6 research outputs found

    Turku Centre for Computer Science – Annual Report 2013

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    Due to a major reform of organization and responsibilities of TUCS, its role, activities, and even structures have been under reconsideration in 2013. The traditional pillar of collaboration at TUCS, doctoral training, was reorganized due to changes at both universities according to the renewed national system for doctoral education. Computer Science and Engineering and Information Systems Science are now accompanied by Mathematics and Statistics in newly established doctoral programs at both University of Turku and &Aring;bo Akademi University. Moreover, both universities granted sufficient resources to their respective programmes for doctoral training in these fields, so that joint activities at TUCS can continue. The outcome of this reorganization has the potential of proving out to be a success in terms of scientific profile as well as the quality and quantity of scientific and educational results.&nbsp; International activities that have been characteristic to TUCS since its inception continue strong. TUCS&rsquo; participation in European collaboration through EIT ICT Labs Master&rsquo;s and Doctoral School is now more active than ever. The new double degree programs at MSc and PhD level between University of Turku and Fudan University in Shaghai, P.R.China were succesfully set up and are&nbsp; now running for their first year. The joint students will add to the already international athmosphere of the ICT House.&nbsp; The four new thematic reseach programmes set up acccording to the decision by the TUCS Board have now established themselves, and a number of events and other activities saw the light in 2013. The TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series managed to gather a large audience with its several prominent speakers. The development of these and other research centre activities continue, and&nbsp; new practices and structures will be initiated to support the tradition of close academic collaboration.&nbsp; The TUCS&rsquo; slogan Where Academic Tradition Meets the Exciting Future has proven true throughout these changes. Despite of the dark clouds on the national and European economic sky, science and higher education in the field have managed to retain all the key ingredients for success. Indeed, the future of ICT and Mathematics in Turku seems exciting.</p

    Straggler-Resilient Distributed Computing

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of University of Bergen's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Utbredelsen av distribuerte datasystemer har økt betydelig de siste årene. Dette skyldes først og fremst at behovet for beregningskraft øker raskere enn hastigheten til en enkelt datamaskin, slik at vi må bruke flere datamaskiner for å møte etterspørselen, og at det blir stadig mer vanlig at systemer er spredt over et stort geografisk område. Dette paradigmeskiftet medfører mange tekniske utfordringer. En av disse er knyttet til "straggler"-problemet, som er forårsaket av forsinkelsesvariasjoner i distribuerte systemer, der en beregning forsinkes av noen få langsomme noder slik at andre noder må vente før de kan fortsette. Straggler-problemet kan svekke effektiviteten til distribuerte systemer betydelig i situasjoner der en enkelt node som opplever en midlertidig overbelastning kan låse et helt system. I denne avhandlingen studerer vi metoder for å gjøre beregninger av forskjellige typer motstandsdyktige mot slike problemer, og dermed gjøre det mulig for et distribuert system å fortsette til tross for at noen noder ikke svarer i tide. Metodene vi foreslår er skreddersydde for spesielle typer beregninger. Vi foreslår metoder tilpasset distribuert matrise-vektor-multiplikasjon (som er en grunnleggende operasjon i mange typer beregninger), distribuert maskinlæring og distribuert sporing av en tilfeldig prosess (for eksempel det å spore plasseringen til kjøretøy for å unngå kollisjon). De foreslåtte metodene utnytter redundans som enten blir introdusert som en del av metoden, eller som naturlig eksisterer i det underliggende problemet, til å kompensere for manglende delberegninger. For en av de foreslåtte metodene utnytter vi redundans for også å øke effektiviteten til kommunikasjonen mellom noder, og dermed redusere mengden data som må kommuniseres over nettverket. I likhet med straggler-problemet kan slik kommunikasjon begrense effektiviteten i distribuerte systemer betydelig. De foreslåtte metodene gir signifikante forbedringer i ventetid og pålitelighet sammenlignet med tidligere metoder.The number and scale of distributed computing systems being built have increased significantly in recent years. Primarily, that is because: i) our computing needs are increasing at a much higher rate than computers are becoming faster, so we need to use more of them to meet demand, and ii) systems that are fundamentally distributed, e.g., because the components that make them up are geographically distributed, are becoming increasingly prevalent. This paradigm shift is the source of many engineering challenges. Among them is the straggler problem, which is a problem caused by latency variations in distributed systems, where faster nodes are held up by slower ones. The straggler problem can significantly impair the effectiveness of distributed systems—a single node experiencing a transient outage (e.g., due to being overloaded) can lock up an entire system. In this thesis, we consider schemes for making a range of computations resilient against such stragglers, thus allowing a distributed system to proceed in spite of some nodes failing to respond on time. The schemes we propose are tailored for particular computations. We propose schemes designed for distributed matrix-vector multiplication, which is a fundamental operation in many computing applications, distributed machine learning—in the form of a straggler-resilient first-order optimization method—and distributed tracking of a time-varying process (e.g., tracking the location of a set of vehicles for a collision avoidance system). The proposed schemes rely on exploiting redundancy that is either introduced as part of the scheme, or exists naturally in the underlying problem, to compensate for missing results, i.e., they are a form of forward error correction for computations. Further, for one of the proposed schemes we exploit redundancy to also improve the effectiveness of multicasting, thus reducing the amount of data that needs to be communicated over the network. Such inter-node communication, like the straggler problem, can significantly limit the effectiveness of distributed systems. For the schemes we propose, we are able to show significant improvements in latency and reliability compared to previous schemes.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Certified public accountant, 1933 Vol. 13 January-June

