174 research outputs found

    Polynomial cubic splines with tension properties

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    In this paper we present a new class of spline functions with tension properties. These splines are composed by polynomial cubic pieces and therefore are conformal to the standard, NURBS based CAD/CAM systems

    Gn blending multiple surfaces in polar coordinates

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a method of Gn blending multiple parametric surfaces in polar coordinates. It models the geometric continuity conditions of parametric surfaces in polar coordinates and presents a mechanism of converting a Cartesian parametric surface into its polar coordinate form. The basic idea is first to reparameterize the parametric blendees into the form of polar coordinates. Then they are blended simultaneously by a basis function in the complex domain. To extend its compatibility, we also propose a method of converting polar coordinate blending surface into N NURBS patches. One application of this technique is to fill N-sided holes. Examples are presented to show its feasibility and practicability

    Discontinuities in numerical radiative transfer

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    Observations and magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar and stellar atmospheres reveal an intermittent behavior or steep gradients in physical parameters, such as magnetic field, temperature, and bulk velocities. The numerical solution of the stationary radiative transfer equation is particularly challenging in such situations, because standard numerical methods may perform very inefficiently in the absence of local smoothness. However, a rigorous investigation of the numerical treatment of the radiative transfer equation in discontinuous media is still lacking. The aim of this work is to expose the limitations of standard convergence analyses for this problem and to identify the relevant issues. Moreover, specific numerical tests are performed. These show that discontinuities in the atmospheric physical parameters effectively induce first-order discontinuities in the radiative transfer equation, reducing the accuracy of the solution and thwarting high-order convergence. In addition, a survey of the existing numerical schemes for discontinuous ordinary differential systems and interpolation techniques for discontinuous discrete data is given, evaluating their applicability to the radiative transfer problem

    Extensions to OpenGL for CAGD.

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    Many computer graphic API’s, including OpenGL, emphasize modeling with rectangular patches, which are especially useful in Computer Aided Geomeric Design (CAGD). However, not all shapes are rectangular; some are triangular or more complex. This paper extends the OpenGL library to support the modeling of triangular patches, Coons patches, and Box-splines patches. Compared with the triangular patch created from degenerate rectangular Bezier patch with the existing functions provided by OpenGL, the triangular Bezier patches can be used in certain design situations and allow designers to achieve high-quality results that are less CPU intense and require less storage space. The addition of Coons patches and Box splines to the OpenGL library also give it more functionality. Both patch types give CAGD users more flexibility in designing surfaces. A library for all three patch types was developed as an addition to OpenGL

    Algorithms for curve design and accurate computations with totally positive matrices

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    Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la teoría de la Positividad Total. Las matrices totalmente positivas han aparecido en aplicaciones de campos tan diversos como la Teoría de la Aproximación, la Biología, la Economía, la Combinatoria, la Estadística, las Ecuaciones Diferenciales, la Mecánica, el Diseño Geométrico Asistido por Ordenador o el Álgebra Numérica Lineal. En esta tesis nos centraremos en dos de los campos que están relacionados con matrices totalmente positivas.This doctoral thesis is framed within the theory of Total Positivity. Totally positive matrices have appeared in applications from fields as diverse as Approximation Theory, Biology, Economics, Combinatorics, Statistics, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Computer Aided Geometric Design or Linear Numerical Algebra. In this thesis, we will focus on two of the fields that are related to totally positive matrices.<br /

    Synthesis analysis of the free form curves and surfaces parametrical models

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    Parametrical models have become an important mathematical tool for free form curves and surface description. they allow the use of state-of-the-art computers to do the various processing and analysis with respect to shape (calculation of the volume and surface area, vibration analysis, NC programs preparation, etc.). Without these models, the current product design and manufacturing would be difficult. The paper presents an analysis study for the most important parametrical models of free form curves and surfaces description (Ferguson, Coons, Bezier, B-Spline and rational models). Firstly, it emphasises external and mathematical properties of each model. Secondly, it gives the most interesting interfaces between models. Thus the process of complex surface design and manufacturing would be more efficient in view this analysis. Finally for validation, the study is ended by an application to the design of a car bonnet.Parametrical models have become an important mathematical tool for free form curves and surface description. they allow the use of state-of-the-art computers to do the various processing and analysis with respect to shape (calculation of the volume and surface area, vibration analysis, NC programs preparation, etc.). Without these models, the current product design and manufacturing would be difficult. The paper presents an analysis study for the most important parametrical models of free form curves and surfaces description (Ferguson, Coons, Bezier, B-Spline and rational models). Firstly, it emphasises external and mathematical properties of each model. Secondly, it gives the most interesting interfaces between models. Thus the process of complex surface design and manufacturing would be more efficient in view this analysis. Finally for validation, the study is ended by an application to the design of a car bonnet

    Arbitrary topology meshes in geometric design and vector graphics

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    Meshes are a powerful means to represent objects and shapes both in 2D and 3D, but the techniques based on meshes can only be used in certain regular settings and restrict their usage. Meshes with an arbitrary topology have many interesting applications in geometric design and (vector) graphics, and can give designers more freedom in designing complex objects. In the first part of the thesis we look at how these meshes can be used in computer aided design to represent objects that consist of multiple regular meshes that are constructed together. Then we extend the B-spline surface technique from the regular setting to work on extraordinary regions in meshes so that multisided B-spline patches are created. In addition, we show how to render multisided objects efficiently, through using the GPU and tessellation. In the second part of the thesis we look at how the gradient mesh vector graphics primitives can be combined with procedural noise functions to create expressive but sparsely defined vector graphic images. We also look at how the gradient mesh can be extended to arbitrary topology variants. Here, we compare existing work with two new formulations of a polygonal gradient mesh. Finally we show how we can turn any image into a vector graphics image in an efficient manner. This vectorisation process automatically extracts important image features and constructs a mesh around it. This automatic pipeline is very efficient and even facilitates interactive image vectorisation