15 research outputs found

    Relating Session Types and Behavioural Contracts: The Asynchronous Case

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    We discuss the relationship between session types and behavioural contracts under the assumption that processes communicate asynchronously. We show the existence of a fully abstract interpretation of session types into a fragment of contracts, that maps session subtyping into binary compliance-preserving contract refinement. In this way, the recent undecidability result for asynchronous session subtyping can be used to obtain an original undecidability result for asynchronous contract refinement

    Partially Typed Multiparty Sessions

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    A multiparty session formalises a set of concurrent communicating participants. We propose a type system for multiparty sessions where some communications between participants can be ignored. This allows us to type some sessions with global types representing interesting protocols, which have no type in the standard type systems. Our type system enjoys Subject Reduction, Session Fidelity and "partial" Lock-freedom. The last property ensures the absence of locks for participants with non ignored communications. A sound and complete type inference algorithm is also discussed.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.0892

    Relating Session Types and Behavioural Contracts: the Asynchronous Case

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    International audienceWe discuss the relationship between session types and be-havioural contracts under the assumption that processes communicate asynchronously. We show the existence of a fully abstract interpretation of session types into a fragment of contracts, that maps session subtyping into binary compliance-preserving contract refinement. In this way, the recent undecidability result for asynchronous session subtyping can be used to obtain an original undecidability result for asynchronous contract refinement

    Precise subtyping for asynchronous multiparty sessions

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    Session subtyping is a cornerstone of refinement of communicating processes: a process implementing a session type (i.e., a communication protocol) T can be safely used whenever a process implementing one of its supertypes T′ is expected, in any context, without introducing deadlocks nor other communication errors. As a consequence, whenever T T′ holds, it is safe to replace an implementation of T′ with an implementation of the subtype T, which may allow for more optimised communication patterns. We present the first formalisation of the precise subtyping relation for asynchronous multiparty sessions. We show that our subtyping relation is sound (i.e., guarantees safe process replacement, as outlined above) and also complete: any extension of the relation is unsound. To achieve our results, we develop a novel session decomposition technique, from full session types (including internal/external choices) into single input/output session trees (without choices). Previous work studies precise subtyping for binary sessions (with just two participants), or multiparty sessions (with any number of participants) and synchronous interaction. Here, we cover multiparty sessions with asynchronous interaction, where messages are transmitted via FIFO queues (as in the TCP/IP protocol), and prove that our subtyping is both operationally and denotationally precise. In the asynchronous multiparty setting, finding the precise subtyping relation is a highly complex task: this is because, under some conditions, participants can permute the order of their inputs and outputs, by sending some messages earlier or receiving some later, without causing errors; the precise subtyping relation must capture all such valid permutations — and consequently, its formalisation, reasoning and proofs become challenging. Our session decomposition technique overcomes this complexity, expressing the subtyping relation as a composition of refinement relations between single input/output trees, and providing a simple reasoning principle for asynchronous message optimisations

    Progress-preserving Refinements of CTA

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    We develop a theory of refinement for timed asynchronous systems, in the setting of Communicating Timed Automata (CTA). Our refinement applies point-wise to the components of a system of CTA, and only affecting their time constraints—in this way, we achieve compositionality and decidability. We then establish a decidable condition under which our refinement preserves behavioural properties of systems,such as their global and local progress. Our theory provides guidelines on how to implement timed protocols using the real-time primitives of programming languages. We validate our theory through a series of experiments, supported by an open-source tool which implements our verification techniques

    A sound algorithm for asynchronous session subtyping and its implementation

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    Session types, types for structuring communication between endpoints in concurrent systems, are recently being integrated into mainstream programming languages. In practice, a very important notion for dealing with such types is that of subtyping, since it allows for typing larger classes of systems, where a program has not precisely the expected behavior but a similar one. Unfortunately, recent work has shown that subtyping for session types in an asynchronous setting is undecidable. To cope with this negative result, the only approaches we are aware of either restrict the syntax of session types or limit communication (by considering forms of bounded asynchrony). Both approaches are too restrictive in practice, hence we proceed differently by presenting an algorithm for checking subtyping which is sound, but not complete (in some cases it terminates without returning a decisive verdict). The algorithm is based on a tree representation of the coinductive definition of asynchronous subtyping; this tree could be infinite, and the algorithm checks for the presence of finite witnesses of infinite successful subtrees. Furthermore, we provide a tool that implements our algorithm. We use this tool to test our algorithm on many examples that cannot be managed with the previous approaches, and to provide an empirical evaluation of the time and space cost of the algorithm

    Deconfined Global Types for Asynchronous Sessions

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    Multiparty sessions with asynchronous communications and global types play an important role for the modelling of interaction protocols in distributed systems. In designing such calculi the aim is to enforce, by typing, good properties for all participants, maximising, at the same time, the accepted behaviours. Our type system improves the state-of-the-art by typing all asynchronous sessions and preserving the key properties of Subject Reduction, Session Fidelity and Progress when some well-formedness conditions are satisfied. The type system comes together with a sound and complete type inference algorithm. The well-formedness conditions are undecidable, but an algorithm checking an expressive restriction of them recovers the effectiveness of typing

    A Sound Algorithm for Asynchronous Session Subtyping and its Implementation

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    Session types, types for structuring communication between endpoints in distributed systems, are recently being integrated into mainstream programming languages. In practice, a very important notion for dealing with such types is that of subtyping, since it allows for typing larger classes of system, where a program has not precisely the expected behaviour but a similar one. Unfortunately, recent work has shown that subtyping for session types in an asynchronous setting is undecidable. To cope with this negative result, the only approaches we are aware of either restrict the syntax of session types or limit communication (by considering forms of bounded asynchrony). Both approaches are too restrictive in practice, hence we proceed differently by presenting an algorithm for checking subtyping which is sound, but not complete (in some cases it terminates without returning a decisive verdict). The algorithm is based on a tree representation of the coinductive definition of asynchronous subtyping; this tree could be infinite, and the algorithm checks for the presence of finite witnesses of infinite successful subtrees. Furthermore, we provide a tool that implements our algorithm. We use this tool to test our algorithm on many examples that cannot be managed with the previous approaches, and to provide an empirical evaluation of the time and space cost of the algorithm