158 research outputs found

    Soil Moisture Data Assimilation

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    Accurate knowledge of soil moisture at the continental scale is important for improving predictions of weather, agricultural productivity and natural hazards, but observations of soil moisture at such scales are limited to indirect measurements, either obtained through satellite remote sensing or from meteorological networks. Land surface models simulate soil moisture processes, using observation-based meteorological forcing data, and auxiliary information about soil, terrain and vegetation characteristics. Enhanced estimates of soil moisture and other land surface variables, along with their uncertainty, can be obtained by assimilating observations of soil moisture into land surface models. These assimilation results are of direct relevance for the initialization of hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting systems. The success of the assimilation depends on the choice of the assimilation technique, the nature of the model and the assimilated observations, and, most importantly, the characterization of model and observation error. Systematic differences between satellite-based microwave observations or satellite-retrieved soil moisture and their simulated counterparts require special attention. Other challenges include inferring root-zone soil moisture information from observations that pertain to a shallow surface soil layer, propagating information to unobserved areas and downscaling of coarse information to finer-scale soil moisture estimates. This chapter summarizes state-of-the-art solutions to these issues with conceptual data assimilation examples, using techniques ranging from simplified optimal interpolation to spatial ensemble Kalman filtering. In addition, operational soil moisture assimilation systems are discussed that support numerical weather prediction at ECMWF and provide value-added soil moisture products for the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive mission

    A dynamic approach for evaluating coarse scale satellite soil moisture products

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    Microwave Indices from Active and Passive Sensors for Remote Sensing Applications

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    Past research has comprehensively assessed the capabilities of satellite sensors operating at microwave frequencies, both active (SAR, scatterometers) and passive (radiometers), for the remote sensing of Earth’s surface. Besides brightness temperature and backscattering coefficient, microwave indices, defined as a combination of data collected at different frequencies and polarizations, revealed a good sensitivity to hydrological cycle parameters such as surface soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow depth and its water equivalent. The differences between microwave backscattering and emission at more frequencies and polarizations have been well established in relation to these parameters, enabling operational retrieval algorithms based on microwave indices to be developed. This Special Issue aims at providing an overview of microwave signal capabilities in estimating the main land parameters of the hydrological cycle, e.g., soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow water equivalent, on both local and global scales, with a particular focus on the applications of microwave indices

    Improvements and Applications of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Data for Flood Forecasting

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    Accurate knowledge of the spatiotemporal behavior of soil moisture can greatly improve hydrological forecasting capability. While ground-based soil moisture measurements are ideal, they tend to be sparse in space and only available for limited periods. To overcome this, a viable alternative is space-borne microwave remote sensing because of the observational capability it offers for retrieving soil moisture in near real-time at the global scale. However, its direct applications have been limited due to the uncertainty associated, and the coarse spatial resolution these are available at. Therefore, this thesis aims to use satellite soil moisture products for assessing flood risk by redressing their drawbacks in terms of accuracy and spatial resolution. The research consists of three inter-dependent focal areas; evaluation, improvement and application of the soil moisture products. For the first objective, this thesis compared two alternate soil moisture products using spatiotemporally identical passive microwave observations but different retrieval algorithms. Complementarity in the performance of the products was identified and accordingly provided the basis for the improvement in soil moisture. For the second objective, based on the identified complementarity, different formulations of weighted linear combination were proposed as a means of reducing the structural uncertainty associated with each retrieval algorithm. To address the limitation of resulting retrievals existing over coarse grid resolutions, an approach was presented to spatially disaggregate coarse soil moisture by only using a remotely sensed vegetation index product. The method provides a continuous timeseries of disaggregated soil moisture with a persistence structure closer to what is observed. Lastly, for the third objective, a fully remote sensing based flood warning method using readily available soil moisture and rainfall data, open-access topographic and soil data, was developed. This method was applied over a number of anthropogenically unaffected river basins and was shown to have promise for flood warning in ungauged watersheds. Ongoing and future research will form an integrated pathway for producing an improved soil moisture product available at finer spatial resolution, which can be used for various regional applications, along with using this to provide real-time flood warnings using freely available information to rural and remote communities worldwide

