturbation is five. Moreover, for these values of we prove the existence of systems with four limit cycles up to fifth order and, for =/2, we provide an explicit example with five up to sixth order. In general, the nonregular separation line increases the number of periodic orbits in comparison with the case where the two zones are separated by a straight line

    Three crossing limit cycles in planar piecewise linear systems with saddle-focus type

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    This paper presents an analysis on the appearance of limit cycles in planar Filippov system with two linear subsystems separated by a straight line. Under the restriction that the orbits with points in the sliding and escaping regions are not considered, we provide firstly a topologically equivalent canonical form of saddle-focus dynamic with five parameters by using some convenient transformations of variables and parameters. Then, based on a very available fourth-order series expansion of the return map near an invisible parabolic type tangency point, we show that three crossing limit cycles surrounding the sliding set can be bifurcated from generic codimension-three singularities of planar discontinuous saddle-focus system. Our work improves and extends some existing results of other researchers
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