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    Marc integrador de les capacitats de Soft-Computing i de Knowledge Discovery dels Mapes Autoorganitzatius en el Raonament Basat en Casos

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    El Raonament Basat en Casos (CBR) és un paradigma d'aprenentatge basat en establir analogies amb problemes prèviament resolts per resoldre'n de nous. Per tant, l'organització, l'accés i la utilització del coneixement previ són aspectes claus per tenir èxit en aquest procés. No obstant, la majoria dels problemes reals presenten grans volums de dades complexes, incertes i amb coneixement aproximat i, conseqüentment, el rendiment del CBR pot veure's minvat degut a la complexitat de gestionar aquest tipus de coneixement. Això ha fet que en els últims anys hagi sorgit una nova línia de recerca anomenada Soft-Computing and Intelligent Information Retrieval enfocada en mitigar aquests efectes. D'aquí neix el context d'aquesta tesi.Dins de l'ampli ventall de tècniques Soft-Computing per tractar coneixement complex, els Mapes Autoorganitzatius (SOM) destaquen sobre la resta per la seva capacitat en agrupar les dades en patrons, els quals permeten detectar relacions ocultes entre les dades. Aquesta capacitat ha estat explotada en treballs previs d'altres investigadors, on s'ha organitzat la memòria de casos del CBR amb SOM per tal de millorar la recuperació dels casos.La finalitat de la present tesi és donar un pas més enllà en la simple combinació del CBR i de SOM, de tal manera que aquí s'introdueixen les capacitats de Soft-Computing i de Knowledge Discovery de SOM en totes les fases del CBR per nodrir-les del nou coneixement descobert. A més a més, les mètriques de complexitat apareixen en aquest context com un instrument precís per modelar el funcionament de SOM segons la tipologia de les dades. L'assoliment d'aquesta integració es pot dividir principalment en quatre fites: (1) la definició d'una metodologia per determinar la millor manera de recuperar els casos tenint en compte la complexitat de les dades i els requeriments de l'usuari; (2) la millora de la fiabilitat de la proposta de solucions gràcies a les relacions entre els clústers i els casos; (3) la potenciació de les capacitats explicatives mitjançant la generació d'explicacions simbòliques; (4) el manteniment incremental i semi-supervisat de la memòria de casos organitzada per SOM.Tots aquests punts s'integren sota la plataforma SOMCBR, la qual és extensament avaluada sobre datasets provinents de l'UCI Repository i de dominis mèdics i telemàtics.Addicionalment, la tesi aborda de manera secundària dues línies de recerca fruït dels requeriments dels projectes on ha estat ubicada. D'una banda, s'aborda la definició de funcions de similitud específiques per definir com comparar un cas resolt amb un de nou mitjançant una variant de la Computació Evolutiva anomenada Evolució de Gramàtiques (GE). D'altra banda, s'estudia com definir esquemes de cooperació entre sistemes heterogenis per millorar la fiabilitat de la seva resposta conjunta mitjançant GE. Ambdues línies són integrades en dues plataformes, BRAIN i MGE respectivament, i són també avaluades amb els datasets anteriors.El Razonamiento Basado en Casos (CBR) es un paradigma de aprendizaje basado en establecer analogías con problemas previamente resueltos para resolver otros nuevos. Por tanto, la organización, el acceso y la utilización del conocimiento previo son aspectos clave para tener éxito. No obstante, la mayoría de los problemas presentan grandes volúmenes de datos complejos, inciertos y con conocimiento aproximado y, por tanto, el rendimiento del CBR puede verse afectado debido a la complejidad de gestionarlos. Esto ha hecho que en los últimos años haya surgido una nueva línea de investigación llamada Soft-Computing and Intelligent Information Retrieval focalizada en mitigar estos efectos. Es aquí donde nace el contexto de esta tesis.Dentro del amplio abanico de técnicas Soft-Computing para tratar conocimiento complejo, los Mapas Autoorganizativos (SOM) destacan por encima del resto por su capacidad de agrupar los datos en patrones, los cuales permiten detectar relaciones ocultas entre los datos. Esta capacidad ha sido aprovechada en trabajos previos de otros investigadores, donde se ha organizado la memoria de casos del CBR con SOM para mejorar la recuperación de los casos.La finalidad de la presente tesis es dar un paso más en la simple combinación del CBR y de SOM, de tal manera que aquí se introducen las capacidades de Soft-Computing y de Knowledge Discovery de SOM en todas las fases del CBR para alimentarlas del conocimiento nuevo descubierto. Además, las métricas de complejidad aparecen en este contexto como un instrumento preciso para modelar el funcionamiento de SOM en función de la tipología de los datos. La consecución de esta integración se puede dividir principalmente en cuatro hitos: (1) la definición de una metodología para determinar la mejor manera de recuperar los casos teniendo en cuenta la complejidad de los datos y los requerimientos del usuario; (2) la mejora de la fiabilidad en la propuesta de soluciones gracias a las relaciones entre los clusters y los casos; (3) la potenciación de las capacidades explicativas mediante la generación de explicaciones simbólicas; (4) el mantenimiento incremental y semi-supervisado de la memoria de casos organizada por SOM. Todos estos puntos se integran en la plataforma SOMCBR, la cual es ampliamente evaluada sobre datasets procedentes del UCI Repository y de dominios médicos y telemáticos.Adicionalmente, la tesis aborda secundariamente dos líneas de investigación fruto de los requeri-mientos de los proyectos donde ha estado ubicada la tesis. Por un lado, se aborda la definición de funciones de similitud específicas para definir como comparar un caso resuelto con otro nuevo mediante una variante de la Computación Evolutiva denominada Evolución de Gramáticas (GE). Por otro lado, se estudia como definir esquemas de cooperación entre sistemas heterogéneos para mejorar la fiabilidad de su respuesta conjunta mediante GE. Ambas líneas son integradas en dos plataformas, BRAIN y MGE, las cuales también son evaluadas sobre los datasets anteriores.Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is an approach of machine learning based on solving new problems by identifying analogies with other previous solved problems. Thus, organization, access and management of this knowledge are crucial issues for achieving successful results. Nevertheless, the major part of real problems presents a huge amount of complex data, which also presents uncertain and partial knowledge. Therefore, CBR performance is influenced by the complex management of this knowledge. For this reason, a new research topic has appeared in the last years for tackling this problem: Soft-Computing and Intelligent Information Retrieval. This is the point where this thesis was born.Inside the wide variety of Soft-Computing techniques for managing complex data, the Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) highlight from the rest due to their capability for grouping data according to certain patterns using the relations hidden in data. This capability has been used in a wide range of works, where the CBR case memory has been organized with SOM for improving the case retrieval.The goal of this thesis is to take a step up in the simple combination of CBR and SOM. This thesis presents how to introduce the Soft-Computing and Knowledge Discovery capabilities of SOM inside all the steps of CBR to promote them with the discovered knowledge. Furthermore, complexity measures appear in this context as a mechanism to model the performance of SOM according to data topology. The achievement of this goal can be split in the next four points: (1) the definition of a methodology for setting up the best way of retrieving cases taking into account the data complexity and user requirements; (2) the improvement of the classification reliability through the relations between cases and clusters; (3) the promotion of the explaining capabilities by means of the generation of symbolic explanations; (4) the incremental and semi-supervised case-based maintenance. All these points are integrated in the SOMCBR framework, which has been widely tested in datasets from UCI Repository and from medical and telematic domains. Additionally, this thesis secondly tackles two additional research lines due to the requirements of a project in which it has been developed. First, the definition of similarity functions ad hoc a domain is analyzed using a variant of the Evolutionary Computation called Grammar Evolution (GE). Second, the definition of cooperation schemes between heterogeneous systems is also analyzed for improving the reliability from the point of view of GE. Both lines are developed in two frameworks, BRAIN and MGE respectively, which are also evaluated over the last explained datasets

