76 research outputs found

    Generalized Threshold Decoding of Convolutional Codes

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    It is shown that any rate l/b systematic convolutional code over GF(p) can be decoded up to its minimum distance with respect to the decoding constraint length by a one-step threshold decoder. It is further shown that this decoding method can be generalized in a natural way to allow “decoding” of a received sequence in its unquantized analog form

    Secuencias binarias y sus aplicaciones

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    ABSTRACT: The generation of families of sequences with a bounded correlation, among other properties, is of interest in several fields such as cryptography, wireless communications and digital watermarks. Commercial applications such as GPS or military uses such as Radar have been developed and improved thanks to the search of these sequences and the analysis of their autocorrelation function and the correlation between members of the same family. In this project, we focus on a technique for the algebraic construction of sequences where a sequence of shifts and a sequence with good properties generate a new sequence. The aim is the exhaustive search of longer sequences then the ones already present in the literature. To do so, a software intended to provide support to a designer has been developed to assist in the search of said sequences and check their properties, which can be deployed in a supercomputer. The applications of these sequences are, among others, radars and location systems with higher spatial resolution.RESUMEN: Generar familias de secuencias con correlación acotada, entre otras propiedades, es de interés en diversas áreas como criptografía, comunicaciones inalámbricas y marcas de agua digitales. Aplicaciones comerciales como el GPS, o con usos militares como el Radar se han desarrollado y mejorado a partir de la búsqueda de estas secuencias mediante el estudio de su función tanto de autocorrelación como de la correlación entre los miembros de una misma familia. En este proyecto, nos centramos en una técnica para la construcción algebraica de secuencias donde, a través de una secuencia de desplazamientos y una secuencia con buenas propiedades, se genera una nueva secuencia. El objetivo es la búsqueda exhaustiva de secuencias de mayor longitud que las ya existentes en la literatura. Para este fin, se ha desarrollado un software de apoyo al diseñador con capacidad de ser desplegado en un nodo de supercomputación para asistir a la búsqueda de dichas secuencias y la comprobación de sus propiedades. La finalidad de estas secuencias, entre otros posibles usos, son radares y sistemas de localización con mayor resolución espacial.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Design of tch-type sequences for communications

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    This thesis deals with the design of a class of cyclic codes inspired by TCH codewords. Since TCH codes are linked to finite fields the fundamental concepts and facts about abstract algebra, namely group theory and number theory, constitute the first part of the thesis. By exploring group geometric properties and identifying an equivalence between some operations on codes and the symmetries of the dihedral group we were able to simplify the generation of codewords thus saving on the necessary number of computations. Moreover, we also presented an algebraic method to obtain binary generalized TCH codewords of length N = 2k, k = 1,2, . . . , 16. By exploring Zech logarithm’s properties as well as a group theoretic isomorphism we developed a method that is both faster and less complex than what was proposed before. In addition, it is valid for all relevant cases relating the codeword length N and not only those resulting from N = p

    Estimating the Sizes of Binary Error-Correcting Constrained Codes

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    In this paper, we study binary constrained codes that are resilient to bit-flip errors and erasures. In our first approach, we compute the sizes of constrained subcodes of linear codes. Since there exist well-known linear codes that achieve vanishing probabilities of error over the binary symmetric channel (which causes bit-flip errors) and the binary erasure channel, constrained subcodes of such linear codes are also resilient to random bit-flip errors and erasures. We employ a simple identity from the Fourier analysis of Boolean functions, which transforms the problem of counting constrained codewords of linear codes to a question about the structure of the dual code. We illustrate the utility of our method in providing explicit values or efficient algorithms for our counting problem, by showing that the Fourier transform of the indicator function of the constraint is computable, for different constraints. Our second approach is to obtain good upper bounds, using an extension of Delsarte's linear program (LP), on the largest sizes of constrained codes that can correct a fixed number of combinatorial errors or erasures. We observe that the numerical values of our LP-based upper bounds beat the generalized sphere packing bounds of Fazeli, Vardy, and Yaakobi (2015).Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, to be submitted to the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theor