    Mapping Soil Moisture from Remotely Sensed and In-situ Data with Statistical Methods

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    Soil moisture is an important factor for accurate prediction of agricultural productivity and rainfall runoff with hydrological models. Remote sensing satellites such as Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) offer synoptic views of soil moisture distribution at a regional-to-global scale. To use the soil moisture product from these satellites, however, requires a downscaling of the data from an usually large instantaneous field of view (i.e. 36 km) to the watershed analysis scales ranging from 30 m to 1 km. In addition, validation of the soil moisture products using the ground station observations without an upscaling treatment would lead to cross-level fallacy. In the literature of geographical analysis, scale is one of the top research concens because of the needs for multi-source geospatial data fusion. This dissertation research introduced a multi-level soil moisture data assimilation and processing methodology framework based on spatial information theories. The research contains three sections: downscaling using machine learning and geographically weighted regression, upscaling ground network observation to calibrate satellite data, and spatial and temporal multi-scale data assimilation using spatio-temporal interpolation. (1) Soil moisture downscaling In the first section, a downscaling method is designed using 1-km geospatial data to obtain subpixel soil moisture from the 9-km soil moisture product of the SMAP satellite. The geospatial data includes normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), land surface temperature (LST), gross primary productivity (GPP), topographical moisture index (TMI), with all resampled to 1-km resolution. The machine learning algorithm – random forest was used to create a prediction model of the soil moisture at a 1-km resolution. The 1-km soil moisture product was compared with the ground samples from the West Texas Mesonet (WTM) station data. The residual was then interpolated to compensate the unpredicted variability of the model. The entire process was based on the concept of regression kriging- where the regression was done by the random forest model. Results show that the downscaling approach was able to achieve better accuracy than the current statistical downscaling methods. (2) Station network data upscaling The Texas Soil Observation Network (TxSON) network was designed to test the feasibility of upscaling the in-situ data to match the scale of the SMAP data. I advanced the upscaling method by using the Voronoi polygons and block kriging with a Gaussian kernel aggregation. The upscaling algorithm was calibrated using different spatial aggregation parameters, such as the fishnet cell size and Gaussian kernel standard deviation. The use of the kriging can significantly reduce the spatial autocorrelation among the TxSON stations because of its declustering ability. The result proved the new upscaling method was better than the traditional ones. (3) Multi-scale data fusion in a spatio-temporal framework None of the current works for soil moisture statistical downscaling honors time and space equally. It is important, however, that the soil moisture products are consistent in both domains. In this section, the space-time kriging model for soil moisture downscaling and upscaling computation framework designed in the last two sections is implemented to create a spatio-temporal integrated solution to soil moisture multi-scale mapping. The present work has its novelty in using spatial statistics to reconcile the scale difference from satellite data and ground observations, and therefore proposes new theories and solutions for dealing with the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) incurred in soil moisture mapping from satellite and ground stations

    Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture in the MESH Model

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    Soil moisture information is critically important to weather, climate, and hydrology forecasts since the wetness of the land strongly affects the partitioning of energy and water at the land surface. Spatially distributed soil moisture information, especially at regional, continental, and global scales, is difficult to obtain from ground-based (in situ) measurements, which are typically based upon sparse point sources in practice. Satellite microwave remote sensing can provide large-scale monitoring of surface soil moisture because microwave measurements respond to changes in the surface soil’s dielectric properties, which are strongly controlled by soil water content. With recent advances in satellite microwave soil moisture estimation, in particular the launch of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, there is an increased demand for exploiting the potential of satellite microwave soil moisture observations to improve the predictive capability of hydrologic and land surface models. In this work, an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) scheme is designed for assimilating satellite soil moisture into a land surface-hydrological model, Environment Canada’s standalone MESH to improve simulations of soil moisture. After validating the established assimilation scheme through an observing system simulation experiment (synthetic experiment), this study explores for the first time the assimilation of soil moisture retrievals, derived from SMOS, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), in the MESH model over the Great Lakes basin. A priori rescaling on satellite retrievals (separately for each sensor) is performed by matching their cumulative distribution function (CDF) to the model surface soil moisture’s CDF, in order to reduce the satellite-model bias (systematic error) in the assimilation system that is based upon the hypothesis of unbiased errors in model and observation. The satellite retrievals, the open-loop model soil moisture (no assimilation) and the assimilation estimates are, respectively, validated against point-scale in situ soil moisture measurements in terms of the daily-spaced time series correlation coefficient (skill R). Results show that assimilating either L-band retrievals (SMOS) or X-band retrievals (AMSR-E/AMSR2) can favorably influence the model soil moisture skill for both surface and root zone soil layers except for the cases with a small observation (retrieval) skill and a large open-loop skill. The skill improvement ΔRA-M, defined as the skill for the assimilation soil moisture product minus the skill for the open-loop estimates, typically increases with the retrieval skill and decreases with increased open-loop skill, showing a strong dependence upon ΔRS-M, defined as the retrieval skill minus the model (open-loop) surface soil moisture skill. The SMOS assimilation reveals that the cropped areas typically experience large ΔRA-M, consistent with a high satellite observation skill and a low open-loop skill, while ΔRA-M is usually weak or even negative for the forest-dominated grids due to the presence of a low retrieval skill and a high open-loop skill. The assimilation of L-band retrievals (SMOS) typically results in greater ΔRA-M than the assimilation of X-band products (AMSR-E/AMSR2), although the sensitivity of the assimilation to the satellite retrieval capability may become progressively weaker as the open-loop skill increases. The joint assimilation of L-band and X-band retrievals does not necessarily yield the best skill improvement. As compared to previous studies, the primary contributions of this thesis are as follows. (i) This work examined the potential of latest satellite soil moisture products (SMOS and AMSR2), through data assimilation, to improve soil moisture model estimates. (ii) This work, by taking advantage of the ability of SMOS to estimate surface soil moisture underneath different vegetation types, revealed the vegetation cover modulation of satellite soil moisture assimilation. (iii) The assimilation of L-band retrievals (SMOS) was compared with the assimilation of X-band retrievals (AMSR-E/AMSR2), providing new insight into the dependence of the assimilation upon satellite retrieval capability. (iv) The influence of satellite-model skill difference ΔRS-M on skill improvement ΔRA-M was consistently demonstrated through assimilating soil moisture retrievals derived from radiometers operating at different microwave frequencies, different vegetation cover types, and different retrieval algorithms

    Coupled land surface and radiative transfer models for the analysis of passive microwave satellite observations

