49,323 research outputs found


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    The nonlinear feedback shift registers of the second order inare considered, because based on them it can be developed a generator of stream ciphers with enhanced cryptographic strength. Feasibility of nonlinear feedback shift register search is analyzed. These registers form a maximal length sequence, using programmable logic devices. Performance evaluation of programmable logic devices in the generation of pseudo-random sequence by nonlinear feedback shift registers is given. Recommendations to increase this performance are given. The dependence of the maximum generation rate (clock frequency), programmable logic devices on the number of concurrent nonlinear registers is analyzed. A comparison of the generation rate of the sequences that are generated by nonlinear feedback shift registers is done using hardware and software. The author suggests, describes and explores the search method of nonlinear feedback shift registers, generating a sequence with a maximum period. As the main result are found non-linear 26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees polynomials

    On The Nonlinearity of Maximum-length NFSR Feedbacks

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    Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) are the main building block of many classical stream ciphers; however due to their inherent linearity, most of the LFSR-based designs do not offer the desired security levels. In the last decade, using Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers(NFSRs) in stream ciphers became very popular. However, the theory of NFSRs is not well-understood, and there is no efficient method that constructs a cryptographically strong feedback function with maximum period and also, given a feedback function it is hard to predict the period. In this paper, we study the maximum-length NFSRs, focusing on the nonlinearity of their feedback functions. First, we provide some upper bounds on the nonlinearity of the maximum-length feedback functions, and then we study the feedback functions having nonlinearity 2 in detail. We also show some techniques to improve the nonlinearity of a given feedback function using cross-joining

    Метод побудови високошвидкісного програмно-орієнтованого потокового шифру

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    Запропонована криптографічна схема нового программно-орієнтованого потокового шифру гамування з умовною назвою WSC, який базується на лінійному рекурентному регістрі довжини 32 над скінченним полем GF(2³²) та схемі ускладнення на основі чотирьох нелінійних регістрів зсуву над скінченним полем GF(28). У cхемі ускладнення пропонується використати 8×8 S-блоки з властивістю кореляційної імунності всіх координатних функцій.This article proposes description of cryptographic scheme of new software-oriented stream cipher called WSC. It based on two items: linear feedback shift register length of 16 over the Galois field GF(2³²) and complication scheme which based on four nonlinear shift registers over the Galois field GF(28).8x8 S-boxes with correlation immunity property of all coordinate functions are proposed to be used in this complication scheme

    Lemma for Linear Feedback Shift Registers and DFTs Applied to Affine Variety Codes

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    In this paper, we establish a lemma in algebraic coding theory that frequently appears in the encoding and decoding of, e.g., Reed-Solomon codes, algebraic geometry codes, and affine variety codes. Our lemma corresponds to the non-systematic encoding of affine variety codes, and can be stated by giving a canonical linear map as the composition of an extension through linear feedback shift registers from a Grobner basis and a generalized inverse discrete Fourier transform. We clarify that our lemma yields the error-value estimation in the fast erasure-and-error decoding of a class of dual affine variety codes. Moreover, we show that systematic encoding corresponds to a special case of erasure-only decoding. The lemma enables us to reduce the computational complexity of error-evaluation from O(n^3) using Gaussian elimination to O(qn^2) with some mild conditions on n and q, where n is the code length and q is the finite-field size.Comment: 37 pages, 1 column, 10 figures, 2 tables, resubmitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on Jan. 8, 201

    Field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of novel complex PN-code-generator- based data scrambler and descrambler

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    A novel technique for the generation of complex and lengthy code sequences using low- length linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) for data scrambling and descrambling is proposed. The scheme has been implemented using VHSIC hardware description language (VHDL) approach which allows the reconfigurability of the proposed system such that the length of the generated sequences can be changed as per the security requirements. In the present design consideration the power consumption and chip area requirements are small and the operating speed is high compared to conventional discrete I.C. design, which is a pre-requisite for any system designer. The design has been synthesised on device EP2S15F484C3 of Straitx II FPGA family, using Quarts Altera version 8.1. The simulation results have been found satisfactory and are in conformity with the theoretical observations

    A m-ary linear feedback shift register with binary logic

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    A family of m-ary linear feedback shift registers with binary logic is disclosed. Each m-ary linear feedback shift register with binary logic generates a binary representation of a nonbinary recurring sequence, producible with a m-ary linear feedback shift register without binary logic in which m is greater than 2. The state table of a m-ary linear feedback shift register without binary logic, utilizing sum modulo m feedback, is first tubulated for a given initial state. The entries in the state table are coded in binary and the binary entries are used to set the initial states of the stages of a plurality of binary shift registers. A single feedback logic unit is employed which provides a separate feedback binary digit to each binary register as a function of the states of corresponding stages of the binary registers

    Cyclostationary Random Number Sequences for the Tsetlin Machine

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    Author's accepted manuscriptThe Tsetlin Machine (TM) constitutes an emerging machine learning algorithm that has shown competitive performance on several benchmarks. The underlying concept of the TM is propositional logic determined by a group of finite state machines that learns patterns. Thus, TM-based systems naturally lend themselves to low-power operation when implemented in hardware for micro-edge Internet-of-Things applications. An important aspect of the learning phase of TMs is stochasticity. For low-power integrated circuit implementations the random number generation must be carried out efficiently. In this paper, we explore the application of pre-generated cyclostationary random number sequences for TMs. Through experiments on two machine learning problems, i.e., Binary Iris and Noisy XOR, we demonstrate that the accuracy is on par with standard TM. We show that through exploratory simulations the required length of the sequences that meets the conflicting tradeoffs can be suitably identified. Furthermore, the TMs achieve robust performance against reduced resolution of the random numbers. Finally, we show that maximum-length sequences implemented by linear feedback shift registers are suitable for generating the required random numbers.acceptedVersio