    Estimating the Rate-Distortion Function by Wasserstein Gradient Descent

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    In the theory of lossy compression, the rate-distortion (R-D) function R(D)R(D) describes how much a data source can be compressed (in bit-rate) at any given level of fidelity (distortion). Obtaining R(D)R(D) for a given data source establishes the fundamental performance limit for all compression algorithms. We propose a new method to estimate R(D)R(D) from the perspective of optimal transport. Unlike the classic Blahut--Arimoto algorithm which fixes the support of the reproduction distribution in advance, our Wasserstein gradient descent algorithm learns the support of the optimal reproduction distribution by moving particles. We prove its local convergence and analyze the sample complexity of our R-D estimator based on a connection to entropic optimal transport. Experimentally, we obtain comparable or tighter bounds than state-of-the-art neural network methods on low-rate sources while requiring considerably less tuning and computation effort. We also highlight a connection to maximum-likelihood deconvolution and introduce a new class of sources that can be used as test cases with known solutions to the R-D problem.Comment: Accepted as conference paper at NeurIPS 202

    In pursuit of high resolution radar using pursuit algorithms

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    Radar receivers typically employ matched filters designed to maximize signal to noise ratio (SNR) in a single target environment. In a multi-target environment, however, matched filter estimates of target environment often consist of spurious targets because of radar signal sidelobes. As a result, matched filters are not suitable for use in high resolution radars operating in multi-target environments. Assuming a point target model, we show that the radar problem can be formulated as a linear under-determined system with a sparse solution. This suggests that radar can be considered as a sparse signal recovery problem. However, it is shown that the sensing matrix obtained using common radar signals does not usually satisfy the mutual coherence condition. This implies that using recovery techniques available in compressed sensing literature may not result in the optimal solution. In this thesis, we focus on the greedy algorithm approach to solve the problem and show that it naturally yields a quantitative measure for radar resolution. In addition, we show that the limitations of the greedy algorithms can be attributed to the close relation between greedy matching pursuit algorithms and the matched filter. This suggests that improvements to the resolution capability of the greedy pursuit algorithms can be made by using a mismatched signal dictionary. In some cases, unlike the mismatched filter, the proposed mismatched pursuit algorithm is shown to offer improved resolution and stability without any noticeable difference in detection performance. Further improvements in resolution are proposed by using greedy algorithms in a radar system using multiple transmit waveforms. It is shown that while using the greedy algorithms together with linear channel combining can yield significant resolution improvement, a greedy approach using nonlinear channel combining also shows some promise. Finally, a forward-backward greedy algorithm is proposed for target environments comprising of point targets as well as extended targets

    Directed nonabelian sandpile models on trees

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    We define two general classes of nonabelian sandpile models on directed trees (or arborescences) as models of nonequilibrium statistical phenomena. These models have the property that sand grains can enter only through specified reservoirs, unlike the well-known abelian sandpile model. In the Trickle-down sandpile model, sand grains are allowed to move one at a time. For this model, we show that the stationary distribution is of product form. In the Landslide sandpile model, all the grains at a vertex topple at once, and here we prove formulas for all eigenvalues, their multiplicities, and the rate of convergence to stationarity. The proofs use wreath products and the representation theory of monoids.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figures; introduction improve

