2,046 research outputs found

    A CutFEM method for two-phase flow problems

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    In this article, we present a cut finite element method for two-phase Navier-Stokes flows. The main feature of the method is the formulation of a unified continuous interior penalty stabilisation approach for, on the one hand, stabilising advection and the pressure-velocity coupling and, on the other hand, stabilising the cut region. The accuracy of the algorithm is enhanced by the development of extended fictitious domains to guarantee a well defined velocity from previous time steps in the current geometry. Finally, the robustness of the moving-interface algorithm is further improved by the introduction of a curvature smoothing technique that reduces spurious velocities. The algorithm is shown to perform remarkably well for low capillary number flows, and is a first step towards flexible and robust CutFEM algorithms for the simulation of microfluidic devices

    Analysis of the incompressibility constraint in the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method

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    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics is a particle-based, fully Lagrangian, method for fluid-flow simulations. In this work, fundamental concepts of the method are first briefly recalled. Then, we present a thorough comparison of three different incompressibility treatments in SPH: the weakly compressible approach, where a suitably-chosen equation of state is used; and two truly incompressible methods, where the velocity field projection onto a divergence-free space is performed. A noteworthy aspect of the study is that, in each incompressibility treatment, the same boundary conditions are used (and further developed) which allows a direct comparison to be made. Problems associated with implementation are also discussed and an optimal choice of the computational parameters has been proposed and verified. Numerical results show that the present state-of-the-art truly incompressible method (based on a velocity correction) suffer from density accumulation errors. To address this issue, an algorithm, based on a correction for both particle velocities and positions, is presented. The usefulness of this density correction is examined and demonstrated in the last part of the paper

    A Ghost Fluid/Level Set Method for boiling flows and liquid evaporation: Application to the Leidenfrost effect.

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    The development of numerical methods for the direct numerical simulation of two-phase flows with phase change, in the framework of interface capturing or interface tracking methods, is the main topic of this study. We propose a novel numerical method, which allows dealing with both evaporation and boiling at the interface between a liquid and a gas. Indeed, in some specific situations involving very heterogeneous thermodynamic conditions at the interface, the distinction between boiling and evaporation is not always possible. For instance, it can occur for a Leidenfrost droplet; a water drop levitating above a hot plate whose temperature is much higher than the boiling temperature. In this case, boiling occurs in the film of saturated vapor which is entrapped between the bottom of the drop and the plate, whereas the top of the water droplet evaporates in contact of ambient air. The situation can also be ambiguous for a superheated droplet or at the contact line between a liquid and a hot wall whose temperature is higher than the saturation temperature of the liquid. In these situations, the interface temperature can locally reach the saturation temperature (boiling point), for instance near a contact line, and be cooler in other places. Thus, boiling and evaporation can occur simultaneously on different regions of the same liquid interface or occur successively at different times of the history of an evaporating droplet. Standard numerical methods are not able to perform computations in these transient regimes, therefore, we propose in this paper a novel numerical method to achieve this challenging task. Finally, we present several accuracy validations against theoretical solutions and experimental results to strengthen the relevance of this new method

    On two-phase flow solvers in irregular domains with contact line

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    We present numerical methods that enable the direct numerical simulation of two-phase flows in irregular domains. A method is presented to account for surface tension effects in a mesh cell containing a triple line between the liquid, gas and solid phases. Our numerical method is based on the level-set method to capture the liquid–gas interface and on the single-phase Navier–Stokes solver in irregular domain proposed in [35]to impose the solid boundary in an Eulerian framework. We also present a strategy for the implicit treatment of the viscous term and how to impose both a Neumann boundary condition and a jump condition when solving for the pressure field. Special care is given on how to take into account the contact angle, the no-slip boundary condition for the velocity field and the volume forces. Finally, we present numerical results in two and three spatial dimensions evaluating our simulations with several benchmarks

    A Moving Boundary Flux Stabilization Method for Cartesian Cut-Cell Grids using Directional Operator Splitting

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    An explicit moving boundary method for the numerical solution of time-dependent hyperbolic conservation laws on grids produced by the intersection of complex geometries with a regular Cartesian grid is presented. As it employs directional operator splitting, implementation of the scheme is rather straightforward. Extending the method for static walls from Klein et al., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A367, no. 1907, 4559-4575 (2009), the scheme calculates fluxes needed for a conservative update of the near-wall cut-cells as linear combinations of standard fluxes from a one-dimensional extended stencil. Here the standard fluxes are those obtained without regard to the small sub-cell problem, and the linear combination weights involve detailed information regarding the cut-cell geometry. This linear combination of standard fluxes stabilizes the updates such that the time-step yielding marginal stability for arbitrarily small cut-cells is of the same order as that for regular cells. Moreover, it renders the approach compatible with a wide range of existing numerical flux-approximation methods. The scheme is extended here to time dependent rigid boundaries by reformulating the linear combination weights of the stabilizing flux stencil to account for the time dependence of cut-cell volume and interface area fractions. The two-dimensional tests discussed include advection in a channel oriented at an oblique angle to the Cartesian computational mesh, cylinders with circular and triangular cross-section passing through a stationary shock wave, a piston moving through an open-ended shock tube, and the flow around an oscillating NACA 0012 aerofoil profile.Comment: 30 pages, 27 figures, 3 table

    A time splitting projection scheme for compressible two-phase flows. Application to the interaction of bubbles with ultrasound waves

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    This paper is focused on the numerical simulation of the interaction of an ultrasound wave with a bubble. Our interest is to develop a fully compressible solver in the two phases and to account for surface tension effects. As the volume oscillation of the bubble occurs in a low Mach number regime, a specific care must be paid to the effectiveness of the numerical method which is chosen to solve the compressible Euler equations. Three different numerical solvers, an explicit HLLC (Harten–Lax–van Leer-Contact) solver [48], a preconditioning explicit HLLC solver [14] and the compressible projection method , and , are described and assessed with a one dimensional spherical benchmark. From this preliminary test, we can conclude that the compressible projection method outclasses the other two, whether the spatial accuracy or the time step stability are considered. Multidimensional numerical simulations are next performed. As a basic implementation of the surface tension leads to strong spurious currents and numerical instabilities, a specific velocity/pressure time splitting is proposed to overcome this issue. Numerical evidences of the efficiency of this new numerical scheme are provided, since both the accuracy and the stability of the overall algorithm are enhanced if this new time splitting is used. Finally, the numerical simulation of the interaction of a moving and deformable bubble with a plane wave is presented in order to bring out the ability of the new method in a more complex situation
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