99 research outputs found

    Quantitative susceptibility mapping and susceptibility-based distortion correction of echo planar images

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Medical Engineering)--Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-153).The field of medical image analysis continues to expand as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology advances through increases in field strength and the development of new image acquisition and reconstruction methods. The advent of echo planar imaging (EPI) has allowed volumetric data sets to be obtained in a few seconds, making it possible to image dynamic physiological processes in the brain. In order to extract meaningful information from functional and diffusion data, clinicians and neuroscientists typically combine EPI data with high resolution structural images. Image registration is the process of determining the correct correspondence. Registration of EPI and structural images is difficult due to distortions in EPI data. These distortions are caused by magnetic field perturbations that arise from changes in magnetic susceptibility throughout the object of interest. Distortion is typically corrected by acquiring an additional scan called a fieldmap. A fieldmap provides a direct measure of the magnetic perturbations, allowing distortions to be easily computed and corrected. Fieldmaps, however, require additional scan time, may not be reliable in the presence of significant motion or respiration effects, and are often omitted from clinical protocols. In this thesis, we develop a novel method for correcting distortions in EPI data and registering the EPI to structural MRI. A synthetic fieldmap is computed from a tissue/air segmentation of a structural image using a perturbation method and subsequently used to unwarp the EPI data. Shim and other missing parameters are estimated by registration. We obtain results that are similar to those obtained using fieldmnaps, however, neither fieldmaps nor knowledge of shim coefficients is required. In addition, we describe a method for atlas-based segmentation of structural images for calculation of synthetic fieldmaps. CT data sets are used to construct a probabilistic atlas of the head and corresponding MRI is used to train a classifier that segments soft tissue, air, and bone. Synthetic fieldmap results agree well with acquired fieldmaps: 90% of voxel shifts show subvoxel disagreement with those computed from acquired fieldmaps. In addition, synthetic fieldmaps show statistically significant improvement following inclusion of the atlas. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on the inverse problem of reconstructing quantitative magnetic susceptibility maps from acquired fieldmaps. Iron deposits change the susceptibility of tissue, resulting in magnetic perturbations that are detectable with high resolution fieldmaps. Excessive iron deposition in specific regions of the brain is associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. In addition, iron is known to accumulate at varying rates throughout the brain in normal aging. Developing a non-invasive method to calculate iron concentration may provide insight into the role of iron in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disease. Calculating susceptibility maps from measured fieldmaps is difficult, however, since iron-related field inhomogeneity may be obscured by larger field perturbations, or 'biasfields', arising from adjacent tissue/air boundaries. In addition, the inverse problem is ill-posed, and fieldmap measurements are only valid in limited anatomical regions. In this dissertation, we develop a novel atlas-based susceptibility mapping (ASM) technique that requires only a single fieldmap acquisition and successfully inverts a spatial formulation of the forward field model. We derive an inhomogeneous wave equation that relates the Laplacian of the observed field to the D'Alembertian of susceptibility, and eliminates confounding biasfields. The tissue/air atlas we constructed for susceptibility-based distortion correction is applied to resolve ambiquity in the forward model arising from the ill-posed inversion. We include fourier-based modeling of external susceptibility sources and the associated biasfield in a variational approach, allowing for simultaneous susceptibility estimation and biasfield elimination. Results show qualitative improvement over two methods commonly used to infer underlying susceptibility values and quantitative susceptibility estimates show stronger correlation with postmortem iron concentrations than competing methods.by Clare Poynton.Ph.D.in Medical Engineerin