    Representation learning on complex data

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    Machine learning has enabled remarkable progress in various fields of research and application in recent years. The primary objective of machine learning consists of developing algorithms that can learn and improve through observation and experience. Machine learning algorithms learn from data, which may exhibit various forms of complexity, which pose fundamental challenges. In this thesis, we address two major types of data complexity: First, data is often inherently connected and can be modeled by a single or multiple graphs. Machine learning methods could potentially exploit these connections, for instance, to find groups of similar users in a social network for targeted marketing or to predict functional properties of proteins for drug design. Secondly, data is often high-dimensional, for instance, due to a large number of recorded features or induced by a quadratic pixel grid on images. Classical machine learning methods perennially fail when exposed to high-dimensional data as several key assumptions cease to be satisfied. Therefore, a major challenge associated with machine learning on graphs and high-dimensional data is to derive meaningful representations of this data, which allow models to learn effectively. In contrast to conventional manual feature engineering methods, representation learning aims at automatically learning data representations that are particularly suitable for a specific task at hand. Driven by a rapidly increasing availability of data, these methods have celebrated tremendous success for tasks such as object detection in images and speech recognition. However, there is still a considerable amount of research work to be done to fully leverage such techniques for learning on graphs and high-dimensional data. In this thesis, we address the problem of learning meaningful representations for highly-effective machine learning on complex data, in particular, graph data and high-dimensional data. Additionally, most of our proposed methods are highly scalable, allowing them to learn from massive amounts of data. While we address a wide range of general learning problems with different modes of supervision, ranging from unsupervised problems on unlabeled data to (semi-)-supervised learning on annotated data sets, we evaluate our models on specific tasks from fields such as social network analysis, information security, and computer vision. The first part of this thesis addresses representation learning on graphs. While existing graph neural network models commonly perform synchronous message passing between nodes and thus struggle with long-range dependencies and efficiency issues, our first proposed method performs fast asynchronous message passing and, therefore, supports adaptive and efficient learning and additionally scales to large graphs. Another contribution consists of a novel graph-based approach to malware detection and classification based on network traffic. While existing methods classify individual network flows between two endpoints, our algorithm collects all traffic in a monitored network within a specific time frame and builds a communication graph, which is then classified using a novel graph neural network model. The developed model can be generally applied to further graph classification or anomaly detection tasks. Two further contributions challenge a common assumption made by graph learning methods, termed homophily, which states that nodes with similar properties are usually closely connected in the graph. To this end, we develop a method that predicts node-level properties leveraging the distribution of class labels appearing in the neighborhood of the respective node. That allows our model to learn general relations between a node and its neighbors, which are not limited to homophily. Another proposed method specifically models structural similarity between nodes to model different roles, for instance, influencers and followers in a social network. In particular, we develop an unsupervised algorithm for deriving node descriptors based on how nodes spread probability mass to their neighbors and aggregate these descriptors to represent entire graphs. The second part of this thesis addresses representation learning on high-dimensional data. Specifically, we consider the problem of clustering high-dimensional data, such as images, texts, or gene expression profiles. Classical clustering algorithms struggle with this type of data since it can usually not be assumed that data objects will be similar w.r.t. all attributes, but only within a particular subspace of the full-dimensional ambient space. Subspace clustering is an approach to clustering high-dimensional data based on this assumption. While there already exist powerful neural network-based subspace clustering methods, these methods commonly suffer from scalability issues and lack a theoretical foundation. To this end, we propose a novel metric learning approach to subspace clustering, which can provably recover linear subspaces under suitable assumptions and, at the same time, tremendously reduces the required numbear of model parameters and memory compared to existing algorithms.Maschinelles Lernen hat in den letzten Jahren bemerkenswerte Fortschritte in verschiedenen Forschungs- und Anwendungsbereichen ermöglicht. Das primäre Ziel des maschinellen Lernens besteht darin, Algorithmen zu entwickeln, die durch Beobachtung und Erfahrung lernen und sich verbessern können. Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens lernen aus Daten, die verschiedene Formen von Komplexität aufweisen können, was grundlegende Herausforderungen mit sich bringt. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werden zwei Haupttypen von Datenkomplexität behandelt: Erstens weisen Daten oft inhärente Verbindungen, die durch einen einzelnen oder mehrere Graphen modelliert werden können. Methoden des maschinellen Lernens können diese Verbindungen potenziell ausnutzen, um beispielsweise Gruppen ähnlicher Nutzer in einem sozialen Netzwerk für gezieltes Marketing zu finden oder um funktionale Eigenschaften von Proteinen für das Design von Medikamenten vorherzusagen. Zweitens sind die Daten oft hochdimensional, z. B. aufgrund einer großen Anzahl von erfassten Merkmalen oder bedingt durch ein quadratisches Pixelraster auf Bildern. Klassische Methoden des maschinellen Lernens versagen immer wieder, wenn sie hochdimensionalen Daten ausgesetzt werden, da mehrere Schlüsselannahmen nicht mehr erfüllt sind. Daher besteht eine große Herausforderung beim maschinellen Lernen auf Graphen und hochdimensionalen Daten darin, sinnvolle Repräsentationen dieser Daten abzuleiten, die es den Modellen ermöglichen, effektiv zu lernen. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen manuellen Feature-Engineering-Methoden zielt Representation Learning darauf ab, automatisch Datenrepräsentationen zu lernen, die für eine bestimmte Aufgabenstellung besonders geeignet sind. Angetrieben durch eine rasant steigende Datenverfügbarkeit haben diese Methoden bei Aufgaben wie der Objekterkennung in Bildern und der Spracherkennung enorme Erfolge gefeiert. Es besteht jedoch noch ein erheblicher Forschungsbedarf, um solche Verfahren für das Lernen auf Graphen und hochdimensionalen Daten voll auszuschöpfen. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Problem des Lernens sinnvoller Repräsentationen für hocheffektives maschinelles Lernen auf komplexen Daten, insbesondere auf Graphen und hochdimensionalen Daten. Zusätzlich sind die meisten hier vorgeschlagenen Methoden hoch skalierbar, so dass sie aus großen Datenmengen lernen können. Obgleich eine breite Palette von allgemeinen Lernproblemen mit verschiedenen Arten der Überwachung adressiert wird, die von unüberwachten Problemen auf unannotierten Daten bis hin zum (semi-)überwachten Lernen auf annotierten Datensätzen reichen, werden die vorgestellten Metoden anhand spezifischen Anwendungen aus Bereichen wie der Analyse sozialer Netzwerke, der Informationssicherheit und der Computer Vision evaluiert. Der erste Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Representation Learning auf Graphen. Während existierende neuronale Netze für Graphen üblicherweise eine synchrone Nachrichtenübermittlung zwischen den Knoten durchführen und somit mit langreichweitigen Abhängigkeiten und Effizienzproblemen zu kämpfen haben, führt die erste hier vorgeschlagene Methode eine schnelle asynchrone Nachrichtenübermittlung durch und unterstützt somit adaptives und effizientes Lernen und skaliert zudem auf große Graphen. Ein weiterer Beitrag besteht in einem neuartigen graphenbasierten Ansatz zur Malware-Erkennung und -Klassifizierung auf Basis des Netzwerkverkehrs. Während bestehende Methoden einzelne Netzwerkflüsse zwischen zwei Endpunkten klassifizieren, sammelt der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus den gesamten Verkehr in einem überwachten Netzwerk innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums und baut einen Kommunikationsgraphen auf, der dann mithilfe eines neuartigen neuronalen Netzes für Graphen klassifiziert wird. Das entwickelte Modell kann allgemein für weitere Graphenklassifizierungs- oder Anomalieerkennungsaufgaben eingesetzt werden. Zwei weitere Beiträge stellen eine gängige Annahme von Graphen-Lernmethoden in Frage, die so genannte Homophilie-Annahme, die besagt, dass Knoten mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften in der Regel eng im Graphen verbunden sind. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Methode entwickelt, die Eigenschaften auf Knotenebene vorhersagt, indem sie die Verteilung der annotierten Klassen in der Nachbarschaft des jeweiligen Knotens nutzt. Das erlaubt dem vorgeschlagenen Modell, allgemeine Beziehungen zwischen einem Knoten und seinen Nachbarn zu lernen, die nicht auf Homophilie beschränkt sind. Eine weitere vorgeschlagene Methode modelliert strukturelle Ähnlichkeit zwischen Knoten, um unterschiedliche Rollen zu modellieren, zum Beispiel Influencer und Follower in einem sozialen Netzwerk. Insbesondere entwickeln wir einen unüberwachten Algorithmus zur Ableitung von Knoten-Deskriptoren, die darauf basieren, wie Knoten Wahrscheinlichkeitsmasse auf ihre Nachbarn verteilen, und aggregieren diese Deskriptoren, um ganze Graphen darzustellen. Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Representation Learning auf hochdimensionalen Daten. Konkret wird das Problem des Clusterns hochdimensionaler Daten, wie z. B. Bilder, Texte oder Genexpressionsprofile, betrachtet. Klassische Clustering-Algorithmen haben mit dieser Art von Daten zu kämpfen, da in der Regel nicht davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die Datenobjekte in Bezug auf alle Attribute ähnlich sind, sondern nur innerhalb eines bestimmten Unterraums des volldimensionalen Datenraums. Das Unterraum-Clustering ist ein Ansatz zum Clustern hochdimensionaler Daten, der auf dieser Annahme basiert. Obwohl es bereits leistungsfähige, auf neuronalen Netzen basierende Unterraum-Clustering-Methoden gibt, leiden diese Methoden im Allgemeinen unter Skalierbarkeitsproblemen und es fehlt ihnen an einer theoretischen Grundlage. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein neuartiger Metric Learning Ansatz für das Unterraum-Clustering vorgeschlagen, der unter geeigneten Annahmen nachweislich lineare Unterräume detektieren kann und gleichzeitig die erforderliche Anzahl von Modellparametern und Speicher im Vergleich zu bestehenden Algorithmen enorm reduziert