3,297 research outputs found

    Dynamics of quantum correlations in colored environments

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    We address the dynamics of entanglement and quantum discord for two non interacting qubits initially prepared in a maximally entangled state and then subjected to a classical colored noise, i.e. coupled with an external environment characterized by a noise spectrum of the form 1/fα1/f^{\alpha}. More specifically, we address systems where the Gaussian approximation fails, i.e. the sole knowledge of the spectrum is not enough to determine the dynamics of quantum correlations. We thus investigate the dynamics for two different configurations of the environment: in the first case the noise spectrum is due to the interaction of each qubit with a single bistable fluctuator with an undetermined switching rate, whereas in the second case we consider a collection of classical fluctuators with fixed switching rates. In both cases we found analytical expressions for the time dependence of entanglement and quantum discord, which may be also extended to a collection of flcutuators with random switching rates. The environmental noise is introduced by means of stochastic time-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian and this allows us to describe the effects of both separate and common environments. We show that the non-Gaussian character of the noise may lead to significant effects, e.g. environments with the same power spectrum, but different configurations, give raise to opposite behavior for the quantum correlations. In particular, depending on the characteristics of the environmental noise considered, both entanglement and discord display either a monotonic decay or the phenomena of sudden death and revivals. Our results show that the microscopic structure of environment, besides its noise spectrum, is relevant for the dynamics of quantum correlations, and may be a valid starting point for the engineering of non-Gaussian colored environments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Loopholes in Bell Inequality Tests of Local Realism

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    Bell inequalities are intended to show that local realist theories cannot describe the world. A local realist theory is one where physical properties are defined prior to and independent of measurement, and no physical influence can propagate faster than the speed of light. Quantum-mechanical predictions for certain experiments violate the Bell inequality while a local realist theory cannot, and this shows that a local realist theory cannot give those quantum-mechanical predictions. However, because of unexpected circumstances or "loopholes" in available experiment tests, local realist theories can reproduce the data from these experiments. This paper reviews such loopholes, what effect they have on Bell inequality tests, and how to avoid them in experiment. Avoiding all these simultaneously in one experiment, usually called a "loophole-free" or "definitive" Bell test, remains an open task, but is very important for technological tasks such as device-independent security of quantum cryptography, and ultimately for our understanding of the world.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figure

    Multimode entanglement in coupled cavity arrays

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    We study a driven-dissipative array of coupled nonlinear optical resonators by numerically solving the Von Neumann equation for the density matrix. We demonstrate that quantum correlated states of many photons can be generated also in the limit where the nonlinearity is much smaller than the losses, contrarily to common expectations. Quantum correlations in this case arise from interference between different pathways that the system can follow in the Hilbert space to reach its steady state under the effect of coherent driving fields. We characterize in particular two systems: a linear chain of three coupled cavities and an array of eight coupled cavities. We demonstrate the existence of a parameter range where the system emits photons with continuous-variable bipartite and quadripartite entanglement, in the case of the first and the second system respectively. This entanglement is shown to survive realistic rates of pure dephasing and opens a new perspective for the realization of quantum simulators or entangled photon sources without the challenging requirement of strong optical nonlinearities.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Measuring and engineering entropy and spin squeezing in weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a method to infer the single-particle entropy of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice and to study the local evolution of entropy, spin squeezing, and entropic inequalities for entanglement detection in such systems. This method is based on experimentally feasible measurements of non-nearest-neighbour coherences. We study a specific example of dynamically controlling atom tunneling between selected sites and show that this could potentially also improve the metrologically relevant spin squeezing

    Entanglement dynamics in a non-Markovian environment: an exactly solvable model

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    We study the non-Markovian effects on the dynamics of entanglement in an exactly-solvable model that involves two independent oscillators each coupled to its own stochastic noise source. First, we develop Lie algebraic and functional integral methods to find an exact solution to the single-oscillator problem which includes an analytic expression for the density matrix and the complete statistics, i.e., the probability distribution functions for observables. For long bath time-correlations, we see non-monotonic evolution of the uncertainties in observables. Further, we extend this exact solution to the two-particle problem and find the dynamics of entanglement in a subspace. We find the phenomena of `sudden death' and `rebirth' of entanglement. Interestingly, all memory effects enter via the functional form of the energy and hence the time of death and rebirth is controlled by the amount of noisy energy added into each oscillator. If this energy increases above (decreases below) a threshold, we obtain sudden death (rebirth) of entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; revision for PR
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