119 research outputs found

    Turbo codes and turbo algorithms

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    In the first part of this paper, several basic ideas that prompted the coming of turbo codes are commented on. We then present some personal points of view on the main advances obtained in past years on turbo coding and decoding such as the circular trellis termination of recursive systematic convolutional codes and double-binary turbo codes associated with Max-Log-MAP decoding. A novel evaluation method, called genieinitialised iterative processing (GIIP), is introduced to assess the error performance of iterative processing. We show that using GIIP produces a result that can be viewed as a lower bound of the maximum likelihood iterative decoding and detection performance. Finally, two wireless communication systems are presented to illustrate recent applications of the turbo principle, the first one being multiple-input/multiple-output channel iterative detection and the second one multi-carrier modulation with linear precoding

    System capacity enhancement for 5G network and beyond

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe demand for wireless digital data is dramatically increasing year over year. Wireless communication systems like Laptops, Smart phones, Tablets, Smart watch, Virtual Reality devices and so on are becoming an important part of people’s daily life. The number of mobile devices is increasing at a very fast speed as well as the requirements for mobile devices such as super high-resolution image/video, fast download speed, very short latency and high reliability, which raise challenges to the existing wireless communication networks. Unlike the previous four generation communication networks, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication network includes many technologies such as millimetre-wave communication, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), visual light communication (VLC), heterogeneous network (HetNet) and so forth. Although 5G has not been standardised yet, these above technologies have been studied in both academia and industry and the goal of the research is to enhance and improve the system capacity for 5G networks and beyond by studying some key problems and providing some effective solutions existing in the above technologies from system implementation and hardware impairments’ perspective. The key problems studied in this thesis include interference cancellation in HetNet, impairments calibration for massive MIMO, channel state estimation for VLC, and low latency parallel Turbo decoding technique. Firstly, inter-cell interference in HetNet is studied and a cell specific reference signal (CRS) interference cancellation method is proposed to mitigate the performance degrade in enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC). This method takes carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset (TO) of the user’s received signal into account. By reconstructing the interfering signal and cancelling it afterwards, the capacity of HetNet is enhanced. Secondly, for massive MIMO systems, the radio frequency (RF) impairments of the hardware will degrade the beamforming performance. When operated in time duplex division (TDD) mode, a massive MIMO system relies on the reciprocity of the channel which can be broken by the transmitter and receiver RF impairments. Impairments calibration has been studied and a closed-loop reciprocity calibration method is proposed in this thesis. A test device (TD) is introduced in this calibration method that can estimate the transmitters’ impairments over-the-air and feed the results back to the base station via the Internet. The uplink pilots sent by the TD can assist the BS receivers’ impairment estimation. With both the uplink and downlink impairments estimates, the reciprocity calibration coefficients can be obtained. By computer simulation and lab experiment, the performance of the proposed method is evaluated. Channel coding is an essential part of a wireless communication system which helps fight with noise and get correct information delivery. Turbo codes is one of the most reliable codes that has been used in many standards such as WiMAX and LTE. However, the decoding process of turbo codes is time-consuming and the decoding latency should be improved to meet the requirement of the future network. A reverse interleave address generator is proposed that can reduce the decoding time and a low latency parallel turbo decoder has been implemented on a FPGA platform. The simulation and experiment results prove the effectiveness of the address generator and show that there is a trade-off between latency and throughput with a limited hardware resource. Apart from the above contributions, this thesis also investigated multi-user precoding for MIMO VLC systems. As a green and secure technology, VLC is achieving more and more attention and could become a part of 5G network especially for indoor communication. For indoor scenario, the MIMO VLC channel could be easily ill-conditioned. Hence, it is important to study the impact of the channel state to the precoding performance. A channel state estimation method is proposed based on the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) of the users’ received signal. Simulation results show that it can enhance the capacity of the indoor MIMO VLC system

