8 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Habitat Potensial Tumbuhan Lebah Apis dorsata di Membalong, Belitung

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    The forest becomes a habitat for honey bees to carry capacity for the supply of feed sources. Apis dorsata requires the availability of plants for supplying nectar and pollen. Traditional system in Belitung uses rafters for the efficiency of honey harvesting. Studies about preference habitats for bee forage become important to perform conservation of the honey bees. Therefore, the objective of this study was to (1) identify the composition, structure distribution patterns and vegetation profiles, (2) identify the area of the appropriate habitat model and environmental variables that influence the carrying capacity to provide bee forage of A. dorsata. Purposive sampling was used to analyze vegetation structure, distribution patterns, and vegetation profiles. The determination of the distribution of species is obtained from the Morishita index. We used MaxEnt for species distribution modeling to predict the potential plant habitat of bee plants. Our results showed that five most highest-importance plants. Myrtaceae is a family with dominant compositions and INP such as Melaleuca cajuputi, Tristaniopsis obovata, and Eugenia leptantha. The structure of other families such as Theaceae (Schima wallichii), and Clusiaceae (Calophyllum pulcherrimum), are the species that have the highest importance. The pattern of distribution of bee forage is clumped. The canopy cover around the honeycomb area tends to be relatively open. Based on the modeling habitat, categories with very appropriate for the presence of bee forage not spread throughout Membalong Regency with a percentage of the area (4.86%) and in the buffer zone (10.53%), environmental variables that influence the distribution are temperature seasonality, maximum temperature warmest month, slope, precipitation on warmest quarter and soil ph.   Keywords: habitat modeling, rafter, spatial distribution, vegetation analysis, vegetation profile

    Evaluating and Quantifying the Climate-Driven Interannual Variability in Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI3g) at Global Scales

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    Satellite observations of surface reflected solar radiation contain informationabout variability in the absorption of solar radiation by vegetation. Understanding thecauses of variability is important for models that use these data to drive land surface fluxesor for benchmarking prognostic vegetation models. Here we evaluated the interannualvariability in the new 30.5-year long global satellite-derived surface reflectance index data,Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies normalized difference vegetation index(GIMMS NDVI3g). Pearsons correlation and multiple linear stepwise regression analyseswere applied to quantify the NDVI interannual variability driven by climate anomalies, andto evaluate the effects of potential interference (snow, aerosols and clouds) on the NDVIsignal. We found ecologically plausible strong controls on NDVI variability by antecedent precipitation and current monthly temperature with distinct spatial patterns. Precipitation correlations were strongest for temperate to tropical water limited herbaceous systemswhere in some regions and seasons 40 of the NDVI variance could be explained byprecipitation anomalies. Temperature correlations were strongest in northern mid- to-high-latitudes in the spring and early summer where up to 70 of the NDVI variance was explained by temperature anomalies. We find that, in western and central North America,winter-spring precipitation determines early summer growth while more recent precipitation controls NDVI variability in late summer. In contrast, current or prior wetseason precipitation anomalies were correlated with all months of NDVI in sub-tropical herbaceous vegetation. Snow, aerosols and clouds as well as unexplained phenomena still account for part of the NDVI variance despite corrections. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates that GIMMS NDVI3g represents real responses of vegetation to climate variability that are useful for global models

    On the Variation of NDVI with the Principal Climatic Elements in the Tibetan Plateau

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    Abstract: Temperature and precipitation have been separately reported to be the main factors affecting the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the Tibetan Plateau. The effects of the main climatic factors on the yearly maximum NDVI (MNDVI) in the Tibetan Plateau were examined on different scales. The result underscored the observation that both precipitation and temperature affect MNDVI based on weather stations or physico-geographical regions. Precipitation is the main climatic factor that affects the vegetation cover in the entire Tibetan Plateau. Both annual mean precipitation and annual mean precipitation of the growing period are related with MNDVI, and the positive correlations are manifested in a linear manner. By comparison, the weakly correlated current between MNDVI and all the temperature indexes is observed in the study area

    Linkages between Atmospheric Circulation, Weather, Climate, Land Cover and Social Dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is an important landmass that plays a significant role in both regional and global climates. In recent decades, the TP has undergone significant changes due to climate and human activities. Since the 1980s anthropogenic activities, such as the stocking of livestock, land cover change, permafrost degradation, urbanization, highway construction, deforestation and desertification, and unsustainable land management practices, have greatly increased over the TP. As a result, grasslands have undergone rapid degradation and have altered the land surface which in turn has altered the exchange of heat and moisture properties between land and the atmosphere. But gaps still exist in our knowledge of land-atmosphere interactions in the TP and their impacts on weather and climate around the TP, making it difficult to understand the complete energy and water cycles over the region. Moreover, human, and ecological systems are interlinked, and the drivers of change include biophysical, economic, political, social, and cultural elements that operate at different temporal and spatial scales. Current studies do not holistically reflect the complex social-ecological dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. To increase our understanding of this coupled human-natural system, there is a need for an integrated approach to rendering visible the deep interconnections between the biophysical and social systems of the TP. There is a need for an integrative framework to study the impacts of sedentary and individualized production systems on the health and livelihoods of local communities in the context of land degradation and climate change. To do so, there is a need to understand better the spatial variability and landscape patterns in grassland degradation across the TP. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is to contribute to our understanding of the changes over the land surface and how these changes impact the plateau\u27s weather, climate, and social dynamics. This dissertation is structured as three interrelated manuscripts, which each explore specific research questions relating to this larger goal. These manuscripts constitute the three primary papers of this dissertation. The first paper documents the significant association of surface energy flux with vegetation cover, as measured by satellite based AVHRR GIMMS3g normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, during the early growing season of May in the western region of the Tibetan Plateau. In addition, a 1°K increase in the temperature at the 500 hPa level was observed. Based on the identified positive effects of vegetation on the temperature associated with decreased NDVI in the western region of the Tibetan Plateau, I propose a positive energy process for land-atmosphere associations. In the second paper, an increase in Landsat-derived NDVI, i.e., a greening, is identified within the TP, especially during 1990 to 2018 and 2000 to 2018 time periods. Larger median growing season NDVI change values were observed for the Southeast Tibet shrublands and meadows and Tibetan Plateau Alpine Shrublands and Meadows grassland regions, in comparison to the other three regions studied. Land degradation is prominent in the lower and intermediate hillslope positions in comparison to the higher relative topographic positions, and change is more pronounced in the eastern Southeast Tibet shrublands and meadows and Tibetan Plateau Alpine Shrublands and Meadows grasslands. Geomorphons were found to be an effective spatial unit for analysis of hillslope change patterns. Through the extensive literature review presented in third paper, this dissertation recommends using critical physical geography (CPG) to study environmental and social issues in the TP. The conceptual model proposed provides a framework for analysis of the dominant controls, feedback, and interactions between natural, human, socioeconomic, and governance activities, allowing researchers to untangle climate change, land degradation, and vulnerability in the Tibetan Plateau. CPG will further help improve our understanding of the exposure of local people to climate and socio-economic and political change and help policy makers devise appropriate strategies to combat future grassland degradation and to improve the lives and strengthen livelihoods of the inhabitants of the TP