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    Soil moisture is one of the key variables controlling the water and energy exchanges between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. Therefore, remote sensing based soil moisture information has potential applications in many disciplines. Besides numerical weather forecasting and climate research these include agriculture and hydrologic applications like flood and drought forecasting. The first satellite specifically designed to deliver operational soil moisture products, SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), was launched 2009 by the European Space Agency (ESA). SMOS is a passive microwave radiometer working in the L-band of the microwave domain, corresponding to a frequency of roughly 1.4 GHz and relies on a new concept. The microwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface is measured as brightness temperatures in several look angles. A radiative transfer model is used in an inversion algorithm to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth, a measure for the vegetation attenuation of the soil’s microwave emission. For the application of passive microwave remote sensing products a proper validation and uncertainty assessment is essential. As these sensors have typical spatial resolutions in the order of 40 – 50 km, a validation that relies solely on ground measurements is costly and labour intensive. Here, environmental modelling can make a valuable contribution. Therefore the present thesis concentrates on the question which contribution coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The objective is to study whether it is possible to explain known problems in the SMOS soil moisture products and to identify potential approaches to improve the data quality. The land surface model PROMET (PRocesses Of Mass and Energy Transfer) and the radiative transfer model L-MEB (L-band microwave emission of the Biosphere) are coupled to simulate land surface states, e.g. temperatures and soil moisture, and the resulting microwave emission. L-MEB is also used in the SMOS soil moisture processor to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth simultaneously from the measured microwave emission. The study area of this work is the Upper Danube Catchment, located mostly in Southern Germany. Since model validation is essential if model data are to be used as reference, both models are validated on different spatial scales with measurements. The uncertainties of the models are quantified. The root mean squared error between modelled and measured soil moisture at several measuring stations on the point scale is 0.065 m3/m3. On the SMOS scale it is 0.039 m3/m3. The correlation coefficient on the point scale is 0.84. As it is essential for the soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave data that the radiative transfer modelling works under local conditions, the coupled models are used to assess the radiative transfer modelling with L-MEB on the local and SMOS scales in the Upper Danube Catchment. In doing so, the emission characteristics of rape are described for the first time and the soil moisture retrieval abilities of L-MEB are assessed with a newly developed LMEB parameterization. The results show that the radiative transfer modelling works well under most conditions in the study area. The root mean squared error between modelled and airborne measured brightness temperatures on the SMOS scale is less than 6 – 9 K for the different look angles. The coupled models are used to analyse SMOS brightness temperatures and vegetation optical depth data in the Upper Danube Catchment in Southern Germany. Since the SMOS soil moisture products are degraded in Southern Germany and in different other parts of the world these analyses are used to narrow down possible reasons for this. The thorough analysis of SMOS brightness temperatures for the year 2011 reveals that the quality of the measurements is degraded like in the SMOS soil moisture product. This points towards radio frequency interference problems (RFI), that are known, but have not yet been studied thoroughly. This is consistent with the characteristics of the problems observed in the SMOS soil moisture products. In addition to that it is observed that the brightness temperatures in the lower look angles are less reliable. This finding could be used to improve the brightness temperature filtering before the soil moisture retrieval. An analysis of SMOS optical depth data in 2011 reveals that this parameter does not contain valuable information about vegetation. Instead, an unexpected correlation with SMOS soil moisture is found. This points towards problems with the SMOS soil moisture retrieval, possibly under the influence of RFI. The present thesis demonstrates that coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make a valuable contribution to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The unique approach of this work incorporates modelling with a high spatial and temporal resolution on different scales. This makes detailed process studies on the local scale as well as analyses of satellite data on the SMOS scale possible. This could be exploited for the validation of future satellite missions, e.g. SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) which is currently being prepared by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Since RFI seems to have a considerable influence on the SMOS data due to the gained insights and the quality of the SMOS products is very good in other parts of the world, the RFI containment and mitigation efforts carried out since the launch of SMOS should be continued

    Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning for Spatiotemporal Environmental Data Analysis

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    With the emergence of ubiquitous environmental monitoring systems in the past few decades, we are gaining unprecedented ability to collect vast amounts of spatiotemporal environmental data. However, it still remains a challenge to mine information from the spatiotemporal data for many environmental sustainability tasks. This dissertation focuses on utilizing machine learning to analyze spatiotemporal environmental data with the guidance of domain knowledge and specifically proposes several novel algorithms for the soil moisture gap-filling task and crop yield prediction task. First, we study the problem of soil moisture gap-filling. Large spatiotemporal gaps can be incurred for daily soil moisture product that adopts the radar-radiometer fusion approach. This is normally due to the relatively low revisit schedule and the associated poor spatiotemporal coverage of radar observations. Gap-fill high resolution soil moisture in regional scale for remote sensing soil moisture product is however a great challenge. It requires models learned at neighboring regions to produce predictions at a new region with reasonable accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a novel two-layer machine learning-based algorithm that is motivated by the soil moisture radar-radiometer fusion retrieval algorithm. It predicts the brightness temperature and subsequently the soil moisture at gap areas. Compared with the traditional one-layer machine learning approach, this two-layer approach shows superior performance in extensive experiments at four study areas with distinct climate regimes. We then focus on information mining from the multi-channel geo-spatiotemporal data. Existing approaches adopt various dimensionality reduction techniques without fully taking advantage of the data. In addition, the lack of labeled training data raises another challenge for modeling such data. We propose a novel semi-supervised self-attentive model that learns global spatiotemporal representations for prediction tasks. Spatial and temporal variations in the geo-spatiotemporal data are extracted to produce accurate predictions. To overcome the data scarcity issue, we introduce sampled spatial and temporal context that naturally reside in the largely-available unlabeled geo-spatiotemporal data. The proposed algorithm is validated specifically on a large-scale real-world crop yield prediction task. The results show that our semi-supervised self-attentive model outperforms existing state-of-the-art yield prediction methods and its counterpart, the supervised-only self-attentive model, especially under the stress of training data scarcity