    Architectures multi-Asip pour turbo récepteur flexible

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    Rapidly evolving wireless standards use modern techniques such as turbo codes, Bit Interleaved coded Modulation (BICM), high order QAM constellation, Signal Space Diversity (SSD), Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Spatial Multiplexing (SM) and Space Time Codes (STC) with different parameters for reliable high rate data transmissions. Adoption of such techniques in the transmitter can impact the receiver architecture in three ways: (1) the complex processing related to advanced techniques such as turbo codes, encourage to perform iterative processing in the receiver to improve error rate performance (2) to satisfy high throughput requirement for an iterative receiver, parallel processing is mandatory and finally (3) to allow the support of different techniques and parameters imposed, programmable yet high throughput hardware processing elements are required. In this thesis, to address the high throughput requirement with turbo processing, first of all a study of parallelism on turbo decoding is extended for turbo demodulation and turbo equalization. Based on the results acquired from the parallelism study a flexible high throughput heterogeneous multi-ASIP NoC based unified turbo receiver is proposed. The proposed architecture fulfils the target requirements in a way that: (a) Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP) exploits metric generation level parallelism and implements the required flexibility, (b) throughputs beyond the capacity of single ASIP in a turbo process are achieved through multiple ASIP elements implementing sub-block parallelism and shuffled processing and finally (c) Network on Chip is used to handle communication conflicts during parallel processing of multiple ASIPs. In pursuit to achieve a hardware model of the proposed architecture two ASIPs are conceived where the first one, namely EquASIP, is dedicated for MMSE-IC equalization and provides a flexible solution for multiple MIMO techniques adopted in multiple wireless standards with a capability to work in turbo equalization context. The second ASIP, named as DemASIP, is a flexible demapper which can be used in MIMO or single antenna environment for any modulation till 256-QAM with or without iterative demodulation. Using available TurbASIP and NoC components, the thesis concludes on an FPGA prototype of heterogeneous multi-ASIP NoC based unified turbo receiver which integrates 9 instances of 3 different ASIPs with 2 NoCs.Les normes de communication sans fil, sans cesse en évolution, imposent l'utilisation de techniques modernes telles que les turbocodes, modulation codée à entrelacement bit (BICM), constellation MAQ d'ordre élevé, diversité de constellation (SSD), multiplexage spatial et codage espace-temps multi-antennes (MIMO) avec des paramètres différents pour des transmissions fiables et de haut débit. L'adoption de ces techniques dans l'émetteur peut influencer l'architecture du récepteur de trois façons: (1) les traitement complexes relatifs aux techniques avancées comme les turbocodes, encourage à effectuer un traitement itératif dans le récepteur pour améliorer la performance en termes de taux d'erreur (2) pour satisfaire l'exigence de haut débit avec un récepteur itératif, le recours au parallélisme est obligatoire et enfin (3) pour assurer le support des différentes techniques et paramètres imposées, des processeurs de traitement matériel flexibles, mais aussi de haute performance, sont nécessaires. Dans cette thèse, pour répondre aux besoins de haut débit dans un contexte de traitement itératif, tout d'abord une étude de parallélisme sur le turbo décodage a été étendue aux applications de turbo démodulation et turbo égalisation. Partant des résultats obtenus à partir de l'étude du parallélisme, un récepteur itératif unifié basé sur un modèle d'architecture multi-ASIP hétérogène intégrant un réseau sur puce (NoC) a été proposé. L'architecture proposée répond aux exigences visées d'une manière où: (a) le concept de processeur à jeu d'instruction dédié à l'application (ASIP) exploite le parallélisme du niveau de génération de métriques et met en oeuvre la flexibilité nécessaire, (b) les débits au-delà de la capacité d'un seul ASIP dans un processus itératif sont obtenus au moyen de multiples ASIP implémentant le parallélisme de sous-blocs et le traitement combiné et enfin (c) le concept de réseau sur puce (NoC) est utilisé pour gérer les conflits de communication au cours du traitement parallèle itératif multi-ASIP. Dans le but de parvenir à un modèle matériel de l'architecture proposée, deux ASIP ont été conçus où le premier, nommé EquASIP, est dédié à l'égalisation MMSE-IC et fournit une solution flexible pour de multiples techniques multi-antennes adoptés dans plusieurs normes sans fil avec la capacité de travailler dans un contexte de turbo égalisation. Le deuxième ASIP, nommé DemASIP, est un démappeur flexible qui peut être utilisé dans un environnement multi-antennes et pour tout type de modulation jusqu'à MAQ-256 avec ou sans démodulation itérative. En intégrant ces ASIP, en plus des NoC et TurbASIP disponibles à Télécom Bretagne, la thèse conclut sur un prototype FPGA d'un récepteur itératif unifié multi-ASIP qui intègre 9 coeurs de 3 différents types d'ASIP avec 2 NoC

    Management of reconfigurable multi-standards ASIP-based receiver

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    International audienceThe emergence of multiple wireless standards is introducing the need of flexible platforms which are able to self-adapt to various environments depending on the application requirements. Our work lies in the domain of self-adaptive heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures. In this paper, we present our ideas about the management of an ASIP-based multi-standards iterative receiver, which includes the support for turbo-decoding. In this context, the management of a multi-standards receiver provides the services for the self-adaptation mechanisms based on a collect and an analysis of information, a decision making process and a fast reconfiguration of the platform