    The clinical relevance of distortion correction in presurgical fMRI at 7 T

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    Presurgical planning with fMRI benefits from increased reliability and the possibility to reduce measurement time introduced by using ultra-high field. Echo-planar imaging suffers, however, from geometric distortions which scale with field strength and potentially give rise to clinically significant displacement of functional activation. We evaluate the effectiveness of a dynamic distortion correction (DDC) method based on unmodified single-echo EPI in the context of simulated presurgical planning fMRI at 7 T and compare it with static distortion correction (SDC). The extent of distortion in EPI and activation shifts are investigated in a group of eleven patients with a range of neuropathologies who performed a motor task. The consequences of neglecting to correct images for susceptibility-induced distortions are assessed in a clinical context. It was possible to generate time series of EPI-based field maps which were free of artifacts in the eloquent brain areas relevant to presurgical fMRI, despite the presence of signal dropouts caused by pathologies and post-operative sites. Distortions of up to 5.1 mm were observed in the primary motor cortex in raw EPI. These were accurately corrected with DDC and slightly less accurately with SDC. The dynamic nature of distortions in UHF clinical fMRI was demonstrated via investigation of temporal variation in voxel shift maps, confirming the potential inadequacy of SDC based on a single reference field map, particularly in the vicinity of pathologies or in the presence of motion. In two patients, the distortion correction was potentially clinically significant in that it might have affected the localization or interpretation of activation and could thereby have influenced the treatment plan. Distortion correction is shown to be effective and clinically relevant in presurgical planning at 7 T

    Impact of susceptibility-induced distortion correction on perfusion imaging by pCASL with a segmented 3D GRASE readout

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    Purpose: The consensus for the clinical implementation of arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion imaging recommends a segmented 3D Gradient and Spin-Echo (GRASE) readout for optimal signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). The correction of the associated susceptibility-induced geometric distortions has been shown to improve diagnostic precision, but its impact on ASL data has not been systematically assessed and it is not consistently part of pre-processing pipelines. Here, we investigate the effects of susceptibility-induced distortion correction on perfusion imaging by pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) with a segmented 3D GRASE readout. Methods: Data acquired from 28 women using pCASL with 3D GRASE at 3T was analyzed using three pre-processing options: without distortion correction, with distortion correction, and with spatial smoothing (without distortion correction) matched to control for blurring effects induced by distortion correction. Maps of temporal SNR (tSNR) and relative perfusion were analyzed in eight regions-of-interest (ROIs) across the brain. Results: Distortion correction significantly affected tSNR and relative perfusion across the brain. Increases in tSNR were like those produced by matched spatial smoothing in most ROIs, indicating that they were likely due to blurring effects. However, that was not the case in the frontal and temporal lobes, where we also found increased relative perfusion with distortion correction even compared with matched spatial smoothing. These effects were found in both controls and patients, with no interactions with the participant group. Conclusion: Correction of susceptibility-induced distortions significantly impacts ASL perfusion imaging using a segmented 3D GRASE readout, and this step should therefore be considered in ASL pre-processing pipelines. This is of special importance in clinical studies, reporting perfusion across ROIs defined on relatively undistorted images and when conducting group analyses requiring the alignment of images across different subjects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A method for the dynamic correction of B0-related distortions in single-echo EPI at 7 T

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    We propose a method to calculate field maps from the phase of each EPI in an fMRI time series. These field maps can be used to correct the corresponding magnitude images for distortion caused by inhomogeneity in the static magnetic field. In contrast to conventional static distortion correction, in which one 'snapshot’ field map is applied to all subsequent fMRI time points, our method also captures dynamic changes to B0which arise due to motion and respiration. The approach is based on the assumption that the non-B0-related contribution to the phase measured by each radio-frequency coil, which is dominated by the coil sensitivity, is stable over time and can therefore be removed to yield a field map from EPI. Our solution addresses imaging with multi-channel coils at ultra-high field (7 T), where phase offsets vary rapidly in space, phase processing is non-trivial and distortions are comparatively large. We propose using dual-echo gradient echo reference scan for the phase offset calculation, which yields estimates with high signal-to-noise ratio. An extrapolation method is proposed which yields reliable estimates for phase offsets even where motion is large and a tailored phase unwrapping procedure for EPI is suggested which gives robust results in regions with disconnected tissue or strong signal decay. Phase offsets are shown to be stable during long measurements (40 min) and for large head motions. The dynamic distortion correction proposed here is found to work accurately in the presence of large motion (up to 8.1°), whereas a conventional method based on single field map fails to correct or even introduces distortions (up to 11.2 mm). Finally, we show that dynamic unwarping increases the temporal stability of EPI in the presence of motion. Our approach can be applied to any EPI measurements without the need for sequence modification

    Magnetic Susceptibility Artefact Correction of Spin-Echo and GradientEcho EPI Images

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    Distortion and other artefacts caused by an uneven magnetic field affect MR images acquired with the rapid technique echo-planar imaging (EPI). This study investigates the effectiveness of reverse gradient susceptibility correction methods on spin echo (SE) and gradient echo (GE) EPI. In addition, the effects of varying bandwidth, SENSE factor and slice thickness on the corrected images were measured. Undistorted, anatomically accurate images are necessary in relating EPI images to anatomical MRI scans. This is particularly important for diffusion weighted imaging, perfusion imaging and fMRI. Due to the ever-increasing need for better temporal resolution with existing hardware, effective artefact correction in post-processing is necessary, as is appropriate sequence optimisation. This investigation was accomplished using normalised mutual information to compare the images pre and post correction to an anatomical image as a measure of anatomical accuracy. It was found that the correction of geometric distortions is equally effective in GE-EPI and SE-EPI, and that geometric correction can reduce the impact of the aforementioned scan parameters on the anatomical accuracy of the images. Three correction methods were compared in this investigation; FSL TOPUP, EPI-EPIC and ACID HySCO. It was found that, in most situations, the EPIC susceptibility correction tool was the most effective tool at correcting geometric distortions without the generation of new artefacts. Susceptibility artefact corrections were also successfully conducted on 7T contrast enhanced single shot EPI images of a prostate tumour xenograft (nude mouse). These findings could help establish clinical and research protocol for susceptibility artefact post-processing, as well as sequence optimisation

    Optimization and Validation of Methods for Mapping of the Radiofrequency Transmit Field at 3T

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    MRI techniques such as quantitative imaging and parallel transmit require precise knowledge of the radio-frequency transmit field (). Three published methods were optimized for robust mapping at 3T in the human brain: three-dimensional (3D) actual flip angle imaging (AFI), 3D echo-planar imaging (EPI), and two-dimensional (2D) stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM). We performed a comprehensive comparison of the methods, focusing on artifacts, reproducibility, and accuracy compared to a reference 2D double angle method. For the 3D AFI method, the addition of flow-compensated gradients for diffusion damping reduced the level of physiological artifacts and improved spoiling of transverse coherences. Correction of susceptibility-induced artifacts alleviated image distortions and improved the accuracy of the 3D EPI imaging method. For the 2D STEAM method, averaging over multiple acquisitions reduced the impact of physiological noise and a new calibration method enhanced the accuracy of the maps. After optimization, all methods yielded low noise maps (below 2 percentage units), of the nominal flip angle value (p.u.) with a systematic bias less than 5 p.u. units. Full brain coverage was obtained in less than 5 min. The 3D AFI method required minimal postprocessing and showed little sensitivity to off-resonance and physiological effects. The 3D EPI method showed the highest level of reproducibility. The 2D STEAM method was the most time-efficient technique. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Mitigating susceptibility-induced distortions in high-resolution 3DEPI fMRI at 7T

