13 research outputs found

    Test Pattern Generation Algorithm Using Structurally Synthesized BDD

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    Structurally Synthesized Binary DecisionDiagrams (SSBDDs) have an important characteristicproperty of keeping information about circuit’s structure.Boolean difference of a circuit is used to find test pattern forstuck at fault in combinational circuit but the algebraicmanipulation involved in solving Boolean difference is atedious job. In this paper an efficient algorithm is proposed tocompute Boolean difference and test patterns simply usingsearching the paths of SSBDD. This model reduces algebraicmanipulations and takes less time to compute the test pattern

    Constructing Small Tree Grammars and Small Circuits for Formulas

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    It is shown that every tree of size n over a fixed set of sigma different ranked symbols can be decomposed into O(n/log_sigma(n)) = O((n * log(sigma))/ log(n)) many hierarchically defined pieces. Formally, such a hierarchical decomposition has the form of a straight-line linear context-free tree grammar of size O(n/log_sigma(n)), which can be used as a compressed representation of the input tree. This generalizes an analogous result for strings. Previous grammar-based tree compressors were not analyzed for the worst-case size of the computed grammar, except for the top dag of Bille et al., for which only the weaker upper bound of O(n/log^{0.19}(n)) for unranked and unlabelled trees has been derived. The main result is used to show that every arithmetical formula of size n, in which only m <= n different variables occur, can be transformed (in time O(n * log(n)) into an arithmetical circuit of size O((n * log(m))/log(n)) and depth O(log(n)). This refines a classical result of Brent, according to which an arithmetical formula of size n can be transformed into a logarithmic depth circuit of size O(n)

    On the Error Resilience of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams

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    Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) are a data structure that is used in an increasing number of fields of Computer Science (e.g., logic synthesis, program verification, data mining, bioinformatics, and data protection) for representing and manipulating discrete structures and Boolean functions. The purpose of this paper is to study the error resilience of OBDDs and to design a resilient version of this data structure, i.e., a self-repairing OBDD. In particular, we describe some strategies that make reduced ordered OBDDs resilient to errors in the indexes, that are associated to the input variables, or in the pointers (i.e., OBDD edges) of the nodes. These strategies exploit the inherent redundancy of the data structure, as well as the redundancy introduced by its efficient implementations. The solutions we propose allow the exact restoring of the original OBDD and are suitable to be applied to classical software packages for the manipulation of OBDDs currently in use. Another result of the paper is the definition of a new canonical OBDD model, called {\em Index-resilient Reduced OBDD}, which guarantees that a node with a faulty index has a reconstruction cost O(k)O(k), where kk is the number of nodes with corrupted index

    Biblioteca de BDDs baseada em inteiros

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    Diagramas de decisão binária (BDDs) são um tipo de estrutura de dados muito usada no projeto de circuitos integrados digitais. Este trabalho apresenta uma contribuição para a obtenção de estruturas de dados mais eficientes para BDDs através da proposta de uma chave única baseada em um só inteiro. Para operações lógicas de oito entradas ou mais, esta implementação foi de duas a treze vezes mais rápida do que uma implementação de referência onde a chave única é baseada em cadeias de caracteres. Para circuitos aritméticos cujas entradas possuem três bits ou mais, o resultado obtido foi um ganho de velocidade de 2,5 à 9,4 vezes.BDDs are a type of data structure widely used in the design of digital integrated circuits. This work presents a contribution to obtain more efficient BDD data structures through using a unique key based on a single integer. For logic operations of eight inputs or more, this implementation was two to thirteen times faster compared to a reference implementation where the unique key is based in a string of characters. For arithmetic circuits of two three or more bits inputs, the result obtained was a 2.5 to 9.4 times gain in speed

    Novel Synthesis Methodology in Digital IC Design and Automation to Reduce NRE costs and Time-to-Market

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    The number of incremental and iterative steps in the digital IC design & automation methodology will decide the non-recurring-engineering (NRE) costs and time-to-market (TTM). Since the aforementioned factors are the major driving factors of the IC design industry, many algorithms were proposed in the last few decades to minimize/optimize the number of design steps in the conventional digital IC design & automation methodology. However, the conventional front end and back end designs have been carried out separately, which has limited the further minimization of design steps. Here we propose a novel digital IC design & automation methodology, which reduces the NRE costs and TTM by merging the front end and back end designs partially. It maps the input RTL description directly to their corresponding physical layouts(derived using the existing CAD tools and stored in a pre-computed library) without going through the all the steps in conventional logic and physical synthesis process. As part of the proposed methodology, we use a pre-computed library which stores all required physical layouts and their Boolean functions. We have exploited the functional symmetry and negation-permutation-negation (NPN) class representations to decoct the library size and number of comparisons. The functional symmetry reduced the number of required pre-computed circuits in our experiments from ] 1031 to 222 (464.4% reduction in the memory size) and helps in maintaining the regularity in the design, which is a major concern for engineering change order

    Logic synthesis and optimisation using Reed-Muller expansions

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    This thesis presents techniques and algorithms which may be employed to represent, generate and optimise particular categories of Exclusive-OR SumOf-Products (ESOP) forms. The work documented herein concentrates on two types of Reed-Muller (RM) expressions, namely, Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller (FPRM) expansions and KROnecker (KRO) expansions (a category of mixed polarity RM expansions). Initially, the theory of switching functions is comprehensively reviewed. This includes descriptions of various types of RM expansion and ESOP forms. The structure of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module (RM-ULM) networks are also examined. Heuristic algorithms for deriving optimal (sub-optimal) FPRM expansions of Boolean functions are described. These algorithms are improved forms of an existing tabular technique [1]. Results are presented which illustrate the performance of these new minimisation methods when evaluated against selected existing techniques. An algorithm which may be employed to generate FPRM expansions from incompletely specified Boolean functions is also described. This technique introduces a means of determining the optimum allocation of the Boolean 'don't care' terms so as to derive equivalent minimal FPRM expansions. The tabular technique [1] is extended to allow the representation of KRO expansions. This new method may be employed to generate KRO expansions from either an initial incompletely specified Boolean function or a KRO expansion of different polarity. Additionally, it may be necessary to derive KRO expressions from Boolean Sum-Of-Products (SOP) forms where the product terms are not minterms. A technique is described which forms KRO expansions from disjoint SOP forms without first expanding the SOP expressions to minterm forms. Reed-Muller Binary Decision Diagrams (RMBDDs) are introduced as a graphical means of representing FPRM expansions. RMBDDs are analogous to the BDDs used to represent Boolean functions. Rules are detailed which allow the efficient representation of the initial FPRM expansions and an algorithm is presented which may be employed to determine an optimum (sub-optimum) variable ordering for the RMBDDs. The implementation of RMBDDs as RM-ULM networks is also examined. This thesis is concluded with a review of the algorithms and techniques developed during this research project. The value of these methods are discussed and suggestions are made as to how improved results could have been obtained. Additionally, areas for future work are proposed