32,707 research outputs found

    On polynomial integrals over the orthogonal group

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    We consider integrals of type ∫Onu11a1...u1nanu21b1...u2nbndu\int_{O_n}u_{11}^{a_1}... u_{1n}^{a_n}u_{21}^{b_1}... u_{2n}^{b_n} du, with respect to the Haar measure on the orthogonal group. We establish several remarkable invariance properties satisfied by such integrals, by using combinatorial methods. We present as well a general formula for such integrals, as a sum of products of factorials.Comment: 20 page

    Investigation of continuous-time quantum walk on root lattice AnA_n and honeycomb lattice

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    The continuous-time quantum walk (CTQW) on root lattice AnA_n (known as hexagonal lattice for n=2n=2) and honeycomb one is investigated by using spectral distribution method. To this aim, some association schemes are constructed from abelian group Zm⊗nZ^{\otimes n}_m and two copies of finite hexagonal lattices, such that their underlying graphs tend to root lattice AnA_n and honeycomb one, as the size of the underlying graphs grows to infinity. The CTQW on these underlying graphs is investigated by using the spectral distribution method and stratification of the graphs based on Terwilliger algebra, where we get the required results for root lattice AnA_n and honeycomb one, from large enough underlying graphs. Moreover, by using the stationary phase method, the long time behavior of CTQW on infinite graphs is approximated with finite ones. Also it is shown that the Bose-Mesner algebras of our constructed association schemes (called nn-variable PP-polynomial) can be generated by nn commuting generators, where raising, flat and lowering operators (as elements of Terwilliger algebra) are associated with each generator. A system of nn-variable orthogonal polynomials which are special cases of \textit{generalized} Gegenbauer polynomials is constructed, where the probability amplitudes are given by integrals over these polynomials or their linear combinations. Finally the suppersymmetric structure of finite honeycomb lattices is revealed. Keywords: underlying graphs of association schemes, continuous-time quantum walk, orthogonal polynomials, spectral distribution. PACs Index: 03.65.UdComment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    Correlation Functions of Harish-Chandra Integrals over the Orthogonal and the Symplectic Groups

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    The Harish-Chandra correlation functions, i.e. integrals over compact groups of invariant monomials prod tr{X^{p_1} Omega Y^{q_1} Omega^dagger X^{p_2} ... with the weight exp tr{X Omega Y Omega^dagger} are computed for the orthogonal and symplectic groups. We proceed in two steps. First, the integral over the compact group is recast into a Gaussian integral over strictly upper triangular complex matrices (with some additional symmetries), supplemented by a summation over the Weyl group. This result follows from the study of loop equations in an associated two-matrix integral and may be viewed as the adequate version of Duistermaat-Heckman's theorem for our correlation function integrals. Secondly, the Gaussian integration over triangular matrices is carried out and leads to compact determinantal expressions.Comment: 58 pages; Acknowledgements added; small corrections in appendix A; minor changes & Note Adde

    Matrix models for classical groups and Toeplitz±\pm Hankel minors with applications to Chern-Simons theory and fermionic models

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    We study matrix integration over the classical Lie groups U(N),Sp(2N),O(2N)U(N),Sp(2N),O(2N) and O(2N+1)O(2N+1), using symmetric function theory and the equivalent formulation in terms of determinants and minors of Toeplitz±\pmHankel matrices. We establish a number of factorizations and expansions for such integrals, also with insertions of irreducible characters. As a specific example, we compute both at finite and large NN the partition functions, Wilson loops and Hopf links of Chern-Simons theory on S3S^{3} with the aforementioned symmetry groups. The identities found for the general models translate in this context to relations between observables of the theory. Finally, we use character expansions to evaluate averages in random matrix ensembles of Chern-Simons type, describing the spectra of solvable fermionic models with matrix degrees of freedom.Comment: 32 pages, v2: Several improvements, including a Conclusions and Outlook section, added. 36 page

    Asymptotics of unitary and othogonal matrix integrals

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    In this paper, we prove that in small parameter regions, arbitrary unitary matrix integrals converge in the large NN limit and match their formal expansion. Secondly we give a combinatorial model for our matrix integral asymptotics and investigate examples related to free probability and the HCIZ integral. Our convergence result also leads us to new results of smoothness of microstates. We finally generalize our approach to integrals over the othogonal group.Comment: 41 pages, important modifications, new section about orthogonal integral
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