11,428 research outputs found

    On the effect of motion segmentation techniques in description based adaptive video transmission

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. C. San Miguel, and J. M. Martínez, "On the effect of motion segmentation techniques in description based adaptive video transmission", in AVSS '07: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2007, p. 359-364This paper presents the results of analysing the effect of different motion segmentation techniques in a system that transmits the information captured by a static surveillance camera in an adaptative way based on the on-line generation of descriptions and their descriptions at different levels of detail. The video sequences are analyzed to detect the regions of activity (motion analysis) and to differentiate them from the background, and the corresponding descriptions (mainly MPEG-7 moving regions) are generated together with the textures of the moving regions and the associated background image. Depending on the available bandwidth, different levels of transmission are specified, ranging from just sending the descriptions generated to a transmission with all the associated images corresponding to the moving objects and background. We study the effect of three motion segmentation algorithms in several aspects such as accurate segmentation, size of the descriptions generated, computational efficiency and reconstructed data quality.This work is partially supported by Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM para Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad. This work is also supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Spanish Government under project TIN2004-07860 (MEDUSA) and by the Comunidad de Madrid under project P-TIC-0223-0505 (PROMULTIDIS)

    On-line adaptive video sequence transmission based on generation and transmisión of descriptions

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    Proceedings of the 26th Picture Coding Symposium, PCS 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2007This paper presents a system to transmit the information from a static surveillance camera in an adaptive way, from low to higher bit-rate, based on the on-line generation of descriptions. The proposed system is based on a server/client model: the server is placed in the surveillance area and the client is placed in a user side. The server analyzes the video sequence to detect the regions of activity (motion analysis) and the corresponding descriptions (mainly MPEG-7 moving regions) are generated together with the textures of moving regions and the associated background image. Depending on the available bandwidth, different levels of transmission are specified, ranging from just sending the descriptions generated to a transmission with all the associated images corresponding to the moving objects and background.This work is partially supported by Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM para Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad. This work is also supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Spanish Government under project TIN2004-07860 (MEDUSA) and by the Comunidad de Madrid under project P-TIC-0223-0505 (PROMULTIDIS)

    Implementation issues in source coding

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    An edge preserving image coding scheme which can be operated in both a lossy and a lossless manner was developed. The technique is an extension of the lossless encoding algorithm developed for the Mars observer spectral data. It can also be viewed as a modification of the DPCM algorithm. A packet video simulator was also developed from an existing modified packet network simulator. The coding scheme for this system is a modification of the mixture block coding (MBC) scheme described in the last report. Coding algorithms for packet video were also investigated

    A robust coding scheme for packet video

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    A layered packet video coding algorithm based on a progressive transmission scheme is presented. The algorithm provides good compression and can handle significant packet loss with graceful degradation in the reconstruction sequence. Simulation results for various conditions are presented

    A single-chip FPGA implementation of real-time adaptive background model

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    This paper demonstrates the use of a single-chip FPGA for the extraction of highly accurate background models in real-time. The models are based on 24-bit RGB values and 8-bit grayscale intensity values. Three background models are presented, all using a camcorder, single FPGA chip, four blocks of RAM and a display unit. The architectures have been implemented and tested using a Panasonic NVDS60B digital video camera connected to a Celoxica RC300 Prototyping Platform with a Xilinx Virtex II XC2v6000 FPGA and 4 banks of onboard RAM. The novel FPGA architecture presented has the advantages of minimizing latency and the movement of large datasets, by conducting time critical processes on BlockRAM. The systems operate at clock rates ranging from 57MHz to 65MHz and are capable of performing pre-processing functions like temporal low-pass filtering on standard frame size of 640X480 pixels at up to 210 frames per second

    Motion compensation and very low bit rate video coding

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    Recently, many activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Standard Organization (ISO) are leading to define new standards for very low bit-rate video coding, such as H.263 and MPEG-4 after successful applications of the international standards H.261 and MPEG-1/2 for video coding above 64kbps. However, at very low bit-rate the classic block matching based DCT video coding scheme suffers seriously from blocking artifacts which degrade the quality of reconstructed video frames considerably. To solve this problem, a new technique in which motion compensation is based on dense motion field is presented in this dissertation. Four efficient new video coding algorithms based on this new technique for very low bit-rate are proposed. (1) After studying model-based video coding algorithms, we propose an optical flow based video coding algorithm with thresh-olding techniques. A statistic model is established for distribution of intensity difference between two successive frames, and four thresholds are used to control the bit-rate and the quality of reconstructed frames. It outperforms the typical model-based techniques in terms of complexity and quality of reconstructed frames. (2) An efficient algorithm using DCT coded optical flow. It is found that dense motion fields can be modeled as the first order auto-regressive model, and efficiently compressed with DCT technique, hence achieving very low bit-rate and higher visual quality than the H.263/TMN5. (3) A region-based discrete wavelet transform video coding algorithm. This algorithm implements dense motion field and regions are segmented according to their content significance. The DWT is applied to residual images region by region, and bits are adaptively allocated to regions. It improves the visual quality and PSNR of significant regions while maintaining low bit-rate. (4) A segmentation-based video coding algorithm for stereo sequence. A correlation-feedback algorithm with Kalman filter is utilized to improve the accuracy of optical flow fields. Three criteria, which are associated with 3-D information, 2-D connectivity and motion vector fields, respectively, are defined for object segmentation. A chain code is utilized to code the shapes of the segmented objects. it can achieve very high compression ratio up to several thousands