3,232 research outputs found

    Gravitational lensing with f(χ)=χ3/2 f(\chi)=\chi^{3/2} gravity in accordance with astrophysical observations

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    In this article we perform a second order perturbation analysis of the gravitational metric theory of gravity f(χ)=χ3/2 f(\chi) = \chi^{3/2} developed by Bernal et al. (2011). We show that the theory accounts in detail for two observational facts: (1) the phenomenology of flattened rotation curves associated to the Tully-Fisher relation observed in spiral galaxies, and (2) the details of observations of gravitational lensing in galaxies and groups of galaxies, without the need of any dark matter. We show how all dynamical observations on flat rotation curves and gravitational lensing can be synthesised in terms of the empirically required metric coefficients of any metric theory of gravity. We construct the corresponding metric components for the theory presented at second order in perturbation, which are shown to be perfectly compatible with the empirically derived ones. It is also shown that under the theory being presented, in order to obtain a complete full agreement with the observational results, a specific signature of Riemann's tensor has to be chosen. This signature corresponds to the one most widely used nowadays in relativity theory. Also, a computational program, the MEXICAS (Metric EXtended-gravity Incorporated through a Computer Algebraic System) code, developed for its usage in the Computer Algebraic System (CAS) Maxima for working out perturbations on a metric theory of gravity, is presented and made publicly available.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    On the Efficient Calculation of a Linear Combination of Chi-Square Random Variables with an Application in Counting String Vacua

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    Linear combinations of chi square random variables occur in a wide range of fields. Unfortunately, a closed, analytic expression for the pdf is not yet known. As a first result of this work, an explicit analytic expression for the density of the sum of two gamma random variables is derived. Then a computationally efficient algorithm to numerically calculate the linear combination of chi square random variables is developed. An explicit expression for the error bound is obtained. The proposed technique is shown to be computationally efficient, i.e. only polynomial in growth in the number of terms compared to the exponential growth of most other methods. It provides a vast improvement in accuracy and shows only logarithmic growth in the required precision. In addition, it is applicable to a much greater number of terms and currently the only way of computing the distribution for hundreds of terms. As an application, the exponential dependence of the eigenvalue fluctuation probability of a random matrix model for 4d supergravity with N scalar fields is found to be of the asymptotic form exp(-0.35N).Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures. 3rd versio

    Adjusted chi-square test for degree-corrected block models

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    We propose a goodness-of-fit test for degree-corrected stochastic block models (DCSBM). The test is based on an adjusted chi-square statistic for measuring equality of means among groups of nn multinomial distributions with d1,,dnd_1,\dots,d_n observations. In the context of network models, the number of multinomials, nn, grows much faster than the number of observations, did_i, hence the setting deviates from classical asymptotics. We show that a simple adjustment allows the statistic to converge in distribution, under null, as long as the harmonic mean of {di}\{d_i\} grows to infinity. This result applies to large sparse networks where the role of did_i is played by the degree of node ii. Our distributional results are nonasymptotic, with explicit constants, providing finite-sample bounds on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance to the target distribution. When applied sequentially, the test can also be used to determine the number of communities. The test operates on a (row) compressed version of the adjacency matrix, conditional on the degrees, and as a result is highly scalable to large sparse networks. We incorporate a novel idea of compressing the columns based on a (K+1)(K+1)-community assignment when testing for KK communities. This approach increases the power in sequential applications without sacrificing computational efficiency, and we prove its consistency in recovering the number of communities. Since the test statistic does not rely on a specific alternative, its utility goes beyond sequential testing and can be used to simultaneously test against a wide range of alternatives outside the DCSBM family. We show the effectiveness of the approach by extensive numerical experiments with simulated and real data. In particular, applying the test to the Facebook-100 dataset, we find that a DCSBM with a small number of communities is far from a good fit in almost all cases

    On multivariate chi-square distributions and their applications in testing multiple hypotheses

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    We are considered with three different types of multivariate chi-square distributions. Their members play important roles as limiting distributions of vectors of test statistics in several applications of multiple hypotheses testing. We explain these applications and provide formulas for computing multiplicity-adjusted pp-values under the respective global hypothesis

    Heteroskedasticity and Spatiotemporal Dependence Robust Inference for Linear Panel Models with Fixed Effects

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    This paper studies robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects in the presence of heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence of unknown forms. We propose a bivariate kernel covariance estimator that is flexible to nest existing estimators as special cases with certain choices of bandwidths. For distributional approximations, we embed the level of smoothing and the sample size in two different limiting sequences. In the first case where the level of smoothing increases with the sample size, the proposed covariance estimator is consistent and the associated Wald statistic converges to a chi square distribution. We show that our covariance estimator improves upon existing estimators in terms of robustness and efficiency. In the second case where the level of smoothing is fixed, the covariance estimator has a random limit and we show by asymptotic expansion that the limiting distribution of the Wald statistic depends on the bandwidth parameters, the kernel function, and the number of restrictions being tested. As this distribution is nonstandard, we establish the validity of a convenient F-approximation to this distribution. For bandwidth selection, we employ and optimize a modified asymptotic mean square error criterion. The fl exibility of our estimator and the proposed bandwidth selection procedure make our estimator adaptive to the dependence structure. This adaptiveness effectively automates the selection of covariance estimators. Simulation results show that our proposed testing procedure works reasonably well in finite samples.Adaptiveness, HAC estimator, F-approximation, Fixed-smoothing asymptotics, Increasing-smoothing asymptotics, Panel data, Optimal bandwidth, Robust inference, Spatiotemporal dependence

    Stein's method on the second Wiener chaos : 2-Wasserstein distance

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    In the first part of the paper we use a new Fourier technique to obtain a Stein characterizations for random variables in the second Wiener chaos. We provide the connection between this result and similar conclusions that can be derived using Malliavin calculus. We also introduce a new form of discrepancy which we use, in the second part of the paper, to provide bounds on the 2-Wasserstein distance between linear combinations of independent centered random variables. Our method of proof is entirely original. In particular it does not rely on estimation of bounds on solutions of the so-called Stein equations at the heart of Stein's method. We provide several applications, and discuss comparison with recent similar results on the same topic

    An overview of the goodness-of-fit test problem for copulas

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    We review the main "omnibus procedures" for goodness-of-fit testing for copulas: tests based on the empirical copula process, on probability integral transformations, on Kendall's dependence function, etc, and some corresponding reductions of dimension techniques. The problems of finding asymptotic distribution-free test statistics and the calculation of reliable p-values are discussed. Some particular cases, like convenient tests for time-dependent copulas, for Archimedean or extreme-value copulas, etc, are dealt with. Finally, the practical performances of the proposed approaches are briefly summarized