2,651 research outputs found

    Mobile vs. point guards

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    We study the problem of guarding orthogonal art galleries with horizontal mobile guards (alternatively, vertical) and point guards, using "rectangular vision". We prove a sharp bound on the minimum number of point guards required to cover the gallery in terms of the minimum number of vertical mobile guards and the minimum number of horizontal mobile guards required to cover the gallery. Furthermore, we show that the latter two numbers can be calculated in linear time.Comment: This version covers a previously missing case in both Phase 2 &

    Engineering Art Galleries

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    The Art Gallery Problem is one of the most well-known problems in Computational Geometry, with a rich history in the study of algorithms, complexity, and variants. Recently there has been a surge in experimental work on the problem. In this survey, we describe this work, show the chronology of developments, and compare current algorithms, including two unpublished versions, in an exhaustive experiment. Furthermore, we show what core algorithmic ingredients have led to recent successes

    An Approximation Algorithm for the Art Gallery Problem

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    Given a simple polygon P\mathcal{P} on nn vertices, two points x,yx,y in P\mathcal{P} are said to be visible to each other if the line segment between xx and yy is contained in P\mathcal{P}. The Point Guard Art Gallery problem asks for a minimum set SS such that every point in P\mathcal{P} is visible from a point in SS. The set SS is referred to as guards. Assuming integer coordinates and a specific general position assumption, we present the first O(logOPT)O(\log \text{OPT})-approximation algorithm for the point guard problem for simple polygons. This algorithm combines ideas of a paper of Efrat and Har-Peled [Inf. Process. Lett. 2006] and Deshpande et. al. [WADS 2007]. We also point out a mistake in the latter.Comment: 25 pages, 4 pages proof ideas, many figure

    The three-dimensional art gallery problem and its solutions

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    This thesis addressed the three-dimensional Art Gallery Problem (3D-AGP), a version of the art gallery problem, which aims to determine the number of guards required to cover the interior of a pseudo-polyhedron as well as the placement of these guards. This study exclusively focused on the version of the 3D-AGP in which the art gallery is modelled by an orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron, instead of a pseudo-polyhedron. An orthogonal pseudopolyhedron provides a simple yet effective model for an art gallery because of the fact that most real-life buildings and art galleries are largely orthogonal in shape. Thus far, the existing solutions to the 3D-AGP employ mobile guards, in which each mobile guard is allowed to roam over an entire interior face or edge of a simple orthogonal polyhedron. In many realword applications including the monitoring an art gallery, mobile guards are not always adequate. For instance, surveillance cameras are usually installed at fixed locations. The guard placement method proposed in this thesis addresses such limitations. It uses fixedpoint guards inside an orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. This formulation of the art gallery problem is closer to that of the classical art gallery problem. The use of fixed-point guards also makes our method applicable to wider application areas. Furthermore, unlike the existing solutions which are only applicable to simple orthogonal polyhedra, our solution applies to orthogonal pseudo-polyhedra, which is a super-class of simple orthogonal polyhedron. In this thesis, a general solution to the guard placement problem for 3D-AGP on any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron has been presented. This method is the first solution known so far to fixed-point guard placement for orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. Furthermore, it has been shown that the upper bound for the number of fixed-point guards required for covering any orthogonal polyhedron having n vertices is (n3/2), which is the lowest upper bound known so far for the number of fixed-point guards for any orthogonal polyhedron. This thesis also provides a new way to characterise the type of a vertex in any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron and has conjectured a quantitative relationship between the numbers of vertices with different vertex configurations in any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron. This conjecture, if proved to be true, will be useful for gaining insight into the structure of any orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron involved in many 3-dimensional computational geometrical problems. Finally the thesis has also described a new method for splitting orthogonal polygon iv using a polyline and a new method for splitting an orthogonal polyhedron using a polyplane. These algorithms are useful in applications such as metal fabrication

    Subclass Discriminant Analysis of Morphological and Textural Features for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification

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    Classifying HEp-2 fluorescence patterns in Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF) HEp-2 cell imaging is important for the differential diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. The current technique, based on human visual inspection, is time-consuming, subjective and dependent on the operator's experience. Automating this process may be a solution to these limitations, making IIF faster and more reliable. This work proposes a classification approach based on Subclass Discriminant Analysis (SDA), a dimensionality reduction technique that provides an effective representation of the cells in the feature space, suitably coping with the high within-class variance typical of HEp-2 cell patterns. In order to generate an adequate characterization of the fluorescence patterns, we investigate the individual and combined contributions of several image attributes, showing that the integration of morphological, global and local textural features is the most suited for this purpose. The proposed approach provides an accuracy of the staining pattern classification of about 90%

    A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for covering the interior of an Art Gallery

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    The problem of locating visual sensors can be often modeled as 2D Art Gallery problems. In particular, tasks such as surveillance require observing the interior of a polygonal environment (interior covering, IC), while for inspection or image based rendering observing the boundary (edge covering, EC) is sufficient. Both problems are NP-hard, and no technique is known for transforming one problem into the other. Recently, an incremental algorithm for EC has been proposed, and its near-optimality has been demonstrated experimentally. In this paper we show that, with some modification, the algorithm is nearly optimal also for IC. The algorithm has been implemented and tested over several hundreds of random polygons with and without holes. The cardinality of the solutions provided is very near to, or coincident with, a polygon-specific lower bound, and then suboptimal or optimal. In addition, our algorithm has been compared, for all the test polygons, with recent heuristic sensor location algorithms. In all cases, the cardinality of the set of guards provided by our algorithm was less than or equal to that of the set computed by the other algorithms. An enhanced version of the algorithm, also taking into account range and incidence constraints, has also been implemente

    Partitioning orthogonal polygons into at most 8-vertex pieces, with application to an art gallery theorem

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    We prove that every simply connected orthogonal polygon of nn vertices can be partitioned into 3n+416\left\lfloor\frac{3 n +4}{16}\right\rfloor (simply connected) orthogonal polygons of at most 8 vertices. It yields a new and shorter proof of the theorem of A. Aggarwal that 3n+416\left\lfloor\frac{3 n +4}{16}\right\rfloor mobile guards are sufficient to control the interior of an nn-vertex orthogonal polygon. Moreover, we strengthen this result by requiring combinatorial guards (visibility is only required at the endpoints of patrols) and prohibiting intersecting patrols. This yields positive answers to two questions of O'Rourke. Our result is also a further example of the "metatheorem" that (orthogonal) art gallery theorems are based on partition theorems.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure