27 research outputs found

    TCP Versus UDP Performance in Term of Bandwidth Usage

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    This project is mainly about how to establish User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection in the same network simulation. For that, we will be using four types of TCP which are TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP NewReno and TCP Vegas. From there, we are going to differentiate them in term bandwidth usage and define how it works and describes several effect that occurred when its work together. In order to create the topology and run the protocols, we use Network Simulator 2 (NS2) to create and run the coding. To run the codes, we use command which use a few code in running the coding. Then we will get a topology,which is the flow of the packet within the source and destination, base on the coding. A graph also appears after the command

    Throughput, Smoothness Analysis of SCTP Over AODV and DSR MANET Routing Protocols

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network of mobile-mobile node that has no fixed routers. In MANET, mobile nodes can communicate via the wireless interface while nodes are moving freely without using the network infrastructure. Each node in addition to functioning as a host, also serves as a router that can receive and forward packets to next the node. Nowadays existence of a new Internet protocol technology, that is, SCTP, the performance in a MANET Routing Protocol is still unknown. The general objective of this research is to analyze and make the comparative performance of Stream Control Transportation Protocol (SCTP) with Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) using Network Simulator(NS-2). Specifically, this research (1) to measure the behavior of SCTP in terms of throughput and smoothness and (2) to determine routing protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) will have significant effect in SCTP. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) issued a new protocol called SCTP; the interaction of SCTP will be investigated through the examination of traffic flows through a number of network topologies. This research use Network Simulator 2 (NS-2), type of the traffic is CBR and packet size is 1000. This performance analysis is over MANET Routing Protocol that enables to analyst the several performance metrics such as Throughput and Smoothness. This topology consists of 16 nodes placed in a 1500m x 1500m rectangle because the researcher uses static topology, consisting of a 4x4 metric with SCTP transport layer and using routing protocol AODV and DSR. The data sent consists of five speeds at 5 m/s, 10 m/s, 15 m/s, 20 m/s, 25 m/s, and then these speeds are used in AODV and DSR simulation. Throughput of SCTP over AODV is highest than DSR and the smoothness of SCTP over DSR is highest than AODV depends on five types of speed. This research it was found that MANET did not have a great impact on the throughput of SCTP. In other words, MANET only amounted to 0-2% impact on the throughput of SCTP. Furthermore, the speed of node movement does not significantly affect the smoothness

    Large-Sample comparison of TCP congestion control mechanisms over wireless networks

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    As new congestion control mechanisms are developed, their performance relative to existing mechanisms needs to be understood; in particular over wireless networks. This study aimed to evaluate existing TCP congestion control mechanisms using a comprehensive and reproducible methodology designed to be representative of real world usage of wireless networks. The study sought to investigate whether any existing mechanism could provide significant performance benefits over CUBIC and be recommended for adoption. The findings of this study showed that YeAH demonstrated an increase in throughput of 3%–5% over CUBIC, with no penalty to latency. While this small improvement may assist applications requiring the highest available performance, it is unlikely that it will provide a significant improvement over existing congestion control mechanisms. As such, it is the conclusion of this study that use of alternate congestion control mechanisms would not provide noticeable improvements in performance in most applications

    Cost effective RISC core supporting the large sending offload

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    The Ethernet speed has increased sending and receiving frames from 40 to 100 Gbps after the IEEE P802.3ba released. The industry and academia have focused scaling up the TCP/IP protocol processing for 40-100 Gbps. LSO is a de facto standard, which is offloaded to network interface for sending packets up to 10 Gbps. It not clears whether a network interface can support such function for new 40-100 Gbps. The widely use of the hardware-based NIC such as the use of a fully customized logic based network interface can be due to the following reasons; Still it is not clear whether the General Purpose Processor (GPP) can provide the processing required for high-speed line beyond the 10 Gbps. Also, the limit of the GPP's clock in supporting the processing of network interfaces. However, using a RISC core engine for offloading the LSO function can deliver some important features to network interfaces design, such as simplicity, scalability, shorter developing cycle time. In this paper, we have investigated using a specialized RISC core to process the LSO functions for TCP/IP and UDP/IP for high-speed communications rate up to 100 Gbps. To achieve this, we have enhanced the LSO algorithm to scale it to 100 Gbps. A fast DMA is used to support transferring data in the network interface. The LSO processing methodology on the network has presented. In addition, the RISC's performance and data movements for high communication rate up to 100 Gbps have been measured. A 148 MHz RISC core can support the sending-side processing for up to 100 Gbps transmission speed for the TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocol when the MTU is applied (1500 bytes). A DMA with 3759 MHz is required to eliminate the idle cycles while transferring data over the 64-bit local bus

