23,523 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Modeling in Dynamic Information Retrieval

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    Dynamic modeling is used to design systems that are adaptive to their changing environment and is currently poorly understood in information retrieval systems. Common elements in the information retrieval methodology, such as documents, relevance, users and tasks, are dynamic entities that may evolve over the course of several interactions, which is increasingly captured in search log datasets. Conventional frameworks and models in information retrieval treat these elements as static, or only consider local interactivity, without consideration for the optimisation of all potential interactions. Further to this, advances in information retrieval interface, contextual personalization and ad display demand models that can intelligently react to users over time. This thesis proposes a new area of information retrieval research called Dynamic Information Retrieval. The term dynamics is defined and what it means within the context of information retrieval. Three examples of current areas of research in information retrieval which can be described as dynamic are covered: multi-page search, online learning to rank and session search. A probabilistic model for dynamic information retrieval is introduced and analysed, and applied in practical algorithms throughout. This framework is based on the partially observable Markov decision process model, and solved using dynamic programming and the Bellman equation. Comparisons are made against well-established techniques that show improvements in ranking quality and in particular, document diversification. The limitations of this approach are explored and appropriate approximation techniques are investigated, resulting in the development of an efficient multi-armed bandit based ranking algorithm. Finally, the extraction of dynamic behaviour from search logs is also demonstrated as an application, showing that dynamic information retrieval modeling is an effective and versatile tool in state of the art information retrieval research

    Role of Ranking Algorithms for Information Retrieval

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    As the use of web is increasing more day by day, the web users get easily lost in the web's rich hyper structure. The main aim of the owner of the website is to give the relevant information according their needs to the users. We explained the Web mining is used to categorize users and pages by analyzing user's behavior, the content of pages and then describe Web Structure mining. This paper includes different Page Ranking algorithms and compares those algorithms used for Information Retrieval. Different Page Rank based algorithms like Page Rank (PR), WPR (Weighted Page Rank), HITS (Hyperlink Induced Topic Selection), Distance Rank and EigenRumor algorithms are discussed and compared. Simulation Interface has been designed for PageRank algorithm and Weighted PageRank algorithm but PageRank is the only ranking algorithm on which Google search engine works.Comment: Keywords: Page Rank, Web Mining, Web Structured Mining, Web Content Minin

    Beyond English text: Multilingual and multimedia information retrieval.

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    Ranking expansion terms using partial and ostensive evidence

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    In this paper we examine the problem of ranking candidate expansion terms for query expansion. We show, by an extension to the traditional F4 scheme, how partial relevance assessments (how relevant a document is) and ostensive evidence (when a document was assessed relevant) can be incorporated into a term ranking function. We then investigate this new term ranking function in three user experiments, examining the performance of our function for automatic and interactive query expansion. We show that the new function not only suggests terms that are preferred by searchers but suggests terms that can lead to more use of expansion terms

    Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement

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    Learning to rank has been intensively studied and widely applied in information retrieval. Typically, a global ranking function is learned from a set of labeled data, which can achieve good performance on average but may be suboptimal for individual queries by ignoring the fact that relevant documents for different queries may have different distributions in the feature space. Inspired by the idea of pseudo relevance feedback where top ranked documents, which we refer as the \textit{local ranking context}, can provide important information about the query's characteristics, we propose to use the inherent feature distributions of the top results to learn a Deep Listwise Context Model that helps us fine tune the initial ranked list. Specifically, we employ a recurrent neural network to sequentially encode the top results using their feature vectors, learn a local context model and use it to re-rank the top results. There are three merits with our model: (1) Our model can capture the local ranking context based on the complex interactions between top results using a deep neural network; (2) Our model can be built upon existing learning-to-rank methods by directly using their extracted feature vectors; (3) Our model is trained with an attention-based loss function, which is more effective and efficient than many existing listwise methods. Experimental results show that the proposed model can significantly improve the state-of-the-art learning to rank methods on benchmark retrieval corpora

    Selective relevance feedback using term characteristics

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    This paper presents a new relevance feedback technique; selectively combining evidence based on the usage of terms within documents. By considering how terms are used within documents, we can better describe the features that might make a document relevant and thus improve retrieval effectiveness. In this paper we present an initial, experimental investigation of this technique, incorporating new and existing measures for describing the information content of a document. The results from these experiments positively support our hypothesis that extending relevance feedback to take into account how terms are used within documents can improve the performance of relevance feedback

    A survey on the use of relevance feedback for information access systems

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    Users of online search engines often find it difficult to express their need for information in the form of a query. However, if the user can identify examples of the kind of documents they require then they can employ a technique known as relevance feedback. Relevance feedback covers a range of techniques intended to improve a user's query and facilitate retrieval of information relevant to a user's information need. In this paper we survey relevance feedback techniques. We study both automatic techniques, in which the system modifies the user's query, and interactive techniques, in which the user has control over query modification. We also consider specific interfaces to relevance feedback systems and characteristics of searchers that can affect the use and success of relevance feedback systems