    WICC 2017 : XIX Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación

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    Actas del XIX Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2017), realizado en el Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), el 27 y 28 de abril de 2017.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Maritime expressions:a corpus based exploration of maritime metaphors

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    This study uses a purpose-built corpus to explore the linguistic legacy of Britain’s maritime history found in the form of hundreds of specialised ‘Maritime Expressions’ (MEs), such as TAKEN ABACK, ANCHOR and ALOOF, that permeate modern English. Selecting just those expressions commencing with ’A’, it analyses 61 MEs in detail and describes the processes by which these technical expressions, from a highly specialised occupational discourse community, have made their way into modern English. The Maritime Text Corpus (MTC) comprises 8.8 million words, encompassing a range of text types and registers, selected to provide a cross-section of ‘maritime’ writing. It is analysed using WordSmith analytical software (Scott, 2010), with the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) as a reference corpus. Using the MTC, a list of keywords of specific salience within the maritime discourse has been compiled and, using frequency data, concordances and collocations, these MEs are described in detail and their use and form in the MTC and the BNC is compared. The study examines the transformation from ME to figurative use in the general discourse, in terms of form and metaphoricity. MEs are classified according to their metaphorical strength and their transference from maritime usage into new registers and domains such as those of business, politics, sports and reportage etc. A revised model of metaphoricity is developed and a new category of figurative expression, the ‘resonator’, is proposed. Additionally, developing the work of Lakov and Johnson, Kovesces and others on Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), a number of Maritime Conceptual Metaphors are identified and their cultural significance is discussed