    Towards a User-Oriented Benchmark for Transport Protocols Comparison in very High Speed Networks

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    Standard TCP faces some performance limitations in very high speed wide area networks, mainly due to a long end-to-end feedback loop and a conservative behaviour with respect to congestion. Many TCP variants have been proposed to overcome these limitations. However, TCP is a complex protocol with many user-configurable parameters and a range of different implementations. It is then important to define measurement methods so that the transport services and protocols can evolve guided by scientific principles and compared quantitatively. The goal of this report is to present some steps towards a user-oriented benchmark, called ITB, for high speed transport protocols comparison. We first present and analyse some results reported in the literature. From this study we identify classes of representative applications and useful metrics. We then isolate infrastructure parameters and traffic factors which influence the protocol behaviour. This enable us to define scenario capturing and synthesising comprehensive and useful properties. We finally illustrate this proposal by preliminary results obtained on our experimental environment, Grid'5000, we have built and are using for contributing in this benchmark design

    TCP Sintok: Transmission control protocol with delay-based loss detection and contention avoidance mechanisms for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of mobile devices that are connected to each other using a wireless channel, forming a temporary network without the aid of fixed infrastructure; in which hosts are free to move randomly as well as free to join or leave. This decentralized nature of MANET comes with new challenges that violate the design concepts of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); the current dominant protocol of the Internet. TCP always infers packet loss as an indicator of network congestion and causes it to perform a sharp reduction to its sending rate. MANET suffers from several types of packet losses due to its mobility feature and contention on wireless channel access and these would lead to poor TCP performance. This experimental study investigates mobility and contention issues by proposing a protocol named TCP Sintok. This protocol comprises two mechanisms: Delay-based Loss Detection Mechanism (LDM), and Contention Avoidance Mechanism (CAM). LDM was introduced to determine the cause of the packet loss by monitoring the trend of end-to-end delay samples. CAM was developed to adapt the sending rate (congestion window) according to the current network condition. A series of experimental studies were conducted to validate the effectiveness of TCP Sintok in identifying the cause of packet loss and adapting the sending rate appropriately. Two variants of TCP protocol known as TCP NewReno and ADTCP were chosen to evaluate the performance of TCP Sintok through simulation. The results demonstrate that TCP Sintok improves jitter, delay and throughput as compared to the two variants. The findings have significant implication in providing reliable data transfer within MANET and supporting its deployment on mobile device communication

    A model for congestion control control of transmission control protocol in mobile wireless ad hoc networks

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    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a fundamental protocol in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite.TCP was well designed and optimized to work over wired networks where most packet loss occurs due to network congestion.In theory, TCP should not care whether it is running over wired networks, WLANs, or Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs).In practice, it does matter because most TCP deployments have been carefully designed based on the assumption that congestion is the main factor of network instability.However, MANETs have other dominating factors that cause network instability. Forgetting the impact of these factors violates some design principles of TCP congestion control and open questions for future research to address.This study aims to introduce a model that shows the impact of MANET factors on TCP congestion control.To achieve this aim, Design Research Methodology (DRM) proposed by BLESSING was used as a guide to present this model. The proposed model describes the existing situation of TCP congestion control.Furthermore, it points to the factors that are most suitable to be addressed by researchers in order to improve TCP performance.This research proposes a novel model to present the impact of MANET factors on TCP congestion control.The model is expected to serve as a benchmark for any intended improvement and enhancement of TCP congestion control over MANET

    On the benefits of applying experimental design to improve multipath TCP

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