    Evaluation of Channel Coding Methods for Next Generation Mobile Communication Standards

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    La codificación de canales es crucial para los sistemas de comunicación móvil, y los sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica 5G han decidido utilizar los códigos LDPC como esquema de codificación para sus canales de datos y los códigos Polares como esquema de codificación para sus canales de control. Este estudio se centra en los fundamentos de los códigos LDPC y los códigos Polares, especialmente los nuevos códigos polares, explicando en detalle sus características de polarización y las técnicas de decodificación recursiva. También se estudia las especificaciones de diseño relacionadas con estos dos esquemas de codificación de canales en 5G. Mediante simulaciones, se compara el rendimiento del nuevo esquema de codificación de canales inalámbricos 5G con el de los códigos Turbo a diferentes longitudes de bloque y tasas de código, y se extraen conclusiones relevantes para demostrar la aplicabilidad del esquema de codificación de canales 5G NR.Channel coding is essential for mobile communication systems, and the 5G wireless standardization committees decided to use LDPC codes as the coding scheme of its data channel and Polar codes as the coding scheme of its control channel. This study focuses on the fundamentals of LDPC codes and Polar codes, especially the emerging Polar codes, with detailed explanations of their polarization characteristics and recursive decoding techniques. It is also focused on the design specification related to these two channel coding schemes in 5G. The performance of the 5G New Radio channel coding scheme is compared with that of LTE Turbo codes at different block lengths and code rates through simulations, and relevant conclusions are drawn to demonstrate the suitability of the 5G NR channel coding scheme.Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Turbo Decoder with early stopping criteria

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    The turbo code used in the 3GPP Long Term Evolution(LTE) standard have been chosen specifically to simplify parallel turbo decoding and thus achieving higher throughputs. The higher data rates however leads to an increased computational complexity and thus a higher power and energy consumption of the decoder. This report presents a turbo decoder for the LTE standard with a stopping crite- ria aimed to reduce the power and energy consumption of the turbo decoder. The decoder can be configured to use 1,2 ,4 ,8 or 16 MAP decoders in parallel achiev- ing a throughput of 110 Mb/s for 7 iterations when running at a clock frequency of 200 MHz. The decoder were synthesised with 65 nm low power libraries with an area of 1.6 mm 2 . The post-synthesis simulations shows that the stopping cri- teria can lead to a significant lower energy consumption with no performance loss.The cellular market are constantly growing with more users every day. Today the smart- phone and tablet are common commodities which are able to both stream music as well as high definition video. The increasing amount of user in combination with the increasing data rate requirements puts high demands on the mobile operators networks. However the frequency spectrum is crowded with dif- ferent competing technologies and thus the available bandwidth are scarce. Ensuring a reliable communication and efficient use of the available resources are thus vital

    The bit interleaved coded modulation module for DVB-NGH: enhanced features for mobile reception

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    International audienceThis paper describes the main features of the DVB-NGH Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) module. This latter is derived from a sub-set of DVB-T2 BICM components with additional features intended to first lower receiver complexity and power consumption and then to increase receiver robustness over mobile reception. Therefore, the long code block size was removed, a different range of coding rates was chosen, non-uniform constellations were adopted in order to provide shaping gain, and the principle of signal space diversity was extended to four-dimensional rotated constellations. Moreover the structure of the time interleaver offers the possibility to significantly increase the interleaving depth, a feature required for mobility over terrestrial and satellite links

    New VLSI design of a MAP/BCJR decoder.

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    Any communication channel suffers from different kinds of noises. By employing forward error correction (FEC) techniques, the reliability of the communication channel can be increased. One of the emerging FEC methods is turbo coding (iterative coding), which employs soft input soft output (SISO) decoding algorithms like maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm in its constituent decoders. In this thesis we introduce a design with lower complexity and less than 0.1dB performance loss compare to the best performance observed in Max-Log-MAP algorithm. A parallel and pipeline design of a MAP decoder suitable for ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) is used to increase the throughput of the chip. The branch metric calculation unit is studied in detail and a new design with lower complexity is proposed. The design is also flexible to communication block sizes, which makes it ideal for variable frame length communication systems. A new even-spaced quantization technique for the proposed MAP decoder is utilized. Normalization techniques are studied and a suitable technique for the Max-Log-MAP decoder is explained. The decoder chip is synthesized and implemented in a 0.18 mum six-layer metal CMOS technology. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .S23. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-05, page: 1783. Adviser: Majid Ahmadi. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004