54 research outputs found

    Spectral theory for bounded banded matrices with positive bidiagonal factorization and mixed multiple orthogonal polynomials

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    Spectral and factorization properties of oscillatory matrices lead to a spectral Favard theorem for bounded banded matrices, that admit a positive bidiagonal factorization, in terms of sequences of mixed multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to a set positive Lebesgue–Stieltjes measures. A mixed multiple Gauss quadrature formula with corresponding degrees of precision is givenpublishe

    Matrix differential equations and scalar polynomials satisfying higher order recursions

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    We show that any scalar differential operator with a family of polyno- mials as its common eigenfunctions leads canonically to a matrix differen- tial operator with the same property. The construction of the correspond- ing family of matrix valued polynomials has been studied in [D1, D2, DV] but the existence of a differential operator having them as common eigen- functions had not been considered This correspondence goes only one way and most matrix valued situations do not arise in this fashion. We illustrate this general construction with a few examples. In the case of some families of scalar valued polynomials introduced in [GH] we take a first look at the algebra of all matrix differential operators that share these common eigenfunctions and uncover a number of phenomena that are new to the matrix valued case

    On the full Kostant-Toda system and the discrete Korteweg-de Vries equations

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    The relation between the solutions of the full Kostant–Toda lattice and the discrete Korteweg–de Vries equation is analyzed. A method for constructing solutions of these systems is given. As a consequence of the matricial interpretation of this method, the transform of Darboux is extended for general Hessenberg banded matrices

    The CMV bispectral problem

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    A classical result due to Bochner classifies the orthogonal polynomials on the real line which are common eigenfunctions of a second order linear differential operator. We settle a natural version of the Bochner problem on the unit circle which answers a similar question concerning orthogonal Laurent polynomials and can be formulated as a bispectral problem involving CMV matrices. We solve this CMV bispectral problem in great generality proving that, except the Lebesgue measure, no other one on the unit circle yields a sequence of orthogonal Laurent polynomials which are eigenfunctions of a linear differential operator of arbitrary order. Actually, we prove that this is the case even if such an eigenfunction condition is imposed up to finitely many orthogonal Laurent polynomials.Comment: 25 pages, final version, to appear in International Mathematics Research Notice

    A new commutativity property of exceptional orthogonal polynomials

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    We exhibit three examples showing that the "time-and-band limiting" commutative property found and exploited by D. Slepian, H. Landau and H. Pollak at Bell Labs in the 1960's, and independently by M. Mehta and later by C. Tracy and H. Widom in Random matrix theory, holds for exceptional orthogonal polynomials. The property in question is the existence of local operators with simple spectrum that commute with naturally appearing global ones. We illustrate numerically the advantage of having such a local operator
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