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    Geometric distortion is a major limiting factor for spatial specificity in high-resolution fMRI using EPI readouts and is exacerbated at higher field strengths due to increased B0 field inhomogeneity. Prominent correction schemes are based on B0 field-mapping or acquiring reverse phase-encoded (reversed-PE) data. However, to date, comparisons of these techniques in the context of fMRI have only been performed on 2DEPI data, either at lower field or lower resolution. In this study, we investigate distortion compensation in the context of sub-millimetre 3DEPI data at 7T. B0 field-mapping and reversed-PE distortion correction techniques were applied to both partial coverage BOLD-weighted and whole brain MT-weighted 3DEPI data with matched distortion. Qualitative assessment showed overall improvement in cortical alignment for both correction techniques in both 3DEPI fMRI and whole-brain MT-3DEPI datasets. The distortion-corrected MT-3DEPI images were quantitatively evaluated by comparing cortical alignment with an anatomical reference using dice coefficient (DC) and correlation ratio (CR) measures. These showed that B0 field-mapping and reversed-PE methods both improved correspondence between the MT-3DEPI and anatomical data, with more substantial improvements consistently obtained using the reversed-PE approach. Regional analyses demonstrated that the largest benefit of distortion correction, and in particular of the reversed-PE approach, occurred in frontal and temporal regions where susceptibility-induced distortions are known to be greatest, but had not led to complete signal dropout. In conclusion, distortion correction based on reversed-PE data has shown the greater capacity for achieving faithful alignment with anatomical data in the context of high-resolution fMRI at 7T using 3DEPI

    Neural Representations of Visual Motion Processing in the Human Brain Using Laminar Imaging at 9.4 Tesla

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    During natural behavior, much of the motion signal falling into our eyes is due to our own movements. Therefore, in order to correctly perceive motion in our environment, it is important to parse visual motion signals into those caused by self-motion such as eye- or head-movements and those caused by external motion. Neural mechanisms underlying this task, which are also required to allow for a stable perception of the world during pursuit eye movements, are not fully understood. Both, perceptual stability as well as perception of real-world (i.e. objective) motion are the product of integration between motion signals on the retina and efference copies of eye movements. The central aim of this thesis is to examine whether different levels of cortical depth or distinct columnar structures of visual motion regions are differentially involved in disentangling signals related to self-motion, objective, or object motion. Based on previous studies reporting segregated populations of voxels in high level visual areas such as V3A, V6, and MST responding predominantly to either retinal or extra- retinal (‘real’) motion, we speculated such voxels to reside within laminar or columnar functional units. We used ultra-high field (9.4T) fMRI along with an experimental paradigm that independently manipulated retinal and extra-retinal motion signals (smooth pursuit) while controlling for effects of eye-movements, to investigate whether processing of real world motion in human V5/MT, putative MST (pMST), and V1 is associated to differential laminar signal intensities. We also examined motion integration across cortical depths in human motion areas V3A and V6 that have strong objective motion responses. We found a unique, condition specific laminar profile in human area V6, showing reduced mid-layer responses for retinal motion only, suggestive of an inhibitory retinal contribution to motion integration in mid layers or alternatively an excitatory contribution in deep and superficial layers. We also found evidence indicating that in V5/MT and pMST, processing related to retinal, objective, and pursuit motion are either integrated or colocalized at the scale of our resolution. In contrast, in V1, independent functional processes seem to be driving the response to retinal and objective motion on the one hand, and to pursuit signals on the other. The lack of differential signals across depth in these regions suggests either that a columnar rather than laminar segregation governs these functions in these areas, or that the methods used were unable to detect differential neural laminar processing. Furthermore, the thesis provides a thorough analysis of the relevant technical modalities used for data acquisition and data analysis at ultra-high field in the context of laminar fMRI. Relying on our technical implementations we were able to conduct two high-resolution fMRI experiments that helped us to further investigate the laminar organization of self-induced and externally induced motion cues in human high-level visual areas and to form speculations about the site and the mechanisms of their integration

    Simulation-based evaluation of susceptibility distortion correction methods in diffusion MRI for connectivity analysis

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    Connectivity analysis on diffusion MRI data of the whole-brain suffers from distortions caused by the standard echo-planar imaging acquisition strategies. These images show characteristic geometrical deformations and signal destruction that are an important drawback limiting the success of tractography algorithms. Several retrospective correction techniques are readily available. In this work, we use a digital phantom designed for the evaluation of connectivity pipelines. We subject the phantom to a “theoretically correct” and plausible deformation that resembles the artifact under investigation. We correct data back, with three standard methodologies (namely fieldmap-based, reversed encoding-based, and registration- based). Finally, we rank the methods based on their geometrical accuracy, the dropout compensation, and their impact on the resulting connectivity matrices